S^s*5ver the Stale t.j^on, of High Point, w \Vf.cott iv^ r'V .’.ren umving Europe with iiii!''’-’' ...jvcd liotue recently. He *.t V' U' 1 * lit, mouth or more. i>..nii')li^‘;i'^^ Thomasville P»' i’alt-Cox club with one ti'ii'ity-t'vo members. 11““''^’* '>vas shown at |lir^t.nootn-g. , r Wt‘(l»e^^lay I'igl't the saw I •n'‘kuiv.-' an.i lumber be- F ' W II Btei'liensou, was to " ■ luar Coats. The Liiini iHit Ulsureu Jt)hnson was sleep on the horribly mu -r,, (meri^'an Ro«lty Company I. ‘wi^boro, has jxirciiased a tract r‘ I in 'UhI iit-ar I>unu on the l.f '‘ll'jU ** * f ♦ T"> «| ‘ . kK ui'tiie Lme Ilail- '..,1.1 will ' property in ^^^‘lober 24th. . ,Vv..’^ li'ud was recently sent ij'Ch l)v J- Burrus, of' |HiIl'.Mni,'f..r T^‘ i,hv\ ‘I i'V'ileiuk'i'M)!!. Tlie neighbors ^'. tiu' (!'' .slit»>ved signs of bydro- III'- p pijiH- jln. A.'liel-oro train one night L,t\vc(k ran over and killed John llliiisi'") a negro, noai tiie Liokaw jj!;.,rt. ;it Hig'ii I'onit. Lik aiHl svent to L,fi, His body wii Idti'tl. .liiuiiient of lish from New- Lu' Jx-aiiVort :iiid .Morehead City ;l)eeii very heavy lor the past 01' "0. " For some lays it has ' liiivil two extra express cars I; tlie luofuing train to take care |f[l,e shipment. The L'liiversity of North Caro- laia playt'd its first game of foot r-lh'ur the season Saturday evening f^Jdeyting W'ake Forest by a scure 7 to 0. The next game will Lat Kuoxville with the Univer- |;:iy ot Tennessee, Tlie university of North Caro- imali’.rani in New York will have liliifir auniuil dmner at the Cate Ifculevard^ Second avenue and IleDtli street, on the evening of Sat- jiir'lay, October lOtb, at 7 oMock. : lioped to gather sixty or^seven- |:vCha})el Hill men. At Cary about eight miles from llaleigb, the cotton, gin belonging l;.jF. Ik Gray Bro, was consum- Jribv fii'e last Friday morningj liktly after midnight. Two mules lijriy-tive bales of cotton valued at ji-jiOO ani 2,500 bushel of cotton Isiti were destroyed Arrangements have been imade ■' the general manager of the Nor- |:)lk and Southern to run two daily ImIu; from Kaleigh to Washington, llie trains now running from Green- I'ille to Raleig!) will be continued 'Washington. This is done t^» [sfconunodaLe the travelling public. il C. Mulligan, book-keeper of lilie Fir.st National Bank of Dur- G’-.ds his connection with that rii'titutiun and will go uext week It" lioxuhc'l, J’crtie county, where he : organized a similiar institution. [Mr, was a former freight in Durham and went intoilthe li ,' I * I'■■'K si^veral years ago. lie ili^n J-’oiot city fathers |-^ H'[)a-;M.(l special ordinance re- Id snm]!])ux, dipiitheria and ''■! making it a penalty i'SiJiii'f to i'('])ort such ease to the U'(H’ ni’ou the pjirt of pliy- ■’■■■■ of the family "'"•'a (■■j'M.'s, exist. Those cx- ' ‘ ' :'i!y 'Aiiy must also b(; ' 1 i^r :! i.>;iveu period. > i’';ii)kiin, section master ii' Vii. living in High robi'.i'd at J;iu- ' i';:rht by a man by ■ ■i^'VcMSDJi; J-'^'ranklin -rail! at Linwood ■ and wliik; in an i'.-in ;u.',russ Steven- ' i '■ awoke all t!;e inon- ! v;n(dsets was gone. ' "-'d !o l>c yet a chance ' ' ■ •■•ru- ei.r line conuccting ■ '''iih 'J'homa.sville and built. The rails wer-' purchased by Mr. '' ' tii(- gentleman who has the work, and it Iwith the Work already s.mu'tlnng definite would the near future, if not the raSh act is known. Mr. had been register of deeds for Mad ison county for the past four years and was the nominee of the Repub lican party in that county for re- election. J. H. Clifton, of Pilot Mountain, has invented an elbow machine for cutting sheet iron or other metal for making elbows for tobacco flues which bids fail to revolutionize the manufacture of tobacco fiues in the future. The maciiine cuts and shapes the material ready to be put tosrether at one stroke of the machine o instead of having it to shape with shears as heretofore. He has ap plied for a patent. In North Caroliua there are about 11,000,000 acres of idle farming laud which should be planted in timber if for no other reason than to prevetit it from washing, but the; timber will make a good investment besides, as it will be growing all the time without any cultivation, and will soon be large enough for posts, ',)arn poles, and even small saw logs. For any information about how to plant old gullied fields in young trees, write the State GeologivSt, Chapel Hill, N. C. Seven white boys were tried in Superior court at Raleigh one day last week charged with assault with deadly weapon on a negro. The negro was a seventeen year old boy who is in the employ of the A & M college. The crime was committed near the fair ground. The boys, who were about sixteen in number, began their assault in the old In dian style from behind telegraph posts and embankments one shot was fired which cut a hole through the negroes hat. At Sp'^ncer last Thursday night two persons were killed and twenty or more injured by an axplosion of a powder storage house on the yard of the Southern Railway company. The dead men are C. 13. Layton, of Raleigh, and Geo. Gould, of Spencer. The entire numbered of the injured were carried to the hos pital in Salisbury. The fire con sumed twenty or more cars and their material, The powder magazine contained about half car load of pow^der and other explosives. Quite a number of buildings were badly damaged, the effect of the explosion bein^ felt at the distance of eigh teen miles. Severe Winter Predicted. Davidson Dispatch. The prophets say a hard wdnter is in store for us. In the mountains there is an enormous crop of ctiest- nuts—sure sign of a hard winter. The ’simmon crop is very heavy, and the fur ou the ’possums never was so thick and warm. The hick ory leaves ciud upwards. There are other signs but they are not recalled. Yesterday morning was cold enough for fire to feel ‘‘right,’’ and there may have !>een frost. In the moun tains there has l)een frost for a week. The coal man is becoming popular again and the ice man is getting ready to fold his tent like the Arab and as silently steal away. Rice, ‘’ogister of deeds of commitied suicide ■il Vrodnesday at his home "I'iiail by shootins himself A New Source of Beef. Milwaukee Wisconsin. The butchers of New Orleans are organizing a purchasing company for the, purpose of importing cattle from Central American ranche.s, and their plans naturally I’eceive in dorsements from the ranchers farth er souf.h, as tiie oueniug of new markets would stimulate the cattle industry. Therefore, in a short time tlie experiment of providing Southern consumers with imported beef may be in fall swing. The success of this undertaking will dei^eud largely upon the ciiar- acf('r of the beef tliat is obtainable in Centi'a.1 America. ^‘Any old thing” will not do for American meat consumers, who have had their taste for a choice product (iultivat- ed by the consumption ' of corn-fed steers from the western steers. Cat tle that arc brought from Texas are not satisfactory on this account, and in order to make them acceptab!^ they must bo fed on corn for a per iod after the drive northward. If Central American cattle are no bet ter than the cattle that are raised on the Texas ranges, the New Or leans experiment will have to in clude the feeding of all imported cattle on corn for a time long enougli to change the qualito of the beef. remirfecV that a home grown, hiand spanked, bare-footed and hard- fisted coi’.ntry b(-y makes a much betterfighter in the battle of life than does the pampered, high-col lared, creased trousered y.outh of our town and cities whose clothes have always been dusted with a whisk broom instead of a shingle. Reformed Church Herald. FREE TRIP Notice to Tax Payers. I Will Attend in Person or be Rep resented by Deputy at Ithe Following Places on the Dates Mentioned Below to Re ceive THE TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1908 Morton township—M o r t o n’s store, Monday, Oct. 12; speaking at the Hub at night, Faucette township—-M c C r a y, Tuesday, Ort, K3. Pleasant Gi'ove township-—Daily store, Wednestiay, ()_t. 14. Melville township ~M e b a n e, Thursday, Oct. 15; speaking at night. Thompson township—T. L. Bradshaw’s, Friday Oct. Id; speak ing at Swepsonville at night. Albright tow nship—Cif ndeuiu dhop, Saturday Oct. 1 7. N e w 1 i n township—Sntphin’s mill, Monday Oct. If); t;ipeaking at Saxapahaw at night. Patterson townsliij)—Hornaday’s store—Tuesday Oct. 20. Coble townshij) -John F. Coble’s Wednesd,ay Oct. 21. Boon Station township—Elon College, Thursday, Oct. 22. Graham township—Graham Fri day Oct. 23; speaking at night. Haw River township—Simnson and Anderson store, Saturday, Oct, 24; speaking at night, Burlington township—C. F. Neese’s store, Monday, Oct. 26; speaking at night, . I am instrui!ted to say that the candidatfis will be present at the above appointments and discu«s the issues of the day. Everybody is invited to be pres ent. Very respi.'ctfu!ly, R. T. Kernodle, Sheriff of Ala rnancc Countv. TRINITY COLLEGE I Four I)epartm(^nt.s—CoHegiate, Graduate, Engineei’ing au(t Law. Large library facilities. Welt- equipped lutiofaroriets in all de partments of Science. Gymna sium furnislied with best apparat us. Expenses very modei’ate. Aid for worthy students. YOUNG MEN WISHING TO STUDY LAW SHOULD 'INVESTIGATE THE SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THE DEPA’^TMENT OF LAW AT TRINITY COLLEGE For Catalogue and further Information, addresH I D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, I Durham, N. C, | STEVENS DON’T BUY A GUN until you have seen our New Double Barrel Models :^tted with Stevens Compressed Forged Steel Barrels— DEMI-BLOC SYSTEM The mode of constructing these superb Trap and. Field Gruns is fully set forth in our New Shot gun Pamphlet. Send two-cent stamp for it. Ask your Deider^ , for Stevemi / ■> Demi-BIoc Gnns. ^ \ Insist on oit '' maJce.' You may say what you please if you are not anxious to please others. TO Believing that there are a large number of young men and yo|ing women in the Fifth Congressional District who would like to attend the Inauguration of the next Presi dent olthe United States, at Washington, March the 4tili, 1909, jjhe State Dispatch has arranged to furnish trans- portatibn, FREE, to Washington and return to all persons in the Fifth Congressional District who comply with the following conditions: ,OUR OFFER.... • •• Tp every one sending us fifty-two (52) yearly sub scriptions to The State Dispatch at $1.00 per year, on or before February 1st, 1909, we will give a free railroad ticlc- et to Washington and return. It will be necessary for everyone accepting this prop osition to make a y/eekly report to the office of The State Dispatch, where an account will be opened with each one accepting this offer, so that proper credit may be given for all subscriptions received. If as many as six persons secure tickets under this proposition, we will furnish all necessary expenses while on the trip to the one securing the largest number of sub scriptions, over and above the fifty-two required to se cure the ticket. To all those who enter the contest and fail to get the required number to secure a ticket, an appropriate reward, will be given in proportion to the service rendered, but no subscriptions will be transferred from one account to another. All those contemplating accepting this offer will fill out the following blank and forward it to us so we may know how many are going to enter the contest. CONTEST DEPT THE STATE DISPATCH PUB. 0. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. 0, Box 4099 Chicopee Falls; IBI IfP I, Han. I jy The State Dispatch Pub. Co., Burlington, N. G. Gentlemen:— I have decided to enter your contest for free transportation to Washington to the Inauguration of tlie next President, and will be pleased to have you send me receipt book ' and sample copies of The Dispatch, so that I may go to work immediately. I also agree to I make renort to you as often as once a week and to send all subscriptions on hand with each report. Yours truly, PROCURED AND DE'FENDED. Sendmodd, di-awing or photo, tor expert scKj-ch anc free report. I Fieu advice, how to obWkin patents, trade marks, I oopyright3,otc., jN ftLt COUNTBIES. ^ I Business direct with Washington saves time, \ money and often the patent. Patent and Infrlngeirenl Practice Exclusively. Write or come to ub at 633 iristb Street, opp. tF:nlted St»te» F&tent OfflcG,| WASHINGTON, D. C. NAME. POST OFFICE. STATE. COUNTY. DATE. / t; / : / i