The State Dispatch. 1^;i: ■ 1?:; h\ % r' [t; 9 f f Church Directory. St, Athanaeius Episcopal Churcli.. Rev. Edward L. Ogilby, Rector. Mr. Erwin A. Holt, Mr. S. A. Steele. - St'uior Warden. Jia.iior W arden. Vestry: yiessrs. Eugene Holt, James N. William- 80B, Jr., Lawrence S Ho!t, Jr., J*^i;iley L. Williamson. Julius C. Squires, Lewie C. Carter, William A. Hall. Services: Snnday, 11.00 A. M.—8.00 P. M. ■Wednesday. 8.00 P. VL Snnday School, 9,45 A- M. Holy Communion, First buuday, 11.00 1,. jvl. Third Sunday, 7.30 A. M. Christian Church. Corner Church and 'Davie Streets. Rct. p. H. Flemisg, Pa*tor. Services; Preaching eveiy Snndagj 11.00 i M. *»d 8 P. M. . r - 8uDdi»y Sckobl. *'.'45 A- •».«« ** xoeter, Supt. , Christian Endeavor Servic s, Sunday evenings at 7.15. Mid-week Prayer Service, every Wed nesday at 8.00 P. M. ri • j. Ladies Aid and Missionary Socicty meets on Monday after the Sec'nd Sun day in each month. « A cordial invitation extended to all. A Church Home for Visitors and Stranjjere. Burlington Reformed Chnrdb. Corner ^ront and Anderson Streets. Rev. J. D, Andrew, Pastor. Sunday School every Sabbath. 9.30 A. M. Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sabbath, 11 A. M. and 8 P. iVt. Mid w'eek Service every Thursday, 7.-i5 P. M. A cordial welcome to all. Parsonage 2nd door east of church. Presbyterian Church. Rev. Donald Mclver, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11.00 A. M. »ind 8 P. M. Sunday School at!).45 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Wetliiesday at 8.00 p. M. The public is cordially invited to oil seivices. WATERED lABOr Watered Capital Not the Only Factor in Bringing About Busi ness Depression. Wall Street J ournal. During the past oampaiga a great dt-al was said about “waiered capi tal.’^ Nobody, Ixjwever, deveiped the courage to talk about “watered labor.’’ When a plant worth |lO0,OOO is capitalized lor f 1,000,000, it is cor rect to say that ^900,000 of that capitalization is water. The stock market will attend to squeezing out the water, that being one of its most valuable functions, and if the plant io well run and improved out of earnings, the water can be replaced by tangible capital, as for instance it has been largely in the case of the United States Steel Corporation. If in the erection of that $100,000 plant a labor union exacte by com bination |3.50 a day for unskilled labor worth ^1.50, the remaining ^2 is water. Every cent paid to a jvorkman above the value of the wealth he creates is water. He is in fad doing the very thing on which is based the chief complaint against capital. Not much more than a year ago, organized labor did no allow a brick layer to lay more than 700 bricks a day. A very good man can lay 1,800. There art more bricklayers than jobs for them now, and the same bricklayer today who was lay ing 700 bricks i.s now probably 1,400. The difference between the 700 and the 1,400 bricks is water. It is a charge made for wealth not created. Bad work, cheap work, laKy work, unconscentions work, wilfully .slow work, all of them con- lich Front Street M. E. Church, South. Rev. E. M. Scipes, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday, morning- and evening. Sunday School, 9,30 M. Prayer Service, Wsdne.«day evening. Macedonia Lutheran Church. Front Street. Rev. C. Brown Cox, Pastor. (Residence next do^r to Ch’.;rcli.) .Morninj;; Service at 1100 A. AI. , V spers s.t 8.00 P. M. (No services fm tliird Sniiuays.) Sunday School, l(.4ry A. M,,every SnnrHy Teachers Meeting. iVednep!dny, K.OO I’, M (At i’arsonage.) Woman's Mi.-si iruvry Society (after niorniog .service on funi’th Suridiiy.s.) L. C. Ba,, Satardav b-fore tliird Sun days, 3.00 p. M L. L. Ij., third S nidays at 3 00 f, >f. Baptist Church. Rev. C. Almon Upchurch, Pastor. ^'•orning ServicKS. 11.00 .M. Evangelistic Servic-e^, 8.0(t p. .M. Vvedne.sday oight pravf r meeting ser- vices'.. 8 p. M. BuKineK.s meeting, first Wednesday evening of the !aonth at 8.00 P. M. Snnday School, 0.4."» A. M. J. L. Scott, Supt. The Methodist Protestant Church, Rev, J. H. Abernathy, Pastor. Sunday Service.;, 11 a. m. a,id 8 p. m. Sundaj' School, la a. m. ,J. i. Rogers Supt. ChriHtian Eadva or, We,dne8ila y 8 p. m ■L. W. hoit, Pv,s. Webb Avenue M. E. Cimrch, R«v. W. F. 3i.iiford, Pastor. Preachino; n.vei'v fii-'-.t Snnday at 11 a. m. and ev:,'ry - •I'ond Snnday at 11a. m. and 8 p. ni. Si'inday-wc-hool every Snn day at 10a. n:. K. >i. Jarrett. Supt, Everybody welcrtae. 1HE WORLDS GREATEST SEWIK8 MACHINE .LIGHf RUNNING LOOKINU FORWARD TO 1II12! Speculation as to Line"Up of Part ies Four Years Hence. Philadelphia Ledger. Tfce question of 1912 threatens the Republican party as positively as it threatens tha organization latt?- ly diifeiJted under Bryan. If the Democrats must build up their vot ing strength the Republicans must avoid blunders. The ancient con troversy over the tariff obtrudes it self before the electors meet t« choose a new President. On botn sides the leaders are timid about the tariff, but the pressure of forces compels a struggle on that ground, as similar forces compelled parties to light the slavery battle to a con clusion in spite of the dodging and of the leaders. In dealing with the tariff, whiclb may become the great issue of 1912, both parties must take into consid eration tJie experience of the past twenty years. However close to their convi''tions Is the doctrine of free trade, the Democrats will con sult cautiously the business object;- iens to rash disturbance of long-set- tled adjustments. The Republicans will endeavor to show that they are capable of treating the tariff indep endently of the favor of trusts and concentrated interests. Of ti)C two tasks that of the Republicans is the more difficult. If ttiey do iiot hon estly readjust the tariff, the Deaio- crats will have a favorable opening; if they do, they run a risk of bu.-?i- ness trouble. On the other hand, the Democrats under Bryan have fallen into an immense disadvantage ot incapable statesmanship, even of incapable political leadership. If the Republicans fall into blunders, the Democrats may not have leader ship to reap the full advantage. If they get tlie full advantage of Re- piihlican tariff blunders, they may : make niislakes about the currency,! tlu‘ banking laws, or our outlying! po.s.sessions—tiiree subjects on wnich 1 thf'y seem to have only childish im-l No Anarchy! Kansas City Star. In voting down the proposal to ignore iiijunctii)ns, the American Federation of I.i:ibor showed good, bard sense. The cour.'^e urged l)y the committe—to crowd tite jails with Morkmen who iiad disoebyed court orders—would have invited confusion and ruin. In nation with free discussion and an unrestricted ballot there can l)e no possible excuse for a refuse! to obey the law of the land. If the law is bad, if there are abuses, the remedy lies in electing men who will write the desired changes in the statutes. For every disaffected group to take the law into its own hands would mean anarchy and would evoke an overwh#*iming pub lic sentiment against the men engag- in the movement. This, of course, was recognized by the Federation delegates and the anarchistic pku was defeated bj an overw^helming majority. Their act- tion will be afiplauded by all friends of organized labor. WANTED.—Five loads of dry pine wood. Call at the Dispatch Office. Friends of the Dispatch help your friend go to Washington D, C. March 4th 1909 for the inaugu ration. flight have accepted the pTcpwfiSren. CAIjL on C. F Moser for firsr class grinding of cv.;rn meal. Also corn and cob at Rock Hill Farm Mill, Burlington, R. F. D. No. 1. ] n) stitute water upon which t!ve rest of us work to ])ay dividends. This ap))lies not merely to organized lab or, but to all workers, profcs.sional, busine.-5s and others who denuKid ajid receive more than tliey earn. Nothiriir is reuliy more iiijuriou.s . ■ . i • i i , ,, '| I , 11 1 : pfes,-:ions insu'iui oi iipenea know-| to the wi.ifkman than what is called ^ , , , . ‘ i.. i J , ,, I !• i ! loye, and tliree suliiects iikely at “( acannv.^ it i.s tne einlxKlimeiit ■ . , a , M .1 * .1 I jaiiy movement to pnKiuce wide-j OI the laliacy that ilie woi’kmao! ' I 1 I • r ... 1 ; spread anxietv, i l)on( tifs !)v (loinu as l\;tle Work ‘ , , * . , . , . , • i 1 ’ J *1 I (■ • It IS interestiiu'’ speeulrtion—tins po.ssiIjJv*, iuid therebv ioreinu; thc ', , . ' ., , i , , ‘,1 i Jookuiii: iorvvai’d to li)12. Iheoulv; einnloyinent oi more JiaiHl.-;. j-^very- j , . . . . , • ■ IthinP' certain about it is that i.>ur! practice,; -n i • . . i ! years will oriiig (iie two great pirt-i I ies together with nearly equtsi | ; strengtii and issues which will be, ii I I I 1 : not the saiue, derivatives and tiitv wurKinen are enipiovv-d ''•* “ ' VVANTED.—Four or five loads of stiM’e wood in exchange for year ly subscriptions to the Dispatch. Call at Dispatch Office. l)ody is injured by that and nol> dy more than the work man liiiiiself TIh‘ liic.t can be slated with matheinatieal ju'ecision. If on a velopments of’ those ma le do- j familiar Nesv York Kuti. job which reallv onlv reciuirestwen-i ... 11 ,1 ■. , (. iin recent year.s, ty-rive, tin; extra (wenty-iive a)'e! eonsuming wealtii which uthei'wise j be used to ‘ini)]oy more labor. | yjje Commonest Names. 11 ()U the other hand twenty-five* men are employed on the job and y;ive their l>est effor’.s, thereby pro-| “If you want to hear soiue guess- tlian they creatuig wealtii, employed in other ^ and will ultimately employ far more j Vork City,’’ remarked a man who ihun the uucing more they are must be consume, j i»g wide of the mark, ask .some one which i labor ' what lie would think iliird most (ioinmon name in Nev,' might be the I inf()rme(t on rh- i I pi’obabiliiy is tluscoi'rcct answer will i lad Some- i never be made unless sonte one has unnecessary twenty-live | nuuv'^s it a point to al job. During the boom labor i>e who were ‘*soldieriny’’’ on theoritrin-! small matters of local interest O ' thing of a scacity value, and natural- happened to alight on some such bit ly the workman, through his union, i ^>f information. The fact is that ac- made what lie (lu)ught was the best' ^i’hns; to the best available authori ties the name Miller ranks ttiird, kSmitii holding first place and Brown second. Jt seems almost incredible, blit as a matter of fact the name Miller stands Nvell to the head of the list of most frequently cities bargain for himself He became thi'i’eby one of the important contributory for the panic. The workman, and he ]M'inc!pally, can restore boom times by the cre ation of new wealth. The capital to run a groat boom is simply the siir- ! with in the four plus of created wealth over that country. It stands second part of it which must be (ionsurned in Philadelphia, third inNcwlcork If yon want either a Vibrai ing Shnttlo, Rotary bhuttleoraKinKioThroact [ChainiJtUuhl Scwmg IMacliino write to THE NEW HOME SEWIHQ MACHINE GONIPAKY Orange.j Mass. Maiiy sewS^ig mschincs .ire to sell rcs'urdlcss ot Quality, but the ^'ow Koi'ii-u is niiide to wear Our guaranty never runs out. Sold by authuri/^ea tSoalcrs oisly, rOR SALE BY Ellis Machine & Music Co, to maintain the producer. It is the employment of such weath which finances the bo(.im, and it is the ab sorption of this wealth in fixed forms, or its w'aste by lire, Ht>od, WHr, or other causes, svhieh checks the boom and })roduces the panic. In the long period following a world panic when sucli wealth has to be recreated, the workman, union or otherwise, has an admirable oppor tunity to study elementary econo mics. Had a Close Call | Mrs. Ada L' Groom, the .widely known proprietor of the Croom Ho tel, \ aiighn. Miss,, says; ^‘P'or sev^- eral months I sutfBred w’ltli a severe cough, and consumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King’s New Dis covery. I began taking it, and three boti.les affected a complete cure.’^ The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer i.s world wide. Sold at Freeman Drug Co, 50c and ^1.00. Trial bottle free. (yity, and f(;urth in Chicago, while the name Jones is ’way down the list, holding the eleventh place in New York City and the thirteenth in Boston, with such names as Clark, Williams, White and other names never considerer common preceding it. Currency Reform, Boston Herald, There have bee?^ many indications that the people are ready for intel ligent consideration of banking and currency reform. The interest which was aroused by Congre.'^snian Fow ler’s educational campaign for a cred it currency system was evidence of this fact. The response which greet ed Mr. Bryan’s scheme of deposit guarantees was an indication that the people in the Middle West re cognized banking reform as a live and pertinent issue. Submission to the bankers and business men of the results of investigation into the cen tralized banking systems of other countries will form the basis of dis cussion which should result in an intelligent public opinion support ing a recommendation of the com- W" ANTED—E ;c])erienced top- peas to work in Hosiery mill. Will pay four cents per dozen. Regular work . Ap[>ly to Bellevue Mfg. Co., Hillsboro, N. a Are You Sick? Much sickncss is due to a Aveak nervous system. Yours mav be. If it is, « ^ vou cannot eret well until •/ ~ you restore nerve strength Tour nervous system is nature’s power house; the organs of your body get their power from it. If the power is not there, the action of the organs is wheals, and disease (sick-, ness) follows. Dr. Miles’ Nervine cures the sick because it soothes the iiTitated and tired nerves and gives the system a chance to recuperate. Try it, and see if you do not quickly feel its bene ficial effect. “I was given up to die by a lead ing doctor. Got one of Dr. Miles tooks and found that Dr. Miles’ Ner vine fit my case. From the very flrst dose I took I got better. I am better now than' I have been for years, and do all my own work on the farm. That's what Dr. Miles’ Nervine lia3 done for me, and I am glad to recom mend it to others.” JOHN JAMBS, Riverton, Nebr. Your druggist sells Dr, Miles' Nerv- Ine, and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) If it fall# to benefit you. MEes Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Typewriters For Sale. I have several Second Hand Typewriters of different makes on hand, which I will sell at a bargain, and guarantee them. Come be fore they are picked over. B. E. Teague. Tlio wages of women in ;A.siatic iuricey vary from 10 to 15 cents a j miss,ion in line with the best inter day of 10 hours. ests and welfare of business. I promptly obtained in all cormtrles, or NO FiCE. I THADE-MA«KS, Caveats aud Copyrights regia- i I tered. feeiiii blietch, Model or PJUoto, (or free 1 report on patentability. *LL BUSINESS I STB1CT1,Y CONFIDENTIAL. Patent practice exclasively. Surpassing references. , Vf ideawttke Inventors should have onr hand book onHow to obtainand Hell patents,What in- [ veniicmgwillpay,Howtogetapartn€r,andother I Tal liable Information. Sent free to any address. iD. SWIFT & CO. ^01 Seventh St, Washington, D. G. & § i i I $ i g I I § § 1 § § § & Guaranty § For Your r § •i § I i I .Talk it Over With the Agent § § I § § I I John R. Hoffman i Burlington^ N. G. § i * Sellars Bldg. | ® S 't’s Sales that Makes a Business Flourish Adverti::ing creates a demand, but it requires quality to maintain it. Our Business Has Flourished through several years. Is not that proof enough to you that you find quality in our goods? Actual merit alone has increased this trade and will con tinue to do so. Burke Furniture & Undertakii^ Co. HOWAWOMfiN^ BUSINESS WITH ONLY ONE DOLUR. She is now independent and cares not how bad times are. Can be done by others. A woman in North Carolina started in business with only 1 dollar and now has an income of more than 200 dollars a week. O'ce day she saw an advertisement in a monthly story paper of ‘'WICKE'S SWISS HERB TEA” stating that it was the BEST RKM- IjDY on the market for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Troub les and while she had been troubled with all these complaints for more than 7 years, she wrote to the Manufacturer for a 22 cent package, which she used careful accroding to the directions. After one week.s use she found that all her complaints had left her and she told the people, who had known her as a very sick lady, what she had used. All who saw the wonderfull change in her condition, asked her to get them a package, and she sent one dollar to the Manufacturer of the Tea and asked him to send her as many packages as he could afford for the one dollar. She got 8 packages which she sold at 25 cents each, which gave lier a profit of one dollar on her investment, and 25 sample packages, wiiich she distributed to other people and asked them to try this s.onderful Herb Tea. A week later she went to all these people again and asked them if they had tried the Tea and what they thought of it, and to li«' surprise she got an order for a package from every one of these, they all said “the Tea is wonderful.” She at once sent for 100 packages and kept on dis tributing samples and sold them all in a weeks time, and then she sent for 500 packages and now she has 50 other ladies and men working for her, selling “Wicke’s Swiss Herb Tea” from house to house, and North Carolina has never been in so healthy condition ais she is now; the call for a Doctor is only in rare cases or accident. A Druggist offered her the other day $10,000 for her Agency, but she declined his offer. Anyone, who has a little push and energy can do as well as she and while there are a few Agencies still open, we advise all who wants to build up an independet business, to write to H. FELDSTEIN, 1375 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., aud send him a Money Order for one dr more dollars to secure the Agency of their town. Write today if you want to build up your own business and be independent. Vr / ■> i- K Ihui ‘ 0 imu] • al iiu| ooQtril ' entitles jtliose views, dixie IS I vicciD^ be an ei to be d| Mr. Ca] hostile tu be eU sion to a careful veals, tl to be though the natui tive tarif generallj bis con^^ will sooi tie of ii miniscenl I declarati| sion of al as certaii With some of should altogethel maintain/ we have I bis distril are inclii though tfd His exc^ steel and] consideral needs nc products free list, correctnei imported war^, fq noticeablj luxuries, gress she decrease thus a ki: ed withoi public, of those II doties of I were paic of moderd ^ in den; and that an i| • V: j Ityond a ce some raisl ^ |h competing] will not tectionistsl revisioii o| the Kepnl M'hioh shd able, goiii negie woi rates, and] he would taining otl Resol The foil resol utiont the Deepc at their m^ last week: The pi Chesapeakj and the c' Deepen! the point nai with th Selectinj; chusetts fr| Boston, Deepenij 'from the iN Norfolk. Survcyi^ York and ■coast preliij ment. Don| Don’t stopi Don’t St You know] And doll Bat tug a Is what And sera]> Enough! I can’t affd And I To do wit! Howevel I hate l« To give They don’ “Whydi The Pi amond th^i . • i . r**WW«wai«w»»i ^ ^