liwpIS The State Dispatch, WASUINGW imES. FOB THE lEMPUIVEIL Vroin i>ur Ueguiar Correspondent. , 'Wiushingteii, I>. C., Nov. 9.-— Tlic caiupuign that has just closed has rfsulUHi in a triumpli greater evoM than the Joost optotuistic lie- pubiioaii had lioped for. This liow- ever, 'lan be readily nuderstuod. Tlie ii('j)i)l)lican party has been making iM'uiuisfs ill Use past aud living up to them So tlurruughiy that the peo ple have come to take that party at its word. It will be interesting to the people at large to know tnat | di^^.ists proposed by premier. Asquiili The British Government Prepsired to Expend $1,500,900 For the Unemployed. Montreal Standard. The very serious matter of the unemployed in Kngland came up for discussion in the House of Com mons a few days ago for a larger dole of money tluin last year and the ( xpediting of the naval ship-build ing programme were the only expe- reviriion of the tarift, which was promised in the iiepublican plat- lorm, has been under way for sever al months aud that Chairman Payne of the Ways and Means Committee, of the House of Represntatives, has been diligently working through the summer and tall in preparation of in his uufonlding of the goveria- laeni’s plan to meet the situation The gravity of the case arising fr^^m the fact that hundreds of thousands are the verge of starvation through lack of work was fully re cognized by the premier, but he said he could not undertake, in the leg- the bill that will remove the inequal-I igijjtive field, to grapple with the ities of the existing tariff and at the same time afford the necessary pro tection. It is understood that the tariff on steel and iron maehinery wiU be reduced about one-lourth and that the tarifl* on woolen gar ments will also be reduced as well as the tariff on binding twine, wire naits aud farming machinery. Another advanced step to be tak en immediately is the establishment of postal savinj^s banks so that mill ions ol people in this country, es pecially w'omen and children, who have saved up a few dollars aud don't know where to put it, can de- po-sit ic with the Government which insures its safety aud receive a siuaii interest of 2 per cent, w'hich will be a great impros^eme:;t over' tUe old way of hiding it m an old stocking. This will bring millions and mill ions of dollars out of hiding places and thus keep this money in circu lation. Another advanced step of reform that the incoming administration will aoiiomplish, is the establishment of pk'stai parcel delivery. This wiil open up competition with the ex press companies which is well icnuwn have been charging exhorbi- tant rates for transportation of par cels. permanent causes thereof until the next session. The government, be said, was prepared to provide a fund of f 1,500,000 to help the unem ployed and the admiralty was giv ing out orders for the construction of nine torpedo boat destroyers and five unarmored cruisers, to cost a total of 112,500,000, two months earlier than originally had been in tended. The premirr made also a bid for recruits, saying that the war office was ready to take on 24,000 men for winter training in the special re serves. These proposals quite fail to meet the demands of the labor members of the house. Says She’s a “Love Pirate. Chicago Dispatch to Is'ew York Merald. ‘•The girl in the dowii-town office is constant menace t) the wife in / the home. She is a love pirate, whether she intends to be or not. Slie is the bird of brilliant plumage that fascinates and lures men from the gray re.spectabiJity of the hotm'.’’ In this statement Mrs. Benedetto Allegretti, who has just obtained a decree of separate mainteUanS^ from her hunhand, a River street candy manufacturer, charging that he has been fascinated by Mary McLain, a pretty Scottish maiden known as “the candy heart girl,’^^ to-day sum med up her jukgment on the wo man in business. Mrt). Allegrettie said that, con- s^ioasly or not, the girJ in the office with another woman’s husband ex erts an influence for evil on the man, ,uo cannot help contrasting An Editor’s Love Letter. “Dear darling delinquent! Our precious subscriber inairears! You are so shy! Do yuo think we have sold out and gone? No little sugar pinm, we could not get a^^ay if we w^auted to, VVc are still at the old stand dishing out the news on sweet promises and bright expectations. They make an excellent liet, dar ling, with a little punding flavored with a word of encouragement to serve as dessert. We are waiting and watching for thee, darling, our turtle dove. We long to hear thy genele footsteps on the stairw'ay be low and hear the ring of the happy dollars within our office. Dear one, we feel unusually sad and lonely without you, dear. JSow little pie etust, will yfHi, will you come? Do we hear your answer in a voice so swiee and geguiling, ‘Tam coming,” or is it only tije wjuds iha^; aroudd our office roars? \Ve pause for fur ther development,—Ex. her neat gowns, her well-kept hands, her trimly shod feet, her picture hair, and her care-free, smil ing face with the busy housekeep ing w'ife in her gingham gown. “It is impossible that a man and a girl can asaoeiate constantly in an >jfice without eliminating thal re serve which would exist had the roan met the girl in her home or in some social way. The tact is that in a short time the mao gets to know the girl better than her own mother knows her.^’ HE BANKED ON THE JOB. ad Case of a Rockingham county Candidate Who Gat Left' in Count. it is stated that a Democratic candidate for an office in Rocking ham county was so confident of his election that he leased his farm, rented a house ’u Worth, sowed rye,, and packed his household goods pre paratory to moving. He awoke the moruiog after the election to find that he was defeated, and probably agrees with A1 Fairbrother that it is pretty safe to talk politics and raise chickens on paper, but poor Inisines^ when taken seriously. The of the Rockingham gentleman Hurely hasn’t a parallel in the his- I'vy or political uncertainties. Giving Out The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of Burlington. Around all day with an achhing back; Can’t rest at night; Enough to make any one “give out.” Doan’s Kidney J’ills will give renewed life. They will cure tiie headaclie; Cure every kidney ill. E. L. Thomas, Magnolia St., Greensboro, N. C., says: “Doan’s Kidney Pills proved of more value to me than any kidney remedy I ever used and am pleased to give them my endorsement. I suffered a great deal from pains in the small of mv back and upon arising in the morning I would be very lame. During the day ,I became easily tired, headaches were of frequent occurrence tjnd the too frequent ac tion of the kidney secretions caused me a great deal of annoyance. See ing Doan’s Kidney Pills highly ad vertised, 1 procured a box. They weet immediately to the seat of my trouble and it required but a short use to banish the pains in my back. I have not had a symptom of kid ney complant since.” Plenty more proof like this from Burlington people. Call at the Freeman Drug Co., and ask what their customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. For Sale.—Tickets for the usual i'liulrennial Salt River excursion, low^ A])j)ly to Norman Wm. J. Bryan, or Henry torso n. (,':.;il ' I'usli.—Yello\v J'H'ket. ' Business Picking Up. One of the largest manufacturing concerns in Louisville Kentucky now emloying live thousand hands w'ill increase its force by another thousand in the near future. This firm states had Mr. Taft not been elected more than fitty per cent of the present employees would be w'ith out work. A Chicago manufacturing plant has made the following assertion: “Taft’s election will compel fifty per cent increase of factory labor. Merehan, Schuett, Parker aud Company, a big Inmbcr concern of Saginaw Mich, has made the asser- o ^ tion that Mr. Taft’s election will in crease their employes by twenty- five per cent. A large manufacturing plant at Birmingham Ala. state that since Taft’s election they will work from three to five hundred more hands. An iron and steel w'ork at Buffalo state that they expect to add four iiundred and fifty men to their pre sent force by Deceaiber the first, A manufacturing concern at Worcester, Mass., said that it would add two hundred men to its forco. A chemical company of Loston said that it would take on one hun dred and fifty men. A steel company at Columbus, O., said that it would double its force by December the first. A lumber company of Seattle Wanh., states that it will be able to add two hundred eaiployees since Taft’s election. Commenting on these replies, now made public, this statement was made today by the association: The percentage of replies re- coivetl shows that at least one-half of the 15.,000 members of the National Association of Manufac turers expect to add to their pres ent force more than 200,000 work- ingpjen. Taking; this as a basis, it IS safe to assume that the 13,000 manufacturers, which, according to the census of 1900, f>mployed an average of 100 men or over will add at least 50 pur cent, to their pres ent force, making a total in round numbers of 650,000 men. In other words, with the continuance of bus iness confidence the important inau- ufjicturing interest of the country will be enabled to increase their present force by more than 600,- 000 workingmen to meet the mark et demands for their products. IBeware of Ointments for Catarrh tbat ContalD Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell arid completely de range the whole system when en tering it through the laiucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they wdll do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactureid by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer cury, aud is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catiarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F, J. Cheney and Com pany. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggist. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take iEall’s Family Pills for cons tipation. avotd An Asheville special to the In dustrial News of Greensboro says of the events of election day in Ashe ville tbat “the Democrats in their extremity had the pri.souers in jail taken to the polls and voted.” And vet the Tenth district, in which Asheville is liKjatc^l, '!ected Mr. Grant, a Republican, This morning it is apparent that the two great elements of the popu lation—the business men and the farmers—have decided in favor of experience against theory, stability against radicalism, progress against experiment. Another element, that of organized labor, has evi dently refuse 1 to leave the Repub lican party in a body. The cardi nal principle of the Republican party is again approved; that is, the majority of the people stand for pro tection to American industry and labor,-^Washington Post, Ind. Professional Cards | John H. Vernon, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Burlington, N. G. Office over Bradley’s Drug Stor, Phone 65. TTwlAlBir ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOB AT LAW Burlington* N. C Office in PledmoDt Building. Dr. R. M. Stockard Veterinary Surgeon Office at Burlinjiton Drug Store Day Phone 244 A. Night Phone 155 The Fifth District combine ex ploded on the 3rd inst., and blew Mr, Brooks into a thousand politi cal pieces. The thing went off un expected. TCfeneratioaB df live, vrideK awake Ameriewi Bi>vfl liair€> obtained the Hght of PIREAkM EDUCATION hy heing equijpped with the aherring, time-honoxcd STEVENS ve BatdTmre Mad PPOl STB Send 5 ce 100 Page John R. Hoffman, Attomey-at-Law, Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Piedmont BuUdinx. WANTED-^Experienced top- peas to work in Hosiery mill. Wil pay four cents per dozen. Regular work . Apply to jBellevue Mfg. Co., Hillsboro, N. C. Rheumatic Patna relieved toy im ot Dr. MUefl' Anti'Paln FUla. IS doses 3S ets A Wonderful Loop. Chsirlotte Observer, Mr. J. Norment Powell, general counsel of the Carolina, Ciinchfield & Ohio road, tells the Spartanburg H( raid a story that would seem iu- crtdible to thost. who are not fam- ilinr w'ith the great loop on the road. On his first trip over the rowd, in a regular passenger train, he sat on the rear platform. Sud denly his hat blew off. The con ductor against his protest, stopped the train aud sent the flagman back for the hat. To the surprise of Mr. Powell the conductor pulled the cord and started the train. “Your surely are not going ;o leave your flagman!’^ exclaimed Mr. Powell. “Oh! yes,” replied the oonductor., “he will overtake us.” The train was soon going at thirty miles an hour, but in twenty minutes stopped and the flagmaa got aboard. He had walked down a steep path about six hundred feet aud got aboard the train he had left nine miles back, and, as the conductor said, had overtaken the train and waited fully ten minutes for it besides. People who have observed this remarkable loop can easily believe Mr.PowelPs story. As one point where he lost his hat one can toss a rook to the track below, yet it is nine miles around the loop. The Carolina, Ciinchfield & Ohio dis counts the Western North Carolina (•n loops and tuunels. Important Ruling by Jud{;e Boyd. Judge Boyd made an important ruling Saturday which will be of interest throughout the State. Ele held that the presence of a person at an illicit distillery was ])rima facie evidence ol the guilt of the person, saying that such person was really aiding and abetting in the operation of the still. lu the trial of mooQshine cases in the past per sons found at the blockade sti.ll when the raid was made have tesii* fied ^'-that they were just passing by and stopped a minute,” and have thus escaned. In future such a de fense won^t go with .Jndo;e Bovd. For lioaJache Ur. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pllla. Remarkable Slory I The story of Mrs. Matilda Warwick, of Kokomo, as told below, proves the curative properties of ithat well-known female remedy. Wine of Cardui Mrs. Warwick says: tmCARDUI It Will Help You “I suffered from pains in my head, shouIderSi I limbs, side, stomach lo w down, dizziness, chills, ner- I vousness, fainting spells and other female troubles. II was almost dead. Three doctors did not help me. I At last, I took Cardui, and with the first bottle ob- j tained relief, Now I am cured. But for Cardui, II would have been dead.” Try Oaxdui AT ALL DRUG STOEES inta In stamps for lUuBtrated Catalog. R^lete with STBVEHS and creneral flrearm in* formation. Striking eoTor In colors. J. mVENS ARMS lb TOOL CO. P.0.B«4M ' ' ClffiMpivt Fdbt llMi» Advertisers please remem ber that to change, dit continue or place a new ad. tlie regula tions as to tinie men tioned on editorial page muet be observ ed. Established 1893~IncorpoTated 1906. Home insurance & Investment Co. Insurance—All Branches. Strongest Companies in the world represented exclu sively in this office. Losses paid since organization more than $100,000,00. Correspondence solicited. JAS. P. ALBRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. BSTBR wm n yk REPEATING RIFLES FOR HUNTING No matter what you hunt for or where you hunt, the answer to the question “What rifle shall I take?’’ is—a Winchester. Winchester Repeating Rifles are made for all styles of cartridgeSn from .22 to .50 caliber. Whichever model you select you will find it an accurate shooter, reliable in action and strong in construction* WtMhtrttr Ga.i* and Ammunition—fk» Red W Br*nd—or* modi for tach otlur, WtNCnSVTBB HEIPEATJMG ARMS CO., - NEW HAVEW, »Oltll» It is a very serious matter to ask for oiiR medicine and ha'W the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to he caieful to get the genuiiie~> BUck^migHT iiivcr Medicine The reputation of this old, rt)U»> ble medicine, for constipation^ in* digestion andHver trouble^ ia iiha* ly established. It does hot imitata other medicines. It is better ^um others, or it would not be die vorite liver powder, with • larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 THE Charlotte Observer The Largest and Best News paper in North Carolina. Every day in Year, $8.00 a Year. The OvtsKRVKR conei&ts of 10 to 12 payees daily and 20 to 32 pages Sunday. It handles more nevi« matter, local, State, national and foreign than any other North Carolina new spupier. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER is unexcelled as a news medium, and is alec fillfid with excellent matter of a miS' ceilaueouB nature. AddresH THE OI?SERVER CO.. Charlotte. N. C. ENTS i Fi'ee ivJVioe, bow to obialn jMitctito, tnuie ! copyrijclitB. eta, in nu, COUNTHICS. I Business direct wiVA Wasi^tig'tm savtt i money and ofien tkt patent, ' Patent and liifringment Praettf* Excludvviyi, , Write or oo*oe to lU at , 6S» Hlntb atrM, TTdIM IMm IklNit W*»KIHaTdH, D. C. w mm liiiiiRNxn(»nu sicn»uKr A Library in One Book Besides an aeedrate, jMrac- Ucal. sdkolaxly vooabu- laiy of Bngliah, enlw^ yrm 26,OOONII W WOBl>S, the luteiniatioiial eontaitis a History of the JBngUfih Zrfmg;aage, Guide to lno~ nimoiatfon, Biotionary of Tictioii, New Oaaetteer of the World, New Bion»ph - ical Dictioim^, VooTOtdatj^ of Sonptore Names, Greek and Ijatixi Nunes, and Eng lish Christiaii Names, For eign Ouotations, Abbrevia* tions, Metdo Eto. SeO>UlmitraUona. smutm mowiimH m bookp ««( of onr jAiUcoutiiK •*'9 Tic I o Paper Editions. 1 Vr'tafor“Pi«>ioiiit?TX'-^r'»l;W*—■■ i C. tSElSHlA* Cl, r, ^ r.KST. > f-' i '"t ■;'V, ■.■•I V./; ■ i 'M