"".SSI- PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. Thursday, Aug. 21, 1941 County News - Items lor this column should reach Tie News office each Tuesday. If your community is not represented write up for instructions and supplies. nn m nm l 'I'R Wl M ffl l UMUmM.mummiUMlUm HARLOWE Mrs. Eula Dickinson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Vash tie Conner, has returned to her home in Lakeland, Fla. Miss Blanch Bell, who is work. ing at Morehead City, spent Sun dayy with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Billie ScofieKl Jiave returned to their home at Washington, D. C, after a visit with their parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Carl H. Morton. Manly Willis of Coates spent several days recently with his mother, Mrs. Eunice Willis. Jesse Temple, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Temple, left Thursday morning for camp. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Copt-land of Arlington, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. R. R. King at Bachelor. Miss Esther Dickinson of Core Creek attended church services Sunday morning at the Methodist church. A. P. Adams, Jr., has returned from visiting George Norris at Havelock. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. Taylor and daughter, Eleanor, of Camden, H. J., returned home Friday after visiting Mrs. Mollie Taylor. B. L. Witherington of Monck's Corner, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Witherington, Mrs. B. L. Wither ington and children of Vanceboro spent Sunday with Mrs. W. C. Wil liams. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kelly and son of Canton passed through Thursday enroute to Bachelor to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith. W. C. Williams, who is working at Greenville, spent the weekend with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. Taylor and daughters, Ruth, Edna and Hazel Taylor spent Sunday at Morehead City celebrating the birthday of Mrs. Taylor's father, John Laughton. Mr. and Mrs. Ro land Small and son accompanied the Taylors to Morehead City. C. C. Smith of Bachelor visited A. B. Morton Sunday afternoon. Miss Linie Bell entertained members of the Young Peoples Service League Friday night at her home. Austin P. Adams of Portsmouth. Va., spent the week-end with his family. Rev. Clyde S. Boggs held serv ices Sunday morning at the Metho dist church. Miss Mary Frances Morton spent Sunday night with Mrs. R. R. King at Bachelor. Phil Witherington of Vanceboro, is spending this week with A. B. Morton, Jr. CORE CREEK Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Outlaw and daughter, Jean Travis, have re turned to their home in Elizabeth City after visiting Mrs. Outlaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dick inson. Mrs. D. W. Sabiston has return ed to Great Bridge, Va., after vis iting relatives here. Miss Beth Dickinson has return ed to East Gulf, W. Va., after vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dill and Frank Dill, Jr., have returned to their home in Great Bridge, Va., after visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dickinson re turned home Monday after spend ing several days in Asheville. Mr. Clyde Foreman has returned to Sarasota, Fla., after visiting his brother, Mr. A. W. Foreman. Miss Joyce Earle Dickinson and Edwin Dickinson have returned to their home in Bridgeton after vis iting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gore of Clinton spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dickinson. The 5-C Club met Monday eve ning at the Community House. The entertaining committee were Miss Esther Dickinson, Miss Mar guerite Dickinson and Mr. Ray mond Dickinson. Games and re freshments were enjoyed by all. Jake And Eddie Made The Music AS REPUBLICANS MADE WHOOPEE! . max? -.?ngs - -' f d3krlr WHEN THE N. C. Younz Republicans held their sec ond annual invitation meeting down on Ocracoke Island recently they broueht their own square dance music along. The musicians are "Jake and Eddie", radio team of Wash ington, N. C. They made the music and the Republican! and islanders made whoopee in the dance hall of Pamlico Inn at the biggest square dance held on the island in a number of years. The accordionist is Carl von Jacobson who is at his best when he is barefooted with trouser legs rolled up playing his fiddle fcr square dances. The ac cordion photographs better, so that is why he was using it for this picture. His guitar-picking companion is Eddie Smith, whom Jake, his manager, says was once on a Major Bowes tour. They were giving a farewell concert on top of a breakwater at Ocracoke when this picture was made. (Photo by Aycock Brown). daughter, Loretta Joyce Willis, fell and broke her arm in two places. We all hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lewis, now of Brooklyn, N. Y., visited some friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Oneal and Miss E. Shambley are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haskins for the week. They are alll from Greens boro. Mrs. Dan Futcii and son, Carl Futch, have returned to Florida after a few months' visit on Har kers Island. Judge J. A. Leegh of Belhaven, N. C, and Mrs. Douglas Creech of Greenville, N. C, and Mrs. J. J. Baxter of New Bern and W. D. Barrinjjton of New Bern made their first trip to the Island and enjoyed a shore dinner with H. B. Hunter. Mrs. J. P. Harrell with daughter Barbara and son Jiminie are stay ing a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Christine Chessney here. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barden of Warsaw spent the day on the Is land and seemed to be very much interested and would like to buy a home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ramm, with their son Charles and daughter Gloria spent the weekend on the Island. They are from Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Whitesell, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Whitemore and Mr. and Mrs. Grady Cook, all of Burlington, N. C, spent seme time here visiting Rev. and Mrs. L. L Parrish and their daughter Polly' Rev. Parrish also is doing some good work at the Methodist church here. He has a church at Burline ton. 6 Mr. S. McLaurn, Mr. H. A. Ellis of Fayetteville had some good fish ing Sunday with Capt. Chas. Bill Hancock on the "Ralph." Ten cero were caught along with other species. They weighed about nine pounds each. For House Wiring See J. R. Williams FOR INFORMATION CALL B-448-1 Beaufort - - N. C. DAVIS NORTH RIVER BETTIE Mrs. Myrtle Golden has return ed from Duke hospital where she has been under observation and receiving treatment. Mrs. Lucy Pake and Mrs. Mat tie Pake visited Mrs. Rosa Gillikin of Beaufort Tuesday. ' Mrs. Gilli kin is quite ill at her home there. Miss Bertie Simpson visited Misses Don and Ora Dean Mid gette Sunday. Mrs. Pauline Willis and son, Richard Clyde, returned to her home here Friday night after Fpending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Justin Willis, Sr., of Davis, and other relatives there. Mr. Jim Arthur, of Aurora, Beaufort county, is visiting rela tives and old friends here in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pake of Bel grade visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pake Sunday aft ernoon. Mrs. Sybil L. Willis of Morehead City visited her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Edward Lawrence Sunday. Mrs. Annie Lee Morris of Atlan tic has been visiting relatives here during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Neal of Portsmouth, Va., spent the week end here with her father, Mr. E. R. Piver and her sisters, Mrs. Kath leen Mason and Mrs. Nannie Ar thur. Mrs. Deleware Jenette is very ill at this time. Her friends all wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Brady Golden spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Golden. Mrs. Neta Gaskill of Stacy spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Eva Golden. Mr. William Gillikin motored to Norfolk, Va., Sunday to take his cousin, Mr. Ernest GilliKin who has been visiting him here. Miss Allie B. Gillikin is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Cleveland Gillikin. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pake were in New Bern Friday on business. Miss Virgil Salter is spending her vacation at Atlantic with her sister, Mrs. Raymond Nelson. Mrs. Johnnie Carraway of Van demere is here visiting her broth ers, Riley and Paul Beachem. Mrs. Jesse Wade and son, Fran cis, returned home Thursday night from Fayetteville. Mrs. Joe Blake and children spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. D. W. Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Gradon Barker and parents of Oriental spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beachem. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Arthur and children spent Sunday at Williston visiting their daughter-in-law, Mrs. F. P. Arthur. Mrs. Sallie Carraway and neice, Miss Edna Beachem, spent Satur day at Atlantic visiting friends. Mrs. Thelma Whitehurst spent Monday in Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Taylor and Mrs. Taylor's sister, Zara, spent Sunday afternoon at Williston. Mrs. Corinne Kerr of Beaufort spent last week with Mrs. Thelma Whitehurst. Capt. T. L. Willis went to New Bern Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Beachem and sister, Mrs. Johnnie Carraway spent Sunday afternoon at Willis ton visiting at the home of Mrs Beachem's nephew, J. T. Willis. Mr. Fillmore Murphy of Rich mond, Va., is spending a week here visiting his relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Talbert of Lexington are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy. LENOXVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Monnie Daniels and children of Long Island, N. Y., arrived here Friday to visit rela tives. Miss Ellen Lupton returned home Tuesday from Asbury Park, N. J., where she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis. Mrs. Julia Pake spent Sunday at Marshallberg visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pake. Mrs. Mollie Goodwin of Lola spent Monday here with relatives. Miss Moira Pake returned home Saturday after spending her va cation with her sister, Mrs. Gus Meden, at Jersey City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodwin of Roe were in our community for a short while Tuesday. Misses Ella Gray Pittman and Shelia Pake are spending their va cation in New Jersey. Capt. Harold Daniels visited rel atives here Saturday. Mr. James Willis returned home Monday from Port Monmouth, N. J., where he has been employed. Miss Maggie Buck of Washing ton, N. C, spent last week at the home of Mrs. Sophia Lupton. Mr. Joe Thompson returned to his home in New York City Mon day after spending a week with his sister, Mrs. Charlie Pake. Mesdames Sophia Lupton and Jafes Willis spept Sunday visiting friends at Williston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pake and son, Charles, Jr., and Mr. Joe Thompson motored to Williston Friday. Miss Ellen Lupton visited friends at Atlantic Sunday. Messrs. Nathon Robinson and Troy Hamilton of Atlantic were in our community for a short while Saturday night. Mr. Guy Lupton who is employ ed at New Bern spent the week end here with his family. Mr. Walter J. Goodwin who is employed at Baltimore, Md., spent Friday night here with his aunt, Mrs. A. W. Styron, continuing on to his home at Lola Saturday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Willis of New Bern spent the weekend with her mother. Mrs. Willis will re main here during the week. Mis3 Christine Murphy returned home Saturday from New Bern where she spent the past two weeks visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. David Willis II, and children of New Bern spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Willis. Mrs. Georgia Frost Barnes of Lacoma visited here Monday. Mrs. Clyde Styron and daugh ter, Lois, spent the past two weeks in Greenville visiting her son, Mr. Ralph Styron. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murphy spent Sunday in Greenville visit ing their son, Cecil Ray, who is em ployed there. Miss Agnes Mae Peterson of Beaufort, is spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Addie Willis. Mrs. Paul Harrington of Grene ville is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Styron. Mrs. Richard Manning, Mrs. Styron's sister, is also visiting her. The Pittman Memorial Pastors Institute is holding its annual meeting at the F. W. B. church here this week. A large number of preachers from various parts of the state are attending the meeting. More accommodation is afforded by the addition of the new annex to the church. Mr. Harvey Styron of Washing ton, D. C, is spending a few days with his mother. LOLA Capt. and Mrs. A. W. Styron of Lenoxville spent the weekend at their home here. Mrs. Pearl Sanderson of Hilton Village, Va., is here spending a few days with Mrs. Emma Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Monnie Daniels and children of Long Island, N. Y spent the weekend here with rela tives. Miss Ira Mason and children of Stacy are here visiting her par ents. Mr. Narvie Day, who is em ployed in the Coast Guard service, left Sunday after spending a while here with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. William Joyner and son, Courtland, of Hopewell, Va., are visiting Mrs. Emma Dan iels. Capt Harold Daniels of Atlan tic visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. Woodrow Daniels left Mon day for Norfolk where he is em ployed. Mr. Walter J. Goodwin, who i in the Coast Guard service at Cur tis Bay, Md., spent Saturday night home with his parents. Mr. Martie Lupton who is em ployed at New Bern spent the week-end home with his family. Mrs. Olivia Day and children spent the weekend at Roe with he' mother. Mrs. Earl C. Day and children and Mrs. Woodrow Daniels and children and Miss Verna Daniels wree visitors at Stacy aunuay night. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Day and Mrs. Olivia Day and son, Alvin, were visitors at Beaufort Tuesday. Mr. W. S. Godwin was a visitor at Beaufort Monday. RUSSELL'S CREEK Several of the people from this community are attending the se ries of meetings held at Tuttles Grove by Rev. Stevenson. The Woman's Club cooperated with the Wire Grass Club for the August recreation which was in form of a picnic supper held at Wire Grass church Sunday after noon. Many attended. Mr. and Mrs. Guion Lupton of Baltimore were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fodrie Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Morton and Mr. O' Neal Morton motored to Goldsboro where he is receiving treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Fodrie and children moved into the commun ity Saturday afternoon. They are occupying the Workman place. We are all wishing them much success here. Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Russell Sunday. Mrs. Claud Dail is spending a while with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Carraway. HARKERS ISLAND Home for the weekend: Terrel Scott, David Willis, Thomas Wil lis, Merkley Johnson, Dudley Lew is, Howard Lewis, Harry Johnson, Marvin Paylor, Kenith Johnson, Louie Dixon, Gordon Willis, Nor man Willis, Earl Johnson. Mr. tnd Mrs. Norman Willis' III b CdWW or Imtm III Modofoi pafatobto, mMHm, Ira leak, Mat I Mtptal In lapmfoa Hm pcU I Mrm into. ifetMli of a Ooad taalr tak ..-fc I GUTHRIE-JONES DRUG STORE Front St. Beaufort, N. C. SPORTSMAN'S GUIDE Fishing or Hunting OCRACOKE ISLAND Complete Service LET US SERVE YOU Write For Information Capt. S ummers opencer OCRACOKE, N. C. BE VISIT HISTORIC MFORT BY THE - SEA When You Go To OCRACOKE AND THE OUTER BANKS North Carolina's Third OldestTown Enjoy A Restful Vacation At TTh e Em Ee it Em m Facing Beaufort Inlet and The Ocean AMERICAN PLAN REASONABLE RATES Front Street Beaufort, N. C. 1 HOTEL FORT MACON A MODERN HOTEL IN NORTH CAROLINA'S OCEAN PORT CITY OPEN YEAR AROUND Make Your- Home With Us When You Visit The Carteret Coast COMMERCIAL RATES DINING ROOM HOTEL FORT MACON Arendel Street Morehead City, N. C. Judging From The Latest In Gasoline News It Won't Be Long Now Until You WILL NEED A BICYCLE THERE MAY BE A SHORTAGE of BICYCLES TOO So Select Yours Today FROM OUR STOCK If You Act Quickly You May Buy A Bike On Conven ient Weekly Terms Western Auto Associate Store CALVIN JONES, Owner BEAUFORT, N. C. WELCOME TO BEAUFORT East Carolina Boy Scouts of America

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