LEMONADE. There is nothing more re freshing these hot days than a cracked ice LEMONADE. made strong with fresh lem on juice and carbonated wa ter. Healthy—try one at Bradley’s. Next , N. c. to Alamance Bank. LOOK FOR OUR WEEK! A special fro n Atlanta G». sh'nvs hy pole of the cit' that Taft senti ment in the New Yufk of the south is in the majori v and tlie Georgia crackers lament the fact tliat there is no greater effort beino’ iviado to carry the “gowber state’^ for hulge Taft. Mr, Bryan ce'tainly “got what was coniint^ to hiin.’^ The Washington Post in an edi torial on campaign contributions says: “It is all' poppycock, and until William J. Bryan tells the public what he did with that |15,- 000 Tom Ryan sent to Omaha to elect him a senator in Congress, k;t him hold his peace^ about cain|)aign funds and campaign publicity. Rheumatic PaSns relieved by use ol Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. 25 doses 25 cts. The Durham %ald has tiie fol lowing to say of l|>n. W. H. Car- rolFs speech at A^lst Durham last Wednesday night| «‘Mr. Carroll introduced by W. B. Guthrie, E4-, who made hit and blazed a, clea| trail for the speaker. The ora »r recognized it too and said thechirraan had made a serious 'mistake there instead ot Mi when Carroll fit^rttS, the fur be- sending him Guthrie. But ave seldom had than he gave gan to fly and men more to laugh abou them The crovvd was it excellent tem per for the speakei. He began with the reconstructpn Republicalis and he never got fk from them. His idea is that the changed much and of reconstruction re doesn’t think there ii party hadn’t e talks largely ublican. He much patriot ism in the new schuc and said this while i'jis audience don’t know how it is in Alamance where Qowled: “I lere, but up come from, ig out of it. there are no republicns who don’t expect to get someth Find one anywhere a to get his pocl-..et greacd Our fellow townsnia hag lie expects 9> a lov able memory, trained (bnscioiis, and a reactive mind. F r we recall that it has only been lew months ago that this same ge tleraan cried out from the house to , groaned in the valley, shouted fro i the street corner and tore his shrt in every alley, in an attempt ta arouse the enthusiasm of his own (|ans, in sup port of his Doaiination ;>r solicitor. We are further I’emind is the same gentlemai years ago roared forth stvimp in Alamance coqufcy asking his fellow citizens for th so that he might be a m(. legislature of North Everybody knows the i effort. As to svhat wa.sithe motive tiiat prompted the acc w|are unable to say, but wc presunsi that the gentleman never once tticught of the fuur dollars a day paid t( a member of the legislature, or the linnurnera- d that this that two '’roni every ble number of sic fa fees that so fre quently went into the pocket of that one A., L. Brooks and which now refuses to give out except by due process of law. Surely Mr. Car roll wmII not greasf his pockets be cause of his nif-iubership of the Democratic; party, because the peo ple hiive said thou art not the man. R. F. D. No. 5. Prof. Wicker of Elon College filled his regular appointment at L(mg’s Chapel Sunday. Mrs. James Anderson continues very .sick. Her many friends sym pathise with her and hope for her speedy recovery. Messrs. George and John AVyatt on No. 3 have gone to Raleigh to enter A. & M. College. We wish them much success. Mrs. J. R. Aldridge *'as returned from a visit to her home people near Prospect Hill. Mrs. Emeline Te^*r went on a visit to Mr. G. W. Cheek and was taken seriously ill. Her many friends feel in sympathy with her being a'*^ay from home, and trust she will soon be better. Mr, F. P. Rogers and Miss Ava spent Saturday night and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Winfield Wil-^ kins. John White left this morning for King’s Business College atRalfiigh. Mr and Mrs Walter Hairden of Uraham spent Sunday with John Wyatt. Miss Mamie Anderson spent Sat urday and Sunday at home. Mi ss Bettie Aldridge of No. 5 was in Burlington for the Fair and visited Mrs. Dan S. Hall, returning home Saturday. LIST t LETTERS RemDlDing In Post J Burlington. N. C.> Oct. 3, 1908. Gentlemen— ... ■ T. W. Dowdy, Master Kemp Miles, Mr. W. A. Phillips, Master Moses Russel, Mr. O. A, Bcott. Lames— Miss Annie Laura Harp, Mis.s Bessie Ledman, Miss Alice Martin, Miss Annie Man, Miss Pearl Wil son. . Persons calling for any of these letters will please say “advertiined” and give date of advertised list, J. Zk3 Waller, ’ Post Master. Mr. Bryan vvarng the a people not to Tbep«,p!ea«,:';'s3“«i tie suspicious. 'M>rily ir sniferage 11 bar of the Carolina, ultof each An advertisement —in— THE DISPATCH brings results. le dii; •«I>ense s,. J For headache Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pilla. Some p Wben stage sympathy s,^p, ^ ^ The postage rate, „„w , Bnto.0 and Inland i.s per ounce or fraction thereof. A man is pretty i husgtninsiflieean’t ,1„ With it, annoys Mr, B,.ya„ latt to be going awav back old record and past perf„,„^: our Tobacc! To Burlington. WHY haul your tobacco to distant markets when you can get just as much for it on the Bur hngton Market? Our sales are increasing every day. Our buyers want tobacco and they are will- ing to pay for it and just as much as you can get on any other market. We want to give you a home market but we must have your help. We are here, ready and willing to do our part by seeing that you get the top mar ket price for each and every pile of tobacco put on our floor. rnmA tn Spa ll« give us a trial and we VOnic lU OCc USj know we can send you home pleased : : : ; ; ; . OUR MOTTO is: Highest market price and a square deal to each and every one. Get your to bacco ready and bring it to us and we will treat you right. Truly your friends, Hall & Thomburgl tf^^We Sell Every Day, 1 We are usherin|g in the new season with a OPENING SALE! An occasion of double attractions—a style exhibit and an economy event combined! We are not only SHOWING the best and the best and the most of the new Autumn Garments, Fabrics and Accessories, but are SELLING them at special, unequalled low prices. This is a DIFFERENT store, anyhow. It delights to do th« unusual, and right now, when others are holding up prices on the new things, we are marking them as low as advantageous buying and a contentment with small profits will permit. In consequence, the selling is brisk. No woman wants to miss this opportunity to supply her Fall needs at round prices-savings—especially when the savings entails absolutely no sacrifice of style or quality. Millinery Opening Sale. > ■ 'M}. ■;?-y /■ ^ ^ WJll Such hats! Each '‘one an individ ual triumph of the mi 11 i n e r’s art, .Domestic and Pti r i s i a n models — copies and originals for street and dress wear — smart, exclusive, be coming—yet re markably I 0 vv- priced. Our tr i m m e r s are right fresh from the Nor them markets, imbued with the most fashionable ideas Men’s Clothing Opening Sale. f\lSTlNCTiVE, smartly-tailored, perfect-fit- ^ ting garments in the correct fall fabrics, representing the newest patterns and shades— elegant blacks, smoked gray, browns and fancies. You might as well save on your| 35(; and 40c fancy wool dress goods, Fall Open- suit. Here’s your chance. $6.50 and 7.00 .suits, fall opening ^ale, fo.25 T.'IO, 8, and 8.50 suits |9 and 10 .sUits, 111.50 and 12.60siiits, |15 suits, $18 ^uits, $22.50 sujit's, ^12.50 rain-proof overconts §15 “ 18,00 “ “ Boys’ suits, great Hue, and 10. Children's knee pant suits, |I, 1.75, 2.25, 3, 8.50, 3.95, 4.60, 5.25 and up to 6.50. Men’s pants, excellent line, |1, 1.50, 1.90, 2.40, 2.85, 3.40. 3.85, 4,25, 5, and up to 7.50. Knee pants, 25c to 1.25, full hne. 5, 6, 6 50 “ 7.50 A 8.50 “ 10.00 ‘‘ 12.00 “ 15.00 “ ' 17.50 “ 10,00 12 50 “ 15.00 7.25, 8.50, 9 ing Sale, only 25c and 29c New Fall Dress Goods. AN excelleiit opportunity to save considerably on Ae new Fall Dress Goods, and to be first to introduce the new weaves and patterns. Endlesii variety, new novelties and staples. Note tliiese prices: 25c fancy suiting, great variety of colors, Fall Opening Sale, I5c 25c fancy wool plaids, checks and stripe3, ‘Fall Opening Sale, only igc For 50c a great line of fancy dre.ss goods in browns, blacks, tans, green.s, in stripes, plaids and checks. 75c suiting, 50-in., Fall Opening Sale, only 58c $1 plaids, checks, stripes and plain suitings, special tor this sale, 75c fl broad cloth only 75c $1.50 serge and fancy dress goods, Fall Opening Sale, only , $1.25 Special lot of 50c and 60c dress goods, th's sale only 39c $1.25 broadcloth, only $1.00 Large line of black dress goods in all the new styles and weaves at from 25o to $1.75 yd. (( U- ti u (C n 8Ac 10c Staple Dry Goods. These prices are worth yonr attention as they mean much saving to yoo. Good heavy sheeting, 1 yd. wide, value 7c, 5c 40-in. Sea Island, fine quality, Fall Opening Sale only 6c 10c bleaching. Fall Opening Sale, 8c 12Jc 12|^c cambric 12|c percale Best calico 10c and 12|c chiviot Outings, 8c canton flannel only a a u c a a u (( a ii lOc 12|c 15c 50c pant cloth, good Ker.sey, only 25c blue twilled flannel, Fall Opening Sale j»st half, 12|c. Tremendous deal made price. Knit Underwear Spedal. YOU may wonder how we are enabled to seB at soch prices. WeD, it is pnrchasiiif large quantities direct from the mills that make suoi savings. 50c ladies’veste and pants, nice sniooth .stoch, soft-fl*'Pced, Fall Opening Sale, only 50c men’s heavy fleeced .shirtjs and drawers, '39c Children’fl vests,^ lOc to oOc Children’s union suits, 20c to 6oc Bt)yo shirts and drawers, heavy fleeced only 2oc $1 Wright’s Bealth Underwear only Glail, China, Plain and Decorated Ware. A tremendous stock. Ladies can revel in ^i-^ immense stock. It’s a large store of itself. Ouf Fall Opening Sale means much in this depart ment. We will not attempt a d^ription or prices here, but if you will come to our store will show you the most complete line of ware so the state. Keep your eyes on this store and vi.. it it often. It will reveal much saving*. department store JOS. A. ISLEY & BRO. CO. Burlington, n c Once ui tree tl |ibe lake di ijoBt alike, ^iod many lind the kaj^ |*seaUi the A But all I’lood fJliss Katyiil |tto litHe ffM gaW, |iHt]e water r1 Itkem far ai iton In Itbe hUl at |«y littJe lend of ten iheirfl etr old ‘ Tlltow, I'But the' lif ‘ get aroui thani rtp to the with ill them *t alike, I in a young ftBd th(i^ how _ l*Oi the bti iwedo »Koing tl »1 eye»- * to th« die at |)km tree.**J did when asalu,; 'A.Jai,tz| m W( to I J»«y to «ii ■^om. may || fr wait- file; of I to ^ t carri 1^ WIsli of Mg ^ woai ^ rn A/i