ate TWO THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT. N. C. FACTSYOU NEVER KNEW 1 11 By Bob Dart AUSTRALIA'S'SLEEPING BEAUTY ! Preserved in alcohol in -we sicney pathological INSflfUfE IS THE BODY OF A BtAUTifUL BLONDE CIRl.WHO WAS FOUND MURDERED ON THE MAIN ROAD FROM SIDNEY TO ALBURV, IN AUGUST 1934. ..MORE WAN 3,000 PEOPLE CAME TO lOENTIFY HER, BUT NOKlE KNEW WHO SHE WAS.... THEN AH AMERICAN LADYJvWIRED THE SIDNEY POLICE THAT SHE WAS RETURNING WITH .WPRCCf OF THE GIRLS IDENTITY.. SHE NfVER GOT THtRE... jjTVME VANISHED AT SEA WITH 2 Gir BlED, I PAPPy?,. TrCl Battfd '.,..' . V5. N LOS ANGELES MEN WERE ONCE FORBIDDEN TO WEAR BEARDS WHETHER COMPLETE OR PARTIAL AND MEN OF BRAINERD. MINN. AND CENTRALIA.WASH.WERE mm - - y FORCED BY L AW TO LET THEIR THEIR BEAkPSoROW. SHAVING??) AlAn!!l'M FA?:EYOU MOVING ! NUTS?V ( MINNESOTA OTHER WOMEN AND THE iMYSTERYGIRL SlEEPSON. f mtu . ... flND TOOK BFcr .. "vnl ACCOUNT. WKtN. CttrtW 14 Tinroln N.inrf FrttiirM. Inc.. t 1U n n i TKADnPIIIABFAl- Vifa-?3 LIM.Tr IHrtl Uw) k FsE BLACK-MOUTHED TO INDICATE PURlTYOf E X- THIS.HOWEYER APPLIES ONLY TOCHOWy TkC HOW DOGS... ADD INFO:CHOW DOGS Xf 1UP NAMf FROM THE CHINESE . 'CHOW', MEANING FOOD.. THE CHINESE , ' iCONSDEREDTHE DOG A VERY PALA .' J TABLE DELICACV. . 3;$ .Xi II IREtPi? -W 1 The project in its present form is not drawn as a direct means of financially bettering the promot ers of the company, but as a direct method of aiding and bringing em ployment to the people of this sec tion, which will contribute directly to the general welfare and pro gress of the county. Bids on several small craft hava already been made, and many in Manteo express feelings that this is one of the most progressive steps made in the community in some lime. Officers of the corporation are listed as C. Ralph Da.vis, chairman Thursday, Feb. 27th, 1941. of the Board of Directors; Guy H. Lennon, president; T. S. Meckins, vice president; Leigh D. Hassell, secretary; and A. H. Ward, treas urer. Dare County Times. Onions Ernest Best, F. C. Bost, Russell May, James Rouse, and J. T. Bai ley, Greene County 4-H Club members, are planting onions as a club project this year, reports As sistant Farm Agent J. V. Grant. Subscribe to The Beaufort New $1.50 per year WINCHELL (Continued from page 1) publication ol exiles in London. Mos cow hoped to make the Heinies de pendent on the Soviet Union. But Hitler's snatch ol tiny nations shift ed the advantage to himself. Which is why all the fingernails are short around the Kremlin gnawed away . . . When an RAF flier takes off to strafe the Huns he knows whert he's heading, take it from Carl Ols son, writing in London's Illustrated. Every target is Jcketed in France and Naziland, and the bomb that hits it was the one that was picked for that spot . . . Irwin Shaw is talking back to PM's criticker Kro nenberger. Shaw's play, "Retreat to Pleasure," had to retreat. Post morteming it In Stage, Shaw says Kronenberger has lots of unpub lished and unproduced matter sour ing in his desk. Merry-Go-Round (Continued from Page 1) The Wireless: Jerome Frank, the SEC commish'ner, coined "brutali tarian" as a synonym for Nazi. But Winston Churchill doesn't need syn onyms. If you heard him say "Nazi" in the classic he broadcast recently you know he puts his own sting in his wordage. The loathing he packed irto "Nazi" seared the wave lengths. Mrn About Town New Yorkers Are Talking About: The investigation going on in Con s' ixssman Ham Fish's district . . . i DIt's big Caribbean project which :' inner Welles of the statu dep't :;rows nothing about" . . . D. i lompson, who wasn't fired by the I " -T. She plans a hop to London next r.;o-ith . . . The rumor that Clare Bocthe's show "The Women" may be revived under the title: "Arsenic and Old Luce" . . . How only two months ago Gen Krivitsky (re-entering the U. S. via Canada after a ;. . sr's wait for permission) sang lustily with his wife and child as they crossed the border. And how chums now say: "Why a man so h;;ppy two months ago should kill himself, we can't understand." The foreign invasion That Must Be Mopped Knudsen and Hillman who want t 2 President to draft B. Baruch i to gov't service . . . Lockheed i aking fewer planes tms year d- , use it isn't getting delivery of 1 :. iricated aluminum parts. Besides, ( s compelled to stack uncomplet- , , , plaaes in empty lots Because n ;n't engines for them! . . . The ;-. nor that LaGuarriia has been of .' red the post of prexy at City col-.ege. Jack Benny's recent trip to N. Y. They are saying it wasn't only to e "Charley's Aunt," as reported, i. it to try and get out of his radio . mtract, Joe Penner's sudden death evincing Benny the strain isn't rth $16,500 weekly . . . Whatever came of those invi stigations Wm. '.ihodes Davis, the oil operator, "de nanded" of Senator Wheeler to clear his name"? And what hap pened to the probe of Verne Mar shall? Ditto the inv?stif ation prom ised as ainst con: vol of Nazi money r rn in U. S. in;.us;ry? Who forgets t ern so convenient '.' The trouble Pura.nt unt is eneoun- ering with the pulpit over Heming way's "For Whom the EeU Tolls." because the Loyalists are glorified Hid because Marie never sot a wed , , ,ng ring once during the story ... Conrad Bercovici's aulobiog, due in pril which mentions front-page ;,:ne ... Its title: "And This Is Oniy the Beginning." The New York Scene Sallies in Our Alley: Jerry Cooper .md a pal paused to read the Times ,ldg. news flashes . . . "Looks like fs curtains for Mussolini," said the .riend ... "I think," added Jerry, Venetian blinds would be the rase" . . . Milton Berle was gab ng about the unimportance of money . . . "It isn't everything, v u know," someone said . . . . ;,Ior.ey," added Berle, "is the last x "ing I think of before I "o to bed!" Joe E. Lewis calls his girl .leadache" Larrarr. the fall of France but was unable to fill, because of the unshaken Brit ish blockade. 3. That Nazi and Fascist agents have drawn on the funds to finance racial and anti-defense propaganda in this country; also anti-American propaganda in South America. 4. That while U. S. firms fork over their tribute in dollars, such royalties as Germany and Italy pay are in the form of blocked marks and export lira; that is, money that can be spent only in Germany or Italy. Actually, the money levy is a sec ondary consideration. What really worries the authorities is how much vital military production information these royalty agreements betray to the Axis. Since most royalties on patents are paid according to the number of units sold, it should be a simple matter for the Axis to obtain de tailed figures on types and rate of flow of important materials to the U. S. army and navy and to Britain. Last year the justice de partment cracked down on Bausch and Lomb when it discovered that under a secret royalty agreement the firm supplied the German licen sor with a detailed accounting of certain instruments delivered to the navy. WILI.KIE RATES CHURCHILL OVER F. I). Wpndell Wilikie went all-out for the President's lend-lease bill, but personally he doesn't like Mr. Roosevelt any better than before. Wilikie made this clear to friends following his conference at the White House. Winston Churchill, he indicated, had it all over Kjosc-.elt in ability and personality, was "much simpler and more direct in manner." ' There isn't anyone in America quite like Churchill." Wilikie said. "He the congenial com panion I've met in a very long time. He has a gay buoyancy that is in comparable." Wilikie also told his friends that he had absolutely no intention of taking a job under Roosevelt. "The President hasn't offered me anything," he said, "and I hope he doesn't because I'll turn it down. One thing I don't want is an ap pointive office. If war should come I will enlist in the armed forces, but I'm not taking a government job." Wilikie is still undecided what he will do, but is leaning toward a re turn to law. He has been offered a number of lucrative positions, one carrying a salary of $120,000 a year. NEW FARM BOARD After many years of supporting the New Deal farm program, the powerful Farm Bureau federation wants to set up a new government farm agency which it would largely dominate. in baekstaae congressional con versations, the farm leaders have proposed that the AAA, the soil con servation service and the farm se curity administration be taken away from the department if agriculture and be made a completely sepa rate agency. Then they want a live man board to run these important bureaus. Naturally, they expect to have a goodly representation of members on that board. So far, Vice President Henry Wal lace and Secretary of Agriculture Wickard are vigorously opposed. So also is the President. Note Herbert Hoover established a famous farm board to buy wheat. It was a mess. . . MRRRY-GO-ROUND Elder Statesman ex-Senator King of Utah is being promoted by Inends to become a commissioner oi tne District of Columbia. Although hampered by having its offices scattered in six widely sepa rated buildings, the immigration bu reau is mailing out 95,000 receipts a day to registered aliens. Pennsylvania Republican chiefs will not have to ask Sen. ("Puddler Jim") Davis twice to be their candi date for governor next year. He is panting for the chance. score of 10-8 and the Atlantic girls won 30-1(5. Thursday night the members of the student council which is com posed of the high school and sev enth grade had a party at the teaeherage. Games and contests under the direction of Miss Lupton and members of the entertainment committee were enjoyed l:y tho.v present. The guests were served punch, cake, candy and nuts by Miss Lewis and the other members of the refreshment committee. Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. Friday the high school and sev eenth grade met in the auditorium to grade themselves on attitude.;, achievement, and scholarship for the month. Each month the stu dents grade themselves in an ef fort to determine their prigress in scholarship and citizenship during the year. BOAT BUILDING FIRM IN MANTEO GETS CONTRACT Fire Prevention Contest Creating Much Interest The forest fire prevention con test among the different schools in the Cioatan National torest is creating a great deal of interest among both the children and their parents. Th? scores at the end of the first week are: White Schools Brinsnn Memorial, Croatan and Maysville, 1,000; Newport, White c'ak, !t5; Pollocksville, 960. Colored Schools James Citv. Riverdale, Croatar, Haveloek, Little Witness, King's Creek, Cahooque, Godette, Stella, Maysville, Black Swamy, 1,000; Newport, Bogue, H75; Pollocks ville, 900. George C. Hoffman, District Ranger, has issued the following statement: "In those times of international crisis the necessity of an abund ance of natural resources is more and more apparent. Not only is timber of immediate value for de fence works but it is necessary in the maintenance of a standard of living worth fighting for. With timber available the payrolls of tin sawmills are maintained and a much greater income is returned to those people who have timber to sell and to those whose labor helps harvest it. With an increased in come to both mill workers and farmers all business in this section will benefit. Timber is one natu ral resource which will renew it self if only given protection from fire. "The United States Forest Serv ice recognizes its responsibility of taking the lead in the encourage ment of forest protection. With the aid of those merchants and others who have so generously con tributed toward prizes to make this contest a success the Forest Service hopes to make great prog ress in reducing the damage caused by foi'est fires." Contracts for approximately $10,000 to be used in the construc tion of dingys for the Government was awarded the Manteo Boat Bulling Company last week,, with in 15 days from the time the firm was orcanized. It proved how a group of citizens, who know the value of cooperation, can get things, even in a small town which is handicapped in many ways due to its isolated locatiom The corporation which was for mally given birth just two weeks ago by some of the leading busi ness men of Manteo, has matured into a state of reality with equip ment capable of turning out any type of boat the government might request up to eighty feet in length. The company expects to employ around fifty men, in both skilled and unskilled classes, when pro duction gets into full swing. It was pointed out that since other centers of the country are booming with National Defensn projects, and as there is no project slated to be dumped into Dare County, the business men sought some means of reaping a bit of the benefit by bringing employment to people in Dare County. Logical Idea Boatbuilding was the most logi cal type of work for this section. With employment especially slack during the winter months, and wk:i many skilled in the art of boat con struction in Dare, the institution has possibilities of maturing int ) a permanent industry which can grow larger with time and the steady bidding for contracts. Work With Ease The job you do is as good as the effort AND WORKMANSHIP you put in it ! You can only work well with depend able supplies. They are the only kind we carry BUY YOUR CARPENTER'S TOOLS FROM US t t ATHEY'S P MM? AND A COMPLETE LINE OF S H IP CHANDLERY X Your Patronage Is Appreciated At BEAUFORT HARDWARE COMPANY BEAUFORT, N. C. i dtlihr'iWtf ilil1iTfWiiitiriiiiilfa S itmr Jl Mr. Let Us Supply You With Your Every Need 4r PT ,OWS A Horse Collars- it Girl Champion Stonewall Oliver Genuine Billups Castings Leather or Cloth Hames Back Bands Traces Bridles Collar Pads COLE DISTRIBUTORS AND PLANTERS Subscribe to The Beaufort News $1.50 per year. .usa-"- v. LANE CeM. HOPE CHESTS A TT A TVTTIf SCHOOL filLiinilL NEWS The Atlantic basketball teams T ' iyed three make-up games last v.-ek. The first was played in the Atlantic gymnasium with Harkeis Inland. Atlantic won both games. Atlantic played the Smyrna tear.s at Smyrna Tuesday night. Atlan tic boys won with a score of 28-21. Smyrna girls defeated Atlantic girls 3G-24. Friday night Atlan tic played at Beaufort. The Beau fort boys defeated Atlantic by a All L-' ode1s specially priced fur this V Selling " k g f 11 Come in i male your selection today and be ttftf sure ol "g an outstanding value. gffiPfESffi Eastman Furniture Co. POULTRY SUPPLIES HEX-WEAVE-Galvanized Poultry Netting CHICK Feeders and Fountains BROODER Thermometers Complete Line of Standard Make CARPENTER TOOLS BOATMEN and FISHERMEN Buy Your Paint and Equipment From Us COPPER PAINTS Marine & Whites WALL ROPE Ship Chandlery T-Grade Cotton Net Line Net Leads and Corks Front Street Beaufort, N. C. CARTERET HARDWARE Incorporated CO. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA

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