hlatteras National SeasSi ;i Edition aoe . VISIT THE OUTER BANKS OF COAST WELCOME TO BEAUFORT BOY SCOUTS TheMost Widely Read Newspaper Along The Central Carolina Coast HP. kF A I TIP APT Ml Boy Scouts Of Troop 51 Open Coastal Community Center Will Be Scene Of Three Day Encampment Bringing Two Or Three Hundred Scouts Here OVER THE TOP As we go to press today Chair- n'll D... T V C. i man cm ,rcv. . . '"ri. of the Carteret ONSF campaign reported that over $850 had been raised through cooperation of cit izens and co-chairmen Mrs. Julian Hamilton, Beaufort; Mrs. George McNeill, Morehead City, and Mrs. George Ross Pou of Atlantic Beach. Carteret's quota was $800. LOCAL REATO SUPPLY POWER FORUM. BASE To Complete Line To Air Base In One Week OFFICIALS PLEASED WITH RAPID WORK Due to the urgent need for current necessary for con struction at the. Cherry Point Air Base, the local REA pro ject has been asked by Washington authorities to rush completion of a line from Newport to the Air Base. Through the cooper ation of Miller-Baxter Co., Tide Water Power Co., and the L. E. Wooten engineers, this line will be built and current available in one week. There is no power available at present with which the contractors' heavy machinery may be operated. The Jones-Onslow REA has plans and funds available for a mammoth steam generation plant to be located on Slocum Creek. See REA, Page 8 CAMP DAVIS REACHES AUTHORIZED NUMBER Camp Davis, Coast Artillery and Barrage Balloon Training Center reached its authorized strength of 20,000 officers and men today with arrival of KflO Spletees from the recruit reception center at tamp Upton, N. Y., according to Capt. Jeff Barnette, public rela tions officer. U 1 - frwwj&!5 ,- Nota of an Innocent Bystander: The Wireless: One of the reasons the news from the new war zone i yes-and-no is because the trans mission from Mosco-v is haywire. The relays hit the Axis areas, and they change the bad news or just kse it . . . Leland Stowe jeered t the alarmists who cried "Sur prise!" when our troops reached Iceland. Mr. Roosevelt prepared us it, he reminded, when he de clared the emergency. Then he said: "It would be stupid to allow the enemy to get a foothold" . . . Jan Yandrich, guesting on "We. the People," reported that the people of Tobruk, where he's been, have other things besides war to murder their sleep. They've got a sister of the Hut Sut song, called "Laugh tag Mathilda" . . . Who's the new announcer with the divine falsetto? He can lisp words with no lisping letters in them, and he's got waiters ta the saloons fluttering on tiptoe during his broadcasts . . . The way some of the brassier bands swing tte classics, you'd think they were after revenge on listeners. The Story Tellers: Bernard de vto writes in Harper's of a certain misguided American: "Chance, the Willingness of the public to let pic turesque heroes pontificate, the management of smart men who were expert at publicity, the col 53iI2iiG2v2f.a 't-jry mito In .the See WIN CHELL Page 2 Public Is Urged To Visit Camporee At Any Time MERCHANTS ASKED TO DISPLAY FLAGS 3 DAYS On Friday afternoon (To morrow) at 1:30 o'clock Troop 51 of the Boy Scouts of America in Beaufort will officially open its first Coast al Camporee at Community Center Building here. It means, according to estimate of Scoutmaster Bill Blades Parkin that between 250 and 300 Scouts will be present for a three day encampment, for the purpose of displaying their Scout training. A feature of the encampment insofar as the local troop is con cerned will be on Sunday night AUTO AND TRUCKS NEEDED FOR SCOUTS Dr. Jim Baxter, chaiman of the Rotary Club's committee coope rating with the entertainment of the East Carolina Council of Boy Scouts of America which will come to Beaufort on Friday for a three-day Camporee, stated today that there would be need for a Urge number of Automobiles and Trucks to transport the Scouts to and from the Beach. On Friday night from 7:30 o'clock until 10 o'clock the Scouts are scheduled to go to Beach and on Sunday after noon they will go again from 2:30 until 6:30 o'clock. Citizens own ing trucks and cars are requested to help out in this matter of trans portation and anyone offering use of same may advise Dr. Baxter at his office on Front Street. when Eagle Badges will be pre sented John Duncan and Bobby Stephens. The presentation will be made by Stanley Woodland of Morehead City who is active in Boy Scout work in Carteret County. See SCOUTS, Page 8 Beaufort C Of C To Meet Friday Night At Miller's Store Beaufort Chamber of Commerce will meet at Miller Furniture Com pany on Friday night at 8 o'clock. With the resignation of Dr. W. L. Woodard as president and member of the Board of Directors last week, one of the matters of busi ness will be to induct Graydon M. Paul as president. As first vice president he is scheduled to be president with the resignation of Dr. Woodard. Other'officers expected to be at the meeting on Friday night are: R. H. Hill, now first vice-presi dent; Jacob Miller, second vice president; Aycock Brown', secre tary; Mrs. Martha Loftin, treasur er, and the following directors: C. G. Gaskill, G. W. Duncan, R. W. Safrit, U. E. Swann, W. H. Taylor, W. S. Chadwick, Paul Jones, N. F. Eure, G. W. Huntley and William Hatsell. The attendance and in terest shown in this meeting prob ably determine whether Beaufort shall continue to have a Chamber of Commerce. Morehead Villa To Be Scene Of Young Democrats Banquet Young Democrats of several Eastern North Carolina counties will convene at Morehead Villa Ho tel next Friday night, August 29, at 7:30 o'clock for a banquet, i: was announced today by George W. Huntley, Jr., president of the Carteret Young Democratic Club. Guest speaker for the occasion has not been definitely announced yet, but those in charge of promotional work in connection with the ban quet have indicated this speaker would be a nationally known Dem ocrate. In addition to Carteret, there will be Young Democrats from Craven, Pamlico, Jones, Ons low, Lenoir and several other Eastern counties. Two Beaufort Scouts Eagle Badges ' ( SI lJ t A HIGH SPOT OF the Coastal Camporee sponsored by Troop 51 of Beaufort will be the presentation of Eagle Badges to Senior Patrol Leader Bobby Stephens and Patrol Leader John Duncan of the local Boy Scouts. The pre sentation will be made by Carteret Scout Official Stanley Woodland at the Camporee Social at Community Center on Sunday night. The public is invited to attend this social. If weather permits between 300 and 400 Scouts from East Carolina Council are expected here for the 3-day Camporee beginning at Community Center today and continuing through Sunday. (Eubanks-News Photo.) N. C. Fisheries May Be Taken Over By Town of Morehead North Carolina Fisheries in Morehead City now owned by the North Carolina Self-Help Coope rative may soon be owned and op erated by the town of Morehead City. At a special meeting of the Morehead City Council on Wed nesday night, Kenneth Royall of Goldsboro and Raleigh appearing in behalf of the Self Help Coope rative discussed plans relative to disposal of the plant and its future operation. It now appears that the plant will soon be the property of More head Citv and that working plans on a basis to be of benefit to all Carteret Coast dealers and fisher men will be worked out, according to a telephone conversation be tween representatives of The Beaufort News and Mayor Willis of Morehead City. Mayor Willis seemed to be very much gratified that such a plan is being worked nnt. for the continued oneration of the Self Help plant which haa since its creation been in a sort of semi dormant state insofar as opera tions have been concerned. Dick Reynolds An Exceptional North Carolinian, Whose Many Ad vantages Have Not Kept Him From Being An Outstanding Individual in His Own Right, and Who Is Rendering Mighty Able Service to His Town, State and Nation. By ROBERT ERWIN in THE STATE The successful and comparatively brief political career of Mayor Richard J. Reyonlds of Winston-Salem, treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, has come to over shadow his previous reputation as an avaitor, sailor and world traveler. In years, Dick Reynolds is quite young; only 34, but in experience and in the good, plain common sense that it develops, he is much older. The Tobacco millions that he inherited from his late father, the late R. J. Reynolds who found ed the tobacco company, made pos sible for him in his youth and his early manhood a life that few oth er men are able to enjoy. And yet at 34, Dick Reynolds is decid edly settled, always busy, always driving with his apparently unlim ited energy, and standing on the Reynolds Family Are Visiting In Carteret Dick Reynolds, mayor of Winston-Salem and treasurer of the Na tional Democratic Committee, about whom this story is written, is spending a vacation an the North Carolina coast during August with Mrs. Reynolds and their four sons, Dick, John, Zach and Will. AI. though they have a cottage on At BEAUFORT, N. C, THURSDAY. To Be Awarded During Camporee Here Covering The W ate r f ro n t By AYCOCK BROWN TOM EATON and myself have hunted hig gaffia,iish together in the blue water of the Gulf Stream off Diamond Shoals on more than one occasion. He has invited me to go quail hunting with him and also goose hunting, invitations I declined because first I am not much of a killer when it's a bird or goose and second because,! don't like the recoil of shotguns on my fragile shoulders. On Mon day of this week, however, I in vited Tom on a different sort of hunting trip. We went Gladiolus hunting. First to the Gulf Stream Gardens operated by H. B. Avery. His crop is gone until October. Then we went to Copelands and the nearest thing we could find to a Gladiolus out there was some Zennias, about the size of a pie plate which we did not want. Out at Mr. and Mrs. King's farm, how ever, we finally spotted the Glad iolus and bought enough to supply our immediate needs. THIS GLADIOLUS hunting trip See WATERFRONT, Page 8 lantic Beach, the family have been spending much of their time a board their auxiliary yacht the Elizabeth McCaw of Sapelo, on off shore cruises to Ocracoke Island and around Capt Lookout and Cape Hatteras to Norfolk. They arrived on the coast aboard Dick's 3-motored semi.transport Stinson plane and have, used it in making some of the trips to Ocracoke and down the Outer Banks from Man teo via Hatteras Island, to Beau fort landing field. One thing which impresses Mr. Reynolds' at Beaufort is the "airport" which has been created by Earl Taylor, aided at times financially by May or Georgee Huntley, and the editor of this newspaper and John Crump well known real estate man in Morehead City. threshold of what promises to be a most useful life as a public serv ant. Like everyone else who has gone See REYNOLDS, Page 7 AUGUST 21, 1941. Camporee Survey For Navy Base Underway Seeking Site For $877,000 Base On Coast Hydrographic surveys on the Carteret Coast are now underway, preliminary to the selection of the site for the authorized $877,000 na val base here, it was an nounced in New Bern Wed nesday by Lieut-Com. E. W. C. Nice, naval reserve, who is resident officer in charge of construction of the marine air base at Cherry Point. Commander Nice was l-eported as saying he had been requested by the navy department to conduct these surveys. He is being aided by Lieut. W. M. Gustafson, navy accounting officer for the air base construction, and L. L. Barnum, chief engineer. He added that the surveys would be completed by the end of the week. , Several weeks ago Camp Glenn was proposed for the naval patrol base, and directors of the state controlled Atlantic and North Car olina railroad voted to sell the property to the government with the provision that it be returned to the railroad in case the naval base might later be discontinued there. Federal authorities prefer not to buy on such conditions, it is un derstood. Other sites are being surveyed now, it is reported unof ficially. Teacher Of State's Smallest School Is Hurt At Portsmouth Mrs. Abner Dixon of Ports mouth community, the norther most village on Core Banks, locat ed adjacent to Ocracoke Inlet is receiving treatment in Morehead City for a rather serious injury she received to her right arm and shoulder, when she accidentally fell at her island home last week. Her condition while very painful is not 'considered serious. She was leaving her island garden when she fell from a small fence over which she was climbing. Mrs. Dixon has the distinction of being teacher of the smallest school in North Carolina and per. haps the United States From an enrollment standpoint. On the trip down aboard the Ocracoke mailboat on which a Beaufort News representative was travel ing, the day she was injured, she said that last year she taught six pupils, and that this year she will have a maximum of seven and a minimum of four. The maximum figure depends on whether one family with three children remain on the island or move elsewhere as they have planned. There are 46 people living in this once large and prosperous community which was destined at one time to become the great port of entry on North Carolina's coast. Since the Civil War, when the Fed eral Army maintained a hospital there the population has dwindled due to the storms that have washed sections of the island. In the last election Portsmouth's 46 residents gave Roosevelt 23 votes and Wilkie one. Recreation Center For Soldiers Will Be Offered At Hut Members of Carteret Po,c 99 of The American Legion and mem bers of the Post Auxilia.-y are ap pealing to citizens here to con tribute old pieces of furniture to be used in the local Hut which will be transformed into a Recreation Center for soldiers, sailors, U. S. Marines and other members of the U. S. fighting forces coming to Beaufort. - With frequent battalions of sol diers coming to Beaufort, such a place, similar to those which the U. S O., will eventually establish in cities and towns throughout the See RECREATION, Page. 8 In Beaufort Friday Champion Angler And Her Guide At YOUNG REPUBLICAN FISHING RODEO t-rj , .7f, Ht4 ri I1 ' vf a V 7yt?..j ML I: ?- i JPZ5uJ " r WHEN THE YOUNG Republican Federation of North Carolina invaded Ocracoke Island a few days ago for their second annual Invitation meeting, a number of guests fromi several States were present. Highlight of the event was a Young Republican Fishing Rodeo and of the 40 or more entrants it took a lady from Oklahoma to win first prize. The champion, Mis Lydia Vacin, secretary to Congressman Ross Rizley, is pictured abovs) surrounded by her guide Capt. Thurston Gaskill of Ocracoke and two of the largest fish she landed. She caught 23, but all were not sheeepshead like those in the picture. The champion of the rodeo was awarded a rod and reel as a prize for her catch. (Photo by Aycock Brown.) Jr. C. Of C May Be Organized Locally Without any fanfare and with out any publicity a group of prom inent young business men in Beau fort were giving serious considera tion this week to the organization of a Junior Chamber of Com merce. Their objective would be to bring new developments and en terprises to Beaufort backed up with a publicity campaign which would keep this historic old town on the map, it has been reported. Several years ago the young men of Beaufort organized a civic club hut it did not live verv Ions. With proper leadership, the Jaycee or ganization, if created, would serve a most useful purpose in Beaufort. TIDE TABLE Information as to the tide at Beaufort is given in this ;olumn. The figures are ap proximately correct and are based on tables furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. So meallowances must '.-" made for variations in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whett er near the inlet or at the head of the estuaries. I t t t. (Daylight Saving Time) HIGH LOW Friday, August 22 8:38 A. M. 2:39 A. M. 8:53 P. M. 2:49 P. M. Saturday, August 23 9:24 A. M. 3:19 A. M. 9:37 P. M. 3:33 P. M. Sunday, August 24 10:08 A.M. 3:58 A.M. 10:23 P. M. 4:18 P. M. Monday, August 25 10:55 A. M. 4:39 A. M. 11:10 P. M. 5:05 P. M. Tuesday, August 26 11:43 A.M. 5:22 A.M. 11:59 P.M. 5:56 P.M. Wednesday, August 27 6:10 A. M. 12:34 P.M. 6:54 P. M. Thursday, August 28 12:50 A. M. 7:05 A. M. 1:29 P. M. 7:58 P. M. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Cruiser "Tarheel" Arrives In Port The cruiser "Tarheel of Beau fort" whose master and owner is Dick Dickinson, son of Col. and Mrs. F. S. Dickinson of Ruther ford, N. J., arrived in port today from a cruise down South. Dick inson was accompanied by a party of friends on the cruise. The ves sel will remain in port for two or three days before continuing northward through the Inland Wa terway. Washington, D. C. FAR EAST POKER GAME For perspective on the present South Pacific tug-of-war betweei Japan and Britain, it is well to re member that for years Thailand, then known as Siam. was a pawn in the power game of the bigger' nations of the Pacific. In this game the United States had a hand. For years. American financial advisers have been at-j tached to the Thailand throne, one of them having been Francis Sayre,; son-in-law of-Woodrow Wilson, now high commissioner of the Philip-' pines. He wooed Thailand on many oc-. casions, including the ornate recep tion given the former king of Siam., who as "Supreme Arbiter of the. Ebb and Flow of the Tide, Brother, of the Moon, Half Brother of the. Sun and Keeper of the Twenty-four) Golden Umbrellas," came to Wash-j ington in the days of Herbert's Hoover and was regally entertained-i The British were even more in-j terested in the Siamese. British; advisees for a time ran the king-J dom's government, trained itsj army, supplied the one or two ships! Jor its navy. But half a dozen years ago the, Japanese began preaching the doc-l trine of Asia for the yellow man,' and Siam for the Siamese, That was how the name came to be. ch.angej.t7 Thailand, a nationalistic! See MERRY-GO-ROUND Pag. Z