4 V is .v - - V,v:V;. .1. v;; v. , . : - -1 . J- J r i L i - - m t ?v 2. Furniture anEL t t j See bur Ieiandi i ers and i Ranges. Everything "and Comfortable to be fod h the most enomical purchaser. The Furniture Store, i)avis Street, 3 Ellis Machine & Music Co. B li RLINGTON, N. &. THERE DITT vou caunot doubt do you the best m Spouting;, Stpve and Furnace Repairia, also Installing Hot Air Syitema, of any. Tinners, itt the State. For the price. Give them a trial. Twenty.four years experience. I S. THOMAS & SONS. I 317 Worth Street, Phone No, 40, A. ELON COLLEGE. Co-educational, , Thorouith Clleffe courses IeH''t and'experiericed Vatedlf : ( with-"hfc het raininjr. Good Library. Heading" Roon ' Laboratories, -Literary ..-Mciettv W vtlent Mn ic.'Art'' and- loc'ntiiiir- Depart mental. Diploma frenp- Et-jv U graduate depart tucnta in the highest unf Ter6iiesi. ,: etihiliideaithffinocAti.'17 'iiilea east of Greensboro on Southern Uaii way.f tt,inoral,afl4ftgioi811a,0:'' Jfp hisinfijj New students met by recep tion committees from yuxwiz peorlei f-hrisiian, ofganiasationB connected wUIv.thr .allege Good eoaipmwit'A'irmiMdl.isj'lie by Hfeam.an furMfihedi'sritfiHw ! bnU-tiiaii'ta . A iargte neAdmitsitywith :tnod(fn con enien.ee.. has pecentfj ben .huilti jnt the reqqirmnta -ofi growing patrinage! Expnes Unusuatly Moderate.' Fall -T.-i-rn Openf September 1st EMMETT L MOFFITT, PRESIDENT. Elon College, N. C. 0 3eeeG&&&e Trinity Park School A First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Aceept - ed for Kn trance to Lead ing Southern Colleges Best Equipped Preparatory School a. the SoUi Faculty f ten officers and teach ers. Campus of sexenty-five acres. 'Library contai irg forty thousand volumes. Well epuipped gymna sium. High standards and mod ern methods of "instruction . Fre quent lectures by prominent lect urers. Expenses exceedingly mod erate. Eleven years of phenomen al success. For Catalogue and Other Inforraa-( tion Address H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, . Durham, - - - N. C. i-K.A4yt(f 60 YEARS' -r Bk mmm mm w m TRADE MARKS OC8IQN8' rff 1 ?.jt COrYBJQHT C quickly aaoertain our opinion fro -whether an lDTenUovstsrHabtyoMentwMe.. jXMBmairiea. tkmastrietVroonDdentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents ent free OMeat ear (orMcasJocMtenta Pateat taken tbroufh Mann A Cv receive . Anroa0eae)reiAaraeptloTiTiia AhaadaorAWtnrrliJljtWk'WjJ HlaW eolaUoa of ear aolenUflo JfwjpruU. , Tera Si,. fllllll D Itm. . tf I. . Branch OMoe. Q V Bt, WaatOngtoo. TX & " .1 r1 r fit n 1 ff 7 f -:-ti to vinake "home Beautiful Burlington, N. C. We Have Just Returned from a trip to the Piano Factories in New York and bought PIANOS to SUIT 'YOU, come in and see them. Easy terms if Wanted : : : : : Mil may be doubts about t,ok or Peary Dis covering the North Pole. that S. Thomas & Sons will job of Tin- Roofing, GutterinjE:, Established .1890 A.; A, B., abd Ph. B., degrees.. Stroti The Boys who KNOW, all say "Tm caaAot aim, ya cajjspt hit -Without a TEYENS FAVORITE." We hear tread an army of live, wide awake American Boys every- morn ins:, requesting our 160 Page, illus trated Firearm Catalog. Why don't .YOU send for a copy? Mailed for 6 cents in stamps. Learn all about the famous STEVENS RIFLES, SHOTGUNS UUi PISTOLS. FIREARM ACCESSORIES, ETC If too cmnnot obtain STEVENS ARMS from your dealer, let us y know, and we will prepaid, upon receipt Of cataio? price. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P.O. Box 5001 k uiicopee raus, mass. F ' MeCAIX PATTERNS Cfelebrated lor ;style, perfect fit, simplicity and reliability nearly . 40 ye-rrs. Sold in nearly every city and town in :.e Unjied States and Canada, ,or by mail direct. Afore sold than any oiner make. . bend lor tree catalogue. MeCAtLS MAGAZINE r More subscribers than any other fashion magazine milliona month.' Invaluable. Lat. est style, patterns,; dressmaking, .millinery j - p!a?n sewing, fancy needlework, hairdresslng-, elicfuette, rood- stories,' eto. OnlyW-eentaV. year (worth double); Including a free pa,tfern: J Subscribe, today; or . send for sample copy. WONDEHFU1. INDUCEMENTS 5 rl to Agents. Postal brings pVemium catalorae and new cash prise offers. Address" , f ici hd Pe!onaI.;;. ; SalLff'tg3.t'or,lhe b.eryei ; lutber 'Perfy 'of Roaooalse VaV. spentrthe pastrweek-with'; h EF;wite. "A bigSouocVbag' of f Golden' foraminkuig J: 1 '.. ' " T'. i : M . J. W. Sura mere! of Whitsett was a business visitor in . the. city Saturday. 1 j O. F. Moser 'of No. 1 f was a wel come caller.at - the, Dispatch Office last wees I Mayor Beryy Davidson of ,Gib- sonville was a business visitor. "in Jowb last Friday. : Mrs; J . T. Terrell of MehahejVas the gueot of Mrs. C G Brown -"dur ing the past week. ? Ernest - Thompson qf , Siler 1 City speut a few days intown thejpast week attending iheFair. Ben Mebane of Mebane spent part of last wrek in town visiting- rela lives an attending the Fair. - -'f- ?- Mias Bessie Hinshaw of High Point was the guest of her sister last week Mrs. B. L. Durham. Miss Anuie Kernodle of near Os si pee was the guest of her sister Mrs Levi Burke during tne past week. Golden Grain Smoking tobacco is the best smoke, regardless of pi ice on the market today. Will not bite the tongue We regret to report that our cle ver friend -W. J Brooks has been unable to serve his route for several weeks. .. - Mr. and Mrs. C. L. VVallia of Beaumont Texas arrived Saturday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs.J. Q Gant for.a tew days. Come, you're the Doctor, Which shall it be, '. CostivenesH, constipation, or HollisteVs Rocky Mountain Tea. T. H: Strand. Miss Blanch Story left Saturday for a weeks visit atGreensboro She will spend the week attending f the r air. : . Misses Posev, Pettv, and Button of the Graded School faculty . wer the guest of friends at Greensb6r1 Saturday. - ' Misses Curlie Kenyon and; Lula vlils oi Mebane attended the fair and spent Thursday nitrht with friends. C all at the State Dispatch officej ai get a sample copy oi ineqoutu-1; m Agriculturist thatrMre will gi you a years subscription to, when vou pay us that dollar ou your sub- riptin. Sickening headaches, todigestioni t -nst i nation, indicate: unhealthy ctuw lition of ' the bowels: HollisterV Rocky Mountain Tea makes the bov wels work1 naturally and restored viur system to perfect health amr strength. Begin tonight. 'f'.4 H. Stroud. To every one uln pajs us one iioliar on " su.sTiptio!j during the. month of Octot.r, we will make hem a present of a year subscrip tion to ttie fcouuiern Agriculturist One ol the beat iSoutbern Agricul tural Journals. Cook says be did it!. Feary says be tlid it, but the changes are nit iier one did it unless he took Holhs ttVs Rocky Mountain TJ'ea. It is Jhe most searching and finding re medy there is no doubt after tak ing as sure as you take it you get results. Do it tonight. T. H. Stroud. Alamance Fair. . The Alamance fair which wis vis ited by several thousand people, dur ing the past week was favored wiiii typical weather. The attractions were much better tbau on previous ye:irs which was proven by the un usal large gate receipts. Consider ing the large crowd which was pre--sent it is with prid$ that we speak of the excellent , order wbich- was kept. If the proper authority .will prohibit the sale of whips we think ihe ladies would be of an apprecia tive spirit. Up Before tbe Bar. N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pittsfield, Vt., . writes: 'Yre hav usei Dr. King's New Life Pills for years and find them such; a gpxMd family medicine we wouldn't jbe witb out ,them." For Chills, , Constipa- tion, biliousness j or bick Headache they work wonders. 25c at EreemarA Drag Co. will be pleas , d4o4earftbait j thfere. ia leat;one dreaded disease that science ban been able Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh CureJs te on- cai iraxerniiy - vaiarrn- oeing' a constnu at treatment , .Hall's , .Catarrh . Care, is takn .iatemal ly actiasf Jhc tlr upon tion; of he disesefcandl gij'nK the p.atit tution and assisting . nature In doing its work. The: propiiet?OrBaYe . so much faith flu it " curatiVe f powers .' th&t ithey offer One Hundred Dollar ; for any; cafee A 1. a . . . 1 r trt : 3 m l' s .. mat jautj.po cure, "oeno ior xesiinnom ils. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. Sold byallDrusraists. 75c. r . -Toledo. 0 i. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- Items From the University. Urrived tblate f or publicati on lastveek Our foot ball seasou ppended Sat urday with -a ' victorv Over Wake Forest th- score' beitg 1 7 to O. The new heating system fr th University is rapidly beint; pushed' to completioii. Prof. E. . Graham is awav from the Hill this week on a trio to Ha r vard University. . The Chapel Hill mail was twelve hours late Monday caused by the ex-ploj- ion of the boiler used in furuish-. iog steam for the "University Flyer running between University and Chapel Hill. Rev. Leroy Gresham has resign ed from his charge here to accept the pastorship of a church at Salem Va. He will he greatly missed bi ti.e student lxdy. ; W. Li. Cooper spent a few days recently visiting his people at Gra-. hara: Td f ather Die, Doctor than have my foot outoffsaid Mj L. BUighami of Princeville, III.; "but you ; will, die ; from, gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) if you dou't,V sad all' the doKLtors J Iustead,he used 'Bncklen'u Arnica Salve till iwbully cured; It cures of Et aematFever, Sores, BoilsBrtrns and ilf lies astound the world 25cBt Freeman Drug; Co. Altogether Normal. ' One day Dorothy came running into the r-om where her mother was reading. "Oh, mama!", shecried ex-it dly, 'come and look at my kitten. Slae's Aalkiug around the nxm. with her tern straight ut into the air. " The Delineator for November. n People ' Shoolrj 'Learn to Detect the AppaacK of Kidney Disease;' - ! - V- . ' The symptoms of kidney troubh are w unmistakable that: thev leavt grounil for idut. , Siek.'kidMe,v, excrete a thick, cloudy, offeifiy urine, full of sediment irregular, o passage or attended by a yensatiot. of scalding. ; The. back ache con.tan f ly headahces and (iizzy spells rntt occur ancl the victim ,ia often weigr hed down by a feeling of languor and fatigue. Neglect tbese.warninf and there is danger of dropsy, Brights, or diabetes. Anyone. of rhese symptoms is warning - enough. to begin treating the kidneys at once. Delay dlten proves fatal. You can use no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Here Burlington proof: Miss Annie King, 19 Davis St.,, Burlington, N C, says: From the results I obtained from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills I know that they are a reliable remedy I liad weak kidneys and these organs caus ed much annoyance. Ifiually pro cured a ,vbox of Doan's Kid ney Pills at thej Freeman Drug Co. and used them according to directions.- It required but a short jime,for them td greatly improve my health. It is with pleasure that I express my opinion of Doan's Kid ney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New Yqrfe, sole ageDts for the United States. . V Remember the name Doan' and take 'no other.- K William Wynne, manager of the Raleigh .Telephone Company Ex change, and other representatives ot independent ?telephpne companies of this State, have .filed-w th' Attorney General T. Wi Uickell affidav,fs af r!:that tirigheSothern ml Telephone Company afe in viri, latiprrofT the Noith ' Carolina antf- trnt Iar7. ;rhe: case i3 to be investi- f'TM teadert of. t 'fvaperS i '-?:zC-? K Aa:1 1 '1 ' ,-'w- '- f - Vl tee j'". c. ,vsfH .:: :-f if y -. as u t:. P ?f g SMmss S-.'izii ?7W HHBMasHBl MU . i -rf -j-ft? . . f THIS KIND THAT tiXsT an 00k well while tner,!ast. BURKE FURNITURE 7-!!! S f.! - - ,J - 1 j i.. j !3 nfiiiiAi Tnm BrjtishCanatuan Medicalipert, Diagnostician. Dr: Packiftf has keen educsle4f,n4Brd Hated from tbe 'best hespilals 'and 'colleaes " f Europe and America. ;! Special ExaminerOnited States. PeoVion Bureau. -- Consultation and'Cxam inatian, Free, Invited. $ Strictly Confidential. No cases taken or treated without a per sonal examination con sultation or interview. is rail srier business done sr corressoiutencs solicited Rsaa flur carefully. If ys srt ia ' keaJtb.' alvt it ts a sick fricaa whs trill thsakrra.' NT I . T ) .... B. V- I ....WSWWWWWIW..III. I! .lUiMMWPPIIIIIAii 1 II 11 j ' DR FRANGIS WiH visit B utlington; N, C; on Mojiday4Octobcriil8th Hotel. y4ra anayei-y montnTeeia una uuv . , . . - 7 fru V.. if - 7 i "t4-ii u 1 ji Consultation Examination at all times FREE arid v Invited.'1 ? ' I core to stay cured vrv las t tu fAr treatment. Surgical Cases I treat without o-n. SrfS witht SS-1'110- Ethr ?r C1Uo" t1. beyond the aid of the general Prac pJlii detention from Business or titioner. And it vyoti,' have - tried - everything TWSak - n..i.. T ' . ;else nd failed,, and, if you want to get well mJSWti nd Be this adTMiced and vous SteJikV aoi;-- f ller-sPres8iyevSDe0ialiSt of experience andrep WompfhH rhHH3 rmcDl81e1a?e.8 f Men, ntatibn Who, If there is a cure, fox you, will in nK- NnS A'E?rf at! all"s Patients bring it about and produce it with the aid of ?w-"2iAB "ftto.Mit the re- the greatest Scientific achievements of modern .ponb mastered, and has at his bm?va8nfnlf ftM5 Mw0la' f.ol 0 MATTES ' What your' aUment may FnuLjP ,mi.?ITtai,?SLw-Pal!1yiV'; NO MATTER what others may have told DisiiSeki. S!TiVao;ro; 'It0 jK v vllor. jiiziness, SUeeplessness. Headache or - ru Sir WmS ?,18eas2- hle Potation,' gen- Sanitariums, Institutions or Patent Medicines, the1 BlSffSr5 rk iftmking iDiseases of . it will be toourt advantage to see this re- mf mJT ? TSn AnemiavScrofnla,Eczev msrkable Doctor of ENGLAND, everywhere pimples, is,' Hewts Trtoii TfiS;-yi1eAjf'I? V5? eat,es ObrtlMttoiffiI0?.1" ConBtipatlon,; Dvsn. TT?lnal ritaU.Indee8tion, Somalh 11 r P?lat1 -rf theowAl ilfS fl 'Jma',A,iPt1??' inS SrtPPeBd 5 I'.itching.bleedi Tewm! lareement or VaiI""! lTO:B3H,!,l betXfL n.!,..:. i.. j .-"-vw!, , vi- wunu.j or hnrhTnYfW tjITU lu -ocMog xoo viten tne case, lnis is a legitimate pruy UriSgaieTdWettmg ,r t0 reqentosltion and you deal with your Doctor Your tiV?lHS?nfte5 '.or.teiv eelf-aad direct, i Every Statement here made ill itrir-iA v er. o.Y.:!w -y mu, anroat. innsrs or Kmn an original . and - newfmVtw?r rtJ" ,sumption.i ; the many. stasreav JL . Rnm . m.i. teed,if in theearly: StagisV bel W;;W;SiS5uea,has lltei-dBA Defnes Diseases- of Women, , mosj suecesstully eniar - iuoe8 V stomach; Bladder?Kidney ; 6i Z&li-xZMTteTTVJA oy5emic.t TMs- enemy of the human Wi ' J- win T h ; ' iie ta now -able tin fenrrf n' - - i. rill bflttvMoSas and COAT: StJITS ilialsotreore. .p.'-"-" sent th weU known Interna.: ;tionaJlqrin to-? ASu Rivjf ; CLOTHING rHMIinviteoir to rairnrl --v -v:.. : - 7--- zzttt r--u 1 iiaiijang you roryour past patibnage I await yourfiirther command, Yours for service. I- TroIlnwoofJ Mills. ,;fi -t-, The bed of, the Vudor Re enforced Haininbckus- woven ' i j V' r ' t l- S ?!, - r- lATrlt ThA Tironr a. k ent?Ci feui-e; fjurid in no i KOtljer, hajnrnock., The extra . -1 t . . P "cavy coraing 1 at r head and t'y -rOOt IS nUt nilinr1f fpnemn insuring equal distribution of weight over - all I the cords! These cords are! fastenedto thfebedWthe'liajMbck by "wuw yi xxax uuuu QUI CklUCrs Re-enfprced4 iHammocks are sunrit: jandn) less. 4 VudorRripjr:ced Ham mocks come in many hand some!ideigrik aiialor com binations and inl various style; ranrfrigfin price v iroinH $221 , vt p ( B;ui KCallt aiioVseetthemi 1 & 7 - 'j .' ill. . 1 . l'V' iff' ? fi .mm a aa . - jm . UCdlcar Expert Men, Women andtHildrlin. Dr. PackW has made more tifdvkiblt tans the 1 Southern; States .tbaojBiJmon. physi- 'l: ,Ka ' incurable ' cases taken for treatment. - f : All rinses . taken for . treatment will be uar anteed a cure, I see ad ' patients in person. Na substitutes r assistants employes' or trusted. '" V MinoVs'wifliaiit their psr eats er. wives withoat tbeir basbinds will mt be as nittad t a : esasaitatioa nisss ' accsnpsaiei bi their bseal vhysiciaa. ". j ' '. . ' ' . . noi.. w.k.. ' ,i you, - IX o Matter -: what: your experience may -fm Kt. rv, tu .. TT,tcis then, anckhave it foreveFsettled in youmind if .your case is one for which a Cure can be Hadm your case is curable, he will put you on, treatment at once, ;and give you all such medicines or remedies and preparations yourure. If incurable. He r W.VV; 7 iao' ana give you sucn w ?"BB.ii:n(iti scheme or catch a! " ana aai Ivicecas -may prolong your life. .is Vguaranteed as True. A visit, for uonsu.- ahdi examination -will , cost you noth- in. ont jn.ni;. .vi;n;n whatever, n B-iven VOU, li ealth, and may IZ1? "J1? t- i.--: Life instead ot 'Pleasure becomes y misers- r ole and pamful ; Burden. .INO COFFIN i .... 1 trnti mra tO TOUr- OT dest.Tlf Vni-; Famll-ir vonr -Vriends and . yur 7" - v--r-i -j: r :--r ... later tf any. form are im- Remember the Date and Place.