. The; State Dispatch. V HI ,1 . ..$-i-. r-. 'tvp-p' annas . . ,; Lai 1 WHITTED BROS. Vhere you will always find the most sea sonable merchandise at prices that mean a great saving to you. Our buyer has just returned from the northern markets twhere he made the largest purchases of Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, and Ladies Tailor made suits that he ever purchased. OUR GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY We have some extra values in choice'me: chandise that he picked up for fall and winter trade. Come and let us show you. Remember we keep the May - Man torn patterns in all sizes, the price only 10 cents each. J. D. & L. B. WHITTED Burlington, N. C. DR. FRANCIS OF GREENSBORO, N. C. Expert Physician Surgeon and Specialist Will visit Graham, N, C, 2nd visit on Saturday September 18 Hotel Vestal, and every fourth Saturday thereafter. One. Day BrltlshCanadian Medical Expert, Surgeon and Diagnostician. Dr. Packard has been educated in and grad ated from the best hospitals and colleges af Europe and America. Special ExaminerUnited States Pension Bureau. Consultation and Eiara ination Free, Invited & Strictly Confidential. Mo cases taken or treated without a per sonal examination con sultation or interview. Ha mail trier busisess done r carresiana'eiice selicitei Scad this carefully. H yea art ia goad health, five it 1a a sick friend wha will lhank yga. vinjf Four lis -y,f- rl Consultation & Examination at all times FREE and Invited. I cure to stay cured every case I take for treatment. Surgical Cases I treat without Op eration or suffering. Without Ether or Chlo roform, without detention from Business or Pleasure. t licensed by the State for the Cure of all Ner vous, Special and Chronic Diseases of Men, "Women and Children, Treats all his Patients in person. No hired Assistants to split the re sponsibility. He treats the following Diseases only: All Nervous Diseases such as Neuras thenia, Neuralgia, Melancholia, Nervous De bility, Spina Irritation, Hysteria, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Fits or Falling Sickness, Chorea, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Headache or -Migraine. Heart Disease like palpitation, gen eral Weakness or sinking spells. Diseases of the Blood or Skin like Anemia, Scrofula, Ecze ma, Ulcers, Tumors, Growths, Swellings, pimples, etc He wants to meet all sick per sons who suffer from Chronie Constipation, Obstipation, Intestinal irritation. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Ulceration or Dilation of the Stomach or Intestines, Hernia, Rupture of the Bowels, Appendicitis, Piles, itching.bleed ing, protruding or internal in Character. Tapeworm, Diseases of the liver, such aa en largement or displacement, or congestion. Cirrhosis, hardening or engorgement. Diseas es of the Kidneys like Bright' s Disease, Dia betes, DropsyJ Gravel, Uric Acid, Scalding, cr burning Urine. Bed wetting or too frequent Uriaation,Sexual Impotence, weakness or irri tability. Diseases of the bladder. Catarrh in all its forma. Purulent, discharging or Dry Catarrh of the head. Throat, lungs or Bron chial tubes. Stomach, Bladder, Kidney or Systemic. This enemy of the human race.' He is now able to cure in a short time' by an original and new method of Osmosis or absorption. Asthma in all its forms. Con-' sumption of the many stages. A Cure guar anteed if In the early Stages, before destruc- - tion of tissues has set in. Deafness caused by it. I have cured frequently in 80 min utes. Sometimes accompanied by Head noises. Cured to stay Cured. Diseases of Women, " Uterine or Ovarian are moat successfully - Created. Displacements la any form are im ,, m i? - t A" ;yrrH i 11. , Notions" have just arrived."! make a specialty of SHOES, COAT SUyrSi , 1; alsq repre sent the veil tnown Interna tional Tailoring CoM for made , to MEASURE CLOJTHIKG, ; FOR MEN., Fitiguafanteed It cordially irivitepu tb call and see me before purchasing else where. ; L ean save ycu money. Thanking you for your past patronage I await your further command. Yours for service! 1 Ma. hall Haw River N. C Irolinwobd 'Kills. J )' I 'i S. PACKARD flnlir-Returning Eyery-Unnroa 8:00 A. M. to Weeks UUUlOo 6:00 P. M. Nedlcal Expert in Treatment of Chronic Diseases off Men, Women and Children. Dr. Packard has made more remarkably cures in the Southern States than any living physi-' eian. No incurable cases taken for treatment All cases taken for treatment will be guar anteed a cure, I see all patients in person. No substitutes or assistants employed or trusted. Miaors without their ear eats or wives wlthoat their husbands will not be ad mitted t a caaspttatloa gnless accenpaaicd hi their local physician. mediately replaced in a very" few minutes. Diseases peculiar to men, or any complicated trouble beyond the aid of the general Prac titioner. And if you have tried everything else and failed, and if you want to get well again. Then 60 and See this advanced and progressive Specialist of experience and rep utation Who, If there is a cure for you, will bring it about and produce it with the-aid of the greatest Scientific achievements of modern times, which he has mastered and has at his commands. NO MATTER What your ailment may be; NO MATTER what others may liave tola! you, No Matter what jour experience may have been with Other Physicians, Hospitals, Sanitariums, Institutions or Patent Medicines, it will be to your advantage to see this re markable Doctor of ENGLAND, everywhere acknowledged to be the greatest center of Medical Learning in the world today. Go then, and have it forever Bettled in your mind if your case is one for which, a Cur can be had. If your case is curable, he will put you on 'treatment at once, and give you all such medicines or remedies and preparations needed to effect your Cure. If incurable. He will tell you so, . and' give you such coun sel and advice as may. nrolone tout life. REMEMBER This is not a scheme or catch or snare to get your-money' and ran, as is . too oiten the case. .This is a . legitimate prop osition and you deal with your Doctor Your self and direct. Every Statement here made is guaranteed, as True. A visit for Consul' tation and examination will cost von noth ing, and implies no obligation whatever. If treatment be decided on and "given you, it will restore you to -nerfect health, and mav mean the savins;' of your life. A Nominal fee .will De cnargea only if the Case can be treat ed with a view to a cure. .Do not put off this duty you owe to your self,' Your Family, your - Friends and your relatives who- are -now or may later be suffering because ef your neglect to ftzht Disease and procure Health without which mie instead 01 a .Pleasure becomes a,misera- Local and Personal. h. Ed Hanford mde a business trip to Greensboro last, Satanlay. ; ! . JW- Thompson of Whiteett was 4 business visitor in tnecity . lasi zzCjtub H J Heritage left Saturday for Gibson vule ' and balisbury on business.- .v- ;v;--, THrir Andrews of Durhlim; was the guest' of 3Irs. Dr. Patterson dur- liDg'tbtptweek' J Miss; Martha Ladd Robertson of Haw Kiyer was m town, last Friday j afternoon chopping. 1 M iss VannievNeese of Greensboro was the guest or Miss Ida Loy and others during the. past week.,- B E Teague returned Saturday from a business trip" to? Greensboro Salisbury and other cities west. I - Mrs. Chas. Staley of High Point who spent the past .week with her pajents returned home baturday. I Miss Carry Riggsbee of Durham was the guest of Mrs. G. JJ. Smith during the week enroute to Greens boro. FOR RENT 3 rooms, for light House keeping, man and wifer no children. See W. N. Mebane, at Guthrie Place. Miss. Margaret Hall left Friday for Asheboro to be the guest of and attend a house party given by Miss Clara Moffitt WANTED Two or three fur nished rooms for light house keep ing. Address J. G. S. In care State Dispatch. Misses Ala and Louise Turner of Norfolk who have been the guest of Mr. J. P. Montgomery during the past month returned home last week. The opening of the Cooper Dry Goods Co., occured Saturday morn ing at nine o'clock. The store was very beautifully decorated for th ccasion. FOR SALE Three (3) Pointer log pups, over three months old. Good stock, also mother oV pups, ge 2 years. Write L. D. Lloyd, Chapel Hill. W. M. Vincent a prosperous far- uer of near Mebane was ou the to bacco market last Saturday and was j well pleased. Mr. Vincent was a I pleasant caller at the Dispatch office- DR. VINEBERG, the Eye and Ear Specialist consented to agaiu visit Burlington, he will be at our ;tore September, 17th and 18th. FREEMAN DRUG CO. Mr. Furman Jarrett who has re cently taken charge of the Insurane Oepartment of the Piedmont Trust Jompany left Thursday for Frauk intoor his former home. He and Mrs. Jarrell Will return in about ten days to make this their home in the future We are glad to have them come to our city. Mr, Lewis Strauss, of Burling ton, has rfntJ iV warehouse of Wv. (x. O. U ilt, ii"Belletneade street,, aad will shot ily go into the -otiou waste lusiur. Th s is a new business for Greensboro and indeed for this entire seVtiu, and owing to the;. large ntimlr of cotton mills ArithiD elose range it is believed that there is quite inviting field for the enterprise. Green fboro Record. Waddell-Gibson. Mr. Waddell a prominent mer chant of Alamance Mills and Miss lary Gibson of the Hawfield com munity were married Wednesday at the heme of the brides farther Mr. Jas Gibson. .Rev. Mebane officiat ing About seveoty were present for the enjoyable occasion. Both are popular-young people and their mauy friends are glad to learn of their marriage. The bride ' is a niece of Mrs. J. T. Thompsou of this place The Dispatch wishes them success in their future career. Merchants Meeting. The regular monthly meetiug of the Burlington Merchants Associa tion will be held in the office of the secretary of the association, Tuesday evening, Septemoer 25st.at 9:30 p. m. There are two questions of vital importance that will come be fore, this meeting, which will be fully explained to the association. 'Every merchant and business man in Burlington who is interested in the future of our town is requested and urged to be present, whether a member of the association or not Yours truly, ; J6h R. Hoffman, Sec. t Advertise in The Dispatch. how's tws immm We offer One hundred DollarsLjleward for ary caie of Catarrh -th&c cannot be cured byjaall's -Catar -h .CureSI ? ?$??f T. JVCHENKY & CO ,' Toledo, O. 1 We, the ' nijdei signed: have known tV J.'Tieney for the last years,, and bv Heve him peyiectly hbnorla.ble in all busi-, neea transactions and flnailcially able to carry outanv obligations made by his TVat.tiino. Kinnan & Marvin. V37holeaale0Druggi6tsi Xoledo;X,' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-. ljf aetingireetTy npon -thej blood - and mucous surfaces l the system, r' Testi monial sent' free Price 75 cents per bottled Soldiy All Druggists Take e Hall's 'Family Tills Jo for constipa-: tion rj iff Mall Boicj on Wheel. SMMCiuis wauuaaiaui ; hi 5 i Mr. Y. E. Young, a prosperous farmer of Pantber Bianch Township Wake County, has a unique arrange ment for rural mail boxes. . He is a great belie vtiT in' the rural free de livery service and wants to' do any-; thing that he can to 1 advance the cause or tnat wui aia we rurai carr rier in his work. - JSeveral neighbors get their mail on the road near. Mr; Young's home, and he has erected a structure so that the rural carrier can sit in her buggy and put mail in five boxes without having to drive to the separate boxes. , He placed a ouggy axle in a perpendicular 'posi tion, then put ting a buggy wheel ' oh top part of axle he fastened his mail box, and those belonging to his neighbor, on the wheel. Now' the carrier by simply turning the wheel can put the mail in each farmers' box in less time and with less trou ble than when he had to drive to each man's box to deposit his mail. Mr. Young's idea is a novel one, and will, doubtless, be adopted in otb r communities. Ppnrv tVkiinri ih TVnrtri Pnlo ' "R.- aav Aiwwa-a. A vsv j cause he carjied a supply of Melrose Dan Valley7rand 1 Cham piqn flour, j v KIL1.tVbCOUGH ANB CURB THE; LUNGS irB Ceng's WITH Wot7 Jiseouorv rtn ismAitMUA PRICE run ff ZYzrxs? ioc & $i,oa OLDS ' Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. OUAXtANTSSD SATISFACTOK A OB MONEY REFUNDED. I fl ' : : : 1 . I - ::'- ::y FURNITU1E I HOUSE FURNISHINGS It will be to your interest to inspect our stock and get our prices before buying any thing in the house;fiirnish4ng line. Our stock of Art Squares, Carpets, Rugs, Matting and Linoleums are new and complete, the pat ters are good and the prices are in keeping with the quality of the goods. Ask to see our line of Lace and Portier Curtains. We have just six refrigerators'left which we have recently cut the price 25 per cent, you had better get one before they are - all gone" .'l;'; We are in a position to furnish your home on tne easy payment plan, a : balance oh weeb Furniture Store,; iff i': -i" l., , ... . . --. M51ANCEIL0ANlNIIiri(USTIC0MRANll - y y JPA;y V-'W-'.-v.--t s Alamance County Highway Gommisioh Southern Bell TelephoncjGompaiiy outnern Kaiiway Mmpany e handle tne aeppunts or "MariMacturersM er- I chants arid individuals, tth oWtretmeheM m I r feDeposiryoufurpJus can get itlanytime: - interest coripounaea quarterly, , . XV? have moved to the new ISLEY BUILDINa I : corner of Main -and Davis 5 ! it . RE-ENFORCED hAmmoocs v THE KIND THAT LAST ad looV waH while thev last.' BURKE FURNITURE . A v A IHHaBH I Burlintft ifj-ytj1' : IS'yJ -:S.:' '-(-'f-t, afgest BSnk iithe Gouhtv sitory of ; 'uww. rs 6."r.f '.fi;.. I'efytxjt 4-.a-iH.. - all totlmhot6f aMifsatisflerl cent streets. . ' ' -ty.-1 nv.-ni ; Jhe Re. enforced Harnmock is woven extraheayy; n wThere the; wear comes a pat ented feature found in no other hammock. The extra heavy J cording ;at head and f oot is putoh under tension, iiisuniig cquai aismDUtion or weight over; all the cords. These cbfds are ' fastened to 3ed of, the , hammock bv means of ardwopd spreaders and strong cord anchorages. -The colors used in Vudor Re-enforced Hammocks are un-fast and practicall v fade less. - ' Vudor ' Re-enforced Ham mocks come in many; hand some designs and color com binations and in various stylet ranging in : price from $2.21 i o $8. Call and see them. & COFFIN COMPANY, part cash ai i . V- f on. N. C w TRSTIII. ii HI 'Vr4 u's , : -y- ':t '' ' - ' ' ' .tr. fi Die ana pamiui .Burden. , - Remember the Date and Place. v i ' y ..if f . i -yy. jt