mf v !. - ) "- -m i , , . r .. 1 5r 1 . ' : - - 1 .P. - V r - I : -- :- urn1 i f : . !l Wi $1C0 Reward $1C3 -.The readere-of t paper wilHe pleas ed to learn that there is at least , one . dreaded disease that science baa been able taxure ana-iUtagesnd- lj' knpwj. tot the medi Wrafmutr.Vthtarrh being a constitu- T lioaal-lisjeasejwqnires" aTOHstitotion- al treatment Hall e UHtarrn uure is tken;intern"aliy,(te,.diiy;tly;npi . thfl Hood IathV nktftbst atttske Of 'the t Hvatpm thfrRb-de&troYinz the founda tion of the di8ease,and gying;th ,pati- eiit strenfrth by building np the consti " tntion and assisting nature in doing its work. The ; proprietors, have ' so much . faith in itrf,curatiTet powers that they offer One Hundred Dollar . for any case that it fails to cure. - Send for testunom Arfrtri F. J. CHENEY & CO. i Sold hv all Druiroists. 75c Toledo, 0. 5 - Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- - tion, ' " - ; . - , Wanted V, i One hundred young men not un- der sixteen years tot age who desire to do something more than ordinary ' ."hands' V-who wanto earn more 1 than wages generally paid-to "hands" ; to come to the Agricliliurdl & Mechanical College for the Colored "." Haoe ahd there "prepare themselves r'tb be skilled mechanics, intelligent farmers, well qualified teachers. V iiraduate9 earning from $30.00 to $150.00 per month. FWrd, lodg ing and tuition $7.00 per month. . Fall term begins September 1, 1909. ' For Free Tuition or for catalog, write President Dudley, j A. & M. College. Greensboro N. C. promptly obtained in all conntrles, or HO FEE. ri Urad. Hnd Rketcli. Model or fboto. for 1 lrevort on. pMecUbUity, , ALL BUSIKES$ H STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Patent praeuos ercluaiTly; Hurpaasingnfaencefl. book orfUow to obtain and Sell patents. What in ventions wlU pay.How to gt a partner And othfer Ta4aabie Information. Ber.t tree to any adoresa, D. SWSFT & CO. 501 Seventh St., Washington, D.'C Trinity Park School t : 1 A Firit-CUst Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Aceept ed for Entrance to Lead ing Southern Colleges Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South ! Faculty of tea olflwwand- tem-h--Fers. sCanims f eexenty-fire acre. u-Library cotai .irg forty , thousand volumes. Well epuipped gymna . sium. High standards and mod ern methods of instiuction. Fre quent lectures by prominent lect urers. Expenses exeeelingly mod erate. Eleven years of pn-uoni-it-al success. tion Addre8 H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, ) Durhani, - - N. C. m 9 T" A Track Maiwb - . ; Designs - "ItV CPPYRICHTSAC Anyone sending a eketeb and description maf tjntckly ascerUUn oar opintoa free whether an indention ta probablr atentaWt ' Cotnmnhlca tlonaatrlotlTconadentlaL HANDBOOK onPatenU ent free. Oldest apetocy for eu rtn g-jtatents. Patent taken tbroaKb Munn tt Co. receive ipeeiaLnotice, wittaoat chargei ta th t Scientific -Jlmericn A bandsomeTr lllbitratM weeVlr. ' ' Largest et enlation of any scientific Joarnal. Terms. $3 s rear; four months. JL 8old by all newsdealers. WM. & Co.?ejs. Hew York Branch Offlce. 625 W ffti WaMnnfttou. D. C 1 fc. 3 Dggjl JjjS I .PROCURED AND DEFENDED. Bendmodel drawing or photo. I or expert searcCaod free report. Free advios, how to obtain patents, trad mi-fc wP7Tibt,eta, ,N ALL COUNTRIES. Business direct with Washington saves tim. , money and ofUn the foUnt. ; V tjrt Infringement Practice EkcJuslvety." : Write or oomefo uat . , 1 KllLta btrwt, m-xViUA tatj TUnX Wi. KILLtheCOUOI and CURE THE LUNGS Won ifedrtif FOR CW :jfiS&L I MP ALL THROAT AND LUKG TROUBLES. UidaltM'PersjinaL: "Kite Snuff is good for the nerves. i Wlrr tJatea was a DUSiuess wtiici at MeLeroneday lak week: Messrs E. Tl Home and E. M. Raleich visitors last f--"6 o week. -'. v - v ( - yj", " b 2 ounce bag of Golden fJroin KmnWinir Tobacco lor nve cents." Miss Sallie Sooit spent Saturday and Sunday at Durham as the guest of friends. ' "A bic 2i ounce bag of Golden f?min Smokinff ; Tobacco for five cents." - . Jno M. Coble our clever express aent visited Durham Saturday tak ing in the show. J. P. Albright left Friday for i few days business trip in the JEas tern part of the state. Mrs. Jessie Hbit spent vtwo or three days last weeK visiting menus and relatives near Oaks. ' ' Miss Rosa Thompson was one among the large. number who attend en the State Fair last-week. R. L Blaylock deputy from Greensboro was a marshal! business visitor in the city Friday. The band of the Toshua Simpkins show paraded our streets last Friday showing Friday night at Graham. Miss Olivia Smith was the guest of Mrs. W. G. Careathers at Oaks for a few days during the past week. Miss Bertha Boone of near Whit 8ett was in town Friday shopping aid visiting her oister Mr. Thomp son. Come, you're the Doctor, Which shall it be Costiveness. constipation, or Hollister'8 Rocky Mountain Tea. T. H. Strand. Golden Grain Smoking tobacco is the best smoke, rgardlesss of price on the market today. . Will not bite the tongue. His. manv friend0 will be glad to learn that Wm Home who has been seriously ill for several week is much irap.roved. ' , I Miss Mabel Ellis of the State Normal College Greensboro was the guest of her parents Satunlay and Sunday. , , ; "Fred Warren a sttident of Elon College spent Saturday and Sunday as the eucst ot Misses Marv ana Ben lah Foster. Lots; Lots; Lots: Auction, Auc tion Auction, Nov, 4th. 10 o'cl'Kik a. m. Central Loan and Trust Co: Miss Cleta Patterson visited her sister Miss Swannanoah last Wed- nesdav nieht eoinor to the Fair at Raleigh Thursday. Don't fail to call and see Hall's ine of fall' shoes. Shoes for the whole family, pi icps to please, qual i y guaranteed. Trolinwood Mills. May.r Barrett and son Carl left Saturday for Durham to attend the Brnum and Baney show also visit friends at Roxboro Ins former home. Jno T. Plott a contractor who has charge of the grading force be tween here and Alamance Mills spent Saturday and Sunday at Greensboro. 'Jolden (irain Smoking tobaccojis Lueyoesu sraoKP, reguriii' n p'iw ojthe market today. Will not bite . i t . i 1 1 : the tongue. B Godman spent' two or three days last week in the city of High Point; visiting R. H. .Garrison. Mr. Good man states that M r Garrison is getting along nicely in the mercan tile business: ., Sickening headaches, indigestion, constipation, indicate unhealthy con dition of the bowels. Hoi listers Rockv Mountain Tea makes the bo- wels work naturally and. restores vour system , to' perfect health and strength. Begin tonight. T. H. Stroud. . The Southern Agriculturist, pub lished at Nashville, Tenn., price 50c per year, will be given to every ncv or old subscriber to the Dispatch, who pay 8 a dollar on subscription during the month of October. This offer is open to every subscriber ot the State Dispatch. Cook says he did it. Peary says vhe did it,' but' the chan are neit' her one did it unless betook: Hoi lis teis Rocky Mountain Tea.' It is the most searching and finding Remedy- there is no doubt after tak ing as sure as you take it you get result! Do it tonight. -: r . T. H. Stroud: ' 1 the hestmoker Tegardlesssof;prJccv on the marKet toaay., u u not ojie the tbnguev f : : 1 ' - wSotneionetole one orJessie Jxplfs water SDaniehpuipiiMi TiiujredaT, night, j - A desperate effi)rt was madej by the mother aog; to vingnten ine rogue but she was beaten bftck? V : Do not stay at home and : let , ot hers get all the good bargins iu lots, On Thursday November the 4tb at 10 o'clock. Central Loan and Trust Co. ; Call at the State Dispatch office and get a sample copy, of be South ern Agriculturist, that we. will give you a years subscription - to, when you pay us that dollar on your sub scription. - -y;W As in ye olden times, ; ye ghosts and goblins will visit the earth on All Hallo wien. They will assemble themselves in ye Mayors Hall at six of the clock. . Come and join them. Fortunes told by witch craft Oysters served in stews 'antr frys October thirtieth at sixf m. for the benefit ofThe Thompson Or phanage. - " ' A Bargain for, the Ladies. The manaeement of the State Dispatch has made arrangements by which we are enabled tf give a years subscription to McCalls magai5tDe together with auy fifteen , cent pat tern, your own selection from the magazine, and a years subscription to the Dispatch, all for One Dollar. Fhis, beyond a doubt is the best proposition ever ottered by any newspaper, and one thfct should ap peal to every lady in Burlington and the surrounding country. Bring, or send us th dollar, and we will do he rest. What the kidney Do Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy.' AJl the blood in the body passes through kidneys once every three minutes. . The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day When healthy they remove about 500 grains,oi impure matter ; daily, when unhealthy some part of thi impure matter is left in 'tneblood. This bring on olany diseases- and vmptoius p.iin in the imeli, heu.1 aches -'iiervousitees hot, dry! jfjliiic rbeuuiatim gout gravel jjisrrdern ol the eyesight and hearing dizziness1, irregular heart debility' drowsiness Iropsy dciHsits in the urine,' ete But if you keep the filters right you will have no trouble with your kid neys, r J. B. Stubbms S. Main sr. Bur lington N C, "I used Doan's Kid ney Pills, procured at the Freemau Drug Co. aud the results werei so satisfactory, that I have, no hesita tion in recommending? the iremedy. I know Doan s Kidney Pills to be a reliabl0 remedy for disordered kid neys." ; For sah- !v Whalers, lrioe 50 cents. rosU'r-Mllurn Co.. New York, sole agents fur the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take uo other. The Family Reading Problem. To find reading that satisties one's craving, for the bright and attractive and is at he same time, perfectly, suitable lor impressionable young people is at times difficult. The best .magazines are admittedly published for mature readers only. The Youth s Companion alone is for all t e farui ly. While the editors keep in mind the eager desire of the young for ta-: les of action enterprise and adveu-' ture thce stories iu The .Companion, are so well written as ty iasciDa(e men and women in all stages of life' journey. Ana tnis is true 'not only ol the fiction in The Companion but of the entire contents. The articles by famous w.'itersconvey knowledge that is useful to Ihe wisest and most experienced as ; well as to the imma ture. In 8iiort The Companion sol ves the reading problem for the en tire family: It is entertaining aud it is Worth while.'7 ' Ky;ry new subscriber will find it of special advantage to send at once the Jl. 75 for the new 1910 Volume! Not only does he get the beautiful ''Venetian" Calendar for 1910, lit hographed in thirteen colors "and gold but all the issues of The Cotn panioh for the remaiuitig weeks', of 1909 from the time the subscription; is receiveu. The Youth's Companion. Companioq.Building, Boston Mass New Subscriptions Received at this Office. , :'ftf Scse Iicecsd Legulahcn. J;lPresWenTa I lationgulation crKate-actuie cause prosper ity prea . aangers, ana the . 'etostasyf ot treat profits' m ig b t leadraciiaudrr Jaer less acU; has. met the instant protest of financial add commercial journals. They urge that a time of abounding prosperity is no jtime - for new legis latipn, on business; 7 j ' The peple-think otherwise. .The opinion, of the great mas uf business men, producers and wage-earners is wijh president TafV'The expansion which has carried all records of trade and production beyond : 1907 is ac companied with rising price for food arid the -other necessities of life, which cramp vthe fmall income aud wage.; The consuuiption of iionna steel irises, bat uot.ot wheat. Shares are higher, but cotton cloth, which , the masses use, is dearer. The im portation of diamonds in, 3epteiuber beat the record, but the sale of shoes were disappointing. More people are at work than ever before and wages are .maintained, but the pur chasing power of the money earned is reduced by high prices. &o law can increase the cotton crop which brings dear cotton, but I it might regulate Meat Trust prices for hides. VV heat is'dear from cause beyond law, but more economical corporate management might make the transportation and distribution of U-od less co tty. If the watering of corporate stock were prevented the fixed charges the producer aucl consumer pays for might and would oe kept lower. MeCAIX PATTERNS Celebrated for style, perfect fit, simplicity and reliability nearly 40vyears. Sold in nearly every city and. town in the United States and -Canada, or by 'mail direct. More sold than any other make. Send for free catalogue. McCALIS MAGAZINE i Afore subscribers than any other fashion magazine million a month. Invaluable.- Lat Cjt styles, pattern?, dressmaking', millinery, pain sewingr, fancy needlework, hairdressing-, etiquette,. gtxd stories etc Oniy 50 cents a ycnr(wortn double), including a free pattern, isuliscribe today,' -ori send for sample copy. vVO:;E3rTX INDUCEMENTS i.i A nts. -Portal brings premium catalosrue ' --vt i.ctv cash prize efi'os. Address ' L give every satisfaction consider the ue we Also we carry a big and Dry Goods. Also 6? I ATGi k X hr lb 3 Furniture and:. vScc our Intense and -riew thihgMnurmtiife;' and Comfortable to be found 1 here. Out prices will fit r..l "i 1' i C: IJil-'t"'' ' It. ' .)'-.""'' - - ' uic mosc economical purcnaser. . M.B. SMITH The Furniture Store, Davis Street' Ellis Machine B UI.SXGION, N. C. THERE BtJT v . . " O.'. "Tor Sjyrtiting, Stove and furnace "Repairing, also installing Hot A r Systems, of any Tinners in the State. Forv the price. Give fbciu a trial. Twenty .four years experience. . ; ' . S. THOMAS & SONS. 317 Worth Street, Phone No, 40, A. 0 ' Our entire line of Men7s Boys and Children's Clothing has arrived ani is ready for your inspection. ; Our cloth : ing was ' designed A and mad6 with a view to pleasing and satisfying tfye most exacting men. - - . t ' Men, leaders in their craft designed them. Every facility . was placed at; their; disposal, and no expense was spared in the effoit to produce the mast correct stylos.- Following this the choicest fabrics of leading manufacturers were! secured and only the highest quality selected. And only the clever est tailormen allowed to com plete the! work. The result is tliat these gar- - ments stand "head and shoul ders" above the great majority of clothes offered the Burlingf ton public, Our stylesvare distinctive. Our garments ftps.- LiiCsiHiiMii in the wearing." Our prices are the lowest When you are giving. ; : : v , ' iin of Men's and 'Ladies' and Children's Shoes Hats Ladies Tailor Made Suits. r - BURLINGTON, N. C. The Home of Good Clothes, . "f - i urmsmngs ' Complete Display inall the Garpets; ruWDraperies; Heat- Burlington, N. C. T" I Luio ur rLuriX'iniiVA inAI KRAMER: BROSiPlANB -.9V ni: We SeD at IS A $300.00 PIANO 1 Come in and See if you don t.thint so. 7, Easy Payments 9 3 & Music Co. (9 House 1 GO may be doubts about- i )ook or Peary Dis covering the North Pole. ; : v ' yoi cannot doubt that S. Thomas & Sons will do rou the best iob of Tin Rortfintr: Outferinor i flV F0KE : I -A- j i