Xlic Lfispaicil. CEM- Mam- TS former .$ 3.90 . 2.85 6.75 . 8.00 . 10.00 io 4.90 nro .lO I early request be to thes merican 773 American ;e Prepaid. Month e Months oiuhs :ion. ar. One ,25 I .401 -7i 1.15 1-50 3.0U F. D. No. 8. ( rc.Avded out last week. wisii to thauk our good frieJid Clvde Isley for uiee work ou our roads, is iifl onr patrons would look liter tlie bad plocea close to their jiaintd we would have an easier time, ;uk1 be.sides it ought to be a matter >f pride to iiave good roads through voiir tarnis. Our overseers are do ing some work too. The only trouble iLey put it oif until they get hrougli with their tarm work, and hen bad weather has “sot in” and lie work don’t do nearly so much ;Oud. Corn shucking dinners for the ■arriers are bright spots in our lives, tve enjoyed dinners at J. H. Ross, E J. Koss and R. k. Matlocks ^ince our last report, George Barkers ivill come in due time. What^s the matter with “Bud” uttou? They say he fed his hor&e wice Friday morning and put sip is corn in a neighbors crib, and one “jess like” a crazy man, It's fine girl. Congratulations to you lend Sutton. Our clever colored friend, Walter uljer has about completed a com- irtable Ios£ house on his farm and ved in, we are glad to see our loreci patrons g'^tting on so well. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Somers at- nded serviceii at Gilliams Sunday e 22nd. Mr. S. B. Matlock, Mr. Adams d iVlr. Hunt, of Greensboro spent [lay last week at R. A. Matlocks imting rabbits. Its funny how ese to'-^'n folks love rabbits. Mrs. Nannie Graham, and Miss' arah Graham, of Union Ridga, ijicses Haseie Greesou, Swannieand lulia Horuaday, of Burlington, ent Saturday and Sunday at C. E. lapseotts. If this does not hit the wast** sket, maybe we w'ill write some ore. R. F. D. No. 1. Jowded out last weeK. J. F, Coble done our roads [roe good last week, by fdling in OS with roeks, but he missed se at the creek. Fill then) in, cle Johncy. J. A. Loy spent lost Friday ing land and setting out eab- ge. He has a large field of fdra and we expect to get our re of them. attersou Bros, started their big shredder up last week. They it does the business, iiss FJorine Kobertsou, one of teachers at Friendship, aban- ued her work Monday for a t time. During her vacation J will go to Richmond, Va., to end the wedding of one of her ends. I News Over the State I Last week in. the North Carolina Supreme court in a case> against Fulton of Guilford county, it was decided that it was not a crime for a mau to slander his wife. The Greensboro High School Football team defeated Durham last Thursday by a score of four to nothing. This gives the High School championship of the State to Greensboro. George J. Gould, who owns a private lodge at High Point, arriv ed last week in his private car. He was accompanied by a friend and they will spend three days hunting birds on bis estate. At Richmond^ Va. last Thursday the University of Virginia won a victory over Carolina by a score of thirty-one to naught. The game was witnessed by about twelve thou sand supporters of the two games. The great Southern Mica Com pany, whose headquarters are at Cleveland, O., has decided to cen- teralize all its southern, plants at Asheville. For this puipose th« building of the Carolina Coal and Ice Company has been leased. Work on the new buildings of the colored insane asylum of the State, near Goldsboro, is being push ed rapidly. The new buildings are four in number, of brick, two of which will be for the care of tuber culosis patients, and two for epile^t- tic patients, male and female. The A. & M. boys defeated the V. F. I, by a score of six to five at Norfolk on Thanksgiving day. The gaxne is said to have been one of the fiercest ever witnessed on a southern gridiron. Twelve thous and people were present to jom ia the cheering and see what the vict ory would be. Henry T. Deehert bid in the Odell Mill property which was sold at Concord last week. The pur chase price was §165,000 and notes and stock in other property which brought the amount up to fl75,- 400.50. The sale will be submitted to the supreme at Grt-eusboro Dec, 7 th. Rev. Johu E. Wool, former pas tor of Oxford Presbyterian church, lias resigned the pastorsliip of tlie church in Wil.'ion and accepted charge of country churches in Gran ville. His faiuliy ni-^ke their home with the aged mothei’of Mrs. Wool, lor N o. 1.50 k American at the oki “Webi) Oxford. luimestead,’^ near Family shed. .NTews- AR A YEAR ■( 0 Cents. lERICAN is pub- esday and and the news of tlie It also con- correspondence, ^ood poetry, lo- terest and fre»?li he home circle, jalt’jral Depart- liaJ)le Financial special featurcH. & Co. er and Publisher Baltiinore, Md., Lacy and Will Huffines of accompanied *'y Lawrence fckle, spent a few days at Dr, [ley’s last week, hunting, ]A crowd from Alamance, headed Ed Waddell, gave the rab{)its a i\e chase last week—half a day at ime—they bagged 64 rabbits with [eral squirrels and birds. iarly Lowe came to see us last fek, and brought us a load of wood and wheat, we don’t care if he les again. >ur good friend and noted 7 car- . sent ns down 2 nice messes of ik last week. Thanks. VVe wish to extend our .thartks the nice fruit, apples, peanuts, ,, we received this week. IMrs. P. E. Shaw is on the sick It we are sorry to note, but hope je will soon be out again. 1 We wish our patrons next Mon- |y would all give us a little piece I news, if not but one item. Put p the box Monday and Jets make column better than it has been. port. lb. 15 to 25 18 to 20 10 to 22i 8 to 10 8 to 9 7 to 8 11 to 12J lOtoli^ 50 to 60 75 to 85 90 to 1.00 1.00 O-*? D 6 to 7 20 to 40 9 to 1*^’ 11 to 23 to 25 6 22 to 25 20. LIST OF lEHERS ainiog in Post oiUue uncjaiiPPd, ington, X. C., Nov. 1.4, 1908. TLEMEN— . . Becker, Wilson C. Crutch- , Esq.^ Prof. Hall, (Col.) Mr. uston Knight, Baxter King, Esq. H. Lindsay, Mr. Freeman Lesith, . H. McPherson, Henry J. Mason, q., Mr. Pricy Patterson, Mr. Wil- rt Thomp.son, Mr, R. M, Ward, A. Williams, Esq., Rev. J. W. alker. blES— Re Cates, Miss Bessie Glos- Ethel King, Mrs. Mary 'nip-son, Miss Miriam Workmaa. trsons calling for any of these ter.s will please say “advertised” ^ date of advertised list. J. Zee Waller, Post Master. subscribe for the Dispatch. Wake Forest College was iht ^vinner in the dei>ate bi^tween that school and Randolph-Macon, ol Asheland, Yu. The subject of the debate was “Resolved, That Injunc tion Ouglit to be Allowed as a Means of Preventing Strikes.” The Virginia boys, although defeated, inad(^ a fine showing. Among the candidates for Presi dent of Harvard University to suc- ced President Elliot, resigned, is Dr. David Franklin Houston, who is now President :>f the University of Texas. Dr. Houston was born it Monroe, N. C., is only forty-two years of age and has had consider able experience in the work of education.! Mr. J. E. Cole, of Liberty, was robbed of f3lO early last Wednes day morniog at Clegg’s Hotel in Greensboro. Early iu the morning the watchman informed the night clerk that a suit of clothes was on the floor of room No. 47, which was the room that Mr. Cole' occu pied. Upon investigation it was found that the money wsn missing. News come from Bombay, a small town in Randolph county, to the effect that a family of that place is very much wrought up over the fact that they have been drinking milk from a cow that has gone niad, and eating pork that they have reason to believe had the poison in it, or at least that the hog had been bitten, as another hog in the same pen went mad. At his home in Cary on Monday morning, Rev, A, D. Himter, a well known Baptist Minister, of Wake county, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. The cause of the rash act was due to’ financial troubles, which was brought ou by Mr. Hunters race for the nomination on the Democratic ticket for Treasurer of Wake coud- ty. Having spent large suras of money trying to buy the nomina tion was overcome by the Demo cratic machine, hence the fatal act of Monday morning is the result of that defeat. I Brief News Items. At Madison Square Garden, New York, in Doraudo Peitri of Itly, defeated John J. Hayes, of New York, in a distance of twenty-six miles. Harvard College beat Yale in a fi.K)f ball game by a score of four to nothing. The game was played on last Saturday at New Haven. Conn. This Avas the first time in seven years that Harvard had beat Yale. Stanley Ketchel, of Grand Rapids Michigan, regained the middle weight championship of the world on last Thursday from Billey Fake, of Illinois. The contest was held at Arena, San Francisco, Calfornia. One hundred passengers lost their lives ou a burning vessel which caught fire on the Mediterranean sea one day last week. The fire made such a rapid sweep of the vessel that only a few lives were saved. At Keasby, N. J., on last Wed nesday a conflict occurred between seven hundred strikers and twelve deputy sheriffs in whish six of the strikers were shot down. The State National Guard has been called to the scene. The date of trial for Duncan B. Cooper, his son, Robert J. Coo|ier, and John D. Sharp in which tney are charged with the murder of former United States Senator Car mack has been set for the eighth of December. All phad not guilty. Frank H. Hitchcock has been offered and accepted the position as postmaster general in the new cabi net that, is to be. Mr. Hitchcock has a technical knowledge of postal affairs as he has had considerable ex perience as first assistant postmaster general. The biggest tobacco deal on re cord was closed between the Ameri can Tobacco Company and the Bur ley Tobacco Society ou last Thurs day at Ijouisvilie, Ivy. The deal involved about 80,000,000 jx»unds of thbacco which cost the American Tobacco Company about fil4,000,- UOO. Twenty-five persons are missing a.s a result of a gas explo.siou which nccurred at Brooklyn, New York last Friday. It io deiiuately known that fifteen are dead and the other ten are missing and are sii[)posed to be dead. The gas main recently sprung a leak which caused the ex plosion./ At Hot Springs, A"a., on- last Saturday President-elect Taft and Rej)resentative Burton, of Ohio, held a conference, at which the speakership question was discussed, as well as nearly everything else, as Mr. Taft put it. Mr. Taft will fight Mr, Cannon if necessary^ for tariff revision. The Comptroller of the Currency is going to establish a quiz class for bank directors to find out plainly unequivocally how many of them understand, and pe.i’form their du ties—in other vvords, if bank direc tors directors. In view of recent finan ciering, the inquiry is not only per tinent—it is also imperative. On last Thursday at Woodland Mills, Ala., the wife of Tom Rich ardson, her mother and three child ren were burned to death. The re mains of the children were found in the barn, which was burned also. Several theories have been advanced as to the origin of the fire, one being robbery, no one can positively. The following persons were par doned by Gov. Glenn on Thauks- giving Day; Jeff Mace, who was convicted in Madison Supreme court in 1906; Walter Newton, of Gran ville county, convicted of murder; Will White, (col,,) convicted in Iredell court of burglary, Moses Pender, (col,.) convicted in Edge combe court of murder in the sec ond degree. All of the prisoner° have records and t’neir pardon is asked for by the prison authorities. FREE TRIP •••• Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills relieve pain. KILLthe couch and CUi¥E the LU?IGS WITH Dr. King’s New Discovery PRICE ^ 80c & $1.00. OLG'S Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. FOR 0pucns GTTAR AWTTEED SATISS’ACIORY OS MONEY BEFITNDED. Believing that there are a large number of youn^ men and young women in the Fifth Congressional District who would like to attend the Inauguration of the next Presi dent of the United States, at Washington, March the 4th, 1909, The State Dispatch has arranged to furnish trans portation, FREE, to Washington and return to all persons in the Fifth Congressional District who comply with the following conditions: ....OUR OFFER To every one sending us fifty-two (52) yearly sub scriptions to The State Dispatch at $1,00 per year, on or before February 1st, 1909, we will give a free railrpad tick et to Washington and return. It will be necessary for everyone accepting this prop osition to make a weekly report to the office of The State Dispatch, where an account will be opened with each orie accepting this offer, so that proper credit may be givei? for all subscriptions received. If as many as six persons secure tickets under diis proposition, we will furnish all necessary expenses while on the trip to the one securing the largest number of sub scriptions, over and above the fifty-two required to se cure the ticket. To all those who enterjthe contest and fail to get the required number to secure a ticket, an appropriate reward will be given in proportion to the service rendered, but no subscriptions will be transferred from one account to another. AU those contemplating accepting this offer will fill out the following blank and forward it to us so We may know how many are going to enter the contest. THE STATE DISPATCH PUB. CO. KS”": CONTEST DEPT... The State Dispatch Pub. Co., Burlington, N. C Gentlemen:— I have decided to enter your contest for free transportation to Washington to the Inauguration of the next President, and will be pleased to have you send me receipt book and sample copies of The Dispatch, so that 1 may go to work immediately. 1 also; agree to make report to you as often as once a week and to send all subscriptions on hand with ^ach report. Yours truly, POST OFFICE ST A TT^ ■ DATE

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