Tell The World About The Sports Fishing Along Our Carteret Coast SEAFOOD MRT. 7-29-37 S. Trout 7c; S. MulU. 3c Flounders 6c; Blue. 3c Croakers lc; G. Trout 3c Shrimp 2 to 5c Mackerel Sc; J. MulU- 4c TELL THE WORLD ABOUT THE PORT FOUR FOREIGN -SHIPS THIS WEEK The Best Advertising Medium Volume XXVI Published in Carteret Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE 7 ' j WATCH Your Label and Wub.cripn 5c Per Copy Number 30 J .-- - " Greek Vessel Clears Today . ' " fltw Tl nA...fM- Naur. Tkni-trlav Illlv 29. 1937 . 6 1 11C UCClUiUl 1 aw?cfj iiiuisuu;) v J They Will Direct State's Advertising Three. Other Foreign Shipments Remain ai Port Terminal VIGRID AT DOCKS SS STSf 'Capt. Nicho as Mara rfewil" bunker before startm the long s low w - KV her destination with' aSroimately 6,000 tons auriiiB "JT m ves- SK-MStabiS here for Norwegian M. S. Vigna oi ror v,: has been anchor edfn Fort Macon Roads (Morehead more into the terminal and Btart taking on a cargo of scrap metal which will be consigned to Poland. The Vigrid, one of the finest vessels to enter this port to date is under the command of Capt. Rader Witts. She is a combination ship and has f trnnsnortinsr 12 or more passengers in addition to her regular cargo and freight. Her cargo to Po land, will be the first to leave this .. port for that nation. t --i. f rMch the terminal IjOaii VCSOca . J. -i - ofoi lnariinfi? of metal was the British M. S. Inverbank of Glasgow, Scotland under the com- -a f rant. Loads. The scrap met- lliaiiu v - -i -- , al cargo she is lifting will be taken to Kamashi, Japan, it was stated by (Continued on page icur; SHOW TO STAR LASSES WHITE Black - Face Comedian Coming To Morehead City Thursday, August 5 4 ovviinij The By AYCOCK BROWN t am xtht the rlimber I used to be. I found that out this week when Roy Eubanks and mysel; climbed to the top of the Port Terminal water tank to make photos of the three ships moored to the docks taking on scrap metal for shipment to foreign counties. With camera paraphenalia strapped to my belt I started climb i the hundred and fifty foot lad der. About two thirds of the way up I started thinking about some thing or other, ' (probably my sins) and looked downward. Roy a few rungs below shouted, "Don't look a if trill make vou dizzy!" Un til that time I had not thought of being dizzy but the suggestion was too much for me so naturally I did get dizzy. To overcome the situation Continued on page four 111 YSHIIIGTOH I IT 1 1 i Memories of another day when the Al G. Fields minstrel roamed the nation will live again Thursday, August 5th when the Lasses Wmte Tent Show plays in Morehead City. Headlining a cast of 75 periormers will be Lasses White and his partner in comedy, Honey Boy Wilds. The team wrote a new aeuii of black- face comedy when tne toured the circuits with Al U. r leias recent years they have entered every American home via the radio in Lasses White's own minstrel, uas3- es and Honey." With them will be other nationally i. r.aAn artists in Dersons of ir,u tvra "Slim" Williams and his VUV1V - Barn Dance Revue, featuring sucn oct tha. Cannon Sisters. Red Jenks and his magic trumpet. Stan oflo,T on, Wvlev Kilnatnc me IIV- V. av , Th ahnw also includes a ten piece orchestra, a chorus sparklnig witn Kiitiful srirls. 15 vaudeville acts, "Lamoaa" and her troupe oi tropi ooi Hnnrpra whose act has been hail ed throughout the nation as the true internretation of native Hawaiian dances and songs. With seating capacity of 3,500, the Lasses White Show is the largest in the nation under canvas, travels in a fleet of specially built trucks and carries its own light plants. It will the Old Atlantic Hotel lot. rvinra nnen at 7 d. m. and the show starts at 8 p. m. William H. Bailey Is Honored By 40 and 8 William H. Bailey, Beaufort-More- head City jeweler, prominent in Am- erican Legion circles anu one ui few 40 and 8 members in Carteret county was honored at the rainy State convention of the Legion in Durham this week when he was nam ed along with five other North Car olians to be an official delegate to the promenade nationale in New York City next month at the national con- The rainy convention in Durham this week did not dampen the spirit of things pertaining to the American Legion, according iO reports brought back to the coast by Mr. Bailey. Other Carteret Legionaires attend- the convention were: f. K. bell, W.w PamiW anH Luther Hamilton ana irir,H Chadwick. Morehead City. Members of the Legion Auxilliary Carteret attending the convention were Mrs. F. R. Bell, Mrs. Hugh Hill, Mrs. W. H. Bailey and Mrs. rloyd Chadwick. ni. IZZT Flans esor . i;i r bile They Met In Morehead Recently Pictured above on board the State Fisheries yacht John ,A. NeUwn is committee of the Board or conserva tion and Development who will direct the State of North Carolina's quar ter of a million dollar advertising nrrxyram. Startinz with the big fel low, John Home of the Rocky Mount Teleoram. standine directly under the name .plate the following persons , ;n tho arroiin: Coleman W. Rod erts, Charlotte: R. Bruce Etheridge, Poioiirh. Santford Martin, Winston- Qoi.m ni Paul Kelly. Raleigh. J. P p.,ia Af Hirh Point and other memher of the committee was pre trontoH frnm heinr Dresent due to iiinoaa fPhoto bv Charles Parker News and Observer). CHAIRMAN SMITH GETS ON PAYROLL Will Receive $600 A Year According To Tentative Budget One item of particular interest as found in the tentative nuagei as a AtaA hv the commissioners at their last meeting is the item, Salary , of the Chairman oi tne tounij um w,iainner. and civen at $600. Mr Smith at the past meeting maaemeif. tion of the tact tnai exua wui,v, . w noniallv the social security, would D placed upon him and thta he felt he was deserving oi exira cumiieusa- tion. Evidently a move was made on the part of the commissioners.- t Mr. Smith. Whether or not inw increase is legal or not Remains to be seen.. The Chairman : 01 tne Tri, fnnntir Rnard until recently only received $50 a mont and wheth er or not this amount snoma :d paio m. Cmitv. oanefialiv wneri the. coun.- Afii. uaaatw.. ... t ty is in such dire need of fund is an nnn ouestion. The tinai auopuon of the hudffet will probably-v. take place on Monday or Tuesday c-Tnexv week. ,;i ' TWO CONTRIBUTIONS OMITTED THIS WEEK Two contributions to The Beaufort News, the first .from G. Stvron. who paid ev erything but compliments to the editor in connection with ali Btdiorial about the waterfront which appeared in last weeks edition and the second, a very interesting and ' intelligently written article from Earl Davis of Barkers Island, relative to the small time fisherman's side of a question involving whether purse seining and trawling will be permitted are omitted from this edition due to their length and because we are crowded fro space. They will be printed next week. (The Editor.) r k TiirD rvir miTOR IS CRITICALLY ILL Aycock Brown, editor of The Beaufort News, will leave Beau fort late today for Durham where his father, Charles S. ' Brown, is critically ill in Watts Hospital following a stroke of paralysis at his home in Hills boro earlier this week. Mrs. Rrown and Brantley will , ac company him. They will stop in Chapel Hill at the home of Mrs. T. E. Hinson until they return to Beaufort. Beaufort P. O. Bids To Be Advertised TAKING Bids for constructing Beaufort's new $118,000 postoffice and feder al buliding are due to be advertis ed on August 1, according to infor mation furnished The Beauiort news several weeks ago. The proposed structure will be located at the mr of Pollock and Front streets where the home of the C. L. Duncans rwm or I v stood. The building will h of semi-Colonial design and will ho several months under construc tion after the bid is let. Represen tative Graham A. Barden secured (the annronriation for construction of the building about one year ago. M .'J The hndorer is divided into four main divisions. The division and to tal for that division is here listed. T r.enoraT Fund 59.54U.0 11. special runa ueyu. . . ... ..i. ..: ... -.'. 1 on oi yveuare III. County Board of fcd npnt.inn iir nUt ' " ft6.flfitl.CiO Total IWr-' Potter, the auditor, congratulated on the preparation of this budget, not so much as to the contents but as to the form of the hndi?et. In fact, it can be said that this is the first real budget that has ever been prepared for ; Carteret County. (J.W.S.) ; 'V ,; Sales Contract a For Edge Water Club Cancelled F. M. SIMMONS WIRES -S !.' --'I .... l .lit It llHMv' " J. I1C V.U1U1 Ui- a.iaBv ..-.-- . willpQt.bQfeangeii It will - continue, "fflVn.M01" k any .iatesoQwiiReH?411 ai7 icici. p r'f'yj ,vr No. 1. It will not become a swanky resopt Negroes liv ing in cities M, the , .swthwest from Washington , J:9Jackson ,vill aafLjRs m Wf, ,a? Mem- bHffg.'v Mmm Salem, jtte and Column mat mucn Decame hiijioivui on Tnesiayivwhea (Cah Simmons, rtritrflofltheiopeajtyii.thft was tne eehtbitU olf j vothe n Miorebjai Bluffs bubbl"whtehi talis yeariMago, an nounced jtiaCinegotiatiQiWrr tor ino sale of 'trre property had; Joen can celled. .'-S'ifiT-: -.-.., Kfid " ' -S" Hi wa's Jrerealisd . officially here ia register of nieedsoffioiwo weeks ago' that i Simhwhs ;.haLin'ontracted with Mark M. Alohlefc ofrWashington for til sale nf stlieo 'properties for 1125,00,'and it! was leawied from no other ' than Mohlen ihimseif that he represented a group of ' wealthy NegroesWiio? planned to develop the club afe' the enter oJ cogro resort. The Jklefe'ontractilreVeHiid that of I the irittte i$25(01MH''(kiwn' payment, I, R ncAarf -)ilTTivr.atH. :-Folowinf 24&I400 T tb tteliw4iirs;w6uld pay the remain "biH cliiD" : $i9i9ao; ditor, is to be :' yd Ivf; Attends Re-Union Of 317th Ambulance Corp F. R. Bell, well-known j Beaufort Diuggist who attended the American Legion convention in Durham this week went there with one though in view. It was the purpose 01 meet ing his war-time buddies with whom he served in the 317th Ambulance Corps with the A. E. F. in France dur ing the World War. Re-union at tendance was very good and almost one half of the orginul members of the 317th were, in attendance, it was stated. 'tr Jiu gii'.iii Hanover'1 dairymen, faced New Hano .:n, o chnr'tao-S crazlne. ensiled their :iatsTaid vetch With; molasses and nav: had. ta. excellent succulent feed With wfiichto maintain a normal nrflfeflow.fis summer District Rotariais Hsve Assembly " Beach ' The legislative decks of Congress are being cleared for action oP ;jo,ation will be eiven to import ant measures already in the Congress i.n.r manv having already iuiiw ""n"-1" ' . z undergone the scrutiny of commiee es. Adjournment of what has been no of the three longest sessions of the last fifteen years may come as u. Ac,iat is. or it may be pro- , j m Contmber 1. Events of the next few days will have a bear ing on the adjournment date. , Of the pending measures, two are North Car- Ul J111" '!" " .,, . .nd hour bill and OllIl--HC B (Continued on page eight ) ' '; ZT - sided over assembly. On Wed DelegateS rrom ny. .moKgm his report on the - m r t Aa ;t1 i-rtnvnion in Nice, Attended MeST " that international understanding g:;;-! An0tnid3eace were advanced iire suhiitanitiUi'-thi-oueh the contacts JUHN Jr.!1 nrofeMional men at l I Ui WUOliivuo X I tgaJioawnere aeiegaiespjjnKMw over B0.,nafi6ns(;carae togethefcrTjoEliiaarar common uibwliuk ruiiu w irfakiems vitillv' effecting th ther:welfare, pf eacn nation, Mr. Fort In Ireland Received The News wv.. Hpnrv K. Fort of Philadel phia reached the American Express 1 - . a T- 11'- Um. Company Lltd., m uuoim . I"" - copies of The ceauion new wo... ing for him. In a communication to the editor of this newspaper dated at Galaway, posted at uaunmn anu stamped with a "Visit Dublin Horse Show, August 18" Stamper, wrote: "There must be fishing in Ireland. The very old Veu ox; Shannon church or cathedral has a fish i""It would be a sal- VCIJ' ... , 4-V. T -tares to (11 IOr O ItCOUICl muii, m. t. , - w.rincr a nice trip "altogetn- Is thev sav here." Mr Fort is well known in Carteret county where u , Mm Herahle real estate ana fhor investments. He visited Car teret a few days before he sailed to Ireland. Tennis Players Tk Rosnfort Tennis touns limy lence au rajj"fT 17 . k .iiin r.mham Dun- R. E. Connell of AK-tic pflacr,W-; De reserviuc UJ .,, I . , . - j cu.snflirer of the t. . WoHo noa . leeoraine im is to. ou'm-h can, -r., i . mvl o-rrma.TlJ l.Jl(.Tifn.,rtjsies they ex- iLfrr hrw ek! The dial Mirarauftaatu pi p- iuav - i . . , it... number of thes youn men is tTv.- Pa.Va niiinlt Governor nre- 421-1. ' -TSi a:Q Joe House Druf Store' To Give Away Gidioji ...a. ' T I ) A dozen of Hayne Quality aft-d,.i iolus will be given each person- mak ing a purchase of 50 cents ormpvetj the Joe House Urug fttareQn oui urday, July 31, it was anh(ju;iw.ed:to. day. This offer is madethwuaht.he co-operation of S. E. Hay he groover of the gladiolus on his Easjt Carteret acreage and Mr. House ttwher of ihe Jv.... TAta hiph hns hppn :hf ters for local sales of the 'fl'oftSerktf if season. The offer is made primar ily for the purpose of ; acquainting local residents and visiting yacatiojf ists about flower growing -,in- Par teret which has become quite an im portant but yet small industry, in this coastal county. --c . -. fifihinff Ami t ! ftyrAyc6CK BftOWN ... SOME ANGLERS wm to be of the opinion r.thftb tbiepe no uuii ?tr.Pm -.fishi t of fv Gaoe Lookout 4hi sumimr.yP $uoll. is not the case. This year the,w.hsva,me jewer an- ttlerrj:tainsnlto tM, stream tnan last summerJ.B-fc4DiJer,iy5r for Gulf StwuurtEfibhinffH off i.rQape Lookout. George: -Lyni of Dwljam , who is liv ing on Atlantic ;,?ech, this summer witlkhlsfa.nily;.tol4,mS;.the other day thatiha ibiM. mlde.ntwq trips to tha f!;Gulf. Stceam.leff ..Cspt lookout this ;sunimer: and ...tht. ,b-h. , were suc cessful. - r PRQBABLyrTHE.fa9pn there isa 'ia?CT intpre'st' ihii'f iar is because Vjg"ujesino.,Te. bo4s suitable for going joffshore do not especially ECfttWJtJ .Wul be Gulf Stream an glers. , Last year two schooners, oviv owned ! by F, , Simrnpns and the other .-chartered by hijn were eater Continued on , (.age four NET TOURNEYmd Jit m n.TIDE TAiBL ncr.iN a . : latn i The Second Annual arteretj Cor ' unty Tennis Tournoment will: beyin August 16th it was announced wis week. Those desiring to enter the tournament may register at.illis worriti-sro Carteret Hardware, or rlW -hot; daitvntfn.. th& ,,t nf 189th ifctrict Rotaciana who assembled for a dayesSWn. 4- Ationtin Keaon nra u-n" sw1- dav. Delegates frir& of-e clubs in the district prtset angl as the assembly MfouCTM3P f close a series of refcl TOons-BWfl.rftd-tiota rhtijtBe part ofse prelaw for -t JS'Ttq f the TJheadYGitykail BeaufoST clubs f or m meeg held hffe; to Dr. I&alden rvfyan. Mrs. Efre of MorefiW 'Cityjfir their ik.rf vsnitnlitL-l Oieir nuMailai courtesy and thei7 fcf fefulaaeitJ to every possible i&m orfiWSHP- ,ab.eiut,.asfta' result j of inter: acre and under, another d. the ladies, and a third divi men. The registration, fnsion 101 S n for the I ifl.T which I v.9 " Information avt; the tide at Beaufort is gwren in this column. The figures are appro imately correct: and based on tables furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. --Some allow- -ioW-ifUOTSi and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. (bant rHave,, inspirational taiK on iig. ----- v TT J1 1 J J 1 AMn4- Arutrla Kotaryaf.-wins. ne tom ucicgaio K its atv-ny fus ry" jt r.; j. . vnar .r. mwi v , , .. 4 - i. . . . w . i. -- 'OP IVlis . .- fa."- ."-. '7il told deleeateadPfnnnrfilili, tfuV, tstfeV! who coHd itaXHttw,., percent of Ute speajil SfrVaf b th ut- nnnt.ktnn is rrinned- That KdnoWishri' 7S. i 1H MiUStO wn i-"t ,t o!4 moans there areJWtJJJ VWynkW4 W fcot hSI tvore iswMled,iOniJiareJi ior every mMiii i AWinaMriDted children is one of i . "IT. . "Bi . - 4 . . . iriiKUUimB of RoUry. A large Lovniin.a'f sneakers, each officers rjRotaraffubs in their respecti I . ' 1 1 t highlight 'the gathering tMl -S. banquet on Tuesday nignt sej; rthelSTooVor Re,h hotel. --SUBSCE 32. irsbA a. rst Anf . 4 12 :M a.'sbr 12:03 a. nw Af. S 12:57 a. nv 1:05 p. to. M VltlaUl VMb (ihtm atrft avt t .Ja . Ammim I t'!I t?fT Ml IMMwmV lamMtaaaubt 4.rt a 3 M ,TQ1UA33 ieirn? tti noma fici,oeJWJi s4

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