_ n s urish ality to you that ill con- Co. ILUR. w bad 1 dollar |paj)er oi \r KEM- |i Tniub- ftir more wiiich n-se »li6 ,])le, who IwllO PilW jniekagc, I'd liiin to intve wli (‘ her ich Nvoiu |l them if 1*1’ Hurj>rlse sakl “the |l)t on (Hs- she f^ent :»rking for nd Xorth ,v; the call fffred her ft r. \\ she and wants to N, 1375 for one or ay if you The State Dispatch. CARNEGIE’S TARIFF VIEWS. Wha? a Leading Republican Organ Thinks of Them. New York Tribwne. Tariff roviriion is today a matter of immediate and immensely nation al importance, and Mr. Carnegie’s contvil>utlon to the dvscusniou of it entitles him to gratitude even from those who least agree with ail of his views. At the same time, his ipse dixit IS not to be accepted as con vincing by any means, and it would be au error either for protectionists to be depressed by the thought that^nors of Indiana allow The Diiema of Two Governors. The governor ot Kentucky and the governor-elect of Indiana arc confronted by a most strange diffi culty, and the cause is another gov ernor. W. S. Taylor, declared by the Republicans to have bt;en elected governor of Kentucky, was indicted lor murder by a Kentucy grand jury following the assassination of Goe bfl, lor fled from Kentucky and took up his residence in IndiauapoHs. From that time to this the J)em(cratic governors of Kentucky have de manded that the Republican gover- the extiadi- SALE POSTPONED. Grand Closing Out Sale of Grand Old Party. Tho Seymour, (Iowa) Leader. The Owing to circumstances over which we had no control, the sale of tile Republican party, body and bones, which we announced to taku Rather tlian stjind trial Tay- without fail on Marcii 4, 19u9 'is hereby declared to be indeiiaitel)’ Mr. Carnegie has suddenly become liostile to them, or ior free traders to be elated at his supposed conver sion to their cause. The fact is, as a careful reading ot his article re veals, that Mr. Cflroegie still strives to be reckoned a protectionist, though his expressed conceptions of the nature am! purport of a protec tive Tariff are such as protectionists generally will not approve, whil^ his confident prophecy that America will soon become the foremost apos tle of free trade, is irresistibly re miniscent of Cobden’s unqualiiied declaration that the prompt conver sion of all nations to free trade was as certain as the rising of the sun. With Mr. Carnegie's opinion that some of the present tariff rates should be lowered, if not abolished ahog'ether, and tliat sonie should be maintained, if not nctually raised, we have no quarrel, thougii from his distribution oi such changes we are inclined to think the niiajority of thoughtful economists will dissent. His exceptional knowledge of tlie steel and iron industry commands consideration for his opinion that it needs no protection ai^l that its products should be placed on the free list. But we must question the correctness of his contention that imported glass and china and st/)no ware's, for example, are used to a noticeable extent only by the rich as luxuries, and that therefore Cou- gre.‘5S should increase rather thai. decrea.se tlie duties on them, since thus a large revenue could be secur ed without burdening rise general pu!,>lic. kSurely, a conside;rable part of those iinport.s, on which in 1907 dutii.s of more than $11,000,000 were [>aid, are purchased by persons of modei'j'ite moans, to whom an in crease In the covt would be a bur- d«,-n; and it can scarcely be boubted that an increa-e of the duties be- voiul a certain limit would iiuhic(! some raising of the prices of the connpetiog (k'nicstic pj’ochict. it will not be surpi isiug to find pro tectionists, in tffecting that thorough revisioji of tariff schedules of which the Kcjuiblic'au |-arty is })ledgcd and which shouhl regarded as lndis])cns- tlian Mr. Car- would go in I’educing some rates, and declining to go as far as he would in I'aisinsj: or even main- Uou v>f Taylor, and the Hoozier ex ecutive have steadfastly refused to comply with the request. It has all been plainly a political game. Now conditioUvS have changed in a most remarkable manner. A Re publican, Augustus JC, Willson, is governor of Kentucky. A Demo crat has been elected governor of Indiana. Will the Kentucky Re publican demand that the Indiana Democrat surrender for trial Taylor the Republican uiartyr? And will the Indiana Democrat decline to be obliging? It is a strange situation and one which caunot be highly agreeable to Taylor, sitting snugly in his Indianapolis h(jme.—Ex. A Measure of Merit. Burlington Citizens Should Weigh Well This Evidence. postponed. VViseu Gabriel blows his horn we are going, on the 4th of March following, to see the sale car ried out if there are enough of us Democrats left in this vale of tears to bid off some of the truck , adver tised. One thing we want t.n buy of the G. O. P., if we have the spondulix, is the knack of rolling up the major ities and getti!3g all the electoral votes we wanted, for only just once. Another thing we want, and must have, if we buy, beg, burrow or steal it, is the caniident!e of the people. Maybe if we had tliat we could get the votes. Another thing we want, and want bad; is common everyday gumption. If we had had a thimbleful of that, we would never iiave advertisea the sale of the G. O. P., elephant to take place next March. We thought v/e could fool the ])eoplie and get them to sell off the ii'ti lligent old beast that has been th(.‘ proud emblem of Republicanism for the last forty- five years, and [*ut in his place our unreliable jackass, but here again I the peo|,)le were too smart for us. We ofler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by HalFs Catarrh' Cure. F, J. Che^?ey & Co., Toledo, O. W e ihe undersigned, have known J. Cheuey for the last 15 years, and believe him perfeeilv honorable in all business transaction and finan cially able to carry out any obliga- tioiis made by his firm. Walding Kinxan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Halls Catarrh Curt is t-dven in- terually, acting din'ctly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tlie I system. Testimonials sent free. ! Price 75 cents per bottla. Sold by all Druggists, Take ilaH's Family Fills for con stipation. Governor Gleen and Governor- elect Kitchin agreed on Tuesday, January 12, as the date of the lut- ter’s iuauguratiou. Kitchin wanted it on January 13 or 14, but Gover nor Glenn has to be in on Jfinuary 14th. iNew York Professional John H. Vernon, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, V ■ 7 Burlington, N. C. Office over Bradley’s Drug Store. Phoiie 65. E. S. W. DIMERON, ATTORNEY AND CODNSELIOR AT LAW Burlington, N. C. Office In Piedmont Building. John R. Hoffman, Attorney-at-Law, Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Piedmont Building. The next number on the national program is an era (jf exceptional ua- prosperily. Proof of merit lies in the evidence. I feel just like our emblem, Convincing evidence in Burling- ! and kiiow’ that we wdifeel that wan ton. Is not the testimony of strangers. But the endorsement of Burling ton peo])le. That’s the kind of proof given here— The statement of a Burlington citizen. J. S. J^artoD, Retired, G5 Davis St.^ Burlington, jS’. C.,siiys; ‘T sid- fered a great deal from paius in the i for four yeass mure and pr()i)ably forever and ever, The pauic ttiat we spent so much money in advertising is now a thing of the past and luul hence cannot be sold. The peo]tle won’t let us han dle It, or else 'Ve would have aiadt.- it grow into t;omething worth wliiie, and that pretty (piick. Seem’s like the pet>ple have ;i whole lot more sense than we ever gave theni ci\d- small of my back. 1 also ban dull worse luck to us T\y-. I : I headaches and was bothered by a re tention of the kidney stcretions. Several months ago I peocured Doiui’s Kidney IMlls I'rom the Free man Drug Co. aiui since using them liave felt much better. Tljey have cleared my .system of uric acid anci has’e j’elieved the jMtiusiu my liack.” I'hen, don’t you know we wanted the job of filling (with wind) the million and some empty dinner pails we saw liang'iug aroimd, and claim ed by right of discovery, but the fool workingmeij wouldn’t let us laice a try. Thi.'v j))’Ot)ab!y remembered that our Bcerless LeaJer once call ed ihem a lot of beggars. At any GEORGE M. PAHON, JTTOSNEy IT m 108 Court Squre, Greensboro, N, C. Practice Rrgularly in tbe Courts of Alamance County. A DOLLAR earned, saved and >reaking failui'c in ihe matter (>f For sale i)V all dealers. Price oU cents, Foster-AUiburii ! rate JhxitJicr G uupel's Bulfalo, New York, sole agents hn' the United fSuUes. Remember the name—Do!ln^s— and take no other. was a J lea rt- de- bvci’ing the goo euougfi, able, going farther negie taining others. Resolutions Passed Upon. The following O are soma of the rescdutions whidi were passed by th.e Deeper Waterway Association at their mee’.ing held at Baltimore last week: The purchase of the present Chesap'eake and Delaware canal, and the C'>r!stru'*tiou of a new one. I>eepening the Hud.son river to the })oint where it connects by can- nal with the lakes. Selecting a rote through Massa- chn.setts from Xarragnnsett bay to Bor'tou. Deepening the pre.sent waterways from the iS'orth Carolina sounds to Is'orfolk. Surveying New Jersey and New York and along the New England eoast prelindnary to further develp- nu-nt. Don’i Stop My Paper. Don’t >to}i my paper, printer; Don’t strike my name ofl\yet; \i)U know tlie ea.sh comes slowly, Anl (iolhirs hard to get; But tug a link' harder Is what I mean to do, A’id serape the dimes together— Enough for mo and you. I can’t aiford to drop it. And I find it doe.sn’t pay To do without the paper, Howe ver others may. itc tc> ask my neigh l)ors '> give me theirs to loan: ’ don’t juxSt say, but mean it, fie meant well but alas i'.)r his judgeiiUMit, aad alas tor u.-;i.ll. Tiie iA'hJocratif ij>ari\-, in huiiilde r-ul'inission to the Learning the Trick. ! bows Its muhsli head to tiie mevUa- iio.ston transcnjit. . j ble, and says to tiif: j-'arty with the 'Vlio says Porto Rico is not j eii'iihunt, ‘‘Go it you oid blather- A/iiei'ieamzing? Us Congre.ssioiial |skit‘, we ase shet oi' the responsibll- representative, with an associate i ity,” Safely Invested where it will grow, increase and mul tiply is a declaration of financial inde pendence. It is no where quite so safe and nowhere grows quite so rap idly as when invested : : : hi Six Per Cent Guaranteed Gold —”D©acis Then again we, :is ina.iagers o flh,: from Hawaii, asks for a duty on eot- fee, jt which this country now im- ’ i>'mocratic party, in the interests oi j oorts a billion jiounds a ye.a', A o- I the dear people, wa aed the slice of i ciMit tax would yield §50,000,000. ! olilee pie so bad we could almost | Hawaii produces onc-third of 1 per cent of our consumption, while Por to liieo would ordinarily yield about -1 per cent. To subject every Ame> iciUi breakfast tal)!e to a tax for the beuelit of an industry which Porto Rico can well get along without, since it has free admission here of so many other subtro})ical ]noducts, would be poor policy. Remove Duty on Art. iSaltiiuore American. If tht-rc is genuine tariff revi.siou ^arriel into eifect, the tariff on art should be tlie first to l>e tak(-n off. iVrt is one of those tilings wh.ich should be as tree as the air, and all artists agree sis to this. To main tain a tiu’iff on art is to put a haixi- icap on education. There are no tlomestic interests honestly needing protection which call for this. On the contrary, our national interests are best served by tlic- most liberal welcome which can be givt^ii the art of the Old World in any way. taste it. It’s gone now, aiul our j Moral 1 "Why don't you get your own, he President doesn’t care to that Thanksgiving Day }>ro- '^^‘Onation in any manner, thank you. am Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: “The good Electric Bittei'i? have done is worth uiorc than five hundred dol lars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters, and they cur ed me, I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well,’' dOc at Preeman Drug Store. The steel mills start to roll, the factories to spin; it really looks as if pros~per--i-ty was coming in. secured by first mortgage on real es- and guaranteed by this Company. Write at once to the following address and secure by return mail prospects of ever gi.'tling eveu a crust' .. i j • jl.1 of pie is smaller tiian the Democrat- ClctSlliCCl iniOriXli,tlOri SLUOUt tlllS, cIlC ic majority in Missouri. Poor, old ^ ^ Missouri, we mourn for you, dear highest class and surest mvestment. wayward child. Our hearts are brokeu, busted, pulverized. Our only ray of hope on the sun-kissed horizon of Republican victories, is that Pete (Congressman Hepburn), was beat. We did it with our little knocker, or helj)ed lO; tmd bossed the job, which was great. The fool Republicans did the rest. We only svish that they’d all beeu fools eve- ryy>'here aud theu we could have had the pie sure, and otner refresh ments, and the big fsale of Republi can relics would have been a wure go instead of the blustering fizzle it was. But while there’s life there is hope aud life not being ciitirely extinct, W'c herewith anuou/ice the sale ot the Republican party and all its ad juncts, to take place (subject to fur ther postponement) on the 4ih day of March, 1913, the Lord willing, so help us Kern. Done under uUr hands and seals this 4th day of N'ovem- (seal) her, tiie day after the big sn »w, iy08. MANAGERS DEMOCRATIC PARTY Address J. W. Murray, President, Piedmont Trust Company Would Mortgaqe the Farm. A farmer on Rural J?oute 2, Em- ]>ire, Ga,, W. A. Eloyd by name, says: ‘‘Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cur ed the worst sores I ever saw; one on my hand and ona on my leg. It i.s worth its weght in gold. I would not be without it if I had to mort- goge the farm to get it.” Only 25c at Freeman Drug Store, Burlington, # # North Carolina. WINa BSTER 0. ii. REPFATING RIFLES FOR HUNTING No matter what you hunt for or where you hunt, the answer to tbe que.stion “What rifle shall I take ? ” is—a Winchester. Winche9ter Repeating Rifles are made for all styles of cartridges* &om .28 to .50 caliber. Whichever model you select you will find it aa accurate shooter, reliable in action and strong in cbnstruction. Wlttefu^ar Gans and Ammunttloa—ihe Red W Brand—are made tor each other, vnwcHRerrBiS bepsatinq arms co., * new haven, oohn. STEVENS ARMS are fiNr sale aB progrenirie Hardlware iuid Spor&ig Goods Mercbantt ■and , BSARD'iS ^lendid effoH GURS AND GUflHIHG ”-~ Hitt be mailed pottpsid to tmy applicant by J. STsrzws Azm & Tool CoMPAinf, Chicopee Falls, Mass., upoii receipt of price. Por paper cover edi- tionforward SOoents; ior oiiQth bound book send 30 cents. Written folrandpub. liejiedbr J. STEVENS ARMS A TOOL €0. P. 0. Bn 4«99 FaOa. HtM. Advertisers pltsfe it mem ber that to change, litccnt inue or place a new ad^ the egula* tions as to time men viiiried on editorial page must be olfcrv ed. Very Serious It is A very serious matter to ask for 021 ft medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we lu^e you in buying to be caieM to get the genuine— BUcK’VrSighT Liver Me The teputation of &is ol^ relia ble mtedicin?, for coBstipation, In* digestion and liver trquble, is fimj- ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale^than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Ti THE Charlotte Observer The Largest and Best News paper in North Carolina. Every day in Year, $8.00 a Year. © 8PRINOFIELIX MASS. The OiiSiinvEK coneiBts o! 10 to 1 pages daily andtu ;32 •Sunday, rt hiindles fiiorH ,news matter, local, State.,, liutioiial ajif) I'l.reifiii tlmn any (>t)u-r North Cjicoljji.i iif THE SUNDAY OBSERVER is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also liili-vH with excellent mi,ttt;roIa mis- cellaneoiis natiare. AddresB \ THE OBSERVER CO.; Charlotte, N. C, rROCUREO AND OEPENOEI>.,»?^“«>“.| I 0 ra.M'ing or plioto. lorexpert eeaicii and tree re{iork 1 I Fre'i aavlce, how to obtain ptU«Kts, tMwle mark%| 1 eopyrischts, etc., |N AJ.L C'OUNtdtP*. I I TJiidness direct xwUk Washlng'ton saves mnney, and often the patent. Patent arid InfHngement Practice Exclusively. Write or come to us at B23 Klnth Stn»l, oi>p. Oniua BUtt* SatanV OSsi^l WASHiNOTON, 6. C. ’V2KWJCK- !• V-Tk.-WWW.-a Tlis Pilisber’s United States Court of Cla(MS Tlio PubliBhers of Webster’* International pictionary allege that i t “ is. In fact,the popu- lur Unabridged l'horoijg-hlyre-editMine\'ery detail, and vastly enriched in wery part, with the purpose ;f Brtaptiiig It to meet the larger ntid severe” 'quiremonts of auother gemrar tion.” Wo are of tho opinion that this allegation most clearly ati'l accurately describes the work that has boen acconjpJIfihid and tho resuIt th at haa been reached. Thol Jictionary, ' as it now stands, has l>een thorouarhly w»^ cdifod lneverydetaii, bas been corre;tcd in every part, and la admirably ala.pted to meet the larger and severer requirements of a R-eneration which demands more of popular phiioloffical knowledge tiinn any generation that the world haaever contained. It is perhaps ncedlesa to add that we retcT’ to the di(;tionaty in our jndicJal v/orJt as of the highest authority jn accuracy of deHnl* tion; and that in the futnroas jnlhepaiBtlt Trtil bo the tiouree of eoustant reference. CHARLES C. Korr, Ciitef/imttofc tAWRKNCK T?EL1J0N. JOHN DAVIS. CBAIiUCS 11. UO^VJt^ JMcm, Theabowrefert to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE (the highest award) wiri given to the Interna*, tional at the World’s J'air, fit. Loiila. GET THE LATEST AND BEST You Witt he it^eraAed in our specimen pages, sent free, G.&C.MERRtAM CO^ PUBLISHCaS, ■ ■-■im ' ■ '--■M 4 %

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