ttilit X .-.'' "; '- 7 ' ''.. " 7-v ,'r -, V'-..' '.V7'7 . . - ' I - - - r: It. I i' v - J 1 a" r'. 4 It J s 3. u ; .1 H . Ln. . 5 11 i4 r 4 The State Dispatch. Local and Personal To Whom it May Concern. '. Tni8 T:tr Iiftir';.'. all" 2- rVV-w ; tiatra Mr. Geo. Garrison, of route one, 0Ved ones . buried' in . Pine Hill was in town Saturday. Cemetery,-' and who have contracts Miss Mayme Holt left Friday for ! with me to care for their plots that me jrear uas expired ana ine ' . TT" -j a two weeks visit to friends at Salis- Mr. Wm. Freeland. of Hillsboro, r . , was in town last week visiting his brother. Mr. W. T. Garrison, of McLeans ville, was a visitor in our town one day last week. Mr. Lawrence Shoffner left Sat urday for Hiffh Point where he anticipates working in the future Mr. O. D. Flaherty, who has been at Henderson engaged iD so- liciting nursery stock, was here last week. Mrs. J. F. Thompson and Miss Margie Loy pent Saturday and Sunday at Greensboro visiting friends. Misses Emma Sheppard and Eunice McAdams attended the memorial service at Providence Sunday. Mr. V. I. Montgomery and fam ily spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at Greensboro visiting Mrs. Sallie Summers. Misses Lillian Shoffner and Eshter Mebane attended the me morial service at St. Marks Re formed church Sunday. Mr. J. T. Plott, pt Greensboro, who has charge of some grading near Swepsonville, was in town Fr day buying supplies. tmouncs you were to pay me are now due and some part due. Kind ly call and arrange the same. Respectfully, L. P. SHEPPARD. Cemetery Keeper ' How Consumption Can Be ; Authorities of a every kind have by local applicationsV as they cannot finally agreed that the outdoor treat- reach the i j iseased pornon of the ear, ment is' the onlyreliable treatment There is;only one:w5y ciirV:deaf " w v liu- XUI I 1 KV. HUM I.IIMIi Ii Ilv "iTfflilKr.Illir.lfiriMI pure, confined air interferes with the remedies. Deafness is caused by au function processes of the lungs. The inflamed condition of the mucous carbolio acid gas is not pruperly re- lining of the. Eustachian Tube, placed by oxygen, the great life-giv- When this tube is inflamed you have winuu uauuoi, oe aDsorDea in a rumbling sound or imperfect hear- m enaeavorea mg, and wheu it is entirely closed, to cuhvate the habit of living out Tenfnpx e tho- onif anA ...i ui uinjiK. 1 1. iiihv ii ii mffli r or tirar thn ... i a i . i. - i - j j - iuc tuuiiiuujiiuuu uau we labtu - yul Attention Sunday pchool Workers, maintain warmth. One wi 1 not be and this tube restored to its normal The Alamance county Sunday cutcT, wue" be"ousiy sunering condition, hearing will be destroyed . 1 4-M.w J IU 1. . 1 t till. 1 I I A 1 I'llll I II W X m W9 O B -v -v I " A. v"wi aommuuu ill uuiu its ail- , . i wtcx- u'uc iiscq uut ui it: XI are nual convention in St. Marka Re- r, ,warm v and comfortable, but caused by Catarrh,' which is nothing r j i i -. n. .. this does not mpnnthnt nno chnnU k. a l .j::.. iormea cnurcn, in xoon s otation . 7 . . . uuu ttU iuuaiueuuouuHiou oi me mu- township, Aueust 28th and 29th. of mdulge 10 coddling. One should cous surfaces. this year. Leit the ministers and sl?wlJ b.ut surety mure the body to L We will give One Hundred Dol- Sunday school workers of the coun ty begin now to shape their plans to attend. A Daily Paper For the Home. We are offering The State Dis- and what might ordinarily be regarded lar8 for any case of Deafness Yr,1Bpd as eXDOSUre. hv nfrrli tliat Minnnt nnxul w IVhsn tn lrin ik. J 1. l.lrT"111y.. . . iiucu wwuk iuc UUIrUOJf ireai-I H All's l fetarih f lira .SonH fei niii. raent, do not torget the necessity of milars. W securing all the oxygen you can F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. through the aid of deep-breathing Sold by all druists. 75c. exercises. If you expand the chest Tat TTalPa P on each occasion as. much as you can stipation. ' Beware of the love-moth! Now Bill has won her pretty maid, A June bride she is to be Her peachy-cream complexion will n fade Because it's RockyMountain Tea in laid. T. H. Stroud. Prof. P. E. Shaw, principal o the Friendship High School during the past year, was a welcome calller at the Dispatch omce one day last week. Miss Jessie Pepper, of Dan bury, Otokes Uouuty spent Thursday night with MissLiizzie Homewood Miss Pepper left Friday morning lor r'lttsboro. . r . i'ArcH, your lavorite paDer. ihe Philadelphia Peess at a without pain or discomfort, there is delphia peess is ihe best metropo- harm Tha InJ man daily newspader and should be should lWa k; n ua : is the time of the year when a mar- in the home 01 every reader. Be- Mmn i 11 ... ned man should kppn his heart ',n . UMx iv-xwu auu Kiauuitiiv eiLeuu ui) i . , r w v'" lore you subscribe tor any other call f thQ ko tti , . ice and a marriprl of . j . . , . w ucol i a ureal n is i . ; 0uUUlu f,Ui uim;C auu lei us expiam mis taken in this manner, the air is car Qer vanitr awa7 ln cold storage. ned down to the lowes parts of- th xr " j r lungs and eraduallv. aSP the jL .Neverdespa.r of a man a fills and exMnds.hVrp.ft., .11 '"""womau-jast wait until he is i v-. a uii Liiv.i i . . i o i ' , , , uian-ieu to anomer woman. jttiio ui iuc iuujs are expanaea anu offer to you. What The Kidneys Do. ALAMANCE COMPANY, T nmg L. B. Holt, C. F. Rauhut and others in sight of Graham, 11-2 miles of Burlington, red soil, will cut about 400 cords of wood. Fine location for someone wanting a farm close to mrket INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Burlington, N. C. nas pa- returned to hei in- the postoffice car- Miss Maud Gunter, who speut several weeks with her rents at Patmos, duties as clerk Monday moruiug. A very beautiful service wa.s reu J .. J L . .. uereu oy inecuudren ot the Metho dist Episcopal church Sunday night. Ihe children deserve much credit tor tne mauoer in which they ried out their part. Mothers Have vou tried Hollis- ter's Rocky Mountaiu Tea? It's a Messing to the little ones, keeps i way summer troubles. Makes them sleep and glow. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. T. H. Stroud. The Elizabeth Hosiery Mill Co. haye .recently finished their new building on Meudenhall street and have iustalled sixty mechines for knitting hosiery, which will te in operation soou. This will be the fifth hosiery mill for our town. To relieve constipatiou, clean out tne Dowels, tone and strengthen the digestive orgaus, put them in a na tural condition with Holhster's Roc ky Mountain Tea, the most reliable tonic tor thirty yea-s. 35 ceuts, J.ea or lablets. T. H. Stroud. Messrs. Milton Shaw and Chas. Walker, of near Alamance church. Guilford county, were the guest of JYirs. lhos. Lobie Saturday niVhr These geutlemeu have a number of relatives and friends in Burlington wno were glad to see them. Mr. B. B. Slaughter, who was one of the faculty at McLeasville duriug the past year, opened a sub scription school at Elmira school house Monday. Mr. Slaughter will teach three nights each week for the benefit of those who cannot attend the day session. The Swepsonville boys went down in defeat at the hands of our team Saturday evening by a score of 4 to 1. The chief feature of the game was the pitching of the Mc Keithan for ur team. Several plays of interest to the spectators were made on Ixrth sides. Their Unceasing Work Keeps us Strong and Healthy. All the blood in the body passe through the kidney once everv three minutes. The kidneys filter I 11 1 m. tne blood, lhey work night and day, When health thevremove about 500 grains of impure matter strengthened. From June Physica uuiture. The Black Hand. Philadelphia Record. A charitably disposed ofhV al of the municipal governmental Wash- ington tells ot an interesting ex. change of views between two ur daily, when unhealthy some part of . 8 at a dinuer iven to the news- this impure matter is ;n ot tne capital by popular sub- J iu IUC . " oiooa. mis brinas on mnn "F"WU- O w uiacu- ses and svmntnns nuin u.a. j j f"1" j iuc uai'K neaaacqe, nfarvousness, hot. dry ikin rheumati m w V V i 1 V 1 . IIIS I . oruers-bfthe eyesight and hearing . IS dirtler than yonrsr' wa- dizzinpss. i.roo-nlon k.. jl m? elaira made by one bov. ' "Maby it is. said the newsboy; "but vou don't wanterfpr- . it you're two years older'n me!' As the lads were waiting for thpii desert they placed their t?r.'mv hand... 1 I . . o. J siae oy side on the tablecloth. nzzmess, n regular heart. dphiifV llrniVKinose r t-,m-l. ,1 .i v,l,z)Jf vieposiis in tne urine, etc. But if you keep the fil ters i-ignt you will have no trouble with your kulnevs. J. r. btubbms, S. Main St, Burlington, N C, says; "I used Loan s Kidney Pills, procured at i-ue r reeman irusr Co. and the ro. U - - -- w a suit were so satisfaccor y iht I hav no hesitation in recommend ino- tl, remedy I know Doan's Kidney Pills to be a reliable remwlv fr; .... J io vnucicu Kiuneys. i or sale by all dealers. Pr.V. 50 cents. Fnt Buffalo, Ne-y Yotk. Sol1 Mirpnti; .L. TT . . . ' IVJ iu me united states. Kemember the namt l)Afln'a . - and take no other. Stung For 15 Years. by Indigestion's paugs trying many doctors and $200.0q worth of medicine in vain. B. F. Ayscue, of Ingleside, N. C, at last used Dr. King's New Life Pills, and writes they wholly cured him. They' cure Constipation, Billiousness, Sbk j neadache, Stomach, Liver, Kiduev and Bowel troubles. 25c at Freeman Drug Co. Gets Married and Good Job. governor Had lev told th nd,ar , , . - day how he happenel to select Hen ry Andiae for penitentiary warden: "One day Henry and T wr sleigh riding, an old uegro driving. v e passed the penitentiary nH tKa mansion provided for the warden asketl Henry if he ever had thm,Kf of being warden. He saiJ he didn't Know that he had. "Well do you think you could fill the bill?' ! asked. "Yes,' replied Henry, I could.' "But,' I said, 'there' is one vital objection to your appointment "H eury looked somfwhut unci-i ed and not a little disappointed. I pointea over to the Warden's man sion. "You're not married. Hah" t reminded him. "Ho! Is that the nliWti?' h asked. "Just then thu ,1" i,., uai ty urove over a ronh , n . ... to" cuvc auu me sleigh turned over. V xvpr A,,.., ped out in the snow. I trot nn snnt. . : . i . , r i wjnug snow, out Henry disregarded the accident altogether. He looked me in the eye and said: PJ1 fix that right away, Governor.' "And Andrew did fix it. for the ceremony took place the otW Kansas Oitv lournfll. Special Notice. We recently announcpd ujiauj;" ed with Twp. "liiAUAbfJUA Press to offer tl.eir publication ,n ccunection with the Txv UlAii, JJISPATCH at reduced o1mKk; rate by which you secure a reliable metro rnl if q n rnT . ii ..u KXpct aS well as y0ur ai nome newoaner A i number of people are taking advan tage of the opportunity, and if are interested call at our offi rop- us a post card and iva ,.,:ii - v tnu Ci- plain our liberal offer t you. Subscribe for the Dispatch. Can't Convict a Woman. Ohio State JournaJ. Mr. Powler, former collector f the port of New York, speaking of ompromisini; with crime, says it .s absolutely necessary in cases oi smuggling where woman are accus ed since it is impossible U convict a woman when the United States it is impossible to convict a woman when the Unittd Slates is the complainant A jury will swear to decide ac cording to the law and the evident but when il comes to a woman smuggling in silkdressea. fi gloves, the law and evidence aic scattered to the wild winds Tr are two considerations relating i, this matter; first, there is a meai. little conscience, prevalent people, that it is not verv wiVt smuggle goods into this country We have even heard men hot J.f their success in thus tiumnlin.r .. on the law. They speak of it c joke aud describe their sneakery as I C C 4- ' n ... ii it pussessea a flavor of virtue. And when women smmr.rL : regarded as the surest of hm.. rights. It is one of her preroga tives. That is th ih - "w.iuic tue and so, as Mr Fowler 4-U . , . luc l,C61 wy to ao is to compromise for then the CO VP mm tnt r money, and the woman gets punish ment, but saves her reputation. Rich Men's Gm7Are Poor. ......v, x waui to go on re cord as saying that I regard ELc tric Bitters as one of the gieatest gifts that God has made to woman writes Mrs. O. Rhiuevault, ..f Ves tal Center, N. Y.. "I can never for get what it doue for me." This glorious uied-Vine aives a hnoyaut spirits, vitror of hod, u,i jubilant health. It quickly enrns Nervousness. Sleeplessness. " choly, Headache. Backache, " Faint ing and Dizzy Sp.-lls; .soon builds up the weak, a.Iimr and sifkK- Tr, them. 50c. at Rrnwn n, Vt. " yifirer peoati LM The State DisDatch has club combination nrice with ThlT&UjJ :iV'UCIi",c Denent or a remarkable for the price of one. ! ou can get two newspapers The Philadelphia Press (SS) Re jar Price $3 n0 per yMr The State Disnatrh weekly. - win, ilak Awguiai 1 ntc pi.uu rer I ear Regular Price of Both, One Year . $4.00 uur apeciai rnce tor Both to You 03.00 Per Year Here is your chance to get a great metropolitan daily home newsnarwr tn,h length of tune, and ,f you want to take advantage of it. we sugg Jt yVuScribeaSnS vj au.'jeci in wnicn tne temminme mind is . particularly interested will be found treated in The Philadelphia Press in a manner to appeal to women of taste and refinement. Isn't that the kind of daily paper you prefer tn welcome into your home every morning? A paper that enter tains as well as instructs, that informs vou of every happening of interest without offending you with trash and nonsense. The Philadelphia Press has the Int-wrM-n. best-edited, most interesting and "helpful Wo man's Page in Philadelphia. It deals wih the things that women want to know, with fashions, house helps and hints, social customs, care of the house and children and many equally important subjects. You will find every column of every ! kjcr.i ixium wim value News of Women receives appreciative atten tion m The Philadelphia Press. What women are doing m the great workday world, in the so cial realm in musical and artistic circle you are surety interested in these things. Social happenings are authoritatively reported in the Philsdelphia Press. Interesting descrip tions ot social functions, chatty gossip about folks who are prominent-socially, illustrated with un usual and attractive photographs. Operatic, Musical and Theatrical Events are treated in the Press as they should be treated, with full reports of all that is of real interest, with capable cntism, giving readers the right idea of all that is happening in the way of public enter tainment. Fiction, Stories, Correspondence Columns Famous Words of Famous People these interest mg and entertaining features appear in pvpi-v issue Read the Famous Words every day you II learu more about history and the World of Letters than you would in a University Course. Letters from Europe by the Marvise de Fon tenoy are a daily feature in The Press. Chatty stories, facinatmg gossip, entertaining news about notable people and places of the Old World Every man who is not a loafer is a man of business. You may call it a profession but it is outness wnetner you are a lawyer, a doctor, teacher, ,ust a much as if you manufacture, sell or ; transport g,ods The seeking out and the dis tribution of knowledge, the adjudication of con flicting claims, the exercise of medical skill to heal and prolong life: these too are the business or the modern world. Men iirdiffiWu buineesare more particular ly interested in .certain . classes of news. Real Lstate men wat to know what property is being nought and sold, the trend gilding operations are being planned. You who are interested in these things will find The Phila delphia Press Real Estate News the most com plete m Philadelphia. Wal news is fully reported in the Philadel phia Fress. Records of the courts, judgements and suits everything the lawyer wants to know is given faithfully and accurately. Six out of every ten men are vitally interested in h inancial News or Market Reports. You can trust these reports in the Daily Press. New I ork, Philadelphia and Boston Bond and Stock Markets are thoroughly covered; Chicago and Fittsburg Market Quotation; Government Bond Quotations; European Money Markets and Foreign Exchange; Minning News; all such ngures and news are collated and - edited by ex perts. An authoritative editorial on Markets and Prices is an e very-Monday-morning feature Many men are interested m Commerce. Are you one of them? You will find comprehensive marine reports and Shipping News in The Phil delphia Press every morning rnor meD' iD whatever-business, have more or less interest in Sports. The Press sport- wLhagV-i eaD n,eW8 live giving all the ZLn erUeWS 'Vf a!! Ports' thout stuff or nonsense. Interesting pictures and cartoons are Political News is not a hysteria with the Phila- fiZt elh fcVeTthig worth chronic ling m the political arena without fulsome praise or senseless denunciation. One feature of the PhiWlp?r,hiQ TDc .:n 1 j. iloo tuai win appeal to busy men is its regularity of make-up. I here is a place for every department of special news and vmt o 1 " " x0 11UU eacn in its place r-vcry person who wants a Hail source of entertainmen and instiwrinn , j TiT 7j i1?' a real aspiration, a real morning. If you are rSrtreSK ' I 'hould read The PhiIadelphia Press every remarkable off" 6 " nOW' be&m at once. bv taking advantage of this The Philadelphia PreSS ne Year. Sunday or Week) and Xhe State Dispatch BOTH FOR $3.00 PER YEAR 31 OUr ffiCe and Subibe- or yourprderlto us by return mail. El a '

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