Thursday, Aug. 21, 1941 THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PAGE FIVE Mrs- Martha Ann Wahab's Home On Ocracoke Is Island's Prettiest COMPLETELY REMODELED . RECENTLY BY SON STANLEY a fore runner of a bridge but sure ly the fore runner of roads. It is true that the islanders on Ocracoke and Hatteras are not required to buy auto licenses, just so they stay on the islands but they are required to pay road tax on every gallon cf gasoline used in their cars and trucks. This is one of the reasons the islanders of the Outer Banks want roads they feel that they have been forced to pay taxation without representa tion. "Give us roads so we can drive to and from the mainland," that is the plea which Governor Brough ton and his Highway Commission will hear down on Hatteras this weeek-end. Ocracokers will be going ever to Hatteras to greet th chief executive and add to the plea. a most unusual occurrence a train bell going to an island where still a few people have yet to see their first train and locomotive. Had the the construction of the church taken place in the old days the islanders would have had no trouble getting a bell. There were ' and the church builders can't take usually plenty of ship wrecks and chances on waiting for one to bap pen. They want their bell right now and Mr. Edwards will see that they get one if such a thing is available around the Old Mullet Line shops at New Bern. every ship carried a bell which could be salvaged for religious tinkling or ringing in the church es of the island. But today there are no shipwrecks or seldom any Travel By Boat To Hatteras From May Until October Round Trip Daily Between Hat teras Community To Englehard (Terminus N.C. Route 264) on Mainland Boat Schedule And Rates DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Lv. Hatteras 10 A. M. Lv. Engelhard 2:00 P. M. SATURDAYS Lv. Hatteras 10 A. M. Lv. Engelhard 6:00 P. M -. 4.. ' 3 HtHNl Mil fiifri.miiiii i' i Is 1 MORE ABOUT OCRACOKERS (Continued from page 1 ONE OF THE prettie.t and most modern homes on Ocra coke Island is that of Mrs. Mar tha Ann Wahab, shown from the shore of Silver Lake Harbor in the abeve photograph. That person in the yard coming out to see what a meddlesome pho tographer was doing taking pic tures of her home is Mrs. Wa hab, one of the most lovable characters on the island. She is the mother of R. Stanley Wa hab who made a success in life and then shared it with the folks back home by doing consider able development which means employment for many islanders the year around. Photo at left: A closeup view of Mrs. Wahab and her Chesapeake Retriever with a rear view'of her beautiful home is shown in this picture. To give the reader an idea about the rapid growth of veg etation, the willow tree at left in picture now 20 feet high was rooted from a twig only three years ago. Photos by Aycock Brown. than the steeple of the church it self. In the second place island people building churches have to use their forty dollars paying for material such as luumber and shingles. Spotting a church bell to fit in the steeple of a very small church was a new kind of assignment for Editor Brown. Nevertheless he promised to do what he could and suddenly the idea occurred to him that probably at the machine shops of the Old Mullet Line in New Bern there may be a discarded bell. He made a trip to New Bern to contact H. P. Edwards, president of the Atlantic and East Carolina and asked for a discarded bell. Mr. Edwards has promised that if there was one available around the shops, Ocracoker's now build ing their church, could have same and it won't cost forty dollars neither will it weigh 950 pounds. If such a bell is spotted, this will be Trucks and Trailers $5 Cars (Under 3,000 lbs.) $3.50 Adults: $1.50 Children: 5-12 75c Boats Hadeco and Coosaw Safe and Comfortable Boats Make Connection At Hatteras With Hatteras-Ocracoke Ferry and Bus Service to Ocracoke Village. SPEND YOUR NEXT VACATION OR FISHING TRIP AT HATTERAS Hatteras Development Company TOM EATON and FRAZIER PEELE, Operators HATTERAS North Carolina an MORE .ABOUT FISHING (Continued iroin page 1) to the fisherman who likes a tough battle. They have been taken as early as May 1, and are out there in the semi-bllue waters west of the Gulf Stream off Ocracoke, Hatteras and Cape Lookout from that date until late autumn. Bluefish, Mackerel, and Bonita: These varieties furnish sport for those who do not care for the long trips to sea necessary for the game species mentioned previouslyy in this story. They are taken around Ocracoke and Hatteras Inlets and along the beach to Cape Hatteras and to Cape Lookout. The season begins in June but is at its best during late August and early Sep tember. Trout and Sheepshead: They are taken by still fishing with baited hooks from May until early autumn. Channel Bass: (Red Drum). The wordl's record channel bass was taken at Ocracoke Island. The waters of Ocracoke and Hatteras are famous for Channel Bass fish ing. They have been caught dur ing every month of the year. In the summer time they are taken mostly on the shoals of Pamlico Sound but in the Spring and au tumn they abound in the surf of Hatteras and Ocracoke Island and are taken by surf casters. Boat and Rate No where are to be found better boats skippered by more able men than at Ocracokke and Hatteras. They have spent their lives mak ing a living from adjacent waters. Their knowledge insures safety. At Hatteras some of the owner skippers and their boats are: L. D. Burrus, Jackie Fay; Ernul Foster, Albatross; Vernon Willis The Wil lis; Rube Stowe, Mariner; Nelson Stowe, the MMV; Elmer Ballance, Daisy Fern; Oliver O'neal, Edwin, Jr. ; .Elsworth Ballance, Sybil; Hal- lis Foster, Miss Royce; M. G. Stowe, Cella, and Ross Burrus, Ross, Jr. Rates for one to four fishermen per day are: Hatteras Inlet and vicinity $15; Cape Hat teras $20 and Diamond Lightship Gulf Stream, $25. At Ocracoke Clyde Willis, man ager of Wahab Village Hotel or David Gaskill, manager Pamlico Inn or Capt. Gary Bragg, manager of Cedar Grove Inn, will make ar rangements for fishing parties. The rate at Ocracoke is $9 per day for parties of one to three persons and $3 per day for each additional persona bove three. The rates from Ocracoke fishermen are shightly higher for longer hours or fishing two tides daily or for trips to the Gulf Stream. MORE ABOUT GAS TAX (Continued from page 1) so why don't they give us a road?" That statement was made by Dal las Williams down on Ocracoke at a chamber of commerce meeting recently where The Beaufort News editor was guest speaker. Not only that, but Mr. Williams of Oc racoke, as well as the Garrishes, the MacWilliams', the Howards, the Spencers, the Gaskills, the Bas nights, the O'Neals, the Wahabs and the Fulchers as well as every one else wonder why the State could not help out a bit and get a ferry across Hatteras Inlet from Ocracoke. Such things have happened be fore on the Banks and the island ers believe that a ferry is not only I! 3 Maurice L Burrus Agent For TEXACO PRODUCTS Welcomes You To HATTERAS Come To OCRACOKE ISLAN For The Best Vacation You Ever Had ? 'if r. , p i wM' V' jp.,. pr I - - .. w -A -A The Pamlico Inn Oldest Established Place To Stop On The Island Good Fishing Good Place to Rest And The Finest Recreation Youv'e Ever Had I l irTr llil-lM. mT- r nnn v i ' COMPLIMENTS OF Charles E Jenkins And Company LARGEST Mew And Used Car Dealer IN NORTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA "The Record Is The Reason" BRANCHES IN Aulander Ahoskie Williamston Edenton i-iM.-i.n.uiiu.u-i . "1 YOU WILL ENJOY THE SQUARE DANCES THE SWIMMING IN THE SOUND BATHING IN THE SURF AND THE ATMOSPHERE OF OCRACOKE CHEERFUL WELCOME AWAITS VOUI AT THE PA MLICO INN First Stop When Mailboat Arrives At Island Rates $2.50 and $3.00 Per Day For Information Write DAVID GASKILL, Prop., PAMLICO INN, OCRACOKE, N. C. is