IE ! PAGE EIGHT Thursday, June 17, 1937 THE BEAUFORi iNEWb BEAUFORT, N. C. ram COMMENTS ON TOBACCO TAXES Mei'.;er has set up headquarters I in the office of W. L. McGahey,' Ceaur'oit u ia..ty Fia.ii Agent, Hi j WasH N. C, but farm agtnts He Is Very Happy Over Circuit Court's Decision Robert H. McNeill, Washington, I. (.'. Attorney who is visiting his sen and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ciiorge H. McNeill of Morehead Cny is very happy at the outcome of I t t ,i.:;..f.ti vA.ii r- in the potato-growing counties have selected local farmer committeemen to direct the purchasing program in the different counties. The spuds will be distributed to needy families on relief rolls and thus setve a dual purpose in helping the growers get a fair price and in providing food for the needy, Mer cker added. The FSCC is receiving the coop eration of the Agricultural Adjust the Fourth District Circuit Court of Appeals in Asheville which declared the Kerr-Smith Tobacco Act uncon- Btitutional on Monday of this week. : He was associated in this case with his son (Jeorge and the law firm of ; Whitman and Motsinger of Washing ton. Speaking of the decision which! will affect certain farmers in Car-J teret and approximately 15,000 in North Carolina Mr. McNeill gave the i statement which follows to The Beau j fort News: tension Service, and the State lege extension service in the chasing program. Col- pur- FISHING AND OUTDOORS (Contniued from page one) LAST SATURDAY Ritchie Peery of Tazewell Va., and myself aboard the Jesse with Capt. Jess to the half grown birds of each spec ies. The best photo from a news- picture standpoint turned out poor which is frequently the case when you have no automatic and fast camera to work withIt showed a half growned black crowned Louis anna Heron perched on a golf club. That was a good newspicture for this reason. -Gulf Stream Golf Course is almost adjacent ito the rookery and the combination is swell publicity stuff if nothing else. I have received finished pictures of the other shots showing Herons and Egrets that we made. An interest ing photo for tho new magazine cover would be a microscopic shot of the chiggers or what ever it is that ha.i buried itself on several sec tions of my anatomy. IN WASHINGTON (Contniued from page one) "This decision -should settle final ly the question of the unconstution ality of the tobacco tax law. Its pro visions were so arbitrary that I al ways believed the Court3 would in validate it when it came before them." "There has bee .ollected in this state about $2,00 1,000 from about 15,000 farmers who refused to si-i the co-operative contract, and trf' farmers will now seek refunds of the taxes collected. "The only other court to which the case may be carried by certion ari is the U. S. Supreme Court and it is my understanding that the counsel for the government do not intend taking that course. Even if they ask that the case be certified I'm sure the Supreme court will de cline the request," said Mr MoXeil. The Kerr-Smith Tobacco Act made a piker of the Colonial tax which brought on the Boston Tea Party, if what many farmers say is true. There will bo a period of 90 days in which appeal mv bp taken, and if ;. not taken, it is likely that the farm ers from whom the allegedly imiust i.ies vere collected will start o ting refunds. Beaufort-Norfolk Dredging To Begin The Hill Dredging Company of Ventner, N. J., has been awarded the contract to do $105,402 worth of maintenance dredging on the In land waterway between Norfolk and Beaufort. Tho work will start in the near future. Pageh cruise.: .-oxj z mucs or more tu-s-luue bjjvi.l for the Gulf Stre:;r.i. We had been advised the ni.j-'nt before by f red G:'.'":i.-. oi t ape Look out C. G. Station th..t Saturday would be no suitable Gulf tream day. His advice v: r-.i'tjatiated by Richard Daii;- ol t'.w U. S. Weather Bureau at Hatteras whose official forecast was for strong northerly winds from Hatteia3 to Sandy Hook and in this case he said also meant Cape Lookout weather. Naturally we took a chance because the wind had shifted on Friday from Southwest to north and we believed the sea would be knocked smooth. But it was not and if any other boat man was seven or eight miles S, S. East of Beaufort Inlet on Saturday A. M. about 7:30 o'clock they will vouch for that statement. We, Mr. Peery and myself were both good, sailors but we had also fished in Gulf Stream waters during choppy seas without much succses. So a few miles farther out with the waters getting more choppy all the time we had the bow of Jesse pointed back towards shore ami the protected and cairn waters oi' Cape Lookout Bight. In ihvsj wat;-.-3 on Saturday we made -i ' . I catch of the day insofar snMi Muckoiel and kluci'isa government, bo the arbiter of respec tive rights. In other words, employ ers and workers, must be and are prepared to adjust their battle tac tics to public sentiment. To put it still another way, agencies of gov ernment must be prepared to um pire labor difficulties and see that the public interest is fully protect ed. This is the objective of all now legislation dealing with labor prob lems. IT IS INTERESTING to note that the tremendous strides in labor or ganization today are under far dif- USED TRUCKS mm i nrrmamumamBsssa 11931 Pick-up Good Condition :V: w;t traditions tnan t". -e or .sev enteen years ago, when t.-de union memberships passed the live million mink. With the outbreak of the Worid War, political and economic conditions highly favorable to the giowth of organized labor were cre ated. The flow of European orders into this country and later the heavy war purchases by our own govern ment produced a state of great bus iness and demand for labor. The stoppage of immigration and the withdrawal of man power for mili tary purposes also helped to tighten the labor market ;:vl .-t e-v;.'.:-n the bargain power of labor. AND WITH INDUSTRIAL peace essential to continued production, the Ftd; al Government encouraged tin? c ct 'nsio.t of trade unionism and collective bargaining. CON! -IONS FOR THE present drive f;r the stronger organization of labor are, of course, entirely dif ferent from thosa of the war period. Instead of a shortage of labor we have a surplus and unemployment is wide. Personal contacts between employers and employees are few er. The trend toward larger estab lishments employing great numbers COCA COLAS Made the Old Fashioa ed Way To Suit Yc:ir Taste NOTHING MECHANICAL DIXIE SODA SHOP Phone 364-1 Fcsr Quickest Delivery Try Our Pies and Cakes of workers continues. For labor, tlnsj means that workeis must place more dependence upon employe represen tatives. In a won!, individual bargain ing oer terms of employment is be ing replaced by mass barbaining. INCREASED MECHANIZATION is a contributing factor to main taining factory output with fewer workers. Small and inefficient plants are being eliminated and regional shifts of factories and scientific man agement are having great effect.. Thus labor's powers of adjustment to changing conditions are even more demanded in the future than in the past. OBVIOUSLY, THE part of the government in these changes is tre mendous. Maximum effort is neces sary to the end that neither capital nor labor will encroach on the rights of the public. The farmer, who is directly affected, must be protected. Agriculture occpies a dominant place as a source of supply for raw ma terials for factory and food for workers. And Congressional leaders are determined that the of the farmer shall not be overlooked as our rural population watches the fight between the organized forces of industry and the organized forc es of labor. There are high hopes that Congress will, through desirable and equitable legislation now pend ing, contribute to a solution of the problem with due regard for the rights of all. SPECIAL ! SEA FOOD CAFE Blue Plate Lunch 25c Regular Dinners 50c Enjoy A Good Meal in the Coolest Cafe in the County HOME COOKING Miss Ruby Taylor, Mgr. Capt. John Willis, Prop. $175 eoiue-.-ned, but what i O OiUv- Surplus Spuds (Continued from p-ise one) turn above production costs, said A. E. Mercker, who is supervising the purchases. With prices down to $1.50 a barrel and even lower in places, growers were not getting back the cost of producing their potatoes and were on the verge of ruin when the FSCC was asked to stablize the market. Comparatively high prices last year were blamed for the 38 per cent in crease in plantings which brought the crop up to 43,000 acres this year. High yields per acre made the actual production 108 per cent more than in Lhe as S were fish and t'paniish Maefcoial for anglers armed and heeled for amber jack and dolphin? I WAS UNDER the impression that pei heps I had outgrown Poison Osk, Poison Ivy, Chiggars or red '..uus but I have found out differently :;nce last Sunday morning. A friend of mine and Roy Eubanks, the best ph-'tagrcpher ever produced in Car 1 i'.t :our.ty and Capt. Dave Godwin ' ''. Lonoxvillo Heron Rookery. Roy r.nd myself were mostly inter tct.'d in securing some good photo-ft.f-pfc?. He has an almost com p' collection of every stage of breeding season at the Rookery. ...i esi iy season photos show Godwin (he is t::e Au.lubjn d ;i down these) ;i::p..are.i in the s fnd Obsvivci ifc.a Sun. lay, We excellent ri..-e oi reii-Ongs, poison oak or poison ivy. been scotching something 11 M5 V-8 Pick-up New motor, tires oaint and 350 truck good condition Atii 250 the On. ir.g V- ;-u goi an chi;i-i I have tel . i . .:ice early Monday. THi.j IS THE soft interesting time to visit the rookery because row the visitors can see ail stages of the breeding season from the vari ed colored eggs of the five species of herons and two species of egrets 11933 Chev. L-W-base truck gocd condition 11936 V-8 pick up looks and operates like new SOLD ON EASY TERMS , Viae Cellar. lnc..feBwT. Jf The Management of Atlantic Beach Takes Pleasure in Announcing Full Season Rates TO BEACH AND SURF ADULTS $5.00 CHILDREN $2.50 TO DANCING IN THE CASINO ONLY $7.50 (No Charge to Ladies) Noter The above low rates are for season tickets and entitle the holder daily privileges as specified. Full Season Tickets to The Canino entitles the holder to attend7 dances each week-day night. Watch this newspaper for announcement of attractions at Atlan tic Beach from week to week. Loftin NSotor Company BEAUFORT, N. C. Odd Facts of OLD BOSTO Will IOOO MINIATURE TtlPRODUCTIONS IO"HCH OF OLD SPtUfN& WHEEL THAT ACTUALLY WORKS TOR IOOO BEST 1ETTERS ONWHY OiD MV.BOSTON FINE LIQUORS REFLECT THE QUALITY TRADITIONS OF OLD BOSTON'.' SEND 1ETTERS POSTMARKED NOT LATER THAU ONE WEEK FROM TODA Y TO OLD MR. BOSTON, BOX F, STATION A, BOSTON MASS. N (I 111 IN T4iW 44 1 ART Of OLD BOtTONA UXHODM HRICK HDUfE, ONCE A il WANTS' HALL FOff AMAVJC INWG r AN:ON, NAf BM COMPLETELY WALLED IN SYOmCt BUIUh IN Of. IT If UN OCCUPILD BECAUSE IT CAN BE BEACHED ONLY PROM THE XOOFf OF THE iURHOUNDIN6 BUILDINGS. WHEN THE TWO GAf ENGINES OPERATING THE GREAT OUGAN AT THE WOULD PEACE JU8ILLEE IN BOSTON. JUNE IT, 702, TAILED.THE ENGINE OF A PILE DRIVING MACNINC WAS -HITCHED UP TO THE ORGAN AND THE CONCERT CONTINUED. 11 DEACON FOSTER. A TALENTED NEGRO SNOWMAN OF OLD BOSTON BEFORE WE CIVILWAP.WAf SHOWERED BY APPRICI A TIVE AUDIENCES WITH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AFTER THE PLXFORM- ANCE HE TRUNDLED NOME IN A MN CART ENOUGH FOOD TO LAST HIM TV COUNTY BOARD OF NS UALIZATIO TO MEET JUNE 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 28th, and 29th At Court House in Beaufort TO REVIEW 1937-38 PROPERTY VALUATIO All persons desiring to come before the Board please note the following schedule and come accord ing to time designated for the various townships. MONDAY, JUNE 21st. Monday Morning Hunting Quarter Township Atlantic, Sea Level, Davis and Stacy Monday Afternoon Harkers Island Township TUESDAY, JUNE 22nd. Tuesday Morning Straits Township; Smyrna Town- ship Williston and Marshallberg. Tuesday afternoon Merrimon Township Cedar Is land Township Harlowe township, Portsmouth Township. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd. Wednesday morning Newport Township. Wednesday Afternoon White Oak Township Bogue, Pelletier and Stella. N uut If FLA adZSDI BRAND M S-V 8 llF'&M STRAI6HT 11 M-'hsA iis' IOO PROOF JIJ $ - - -- Ji .' '"''' I : ! --- -.....-. i , , . i Jbu. m.-m-mammrvmrw -. jj MONDAY, JUNE 28th. Morehead City TUESDAY, JUNE 29th. BEAUFORT