-a - J. V s t pre : - rm ird i:- ? A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILaiNC.OF AMERICAN :OMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES T7T VOL. II. BURLINGTON, , N. C; OCTOBER 13, 1909. 1 II.. 11 II I V " X ' I . If II V .1 II i , 4 , J , . " . . I ft . V I 11 ELON COLLEGE NOTES: Special to The Dispatch. Elon College, Oct. -10. -Prof. P ,1 . Kernbdle,"' forma Hy ; professor- ot EQathematic now of Central Publish ing Company Richmond, ,Va .y ha been on menut ior me last tew days looking after." his property' and other interests here, fie has not en tirely recovered from a severe attack of rheumatism which he has suffered this summer, but is very much im proved after his stay at Grayson SuU phur Springs. v : " - On last evening Kark Jansob, the schandanayian : humorist and impef sonator of national reputatida deliv ered one i bf his interesting and varied programs in the 'presence of alarge and appreciative audience. , M r, J an son came 'at the invitation of. the atheleiin association, y He . bad pre viously been to Elon On two former occasions and he was greeted with a large audience who had before en joyed his performances. - 1, The Book Club, of : wnich .Mrs. Wilson is the official president,; has been doing excellent work this ilL Accordinfir to precedent the club dis- banded during the summer and re organized at the beginning of the fall term. Most of the ladies of the college Hill are members of this club which is this fal) making's, special study of Shakespeare. - The basket ball team continues to do hard practice work and is getting in excellent trim The team has not yet been finally selected, but will be in the next few days. Several men of alinosUinusual skiilare trying and it wilp)erd matter 'to select the best. ''T&.: " Death of Mrs. J. A. Bryao. Alter a bnei illness of less - tbii two weeksrMrsi J.a A.v Bryan died at iWir suburban ?hotne on;Tliurslay Oct 7 1909. The funeral occurred on last Saturday . being conducted by her pastor- KevJ C. Brown.. Cox, and the body was"v followed to the grave by one of the large-it proces sions ever seen in Burlington There is left of the broken family- circle a husband and six sonsnhe youngest being n small child to J whom- the sympathies of the entire community a rc gi ven spontaneously. 1 ' 1 , Mrs. Bryan's life was an exemp lary christian life. She gavet her life to beautifying and making ooj-; fortable a home for her husband and boys. Her hospitality to her frien.de was unfounded she haLnot an em emy. In her chnfch life she was active and devoted she took the greatest interest in the building: of the new Luthenm chnrch and was one of the most enthusiastic and successf ul members of the Lutheran church builders a society of-women who are laboring for the new church. The floral tributes at the grave werp rpmarkahlV, beautiful two' of Lhe most elaborate designs -fe being provided by the Mid way Brick' Co. lor which Mr Bryan i3 a chief stoclr holder, and by the Lutheran church builders as a. token of their love and appreciation. Mrs. Bryan died a truly triumph ant death. Time and again as her lite was ebbing away she expressed 1 er steadfast faith in her Savior Christ and in the midst of her in tense suffering would with warn ing breath sang the Gospel songs which had found lodgement in her i ;irt With Amnliit "confidence Ler sorrowinor C3 family and "friends ruav sav Sleep' loved one. and take thy rest;. Lay down thy head upon the Savibr s breast. - ." We Joved the murh, but Jesus loved thee best. ...... ''V Sleep jd. Sleep on. Sleep on." Notice. On the second Thursday in Oct 1809 and Fridav' folio wing-Oct. 14 end 15th-there will be held at the Court house at Graham a public ex amination of applicants for teachers certificates to teach in the public scnools of Alamance county. Thurs day for white applicants and Friday 3 r f lored. IJoors onen at y.UlKa. This is J-he Jast regular; public examination for this year, y: ; P. H. Flemin;(untyupW : iThe State Fair at Raleigh'. , "We are yery glad to notice that everything points to a tremendously successful State Fair -this year." W truly believe that this ' great annual institution will' be more instructive and. entertaining , and more densely thronged during; the week Of; Octo ber 18th to 23rd at Raleigh than it !' - 1 ; i ' ' 1 -k. ever uas been m lts history f and that is Baling 4 good deal. - Z "From what we seethe newspapers and from whaT we. are hearing from various quarters, we base, the belief above stated. ;Cottoa ia up and most of t he farmers of "the state are dong. well.- Omcial : statistics show that North Carolina during the first half of the year ' 1909 made greater, in d ustrial stride than any other State in the union. The managemeut of the State TTair has been -successfully emiea voridg for 'many years to' ap proach nearer and nearer to tbe-ori-ginal purpose of the fair, the exhibi tion ot the best products ot the. State along all linesi-enUvened by, whole- understand that ; never s before has there beenuch; a . rush for space on the part of 'exhibitors; for instance, there was doubt at one time that there would be stalls enough for the livestock,, but it is learned that suf ficient accomodations have been pro vided: that several counties wjll pave elaborate separate exhibits; and that altogether the exhibits will be on a magnificent scale. .. As for the entertaining side ot the fair, Mr. George Harden, ope of the foremost hortinen, vouches for the racing being the best ever seen in North Carolina, he haying just returned from a visit to the fairs in Virginia, on me circuit or.wjucu the Raleigh . fair is a member. W Hp also speaks r in the highest ' possibly terms of the -attractions that are to Ang the latter are Kemp SisV tersi Wild West Show! which will give" many ' free ; acts; including the overland ft&se coach: the .Great Evenporte," who dash over a slender wire eighty feet above ground on a wheel of fife; free; Fress and Gen- ette as Happy Hooligau and Loucia iinnun tne dox car iricK auu as aeriafists on trapeze and Roman rings, all free: the navel balloon race, two balloons ascending to uizzy hight aod ea h dropping two para chutes at the same time; and Merri- mac ahd Monitor shows that made the creat hji at "Jamestown: Ferarjis trained'-wild animals; the trained 1 .i . J.. -, V. , ... - . - - feas; the infant Jncubator exhibit with real live btd)ieiinder glass, and others too numerous to mention. j Then - the improvements at the grounds: The midwayhas been ma cademized; : t wenty-fi ve new horse stalls have been built since last year- Iota of new bleacher seats have-been, built, there being seating capacity now for about twenty-five hundred outside of the grand standpand every lhuig.p.nt?i.n.ahiwpe.r-! There will be, inore siecial trains Ihaii ever, before with the usual low rates,-and extra , cars on' regulars." The street cars in Raleigh will only charge five cents to the grounds. Death of a Child. The death angle entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Anthony of eastern Burlington Monday vmorning just before noon and silently took little Mary who was but three years old and the only child in the home. Mary was jx bright little girl and loved by all who knew her. Only the kind creator in his infinite-wisdom known Svhy this tender flower was plucked fruhi earthy and trans planted in the flower garden of hea- pn. : Th lutle hteless torm was laid to rest in Pine Hill Oeroetery Tuesday. : Funeral: oouducted by Rev E N Snipes. ' Mr and Mrs. Anthony have the sympathy of their monv friends durins' their hours ofJ -"-y j - 0 bereavment . ' . : Market Day. v: The ladies of the" Baptist church will' give market J. day at Spoons store. Saturday - October 16th. Chicken, cake and all kinds of good pfitahlps will he ser ved.-TDon't fail to have the ladies "serve TOO.-4 "By so doing you will assist a good J Remember Saturday at Spoons BIG CIRCUS AT GREESNBORO Barnum and Baily to Exhibit There ; - i on Monday Octobor 25th. - 1 The Barnum and Bailey greatest show on earth is to visit Greensboro on Monday October 25th. Never since tiie beginning of time has an amusement euterprise so tremendous in size been organized as this one. Its magnitude is almost beyond be lief. All America, together with every foreign country-.: has been scoured from end to end by agents of this big shaw in search of novel ties and the result is a performance brim full of sensational acts new to the circus world. In the bjg Bar- num ana Hailey snow nearly 4uu arenic stars, most of whom are seen now for the first time. A' new sen sation will be seen at every perfor mance, in "Jupiter, the balloon horse." This remarkable-animal with its fearless rider ascends to the Ldpme of the circus tent in a balloon and descends to the ground in a shower of fireworks. , Neariy,l,000 animals wonders are to. be found in the 108 cage raanagerie, 8 herds of elephants, including one herd that actully playsupon music instruments inatime and tune. A group of giant giraHes, monster trained hippopota mus, only "living" bi-horned rhirio ceros and' hundreds of other strange beasts.' Barn um and Bailey V big new, free street DaTade is the most gorgeous processional display ever attempted in the history of circus business. -Its tremendous size and wonderful length can only be believ ed! in the actual seeing. It is natural toexpect thigKbig circus to lead all Others in quality and .quantity of its street spectacle . as well as io other departments of, the big show; yet riever in its splendid history of nearly-half a century has it "displayed such extravagance as is shown this year, Items From the UDlYersity Chapel Hill: Oct 1 1 .The Ala-. mance County Historical Club held its regular monthly meeting Wed nesday evengiog, October the sixth, at seven thirty o'cIock in the Y. M.C. A., building. The club was addressed by profr M. C. S. Noble, his main theme., being, "The Value of the County Club to the Uuiyer sity Man." j He mentioned tne feet that in the past-the-two literary sc cieties had been the center of stud ent life, bijt" that this .r center was rapidly changing from the societies to county clubr and other such or ganizations thataredoing work along the same lines as the societies. The university atheletic teams are rapidly developing into what we be lieve will be the best teams that have represented the college in several mi n .in . I 11 years. - 1 ne loot Dan team nas iea the way with two games to their cre dit. The first agaiut Wake Forest with a score of 18 to 0, the second against the University of Tennessee resulting in a score of 3. to 0. Tennis has also taken on new life this year and we now haveanore men playing tennis eaeh day than any other college in the south. With so many men at work we will doubt less have a strong varsity team. ' Basket ball is receiving more at tentioa here this year than usual and promises to develop into a perman ent aranch of our college athlectics. Prof. Edward K. Graham repre sented the university at the inaug uration of- President a. L. Liowell of Harvard University. Dr. Joseph H. Prattand.DrrAr chibald Henderson attended tne Southern Appalachian Good Roads Convention recently held, at Ashe- ville. Dr. Pratt was elected presi dent of the convention. ' F. L: Goodsun, a young man. is missing from Wadesboro, also a check for $500, which had been giv en him to pay off saw mill hancs It appears ' that Goodson had been eiven a contract by May nard and Godfrey to saw ia quantity.of luni- ber for them:, They gave hini a check for $500,which included $1 0 thJph tfipvlowed him!; the balance to pay-off hands. : ; He appropriated Atnsr4 tne wnoie cueuiv nuu cn v v'" 1 --rr. -vv-vtt . . - 7- -7 .7.1. ..t , t-.tvj- 1 .: t-- , k t storelnnown . -; - ' President as a. Speaker. '; j Washington Star, :- . President' Taft does not' think himself . as well qualified as Mr. Roosevelt fr an appearance in the pulpit The public: will probab'y differ ,with - himfc ."- By temperament and wanner 'ofdiscourse and point ot,vjewr be suggests the place more than bia predecessor. A sermon by Mr. Taft on the; text-would prob ably vriiake goHlreading.'KN''.-:-''v-' S Several bf our presidents might fhaveerved?the public cv tively: :by; an occasional" discourse from the sacred desk. v Mr. Lincoln was one . -Although fhot a7 member of ay cbarcb, he was a man of re verent heart and -feeling, wbo-loTed his- fellows without discrimination of fairy kind , Z Both his matter and his manner, when he was .at bis best, ..ru.u UUtg ""- uuimi Bu- ting5;well.: utuciaj wai uciu noa ituuiuci. iu fact, he ; was a sort-of lay preacher ,u wiuiuuuiuu .iaj n uiu uc auy i scribed. J . Politics did not manopo- i lize his - thought, and : his oratory was so natural it suited any occas- ion. it was said ot nim tnat bad be turned to theology instea'd of to statesmanship he.would have led his sect 4U America. " . I Among the Presby teriat s General Harrison-was a strong lay force, He would undoubtedly have risen to distinction in the ministry) as he did at thebar and In Twlitics. And, as We Ml KIWW; tne inoiner OI .WIT. McKiuley-cherbhed when be grew up the hope-that he might occupy a Methodist bulMt and reach in time the office of bihop. It wasalways easy to associate niin witn nis motn- rr . Death of Young Man. day evenine-at seven Sunday eveninat seven o'clock Clyde Webster who bapi been seriou of the term and was taken sick with fever about a month ago. He was moved to St Leo's Hospital where all. attention oossible Was rendered but T " - . i brou morning hnmp ,f fflthpr wh li vp nKniit eight miles southeast of this place. Interment taking place at Haw hfid flpmeterv I uejwlav .eveninflr.. at twn nVlnr-k. Fnnprl mndncied bv Rev Lance of Mebane. Mr. Webs- ter was a young man of only 21 years iust prepariue himself for his ission in life. The bereaved fa- ilv have the svmoathies of a lanre imber of friends. Mis Annie Webster of the Graded Scbysijl iacul- ty and Nina Webster milliner atuW E. Hays are sisters of the deceased Harvest Home Seivice. There will be a .-Harvest Home service at Lowe's Church on Satur-1 rljiv Opt. V.A Aft-r define services I and dinner a quilt gotton up . by the lidies of the church - congrega tion will le sold. The proceeds to go for the painting of the church. In the afternoon a picnic for, the social enjoyment of the young peo pie. W e hope to have guod music ...... i L. n v. i n a i 14 trnVfrtii v J ' lit 111 " f li L to eorne aud bring afull basket. Tag Day. -Thechildreu of the Graded school grades were supplied with tags. All worked hard to see that every body was taged. A toal of about $56.10 was -received 'c. umuuvv " j 1 tut enrt slyflll atStJL Hospital, Ureerisr. v f . ' UiKJEaliss.and entered school at Guilford College ' Unfortunately this4mpmcticaW a few months ago at tne beginnin. onesided, narrow education is not very pleasantly and Jeft on the even-' of no avail. The remains were -A V 7"yic vu.uv.uui. vuC 'F"v-".i last wee leturnea oome.ana report t ' gnt to mis place on tne Aionoa? r 1 .--r"."'rirv': ouc vi iuc ujush jjieasaui utuv voi ... i train and taken to- tne"& r .Y-r --.- v..u lueu lVKK -r,r-:..-iV.". . ' - j . kJ u i. a, v. ,1 : u I ueserv mucu cieuit m. p. aJSCiu , growing tobacco concern. ; The cipien the interest which they took in pg gnuff is put UD in x 3 4 ounee b'acb. plc Day. : Those in the third to eighth ftops (inwh' v'in 9, voun? tags were soia. me tn.rcr graoe trftde ; t cnly in thl8 locality which was the youngest grade in theUlt :n othpr Rations. . contest totaled $9.00 or more. Mrs. A. M. Buckner, of the Big Ivy section of Buncmb county was in Asheville last week and saw for the first time in her life a street car and a railroad train. Mrs. Buckner, arV showing - a v substaritial gain in capital felony in New Hanover coun who has spent the-Tolfyear of her bnsiness all the timk- 1 , . - - ty since the Civil War. ' Stephens life twenty-five miles from that city, is the mother V of .seventeen ; living OUR EDUCATION IS MEDIEVAL PubDc Schools Fail in Providing Practical TiLining for the ,V Needs of Today. 1 '."Pity 'tis true,"' that much of the training received iu oar higher in- Hiiiuiions or learning : is noi more i lit '- ' ' . ! "t 1 ' . - useiui man cnat . aescnoetL Dy tne writter in the London Times mauy years ago, who says: ' vyoiumon things are'miite as mnch neglected and despised in the'ed ucation of the rich as in that of the boors It is wonderful ' how, little a youBg gen tleman may know when he has tak en his university degrees especially if he has been industrous,. and has stuck to his studies. H 'really may spend a long timelooking tor some- body more , ignorant than himself. c gea, nfi is st lannitinner. country a cockney, in town green- nnrn in Gnmna an irrnnwimnD business a simpleton, in plea-ure sr in mi iK-rSon: evprv wfiprp om. fit nis pip- ment.'evprvwhprA at. fopa in '-Alnnrta ' adrift; or by whatever word uttered ignorariceand described' Although the pressure of modern requirements of culture has greatly mrvlifiprl tltA:iirrirnliim ff mr hitrh. er institutions of learnings, so that in some of them, at least, the stud- ent who wisely elects his course ma'yl secure a degree representing a par- tial return for the time and lahor ex- nnri1 the whno ormnanhKro ..f these institutions is still redolent of medievalism. While : only about fm,r rrt iU n.m;ifl k: Uer our-public schools become pro fessional men or wpmen thrwhqle ojoitui cuuvaiiuu: -i aiwuucu w prepare ior tne ijroiessionai me. Many, of our Vesteru Btatesk provide twenty years . c-t free- trairnn to prVu"tu 10 .lue Cft,iege8 axia univer- 5 . les Dut 18 ftauaed down to the I k A .s J ,J A. K . A. I A I g:"wi. ami turougii mem 10 e grammar aau primary, graaes. r . m m w '. i -I . 10 a '?ge, ,even tne man; 1 It Ml . "J.T. L? 1 . t 1 wiu.ooc aumit nign scnooi 8ues TO auu a iew practical suoieccs to tne common school course ot m- sirucT' WIUcn 11 1S xne msnion to . ira"rc,s' "jr ,wl,uB 81111 tne everJastmg gnnd ot langu- and mathematics. 1 he curncu- lumnasoeen overloaded so that only tne children with nydroceDhalic I heds and myt.pic e- es? can accom- 1 plish the tasks set tor then. Al- frpH Rnfiio Rnlrr M H in Tho I Designer for November.' FlIlP TpaflP AlrPRflV 111 . . J the'Two New Departments The Brown & Williamson To- baceo Company who recently put "n the "market two new products, Kite o co ten onun ana uoiaen urain Smoking Tobacco, are having a tre- L J . 1 i 1 1 ' J t meadous sale on their new products; l The new dep-irtments have only I Kppn in rsrvpratinn a fpw mnnhha anH 1 the splendid progress already made I iay is exceedingly gratifying to, -theiheard t , . " management of this large and rapid-J 1-2 ount;e packages, each selling . at I rR - , ta - - The excellence nff h. tmvint. nA -ti1P inw nrW ia - r;"r " . enabling the company touild up a TBrown" & Williamson To bacco Company is an independent concern that continues to go forward at a rapid )iace. The busineas is in charge of the capable and experi- encea men and all three departments : . . . . Big 2 ounce bag of -.Golden jSmokingbacco' for five 1 ' . ConiervatiOa of life. Washington Posty ' 7 . " , Ts it riot time that the. discussion of policieand, personal ties,1, in vthe controversy over vtbe conservation of" s the natural resOrces of, the eountry,-N-- " give way to' a -real conserving of the lives of the toilers in the mines? , A i-. report from the Geological '. Survey,-, -' entitled TheProductioiuot Ooalvin -1908" makes the grim annoucement in the mopt casual manner, that JQh 1 450 mines were -killed in the coal v' ' mines last year and 6,772 . injured. : The chapter detailing 'the accidents , ' is treated as ' but rn incident .in the , -: , production-of coal,4 several thousand, '' words telling ,the condition of - tbe coal . business in . the various ;) ' states; " Yet to the men who . - work - ' in the underground pits there is' &,t terribW , meaning - in 'the fi&rures. V" ' - statement that the death rate in -the miries'of thrXFtoited Slates, for- the: year .was 36 for;every?L000 ;men employed j in Jiairupe the deal h rate in the xsoal rminefir is : 1 in ? 1 ,000 HP10 and not morehan 2-uri- stances. Here is fine" opportunity forthe leaaers or tne conservation move- ment to do something real.something tangioie. ine. saving 01 .a single human life means more than all the talk of policies. vIf perhaps ' means one less , widow thrown, with her femil7 Pn the charity of the wor- iu. .uuiuuii uiiBflaviutt W MiWV or r600 (and thiais the number of , minere waoKe lives wouw nave been saved had we the same standards as l!00?') aiq mere would be a con- ; LuVttWU "iVveLue" f' a 1 1 N ; Hav EiTer Itess. Rev HuttoirJ filled his 'appoint-. I mentSundayinorningltb . the edifi ung - train for their home at Graham., Misses Fannie Wilkfnstm und. v. . w - - . Nettie and JKmma Uates attended the Mt Zion- association at - MarsvHill . jL- . -V -A t ' . " Ti.. : - - - . ''. , 1 ' - The Mt- Zion Union meeting w . - r. . . - " "J -' t begin-here in the Baptfefechurch the Mrs RT..H Jobeand children are visiting relatives in. Orange' county. ' The series oFmeetings held at the v;nnstian cnurcn last weeR restuted in several proiessionti and one ac- cession to the ehurch. - Rev, Butler of N Norfolk" Va.Jdid the preaching. lt did seem that' the soirit - of the T-rl w in tha 'mi.Uf nf i ZnAr heaven came down Ux trreet-us. ' Julius Allen of Hih Point "and V - T X k 1 1 ..1 rr. . .:':i:J it'i.Xw mother in the county Sunday found . ner in nnc neaitn. uuuuct-ieit Mon day for his homeMn Hich Point We judge from - tfie' many, trips that are made from Haw River- to Greensboro the wedding bells- will Ting very soon. we won't tell on fou this time. - . j t- The many friends of Ben Clark wm regrei w leam umt up wuuuuea very feeble. ' He was,an old vet-we . j - ' V . a x 1 r. n Vx 4y kmm n . . . l- -. . ' - hopejie mayrbe out very,soon. . Many ol our people attended the. fair last week and seemed to he well ' pleased with. wha.t the saw,; and ,V Orfr genial letter carrier is the re- t 'ot --many - nice-apples and asant smiles "ami words ,-f rora the ladies on his route. Tie thinks0 hehassome of he best patrons in- tne county. , iAfter a wk'ft trial iii the Supei Hor Wilmington, . Joseph 't.: '07 J." Steohens. white. 27 , veara old: r wa - I convicted last week of murder in the " first degree. r He was chargedith 'c. shooting lo death E..E. ' Sheilds: a rival sanitary ' contractor, - on the Street Jhere last July, his, being the first conviction a .white man for 1 was Bcuwjuueu - u , eiecirocotion at Raleigh' December lst - : ; V 'v : 4 - 4 i i i:s if v H 7' II ' ' , . ! i .-'5