m i PAGE FOUR THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. Thursday, June 24, 1937 fThe Beaufort News ftiblisb-jd every Thursday at Beau fort, Carteret County, North Car. Beaufort New Inc., Publisher AYCOCK BROWN Editor Subscription Rates: (In Advance) One Year 1-50 Bix Months '5 three Months - .50 rhe above prices are for the first, lecond and third zones. In the fourth one the rate is ?2.00 a year. Entered as second-class matter Feb ruary 5, 1912 at the postoflice in Beaufort, North Carolina, under the (Let of March 3, 1879. MEMBER N. C. PRESS ASSO, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1937 When Man. Best Friend Becomes Unfriendly When a dog "man's best friend, becomes unfriendly it is time for the owner to ao something about it. During the past few days two or tnee cnn- dren m ceauiort or rast iai teret have been bitten by dogs. That is a dangerous business, Regardless of whose dog it is or the circumstances surround ing the dog bite, it is danger ous because some dogs carry the germs of rabies and rabies brings on hydrophobia and hydrophobia is the most hor rible and fatal disease known to medical science. It was Louis Pasteur who discovered the vaccine which has frequent ly saved the lives of those bit ten by mad-dogs, and it is a sure cure if the patient bitten receives the treatment in time, just like hydrophobia is sure death unless the patient gets proper attention. Even the most friendly dog around the house might be a rabies car rier, unless its owner has com plied with the state law which says all dogs must at intervals be vaccinated. But in many counties, even here in Carter et, the law is not observed by all dog owners. It is one law which by all means should be enforced. It is not enforced and it would be a safe bet to say that more than 50 percent of the dogs in Carteret and all North Carolina counties have not been vaccinated a-' gainst rabies. The summer season is a season that dog owners would do well to keep their canines tied up. The summer season is a time when municipal police should see to it that owners keep their dogs at home, or else they, the po lice shoot them. Physicians advise that when a child or any person is bitten by a dog which is known to be unvacci nated, that the dog be killed imjnedateliy, its head cut off eo that an examination of the brain be made to determine if it is infected with rabies. And get the bitten person to a doc tor immediately. McW-PbrfT You WoRKV ASburTm ANVMoRE-- wr'ji HAVE EVETrrWiNC. ALL Y IKE lv the colored people have just as much right there as white people irom a lown Ordinance standpoint. But the Inlet Inn dock is a private dock and if the owners care to hang a sign and say no bathing from this pier, they could do so with authority. But the owners will do noth ing of the sort insofar as the white people of the town are concerned. If colored people continue forming a gallery in that vicinity when white peo ple are bathing it is going to make a bad situation worse. Life Guard Needed At Inlet Inn Dock A life guard is needed at the Inlet Inn dock. It is a fine place to swim and huge crowds go there each day for that pur pose. Included in the throng are many small children or. non-swimmers. Eftorts should be made on the part of some local civic organization to em ploy a life guard to be on du ty there at certain periods of the day. It may be something which the Boy Scouts could do at no cost. Most of the older scouts are excellent swimmers and they could be designated to duty at certain periods each day or each week on the Inlet Inn Dock. It is a nice proposi tion for the NYA to consider. And The American Legion, The Rotarians or any of the local civic organizations could at small cost sponsor the em ployment of a life guard for the Inlet Inn dock and in turn do a worthwhile deed for the youth of the town who go swim ming and bathing there. Any way you look at it there is a need for a life guard at the Inlet Inn Dock. The Inlet Inn Dock As we understand it the In let Inn dock is a private dock but every white person is ex tended the privilege of using same for swimming or other water activities. There have been some complaints from lo cal white citizens that while the colored nennl nf r.fiA Tnwn were not using the dock for swimming purposes there are frequently times when colored people throng along the water front in that vicinity and even go on the wharf for observation purposes if nothing else. That is a bad situation. ' The good colored people of Beaufort know that it is ' a situation which should not be tolerated, and it is quite likely that the crmAHinn will nnt h fnlorntarl for any length of time. Legal- The Manual Arts Training School Credit is due to civic clubs and firms of Beaufort who are cooperating in making the Manual Training School con ducted by Fred Lewis at the Boy Scout hut a success. Such loval support means the citi zens of Beaufort are interested in the welfare of the children of the community. Such train ing not only keeps the children off the streets and away from unwholesome environments but it teaches them to make useful objects. During the past week some 80 boys and girls have been busy making trays, aprons, doll clothes, paper butterflies, boat models and tables under the direction of Mr. Lewis. The boys are also mending benches and chairs for the Sunday schools. All boys and girls from the age of seven to 16 are eligible for registration in the manual train ing school and there is no charge to the enrollees. Much credit goes to Fred Lewis, who conceived the idea, and much credit goes to the organ izations here which helped fi nance the project. Those who are sponsoring the school follow: Rotary Club, American Legion, Beaufort Business As sociation, J. F. Duncan's S. S. Class, Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal Church, Ruth Bible Class, Legion Auxiliary, Lipman's Store and Feltons. They are to be commended for their splendid interest. t..;..;..;..j..;:':!'H":M"!"!"JH-"I Obituaries JAMES CHADWICK Gloucester Funeral services for James Chadwick, 76, were conducted at the home here Friday with the Rev. Mr. Joyce, pastor of Straits Methodist Church, and the Rev. Sam Leffers retired officiating. Mr. Chad wick died Thursday night following an illness of several weeks. He was widely known in this Coastal county and played an important role in the life of Gloucester community. Surviving are five sons and three daughters: They are: Carteret Coun ty's Sheriff Elbert M. Chadwick of Morehead City; Dr. W. S. Chadwick, Carteret health officer and practicing physician of Beaufort; Henry Chad wick, Gloucester; Vivian Chadwick, Smyrna; Harry Chadwick, Washing ton, D. C; Mrs. Flora Bates, Glouces ter, and Mrs. Bert Mears, New Bern. Two brothers, J. W. Chadwick KEEPS ALL KINDS OF mm Ul inj FOR DAYS! Our Mail Box C. M. T. C. CAMP To the Ediitor: I have been chosen to represent the Citizens Military Training Camps in Carteret County and it will be im possible for me to be in the county before the middle of July and that will be to late. If you know of five or six boys that might be interested in the camps, I will appreciate you sending me their names. The boys from Carteret County will go to Fort Bragg, N. C. from August 3rd to Sept. 1st. Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. I will not go in any details about the camps as you are familiar with the purpose and workings of them. Thanking you in advance, I remain, Very Truly Yours Guion B. Simpson, 2d, Lt. F. A. (CASC) Bragg. Editor's note: Any boy in Carteret who wishes to enlist in the C. M. T. C. may bring his name to the editor of The Beaufort News or write Lt. Simpson direct for further details. A. B. Iff? SERVEL ELECTROLUX RUNS ON KEROSENE (COALOM.) FOR A FEW CENTS A DAY OW five your food the fined pro tection science hat devised . . enjojr the same pleasure and con veniences of modern refrigeration that eily hornet have I Clip coupon for free literature. Protect food perfectly Frewse loe cubMdert Saves Itep; voftrh, money So daily at ten tiorNo stater No machinery to t Flea beetles causing costly destruc tion of tobacco plants in the north western tobacco belt of North. Caror lina may be controlled by spraying the plants with a poison mixture, recommends extension entomologists at firnf P.nlljMM. J DEALER'S NAME AND ADDRESS I Itioa, complete taSaraauoa abost lunl Electratux, l Kerosene Kataearater. Nsa I Street r RJTJD-. I I f NOE HARDWARE Co. BEAUFORT, N. C of Beaufort; Monroe Chadwick of Straits, and one sister, Mrs. Tauline Moove of Beaufort also survive. MRS. CLARA WILLIS Funeral services for Mrs. Clara Willis, f.tl, were conducted at the home on North River road on Thurs day June 17 with the Rev. C. T. Rogers officiating. She died Wednes day evening of an heart attack. In terment was made in the Longest Cemetery near Rorth River road. Mrs. Willis is survived by her hus band, Albert Willis and four daugh ters: Mrs. Eugene Perry, Miss Ola Bell Willis, Miss Lillie Mae Willis of this county and a sister who lives in Virginia. Four sons also survive. They are: Robert ( Cecil, Ernest and Will Willis of this county. illness and death of our beloved son Elijah Bell Willis. We are especially grateful to those who sent flowers, who loaned the use of their cars and to the Davis choir. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willis. SEASIDE BOUTS Add Warren will present the first of four boxing shows planned for At lantic Beach Casino this summer on JuJy 9, it was announced today by Bob Connell. Well known fighters will top the cords. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS ELIJAH BELL WILLIS WILLISTON Funeral services for Elijah Bell Willis. 11-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willis of Williston were conducted at the Meth odist church here Friday afternoon with the Rev. Mr. Mathewson and the Rev. Mr. Joyce officiating. He died on Thursday. During the last rites the Davis choir rendered songs. Besides his parents the youth is also survived by one brother, Pres ton Willis and three sisters. They are: Mrs. Walter Wade, Mrs. Lelia Gillikin and Miss Rosa Mae Willis. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank those who show ed their sympathy for us during the Te,e! Beaufort Cafe OPEN ALL NIGHT Try Our Seafood Spanish Mackerel, Blue fish Soft Shell Crabs Clams and Shrimp Cooked to Suit Your Taste SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER BAKED, STEWED OR FRIED CHICKEN ROAST TURKEY 4 Vegetable Side Dishes Iced Tea and Dessert Only 50c Private Dining Room on Balcony For Parties THE Beaufort Cafe (In the Heart of Down Town Beaufort) PRESCRIPTIONS ASK YOUR DOCTOR He Will Tell You That Our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is fully equipped to compound the most intricate prescriptions. Our Drugs are pure, fresh and potent. We Employ 3 Registered Pharmacists To Serve You LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS F. R. Bell, Druggist SERVICE TO THE SICK BEAUFORT, N. C. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Week End Special SEABREEZE FLOUR (Made by The Quaker Oats Co.) Especially Adapted For Light Bread Making Self Rising or Plain 121b.sk 50c 241b.sk. . . .95c A COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES, MEATS, FRUITS, AND GREEN GROCERIES Owens Bros. GROCERIES FRONT STREET BEAUFORT SELL YOUR- Tomafoes, Round Beans, Early Corn, Cucumbers, Squash, Etc. AT Beaufort Auction Market AH Grades Are Bringing A Higher Price Here Than Any Place in The County You Have The Privilege to Refuse Any Sale and it Costs You Nothing if you Do Not Accept The Sale ALL SALES CONFIRMED 3 CENTS PER PACKAGE You Have The Privilege of the Bids of All Buyers Which You Do Not Have In The Field or at Private Sales YOUR COOPERATION MEANS SUCCESS OF THE MARKET BEAUFORT AUCTION MARKET This Ad Sponsored by Carteret Hardware Company Incorporated BEAUFORT NORTH CAROLINA