The State Dispatch. A fs.' ■ U-; . ;. i ri I! THE STATE DISPATCH i'ublished ICvery WeduesJay -By- The State Dispatch Publishing Company, Burliogtoa, N. C. Banks K. Teague, W. A. Hall, rresuleiit OJfice No. 7, Piedmont Building Telephone No. 205. John R. Hoffman, Editor and Bn*in«»* Manager the Democratic press has heaped iipDH local. State and national Re publican politicians, and all tli6 I wrangling in our own honschold, I liistorv has yet to record oo rush an ! act b}' any member of the Republi- can party. This offensive crime is Vice-President 1reiteration of bistoi'y itself, wlieu we claim that Hon. Chas. B. Aycock and Governor Gleun are mistaken when thev say that peace, love, harmoDy and quietude io su preme in our State. ^ e venture the assertion that at no time in the All conimunicati ns in rep:arct to either i • ^ j gfate had there beeo news items or business matters should tilMOiy oy ui , be addressed to The State Diipatcb and not j luuruers and blgil- io any individual connected with the perpetrated within the past eight years. Whether present conditions shall continue and suicide increase is one of the questions that the in coming legislature must consider, if it is not able to settle. We are raising no kick, but the scene is so pitiable that we can not refrain from pausing to take a look. Subscription, One Dollar per year, pay able in advance. paper. . . All news notes and communications ol importance must be signed by t be writer. We are not responsible tor o pinions of >vir corresnondente. Notice to Ad«rti*er*»—Advertisemeot* for Kie 2, b, i5 aud i put(e» mmt b9 m th» •See by Friday, li M., »ad tho*» tor ■*, Und 8 bj IM U. Subscribers will take notice that no re ceipt for subscription for The State Dispatch wUl be honored at t.his office unless it is numbered with stamped figures. Entered as second-class matter May 20, iy08, at the post office at Burling ton, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress of March 3,1879. Wednesday, November 25, 1908. Whitsett Items. Miss Ora Shephead, who has been snendifjc, some time with her sister, Mrs, Gray, at Gastonia, is now at her home for a few weeks. The y. M. C. A., gave their usual special Thanksgiving .service Sun day to a large crowd. A large crow'd gathered in the Chapel Sunday evening to hear Dr. Whitsett lecture on “The Seven Greatest Nations.” Mrs, R. E. Buck, of Greensboro, Thanksgiving. To-morrow has been set apart by our Governor as State Thanksgiv ing day, aud President Roosevelt has proclaimed it National Thanks giving day, in accordance w'ith the custoui of many years. In all of I is sjiending some time herewith her our largest cities and in many of; parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. C\ Clapp. ™r small t.nvns all^ of, TI.e AtI.tmUm Sodety cxi«ls to , . j . , 'dvean ontertainmpiit on lhank.s-i business will suspend tor the dav, . • w .k . Qto,. r':,...',. ' I giving nigiit, the otar Oiroie also j The proprietors of s.,me going to ^ fall exercise on J church to ofl^'er their tliauk;^ through ulgbt of December 5t!i. To j songs and prayers, others go to the, whicli the j)ul>lic is invited. ' | field and indulge in the pleasure (tfj Mr. and ^Irs. .hrnest Clapp, of; , , • f. •! ,1 . 'Greensboro .^pent Sutichiy here. i snatehmg from quail aud hare that: ‘ ,, . ,/ ,r. , i ^ : Mr. C, C. Barnhardt of High: which God alone can g'vc—nfe. ■ tj,e| Millions of patriotic men, women yi.3;ii„g relatives liere. { and children will gather around the ; ]Miss Blanche Rankin sj)ent Wed- gridii’ons of Richmond, Norfolk,' and Thursday of last week Indianapolis and at similar places (-Tieenshoio. j Mrs. G. W. J>aveiinort of Bur-i to .see the greatest games 01 foot i u 1 ® " ' hn;^ton \va‘i a vis.tor iieve Snmlay. ball that our nation has any record ' jj j7 Kuight has been riglit of. Many of our people will sp(>nd lor the last week, glad to say the day in quietude around the fain- slu> i.^. niii(;h iietter at this writing, ily hearthstone, others visiting iheir ^ J(«hn R. Weatherly spent last neighbors and the majority of us all; Oreen.sboio. will be epicureans, iu the full sense i.. n 1 /n. n . »i n., , I, , I nr I Mr. Holl bives rromineace to Ala- of the word. But here in Burhng-| ton it is to be feared that not even i mance History. one store will close its doors and i Mr. Erwin A. Holt Ivis again its proprietor turn his face toward ! his int^irest in the local t J 1 ^ 1 • 1 1 p i history by hiwinsi; i)rinted a post heaven and reach out his hand for: • ^ ‘ m, tI , „ , , , ^ I entitled, “Alamance Ihe Inrst the s.,ols of men „ml tlumk G.,,1 for; „„ ^ the uianifold blessings diat have j tiful colo'"('d pietnrc showing the showered upon them in the physi-; deatli of Robert Thompson by Gov. Tryon. 'j'his scene was secured from the Jones l^ros,, Cincinnati, Ohio. It I.-, a pleasure to us to know that we have such a man \/ho iias enough interest in the iiis- toncid events of the opening scene of tlie Revolution to give tliem to the public as Mr. r: ult is doing. 0)j the opposite side of the card is the incription wiiich explains itself. R. F. D. No. 5, Tliere came to Mr. John R. Ald ridge’s home last Friday Mr. Rufus Aldridge’s first grand son. We regret to learn that Mr, H. Clay King, a prominent citizen of R. F. D. No. 5, met with a verv ^ «/ painful, but not eerious accident Saturday afternoon' at Long’s Chapel, while loading a large box that was used there during the con ference.,, In some way Mr. King fell and the box fell upon him in such a way as to break three ribs cal, raoral, financial^ and spiritual j world. Can it be that death, and death alone, will turn us from our rt,uuldeuing chase of wealth to C^od, the giver of every got>d and j^erfect gift? C'an it be, that ac- tju iroment and not enactment is the goal toward which we are all strug gling? How much better it would be if ever^^ one in our own town and county would turn from the hurry of business activity and .steal away, like the Arabs of old, aud of fer unto God praise, prayer and thanks that are )ustly due to an all- wise Father. We call upon the citizens of Ala mance county to demand of the business men of the county thut they dose th^ir doors of business to the v.’ovld and open the windows of their souls to God. Whether this shall be done is left'for the mtriotic f«'' ■ ,, , 1 speetiy recovery, citizens of our county to determine.! ^ ^ li 'Sad indeed must be the new's that comes from Wake county, to ev'Qi'V -Democratic pie hunter. Lit tle \fOuld any one have thought that 4 minister of the gospel would have become so engulfed in the lo cal Democratic jK)litical sea tliat he would capsize his own canoe aft^r an imsuccessful voyage. But such is the case of the Rev. A. D. Hun ter, and we only pause in our haste to solve the political loss to our State and nation to ask this simple question; does Holy Writ apply to him (Mr. Hunter) when it says “that ihe way of the transgressor is hard?” With all the abuse\ that \ Local and Personal. Tlieie w^ill be a special Thanks giving sermon preached on next Sunday evening at the Baptist Church at 3 o’clock to the Junior Order by Rev. Oldham, Mr. W. M. Baker was called away last Friday to Raleigh on, account of the illness of his mother who died yesterday afternoon about 2 o’clock. Mrs. Baker’s home w'^as at Tarboro. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Johnson wish to thank their many friends for the kindness shown them dar ing the illness and death of their daughter, Esther. Japan is afraid to kick China while the other nations are looking. Get Your Type written Circular Letters First Class Work MEN’S FALL SHOES. $2, $2.50, $3, $4 and $5. In buybg your faU shoes you will do well to con sider our new line at . ■ i . above prices/ lor they are the best value it is possible to give. Their style is good, their fit is good, their service is good, and if your Shoes give satistaction in these three most important points you will be a satisfied customer. We are the people that can satiu^ you, t4»r we have innumerable styles to select Irpm* Also a full line of of Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neck^ wear, Qoves & Men’s Underwear at the very lowest possible prices. Full line of Elkin home-made and high cut shoes always on hand. Valuable Farm For Sale! A LARGE house, commodious barn and other outbuildings on 200 acres of good land. Two miles from Whitsett Institute. Easy terms to prompt buyer. For detailed information address Box 191, Burlington, N. C., or call at— Our Printers Are All “Top Notdiers” Aren’t you ired of pay inf yon r good money for hideou.sJob work? Aren’t you disgusted when you do;i’t get your job at the time it was promisefl you? Aren’t you tired ■ f experimenting^ and don’t you want ilu* JiEST printing by the B.PIST |>rinter.s in the county? Then learn to know abou' P.ii^e & Davies’ Priuting. Good business nen prefer it. Repre-eniarive m mulacturers use it. Live advertisers know of no other sort. Write an i tell Jts what your needs are, ATE & DAVIES, “The Printers” An Office THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED for the Production of FIKELT PRINTED WORK OAVIS & WORTH STS. PHONE 249. BURLINGTON,|N. C Green and Specialty Sellars I t Terms: Cash or Fumiture^and|House|Fumishings, GRAHAM,pORTH CAROLINA. m Jpnrfnmery, tbrthehajjd jBfttiii Soaps,! Schc C( I u IFreeh nuts type’s. fMiss Lola lurham on buj Payne’s prii Ktter than thel Mr. C. O. (isiting friendsl Miss Viola 3g her parent Mr. J. W. SI pas here Satui Mr. Jas. F. Illness trip to Raj The best mil *ayne's, fifteen| Mrs. J. A. iras here last Mrs. a P. Ipent Monday Mrs. Walter ^Stiver, was her« •0' Mr. and M /iSfraham, were ithg. To get the bi ). Payne’s an 9tx)ck. ||| Oil, what a Me Show” a na| pRsse. ikr. H. D. trip to D ek. WANTED Ired free ticke' March. Miss Free! I spent a few da i ing her aunt. Mrs. May If Hillsboro, wh fedays visiting fi M Mrs. Sarah I? spent the first i Mrs. Cornelius Miss H. L. I boro, spent the Mr. J. W. Ati Mrs. I. H. )aieuts last imseur Weds V Miss Daisy gpfint part of la i; ii.^r Miss Olivia If - MONEY TC dred and fifty d Call at Dispatc Miss Lois ( few days at he friends in Orai Mrs. Ferre Mebane, are t %0. Smith fgr a Miss Oliva r Mebane, w w days visiti The editor I^Bpent Saturday Iwith his mothe Mrs. J. A fepent a part o [ her father, Mr Mrs. T. L. ing two week retamed to Gt Mib. W. N l HU|, spent pa |iug her broth( Miss Mami( l s}^tflfew d* [ frienids and re The four yel Self

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