'C¥, It f 'iiTn 8( H : ;|!|f': If' ill: •i i Hi i tf ' i • -.•.» ? T:’ ■^•li it rW' ;f‘:^ m i II !| if ■ h : } ! iii }i U5 Ai-\ mV!; ■I li: ’1' '■ i::; Ui t ! ^ j, i.i^' !'\ [fil- THE STATE DISPATCH Published Every Wednesday _By- Thie State Dispatch Publwlun* Company. Bnriiagtoa, N. C. Banka E. Teague, W. A. Hall, President Vice-President Office No. 2, Sellars Building. Teifepbone No. 265. J«kt R. Hoffmaie, Editor and Bwiii**! Mantfer Subscription, One Dollar per year, pay able in advance. All communicati,»as in regard to news items or business matters Bhould be addressed to The Slate Ditpatcii and not Id any individual connected with tlie paper. . , All news notes and communicatione of inaportance must be signed by the writer. We are not responsible ior opinions of lar correspondents. Notice to AdTertism.*—AdvertisemWit* for |ne 2, 3, 5 and i p»g«B must b« in ta» wBce by Friday, 13 M., sad lor I ftnd 8 bj IS Subscribers will take notice that no re ceipt for subscription for The State Dispatch will be honored at this cfflce unless it is numbered with stamped fijfures. Entered as second-class matter May 20,1908, at the post oflBce at Burling ton, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. friend for one year, and at the same lime bless, financially, the supporters of this paper and thus aid us in advancing its mission in life. If you care for the party that gave to us and is continuing unto us good government. If you are grateiul for past prosperity and sat isfied with pi’esent conditions, with plenty of work and well-filled gran- uries, you will hear our request and respond. To hundreds of our friends we have made personal ap peals, through letter and the re sponse has been very gratifying in part and in part not so pleasant to recall. Will you take Christmas and give Christmas by sending the Dis patch to some friend to read during the long rainy evenings and during the cold winter nights. Say, chronic kicker, stop kicking everybody else long enougb to kick yourself a few times, and see who moves. Wednesday^ December 2, 1908. Appalachian Park Reserve. For a number of years there has been much talk ''f the National Appalachian Park which would in clude five million acres of forest land, including territory from the mountaios of Alabama to Pennsyl vania. Several bills have been in troduced int) congross lo make the necessary appropriation to cover the | expense of creating this reservation, | but the iron hands of unkind Alamance county is pushing to the front. If you are not with your shoulder lo the wheel, get out of the way before you are run over. The Dispatch will be sent to anyone from now until January first, 1910 by paying one dol lar direct to the office. The Victorian Party at the Graded School Last night at the Graded School the Victorian Party was cheerfully friends have defeated every effort, ; greeted by a medium sized audience but the South, seeing and knowing considering the weather. The entire the great demands for this neces- programme was satisfactory, and sary legislation for the preservation certain features \vere unu.sually well n" , , ^ X rendered. The Pianist showed j^reat of our forests, as a preventative oi , -i, , ^ , i i ■ : , . skill on her part, as slie played m drought and hurnoanes; for the strain, and even with preservation of our water supply, for the coutiauation of our congen ial climate, and the protection of our game and the preservation of its many species, the Southern Com mercial Congress will meet in Wash- Dgtion December the seventh and ijuake necessary plans to lay our claims before the Senate committee, which will give « public hearing on December the 9th to every friend of this important and progressive step. VVe call upon every citizen of the sunny south, regardless of loca tion or station, to raise their hands and voice in behalf of the friends who are making the greatest fight of their lives for the greatest thing the South has ever asked for its people ard for our great government. We call up^n the Chamber of Cora- mer(;e aud the Merchants' Associa tion of Burlington to mf>et at once and draft and adopt atrong and ap- peahng resolutions and forward them to Washington not later than December the Oth, so that they may be used to overcome any oppo sition that may at the present exist. W'e call upon every citizen who has any love for his home, for kith and kin, for a congenial cLmate, for our golden skies, for the life-giving breezes that are tempered by the forest crowned mountain.3 of the Southern Appalachian Chain to write a strong aj)peal in a personal letter to the Appalachian National one hand While the violinist and pianist together were always greet ed by cheers on the part ol' itK audience. The violinist would ;lr.^v your mind from the old time ohtirel; organ with its sacred music to the classic selections of our day. But the part which caused most merryment and laughter on the part of the audience, and vyho was al ways welcomed by a burst of cheers was the reader, who showed, great elocution training on her part. And who Would h«ve you fancy in your mind that you were a little child by your father’s side, and in a moment or twinkling of an eye would have you see the lobster bite off the }^oor dogs tail, the dog going home at a two forty gate. We feel that every one present must have enjoyed some part of the programme, as it was rendered so as to entertain the un trained mind as well as the mind which could grasp the ideas of the most difficult selection. The only regret we have is that the weather was so inclement that a number of our friends who would have been present were unable to get there. For Sale-TKe O d e o n Moving Picture Show. A bargain. Apply to Smith & Qualls. Mr. Tafc wanted to be the big gest judge in the land; Mrs. Taft insisted that he would accept a Forest Association, Washington Position which would make her the D. C. If you have the love and l a • . i. • ., and she is a winner. Husbands tlie nitorest lu these great move-1 obey your wives. ’ ments that you claim to have as 1 i ■ m patriotic citizens of a patriotic State! Goldsboro' Street Kailway you will hear this appeal, if you I footing now and it only a questioiy)f time untilthe people will be spinning around over town,^ We hope Burlington will be on this list before a long period of time shall elapse. John W. Coltrane, of Kandolph county, a postal clerk running be tween Greensboro and Goldsboro, v/as arrested at Greensboro Monday charged with rifling letters contain ing money. He was bound over to the spring term of federal court un- have not you will pass it by. We beg you to hear and act in a faitiiful, enthusiastic manner. A Good Christmas Gift. After three more issues the Dis patch force will join America’s mil lions in celebrating Christmas—the coming of our Saviour. Christ mas, the time of the year when everybody tries to make somebody ^^er a bond of |1,000, which was else happy. ^\e want to remind i The case was w^orked up by our friends what a good time it would be to do some good by send ing the Dispatch to some good some expert work on the part of the post office inspetors. 'mm II — Subscribe for the Dispatch. The State Dispatch. Get TT Type written Circular Letters at The Office. First Class Work $2, $2.50, $3, $4 and $5. In boymg yoiir fall shoes yoa will do well to coih sider our new line at above prices, for they are the best valne it is possible to giTe. Their style is good, dieir fit is good, their service is good, and if yonr Shoes give satisfaction in these three most impoftant points yon will be a satisfied cnslomer. We are the people that can satisfy yoii, for we have innumerable styles to sd^ from. Also a full line of of' Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neck wear, Gloves & Men’s Underwear at the very lowest possible prices. Full line of Elkin home-made and high cut shoes always on hand. JiMmSSL Valuable Farm For Sale! A LARGE house, commodious barn and other outbuildings on 200 acres of good land, two miles from Whitsett Institute. Easy tems to prompt buyer. For detailed information address Box 191, Burlingtpn, N. C., or call at— ...The Dispatch Office... Our Printers Are All “Top Notchers” Aren’t you fired of payin^^" your good money for hideious job work? Aren’t you disgusted when you dt)'i’tget your job at the time it was :)i-omised you? Aren’t you tired . f experimenting, and don’t you want he J3EST piinting by the BEST printers in the county? Then learn to know about P.;^e&Davies’Printing. Good business ■nen prefer it. Repre>eniauve m.inufacturers use it. Livft advertisers know of no other sort. Write and (ell ns what your needs are. ATE & DAVIES, “The Printers” An Office THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED for the Prodaction FINELY PRINTED WORK DAVIS & WORTH STS. PHONE 249. BURLINGTON,|N. C Green and McClure (Is , rifesj . lihe han^ Schedi ( Bldg Furniture and House Fumismngs, GRAHAM, NORTH CAROUNA. Fr^h nuts o| iiyDe’s pri^ IT than the rs. R, W. in GreensI rs. J. C. her sister tss fiessie r at Efland be best mi: ne’s, fifteen l^v. R. M. j t Sunday n iiss Mollie ^iiWilbum, J> jr. |fro get the be Payne’s and 3k. |Mr. and Mrs. Durham on lilkins. ''ANTED- free ticket! Jh. rs. C. R. I a few days Durham. r. O. N. 2, was in Friday. 'ostmaster In a pleusant Saturday re. W. J. ik for Hillsb !enry Biggett "We are infer lam Tribune w iion Janury 1st l| Mr. R. W. a busing Ijji^rt of the Stati b" Miss Clara IV int Friday ’iss Maggie H Mr.B.B.81a jjiVille, spent Tha ints at this p Miss Madie . by her sistt ;her at Cove C niee iot of fof sale. Writ( ; Isiey, Burltngtoi Mr. and Mrs. lOville, visit© iother quite reo When in neec rite or call on Arlington R. ] Mr. Clarence j Greensboro, * tg Miss B. Enc Mrs. H. G. I Greensboro, [ew days visiti rs. L. C. C le a days vis iter part of th Miss Fannie urham, spent isiting Mrg. M Mies Jessie tother spent Sa Grieensboro v Be sure and 'Uipatoh at ono ifidto of this Mr. H. Fleis ►tly moved ^eaidiog on J. Jo *** * bueinefi

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