:." Ai-3 a-i --a7 'it V. If I ; . One' hundred young men noi uo ? ; (Jer sixteenyears of age , who desire to do something more than ordinary, "bands"- who wanf tosearnjraora ArriTftrl trt latA for nnhlirAtinnlaat. wop.lr ; The readers of t ; pa)er will be pleas frf -fn fftrn that. -t.Tpr in t: ' lana nno A Dig ounce oag ot owen , Ray Matkins who has been work djceadaclifeiHetbC ncience ban beeivble Cttafrhl f BhU s AtaYaJTcr Care' is bn ivfm ttiVA miv T T - V ' L t the aldlr c&I frr termtvHftitiirrfi7FiiiYft nfn E L T ' rT.- . I 7 ' 1 . Mechanical Colletre for the Colored Thursday al treattneivtv ilali'e Catarrh- Cnre ia taken iuUrnal1.v, acUua dimjdy-TiTTbni I ,o : maire fifffTTiKA!:?,-! . . - V .'.'' t mi i i i it i the inaufied teachers. - :r 4lw 1A has boueht a ton icrnt a " tonuiielpsa Vrntawv tion of the disease, and iriviny th nati. tutiun ami aspi .pureTfn luing: its : uiii auu ujlio -xjuuuui vji 4 irao kjx i noa an uc wuuf yvivtsiLccM' umslt-i v. I . . At I mrm9 All' tmj Wsv-t liY " r f r" l 1 iajtn in ita curative pov?rs mux v - ui UUJ Lcccl c:iPcr::aL Furniture and H0&3 jjpjshmgs . r jivvryuiniBx 1 if I f inrt lnin ttmn , 1.7 - . a -A 1. T .-..-"" 1 -"T t . . .. I ;uic most economy For FreeiToitiou ! r fofalalog, wrifcA t ' Fr!iflrtft Dump's' . A. & M. College. Greensboro N. C. ; fc i . i - - To every one.. who pays, us one dojlarn suksejiptiot$ (uringj the. imontBof October, we will make them Vpresent. of' a "y ear; subscrip tion to the Southern) Agriculturist. One of the best Southern Agricul tural Journals. v Kite Snuff js goodfor the' nerves. - '. oax-ii iajisfo enreisendjtor- testimonjU Take Hall's Family Fill for natina. f : Golden Grain Smokinar tobacco js the best smoke. ' rgarrl lesss of' orice uuvkuc-iimi Aeb wuav. Ui not Olte the tougue. Husband 'a Good Provider. ' 1 Walklnfgy.ie dav, auuontr ils old parishioners in , the Eaf.t Eud of JLbndiHi; 1 Di. Lanjr "now A i chbish-1 r Jll' i: TTrT-.irrti- . I fifteen bushels txM beacre. W r V V, --'I .VV"1! tKMuir uiaue some poe Thom pson; made, a short ? visit' to I gooil Wany of lis oojd say they -t 7 LT " 'I wcii; uue.u ue wuuiu liive ua a Sam- Miss Minnie Garrison spent oast week. at Greensboro visitinflr re-1 -: Mrs Jennie Cobb and -son Olie latives and attending the fair.. visited Mrs Durhani recently . R E. Teaue soent Wedtfesdav U.5'9.i,;eii' and Thndav at Greensboro attend Bl?W. or .lnrec ; weefes vis.. not . 1 i .,t.--' I much better. ing 10 uusiuess huu vusiiiug me lair. Golden Grain braokinsrJ the hfit Rmnkp. rmmrdlpAa il ' 1 i. . j " ttt'h . ui ; I, - - - I 1-vv, eo me repiita mmv v.. ... uv. i" I , x. oi uwynnana wuespenc oun-i min'in thu'fTraf- ,uc WUBUC- : 1 aay with; Mrs, Xda.Walfcer. , vrn xr21: ITU Tt J" "J -J a.' J 1 I ",,,)(u,Jv..UlUWH, phn.Underwood and sisterofAl- h,ope yOurhusbahd is came to town last week to spend a T. 3 spent , tsaturday good provider. few days with 'her son R. A. Ctoble P n 1 , , . . D? .. .f00"111: v 'Yes, sir, thank fyou. ' sir." she and stepson T F Coble. awv Un JJn MjuU ot We and replied: he's provided me" with three a i nT it: x' i I r " w " k at Biuws we were xcw uur i married." l id Bits ounaay mornitig witn his sister Mrs Sarah Matkins. , Don't fail to call and see Hall's . ""Z n W Wr -k: of PHce" . l r'- v-7 vivmiuc, ivu au.. tkn va . ,J ' llr -I l .!' hne pi fall, shoes. y Shoes .for the I Vralker ' wooie iamuy,? puces w piease, quai: Adolphns Cox au4 wife visited W. A. Matkius Sunday evening.' . ue HUM "X pruving' a Come, you're the -Doctor. Which shall it be. Costivenesa, constipation, or Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea. T. H. Straud. Golden Grain Smoking tobacco is on: the mai k t todav. VV ill not bite I the tongiie. iiy guaranteed. Trolinwood Mills. Cnarter was granted the Murbola Hosiery Mills last Friday , with a cipitaKtock of $50,000. E. H. l.l IELLARS & SON U . . . i Misses. Olivia Smith FOR SALE BY Burlington, N. C. OA , .... Trinity Park : School A Fkit-Cla Preraratorr School ' Certificates of ( .raduatica Aceept- ed for Kntranec to Lead ing Southern tkjlleg Best Equipped Preparatory Scfaeol ' ia the $ South The Kins Umbrella. ' The King ef tle Belgians' once left his umbrella in a hansom ' when driving b Brussels. This Was r- Mattie turned to his Maiestv a ft. I A. atterwards hv t.hp nmnrl Mhktf nrk were among the number from this offered for his honesty by the King place who attended the Fair at Leopold the sum of 100 francs. Greeusb -ro. " t The astute jehu, however, begged Mr. andlrs. R. A. Coble spent f greauavorot tneiling, Uuuld he a few days last week visiting her have the uabrella instead of the isvwi was grantea, ana NT 11 In: . ft! o o2i(i);: 1 1 LSa)0 and See if you $ : don't think sol I ; ;- Easy Payments MCCUX rATTESNS i . Celette for tyW,( trfect fitj simpUdtr anil reliability , nearly' 40 years. Sold . to nearly T itynl tom'm the Unittd'Strtt nd Canada, or br.ioail direct. More, sold lhao. wujw nuc, - aeaa ior xree - cxuloefie. money' lefore many days had passed the! Faculty f ie-i rtie r- rid 'evh--ere. Caruo.is i,f .xc it.v--ive wcres. Library c..tHt. if'r forty thuijind. s volumes. Wei! uiifeti rytriMa & sium. Hifh istaii;,-ij-Js ,(inl ii:o:l ern methods- ot instruction. Fre quent lectures by in'-innYenr lect urers. Expenses ex-'-iutx m j erate. Eleven years ot plir -no -urn al success. For Catalogue and Other Informa tion Adde8 - H. M NOftTH, Headmuster, Durham, - - - N. C. sister Mrs. Curry Stewart of near ijreeusboro also attending the Greensboro Fair. Every farmer in Alamance couu- ty snould read the Soutlieru Atrri- eulturirt.' You cau gft-t it one veat by pavme a dollar oil Mtbscriutiou to 1 he State Dispatch. - , , , LI U 14 I w Messrs. Ward and Perry two nf t6 kf-ep off showers of rain, but this Orange counties most prosperous to- seems to have been put up to brin last curing at Morgan's Warehouse last Thursday makiug an average tf $22.50 er hundred, tLe be.i 45.00 per bund ed. Sickening headaches, iuditrestion. measure and constipation, indicate unhealthy con dition of the boweU. Hollister's V nnd new raicri rri- nfl o A I.a, g...., v...(A,ft auuico : . 4. v 4 THE McCAU CO, 238 to M W: th SU RIW TORI ft 0 Wy1.Ll,eo4--ife.AiTs V W-:: I X "'ill HIU-J!r- Aw " Aa. 1 t--J .-7 TninrlUraac. rf.Aw- InmuimMtiM.taiA . - - - . anlckly ascort.in onr opinloa frosrVWtier so InVaiirfAII AaI MAnkKVlA Am. A A a.a A. T . . Inrentton ts probably patentabto.- Oommanleiw uu. HJ or for Fatenta taken through Munn Pciaj noiic, without charts In the tkma strict It confident cent free. Oldest airener for HAM3800I n Patents i nfmrinir narAti rough liunn St CoTret receive Patents taken Scientific jjtnericati. AhaMsomelr lllnrtrated weekly. Tjuveet etfw 1 ealation or any antenttfle InartuJ. :Terma. 13 a I -V.J.lI?riaoJ.th8 L rw newadealers. Brapc Offl.-e. 625 F.StWMhinton. C. 0 5wiSJ,5&A$,D DEFENDED. SendmotW, I iTJ" Ph,oto- for expert search aiid free rmxrt eopyrjgnta, efa, iN rnmuTBir- "y and ofUn tke patent. ' oViKloOT Pract,ce &e,tay. ' TIO EshOi BtTM. Mr TJaiud Btate Patent Offlca. I v .; WASHINGTON, P AgA-aM-------gaA-m-mAv - r . i u..ii ,wmj, ur'Kaaiioi'. I Cabman had Ullt UI) thp nmhrlla iW, WONDESFIIL UVUlimtinsrr le and it Was kn.iokpd drrr, t.J i"tP!:,f"?, premium caulogn- some royal enthusiastic for 1,100 francs When Kinjr Leopold- heard -of this he . exclaimed: "Well ' I'v heard of an umbrella being put uj ; !.d?"ots about ikok or Peary Dis- vi train n - K VT Tt " ' . i -. . "V"6 n-u X-Oie. ' V RFIT. d0Ul that S Thomas Sons will X f do oa Job of Tin Jlwfing Guttering, ' Sp -uting, Stove andi Furnace Repairiag, also Installing Hot A H Systems, of any tinners in the State; For the price. ' Give a wenry.ronr -years experience. ;; g 317 Worth Street, :vi0ne id, A.;. I 1 li" (.own showers of trflH TnI. anut;u yi it " uiobe. Good Measure. T " 1 1 i uasper uau oeen given a pint sent up to the stirp- room with orders to bring down thaj g9 When he return- Q 62 69 4? 65 as t . ; - - : " amount of hpnc wkn k a - if ucil 1JC ICtUlU' 7 Rocky Mountain Tea makes the bo- ed he was walking verv slowly and ?0 wels work naturally and restores carefully, scarcely bending a joint ?2 your system to perfect health and and holding the pail clasrted clolv. S strength. Be?in tonichf I in his arms, so a n..f o.;n (AW -7 yYn. tt&vn vim mi ill' ii, ; I-, i i f i i I..,- i i:i ii if lu i i f 4 in i i r i-jri 11 i - Begin tonight. T. H. Stroud. n l Durae ns Ufted From Barlington Backs Relief j Proved by Lapse of Time. Backacoe is a heavy burden; Nervousuess wears one otft; Rheumatic pain; urinary ill; All are Kidney burdens Daily effects of kiduey weakness. io use to cure the symptoms, Keliet is Jbut temporary if the cause atiuaiUB. ' .1. i vyuic mc Kiuueys ana vou core the cause. Relief comes quickly comes u stay. in his arms, so as not to spill any of the piled up beans licaching the kitchen table, he gently slid the pail over on on corner of it and hrpat.h. ed a sigh of relief when not a single Dean stirred, from the well rounded top. , : ''Why, Jasper, did you get your IS' pail full?" asked his mothpr ,w.i9: 7& bly. " "Yes, mother, her-'s vour uint l 1 II except one tean that would k.v T roll ine off." and hp A row u 1 1 f bean from his pocket and added it to me already heaped to-overflowiim measure. The Delineator for No vember. KILLthe COUGH. and CURE the LUNGS WITH i era---' " - - Cure sick kidney nermantlv Heres proof that vou ean verif? George Lediord, 200 W. Matket 1 4 m- ot., Greensboro, say: " I used Uoao s Kidney-Pills some months ago with the most satisfactory re ruhs and at that timelgavi&a state ment, publicly recoui mending t.hp.m I am now glad to confirm all I have The Soft Answer. Washington Star At a dinuer in Bar Harbor -a Rrls- D au'B Kidney Pills cure kidnpv fn 1.man P' the wit f the ; ' late Edward Everett Hale "Walking on the outskirts of FU ton one day," she said "he and T in advertently entered a field tU - ""V a io trespassing' sign nailed to tree. "Soon a farmer appeared xitouooncip in ini nelfl ro prosecuted,' he saHo a trrim toue it i Tr ... "ur. nale smilel blandlv. f - . J Klir -mm mm X saui concerning ibis remedy as I N trespassers ray have had but little trouble from my "i ne said kidneys since. Whenever I feel in ' 1 are u asked need of a kidno.' mrA- t . amased farmer. ,.,. r v" "wvmr t ni UUfC m , TT . . , use lean's Kidnev Pills and thoV " c 1C 'uu,u,,,au8 a ur. Hale. never fail to give the desired results. L - '--i FTrvr cnl I. .. ll J i ' . I hp, Snilf horn A m,nh...i ! . vi an .'ueaiers. Jrrice ,. 6 st Fuo"j fit) rvnta f?..a- .It 'T I lished flt Nflskvillo Tonn rA. " -oici-miiuuru to., iew TTT," i i-vuu.y hijjc .-uuc; Vrvrlr .. , , . . I rVPr O-dar ari II i.!.t. ... - . '. .' v.'owe ngeiiis ror tn united I r v '' ' .o,wy u, evefy oev States. I ' - lor old Siihsf-rihpr. tr (do T.;., , .rvemembtr the tfatfle Doan's j -tr? f f uoar . on .subsriptiou and take! no bthAr ' :rddrihg4he;month,of .Ottol s'- " ; fife' .emia.iverv . ftnrtoril-... the --aaaaaaaaaaaaaai---Amm--amm-- ggg, Our entire line of Men's Boys andlffildren Clothing has arrived and is ready ' for your inspection. Our cloth ing was designed and - made with a view to pleasing and i satisfying the most exacting men. J Men, leaders in their craft designedtjfiemVl facilitv was placed at their disposal, and no:exgese ys0ted- ; the 'effoit 'to produce the m correct styles. Following this the choicest fabrics of leading manufacturers were secured and only the highest quality selected. And only the clever- , est tailormen allowed to com plete the work. 7 The result is that these gar ments stand "head and shoul ders' above the great majority of clothes offered the Burling ton : public Our styles are distinctive. Our garments consider the value we are giving. , v. y mmir' t anDnTo & and Ladies' and C&ntshocs Hats and Dry Goods. Also Ladies Tailor Made Suits. , tTiV . AW i-.V. ' i wmM The Home of Good Clothes, riouaiuu. .... .s : . i .... w ...... . --..i SaaUW subscribe to the Diiatch, - , - . -- w iCTICTf UJ UUIUJINUIUI, r :