on 200 Easy c 191, ers” } work? it was u want jusiness '^ertisers ers >> ]> womc N,IN. C * * 4 4 4 4 i The State Dispatcn. Freeman Drug Company, Burlington, North Carolina. we keep in stock all the standard Pat ent MediGlnse We have a large and weH selected etoek of spuDijes, Chamois skius. Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder uraces. Prefumery, Cologne’s, Bay Rum, Florida Water, Extracta ^ for the handkerchief, Toilet and Fanc.v Goods, Toilet Soap, § Bath Soaps, Face Powders, Infant Powder. UD 4 Freeman Drug Company, Burlipgtoii, N. C. ^ js, 4 4 1 J 4 4 4 t I.OCAL AND PERSONAL. Schedule of Tf'^ins No. 112 East 1:32 a. m. 111 West 6:02 a. m. U 144 East 10:08 a. m. a 21 West 11:18 a, m. a 22 East 4:00 P- m. u 139 West 6:29 P- m. rresh nuts of all kinds at J. D. [Payne's. Payne’s private stock cigars are jetter than the “Cinco.” Mrs. R. W. Curtiss spent Mon- |day in Greensboro shopping. Mrs. J. C. Walton spent Sunday I with her sister at Greensboro. Miss Bessie Murray visited her [sister at Efiand quite recently. The best mixed nuts at J. D. [Payne’s, fifteen cents per pound. Hev, R. M. Andrews, of Mebane, [spent Sunday night with his mother. Miss Mollie Pyle spent last week it Wilburnj N. C., visiiihg her sister. To get the best smoke, call at J, Id. Payne’s and get Payne’s private Istock. FOR SALE—One nice Gladson English setter 19 months old. Ap ply to J. A. LOWE. Mr. L. 0. vjarter, the Manager of the Carolina Engineering Com pany left for Durham on business. MONEY TO LOAN—One hun dred and fifty dollars on Real Estate. Call at Dispatch Office. Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Winstead left Monday for Elm City, where they will spend some time visiting. Don’ fail to read the proposition in regard to subscribing for the Dispatch at once. Something new. Misses Lillian Sooffner and Flora Mebane spent Sunday at Elon Col lege visiting' their Uncle, Mr. Reit- zel. Miss Eula Dixon and Banner Whitehead, of Snow Camp, were business visitors in our town Satur- Mr. Bob Bradley, of Greeusboro, was here Thursday and Friday of •* V last week visiting friends and rela tives. Blubert Lowery, of Wilkesboro, passed through this city last week enroute to Smitbfield to occupy a positiovi. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilkins left for Durham on a visit to Mr. John Wilkins. WANTED—To give one hun- Ired free tickets to Washington next March. Mrs. C. R. Rogers left Saturday for a few days visit to her mother it Durham. Mr. O. N. Hornaday, of R()ck 5reek 2, was in town on bn.siness |ist Friday. Postmaster Ingle, of Elon College, ras a pleasant caller at the Dispatch fffice Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Thompson left last Iteek for Hillsboioon a visit to Mr. lenry Riggett. We are informed that the Gra- lam Tribune will resume publica- jtion Janury 1st, Mr. R. W. Curtiss left Monday m a business trip to the eastern aart of the State. Miss Clara MofRtt, of Asheboro, ^.pent Friday and Saturday with [iss Maggie Hall. Mr. B. B. Slaughter, of McLeans- f'ille, spent Thanksgiving with his j g;"';} visitiug relHtivt larents at this place. To onr readers and friends. Next week’s issue, will appear a part of the County’s exhibit for the fiscal ypar of 1908. One dollar will pay your subscrip tion to the Dispatch f(n' thirteen months if you subscribe the first of December. Mr. Bascorn Hornaday carae in Monday morning from .tSouth Caro lina, where he has been delivering nursery stock. The .‘‘tock hohler,-; of the State Dispatch are t'spccially requested to be present on next Tuesday night at 7:^0 o^cldck. Mrs. W- C. N.^ble, of iLllshoro, left Monday for her home after spending a few days visiting friends and relatives here. Air frosty. Cold outside, lJut everyone ia happy this Yiiletide The reason—very plainly yt>a «ee, All take llolliBter’B Rocky Mountain Tea. (Makes health that happines;.) Miss Maud E. Miller, of the Graded School faculty, went to her l»ome at Salem Saturday, spending Miss Madie Humble, accompan- ed by her sister, is visiting her [ather at Cove City. A nice lot of thoroughbred pigs for sale. Write or call on C. L. Lsley, Burlington, C. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Liggans, of )anville, visited Mrs. Liggans’ [mother quite recentl;. When in need of good cut feed, [write or call on D. Ij. HufFman, [Burlington R. F. D. No. 4. Mr. Clarence Stewart and sister, )f Greensboro, spent Sunday visit- ig Mi.ss B. Emma Phipps. Mrs. H. G. Kime left Saturday [)r Greensboro, where she will spend lew days visiting friends. Mrs. L. C. Carter and daughter lade a days visit to Durham the fatter part of the pa.st week. Miss Fannie Evans, of West [Durham, spent part of last week [visitiag Mrs. M. B. Lindsay. Miss Jessie Vanderford and her i mother spent Saturday and Sunday at Greensboro visiting relatives. Be sure and subscribe for the Dispatch at once and get the re mainder of this year free of cost. Mr. H. Fleishman’s family has fiecently moved to Burlington and residing on Mendenhall street. Mr. L. J. Jobe, of Mebane No. > Was a business visit©r in our town ast baturdavj and a welcome caller the Dispatch office. WAN'rfCD.—Five or six cords of eight foot wood in exchange for subscriptions to the State Di.spatch. Call at State Dispatch Office. T^'e Alamance Insurence & Jteal Estate Company had successful land sale Thanksgiving Day, The lots sold was the Ireland property. Mr. J, A. Hackney left Saturday for University Station, where he goes to attend the Union Meeting of the Mt. Hermon Association. If you want to make Christmas the happiest part of the year buy a nice piano or organ from C. B. Ellis—.see his new ad in this issue. Miss Althea Scandlyn, of Inskip, who has been visiting her si.ster, Mrs. C. R. Me An ley, of N *. 3, re turned to her home Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Lula Robbins, of Kingsraan, Ind., who has been visiting a num ber of friends here, went to Gibson- ville the first of the week to visit Mrs. Pegg. Again we call upon our iriends to buy everything as far as possible from the advertisers of the Dispatch because they are our friends and we want them to be your friends. Mr. J, N. Roney, of Gibsonville, v/as on the Burlington Tobacco Market last Friday, and was well pleased with his sale and says that the same grade of tobacco sold here brought two dollars more on the hundred than at Reidsville two month ago. Mrs. E. 0. Spoon, of Haw River, was here last week shopping. Mr. Harry Wbitner, of Hickory, i“ here visiting Mrs. A. J. Hatch and famdy. Mr. J. M. Denny, Roxboro, spent part of last woek here attend ing the funeral of his brother, Mr. G. W. Denny. WANTED—A family of Knit ting Mill help. Apply to Swannie Noah Mfg Co. E)on College, N. C. Mr. T. P. Featherstone, of Reids- ville, (Caswell county) was called here quite unexpected last week to attend the funeral of Mr. W. W. Denny. Mr. Dolph Garnsoo and two of his sons, Mr. R. L, Holt and Sev eral others returnf d from Fayetville Saturday, where they had been fox hunting. They brought in three of the swamp’s shrewdest travelers. Makes assirailif>iion perfect, heal thy blood, firm muscles, stoong nerves, Quickenf? the brain, makes and keeps you well. Great medicine. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. T. H. Stroud, Rev. J. D, Williams, of High Point, who has been appointed to the M. P, Church af our city arriv ed with his family Friday, and has begun his labors. We trust that his stay among us may be pleasant as well as profitable. 1 Dark Oak New Piano f 160.00 1 Dark New Mahogany Piano, 1190.00, 1 Oak Organ, slightly used, $37.50, 1 Household good sewing maohine, |H.OO. ELLIS MACHINE AND M^StC CO., BurllngtOQ Mr. J. M. M.‘‘y, of Marshall, Ind.,,who has been visiting Mrs, Workman and a 0umber of other friends at this place, left Monday, for High Point, where he will spend some time visiting. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Denny, who have been visiting at the homes of H. J. Capps and T. R. Simp son besides a number of other friends, returned Monday to their home at Greensboro, W a n ted i m m edi ntely—H u n dred ladies, yoimg or old with pimples, blackheads, nasty complextion to take Hollister’s E'u'ky Mountain Tea and becoiue chit.rniiug, beautiful and sweet. 35 cent.?. T. H, Stroud. WAxNTED—Co})ies of the Dis patch issused on the following dates: July 8th, 22nd, Aug. 26th and Sept. 9th. We will appreciate the tavor if you have a paper issued on the above dates bring it to the Dis- patch Office. Rev. J. D. Andrew and family wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friends who joined in making the Thanksgiving evening so pleasant to them by the hand some cash donation, presented at the close of the service at the church,, H, O, Bryan h?s resigned his position as ticket agent of the South ern Railway at this place and will leave tomorrow for his home at Garner, Wakes county, where he wdl engage in the roerchantile busi ness. He is succeeded at che ticket ofifiice by Will Fix of this city, Mr. Bryan has mado a host of friends here who regret to see him leave. The editor of the Di.spatch takes pleasure in acknowledging the fol- lowins: invitation. $12.50 $10.00 $7.50 THREE SPECIALS IN MEN’S SUITS JUST RECEIVED FROM A LEADING MANUFACTURER At these popular prices we out-distance all other stores in town by a $2.00 to $3.00 saving to yon, and that is certainly worth consider ing, in addition to the satis faction of being Htted per fectly in garments of cor rect style. See lAtal jme of Xmas Candy at Burlington Drug (^. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. «V TMC «P MICH AELS»STERN FINE CLOTHINIQ MieHAELS, «TERW * 60. MOCHKS-rVfl k' V* The range of models inckdes three and four button, single and double breast sacks, in the new shades of brpvni, green, olive, blue and black. No matter if you are short, stout, tall, slender or of natural build, we guaran tee to fit you. If Ready for an Overcoat you will do well to look at our large and fine collection, including short, medium! and long styles, also riuncoats. Pnces from $4.00 to $20.00. Everybody is Inteie^f^ in the ch^ke he recsiveei. He knows tha senders are doing ImvineHS iu the up to- date way. Yoiv tMhij: nioi-e of checks than yon do 6i the cutTt-hfcy. YOUR CHECK ON THE WRST NATIONAL BANK, BURLINGTON, N. C would give you a higher st,andittgtitaoA^ those yon want to think well of you, . Opeu an account and pay even : sinali bills by check. A check is a receipt as Well as R payment. , See North Window of our Clothing Store for Display of these Special Priced Suits. B. A. SELLARS & SON. 94 i t 4 4 1 4 4 4 Business Department BURt,INGTOIS[ SCHOOLS. Thorough instruction is offered in 6tenograhy,; %pe writing, Tjobk- keeping, commercial arithnoetic, and business correspondence. Stu dents iully pi'eparkl to fill posi tions in the business world. J^or injbrinatiim emceminff fermt, ccrurseof at'My, etc., apply to A SMpt. F. H. CURTISS or MISS E. E. STARKE, Prin. 1 4 Fresh Oysters Always on hand. All Oysters sold here are Btrained. BEST FISH ON MARKET. Watch this space next week for the Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Co. will have something that will interest you. First class ineailfi at all hours up to mid-^hight. : T. B. FOWLER & SON, t(3 W. Davis Street, Next to N. S. Oar^wiell. On AdvertisiBg. A nd it ca roe to piass after he had advertised his goods, there cainepn” to him great pautitudes from all the. rejB:ions round about and did buj of him. And when his coiiipetitors saw it they marvel(^ among tbera- selves, saying: be it that this man is busy while we loaf idle about our doors?’’ And be spake unto them: “In this fasrage of push and bustle it’s easier for a canfiel to go through the vye >-f a uftdle thau for a m m to flonri'-h witi>ouf tidver- ' tisingi”—Ex. The siieriff of B*'U’i'-W k. who ' was shot a fe .v il.-jys uied last night. Mrs. A. P. Greeson invites you to be present at the marriage of her daughter Ora Lee Shepherd to Mr. William Adrion Jenkins L’uesday afternoon, the 8th of December Nineteen hundred and eight at two-thirty o’clock ' at SpringT\^ood Presbyterian Church fclibsonville, North Carolina At Home after December twentieth Chenango Forks, New York On Davis street in front of Mr. Eugene Holt’s Friday night Mrs. Banks Teague and Mrs. Cicero Curtiss came near havi^og a serious accident. They were in Mr. Teague^s baggy driving to the stat ion when the horse fell into the water pipe ditch. Fortunately the horse did not scare in its new sur roundings and was led down the ditch to a. shallow place and led out with but little damage, no one hurt, but the ladies were greatly excited. A few more lights on the excava tion might have beeu benefical to all parties. The Corporation Commission Monday issued a call to State^ private and savings banks for a statement of their couditioia at the close of business Kovember 27th. LIST OF LEHERS Remaining in Post um*,e unciaiippd. Burlington, N. C., Nov. 28, 1908. Gentlemejv— Mr. F. C. Anderson, J. O. Boul- ard, Mr. R. E. Bass, (col) Mr Ed die Gant, E, G. Griffin, Esq., Brothess Heflin, Mr. John Leatham, Samuel Isley, Mr. F. C. Moore, Mr. Thos. Moorej Mr. W. B, Pratt J. J. Ryan, Mr. Kobt. M. Crawford, Mr, Thos. P. Wharton, (2) Mr. A. M. White, C. C. Isley. Ladies— Miss Effie Campbell, Mrs, Lottie Moore, Miss Sellae Oliver, Mrs. Jessie Reddish, Miss Virginia Rus sell, Miss lola Squires, Miss Wood ford Teer, Mrs. Cora Wells, Persons calling for any of these letters will please'say ‘^advertised^’ and give date of advertised list. J. Zeb Waller, Post Master, Notice of Annual Meeting. The annual meeting ofth^ stock holders of the State Dispatch Pub lishing Company will be held on the 8th day of December, 1908, at 7:30 o^olock in the afternoon, at the office of the company over Sellars Store, Burlington, N. C., for the purpose of electing a board of di-^ rectors and receiving and acting up on the reports of the officers, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. In accordance with the laws of the State of North Caro^ina, no stock can be voted on which has been transferred on the books of the company, within twenty days nejtt preceding this election. E. S. W. Dameron, Nov. 12, 1908. Secretary. TKo ivnuUie Trltk ^ FIRE ON TOP • ^T'hE Pecfe-WilUamson Under. feed furnace has solved the problem of gettitig tlean, ^en heat out of cheapest slack. There*» no smoke or dirt with an Underfeed and you’ll save to^ on Coal Bills. Thi$ illtistratton. sho\ra furnace without casing, cut away to show how coal is forced up under fire. The Seaboard Air Line R. R, has placed an order for |900.000 for new rolling stock. I bSw a 0&8B06 to SBOW‘ S. Thomas & Sons IMrngton; N. C.