.V V " - - ' - - -' r'-C-' Local- and Personal.- FOR SALE Old papers at the Dispah-h office, v J h time to renew1 or sul scribe to the Dispatch. ; Postmaster Waller was a business visitor in the hustling city of Greens boro Friday. Miss Nellie Flemings spent Tlairsday night at Elon. College attending the debate. Mis. Bmbks, near Chapel Hill, was the guest of her father, Mr. II. L. Sutphin, Thanksgiving. iK-v. Stickley, of the Sutheran Guilford Charge, was a shopping victor in t)wu Friday. - .John Lasley, oae of our clever Ftiulriits at the University, was the guest of his parents last week. L H. Aid ridge, a progressive merchantof Union Ridge, was a business visitor in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hornaday 6pent the past, week visiting friends and relatives in the country. Mrs. 3. Hornaday was the guest of relatives at Greensboro from "Wednesday to Friday the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mebane were the guest of her father, Mr. Garrison, on route 2, Thanksgiving. Mr. aud Mrs, B. B. Greeson spent Thanksgiving as the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Hoffman, of Elon College. Miss Nettie McClure. one of Haw River's popular young ladies was the guest of Miss Rosa Thomp son Thanksgiving Miss Anthony Clapp was one of the Burlington guest, who attended ihe debate at Elon College Thanks giving night. R. H. Starr, one of Greensboro's popular young poatoffice clerk's, was the guest of friends in town Thurs day evening. Miss Flossie Loy, a student at the Salem . Academy, of Winston Salem, N. C, was the gutst of her y i fnts Thanksgiving. L. Holton, one of our clever : rgetic aud patriotic subscribers, o: No, 2, was in town Thursday en route to Greensboro. Miss Ruth Hughes, of Haw River, was the guest of Miss Mar- tisha Thompson the latter part of last week. R. Andrews, of High Point, a former citizen of Burlington, spent the latter part of last week here as the guest of friends and relatives. C. M. and Misses Maude and Lillie Justice, of near Hillsboro, were the guest of Misses Henrietta and Emma Love part of last week. J. A. Smith, the Rural Delivery carrier, of Corbett, was a business visitor in the city the past week ad ding his name to the Dispatch roll. Health depends, as nature hw, More on the inte ior thon met sop pose. Keep your system from imparities free, By using Hollistej's Rocky Mountain Tea T. H.Stroud. Office and Fur room of J. D. Payne over Foster Shoe store. Large No. 1 Mink, $5.00; Medium No. 1 Mink, $4 00; Small No. 1 Miuk, $3.00. blisses Minuie Coble and Vita Tsley, popular young ladies on route one and ten, were the guest of the formers brother, Dr. L. G. Coble, of Greensboro, Friday. Mr. J. H. JMatkins visted his biother near Greensboro last Thurs- .-day He as accompanied home by bis motber who will spend sev- eral weeks here. - r Hev. J. D. Andrew preached a very impressive sermon on the sub- ject "Charity" to the Odd Fellows at the, Reformed church Sunday evening at 3:00 o clock. 'clean inside. This means clean sto- mach, bowels, blood, liver clean, Healthy tissue in every organ. Moral: Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, a thorough cleanser. Try it tonight. T. 1. Stroud. Mi nr i ri r i ' . .c Z7, an etui up.Ur au C;, the board of pharmacy last week. Mr. Comptoa is a :7T.S man and kas many friends in Bur- icuus iu Jjui - liii rrt i n whn will Ipflrn nt hia enmaca . U II VI IIIMMII I t " health, inside as well as outside. Let Holhster's Rocky Mountain lea be your inteanal cleanser, then your or- gans win oe pure ana ciean, your 11 J 1 health good, your system right. .btart tonight. I. H. Stroud. Why Hfr Ended His Nap.- Philadelphia Telegraph. Y ; ' J ' ' Speaking of the, Friend who sat in the jury box of the United States' Court with his hat on the other day Attorney Frances B. Lee, of Tren ton, told of a little " incident that happened in connection with a good Quaker acquaintance of his who lives near Moorestown. i One day the Quaker in question went to snore. For a whilt the nast l notes were soft aud smootb'and did not disturb the worshipers but finally the sleeper let out a few extra links and kisked up such a commotion that a kiudly dis posed Friend thought it the part of wisdom to awaken him. "Friend Nathaniel," he whisper ed, poking the sleeper in the ribs, I tnink thee had better arouse thyself. "What did thee say? What did thee say?" exclaimed Nathaniel, suddenly starting of his slumber. "What is the matter?" "Nothing, Nathaniel," replied the other, without even breakiug nto a smile, only thee was snoring a little and I was afraid that outsiders would think that the spirit had moved thee to a trombone solo instead of an ex pression of thy convictions." GoodWork Done Daily in Burlington. Many Citizens Tell of It. Nearly every reader has heard of Doan'a Kidney Pills. Their good work in Burlington still continues, and our citizeus are constantly add ing endorsement by public testimony No better proof of mrit can be had than the experience of friends and neighbors. Read this case: Eli. G. Isley, Webb Ave., Bur lington N. C. says: "I used seve ral boxes ot Doan's Kidney Pillo, procured at the Freeman Drug Co. and they gave me prompt relief from severe pains through the small of my back from which I had suf fered for a Jong time. My kidneys which had also caused me a great deal of suffering aud annoyance, have lecrme strong ana give me no futher trouble. In view of the bene fit I obtained from Doan's Kidney Pills, I have no hesitation ia advis ing their use to other kidneys suf ferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Cheering Her Up a Bit. A young lady living in Atlanta vi&ited the home of her fiance in New Orleans. On her return home an old negro "mammy" long in the service of the family, and conse quently privileged to put the ques tion, asked: "Honev, when is you going to git married?" The engagement not having been announced, the Atlanta girl smil ingly replied: "Indeed, I can't say, Aunte. Perhaps I shall never marry." The old womair's jaw fell. "Ain't dat a pitty, now!" she ejaculated, aud, after reflection, she added, consolingly, "Dey do say that ole maids is de happiest crit ters dey is once dey quit strugglin." Uncle Remus' Magazine. College Hazing. From the Springfield Republican. 1 1 . i ' i .i i X1,e naz,nS in.vi ves ue nu0 Hpi " 7' u ,g iucue eacn . , , a8 ,unviauals uwue"7 U1- x dent 1 nomas of Krvn Mawr m pop reioiocs that the self-trovemment as- sociation of students there has de cided "to gire up once and for all the silly and ungenerous practice of Jteasiner, embarrassing and hectoriner the younger and inexperienced students. However slight this bec- tonng may have been, it was un civilized and barbarous." This characterization is masterly and of wiue appucauon. nazing is DOtn unmanly ana unwomanly, and does noc nna 118 root m tne generous 1 J XT 1 T 1 m .1 helpfulness that marks large natures. ig to noted that . Muhleibeig College in Peonsyl- t if , I . P . -r instance The Philadelphia Press I a . - . notes that, tho hrnflir inltr a akin to the movement of mobs: "In the mass it dares; as a unit it is an object crowd. The individuals of a hazing or lynching mob are mostly pitiable myrmidons and the res a- 1 1 '1 . . contemptible curs." This is severe but not unjust Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that aeinereury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the w hole system when eutering it through the mu- be used' except on prescriptions from re putable physicians ; as the damage they will do is teu fold to the good you can possibly derive fpom them. Hall's Cata rah Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains "no mercury, and is taken iuternally,. acting direetl j upon the blood aud mucons surfaces of the system, In bu ring Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and .jnade in Toledo, O. oy F, J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free, Sold by Druggest. Price, 75c. per bot tlr, Take Hall's Family Pills or coDsti pation. ; Liquor in Jury Rooms. Boston Post.,. ', Entirely apart from the nerits of the couviction of Charles W. Morse, the New York Banker and "king" of many enterprises, the fact that liquor was habitually used in the juryroom and elsewhere wiile his case was on trial, and by the men who were to decide it, is to ; be de plored. The amount consumed is not material. There shouldn't' have been any "apiece." If there is a single place where whiskey has no right to be, it is the juryroom. The deliberations of men who have in their hands the life or liberty to or another ought never to be tinctured in the least degree by alcohol. A defendaut has the inherit rigjhf to the calm judgment ot his jury, and that he can scarcely get through the admixture of intoxicauts. Here is a case where reform is perfectly simple. Jurors cannot get liquor unless it is brought to them. Women Who Are Envied. Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many who might be like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipa tion or kidne; poisons show in pim ples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched completion. For all such Electric Bitters work wonders. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kid neys, purify the blood; give strong iu rvts, LrigLt -yj&, jure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely comp lexion. Many charming woman owe their health and beauty to them. 50c at Freeman's Drug Company. The proof of the pudding in the eating thereof. Before jumping to the conclusion that the new Tariff law is a bad thing for the people it might be well to wait and see if the people do not find themselves pros pering splendidly under its provisions. it I Ellis Machine & Music Co. 3 B A RLINGTON, N. C. j Wtey &tg you one of the suffer from female ailments ? If so, dont be discour aged, go to your druggist Cardui. On the wrapper , During the last half established in thousands for pain which only women endure. It is reliable, contains no harmful ingredients and can be depend- ea on in almost any case. It WiH - Hrs. "Charles Bragg, of r3 ! mtes : l ongue cannot tell .before 1 began taking Cardui would work awhile and lie down. Take fr A o) iO V fili'Kf... j;..v AT ALL DRUa STORES Profession al ; Card sff John H. Vernon, Attorney and 4 Counsellor ; at Law, ' Burlington, N. C , Office over Bradley's Drug Store. ': Phone' 65." E. 8. W. DAMERON, . ATTORNEY AND" -COUNSELLOR :?AT LAW Burlington, N. G. -Office In Piedmont Building. John R. Hoffman, vAttorney-at-Law, Burlington, North Carolina. Office. No. 2, Sellars BnMn. GEORGE M. PATT0N, ATTORNEY AT LAW 108 Court Squre, Greensboro, If. C Practice Rrgalarlj In the Courts ol Alamance County. : DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLIMGTON. N. C. "THE NORTH POLE FOUND" We have the best book published; giving Cook's own story and Peary's expedition. Agents wanted Outfit, free; send 10c to pay postage. Best terms, also valuable premiums giv en to agents who work thirty days. Be first in the field; act at once. PLILLIPS-BOYD PUBLISHING CO. Dept. 1 Atlanta, Ga. Subscribe Now For The Atlanta Journal, Daily Sunday . and SemiWeekly. Largest circulation -south of Baltimore. BY MAIL. Daily and Sunday, Daily nly, Sunday only Semi-Weekly $7.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 LOTS OF PEOPLE THINK THAT KRAMER BROS. PIANO We Sell at $225.00 IS A, $300.00 PIANO Come in and See, if you don't think so. Easy Payments thousands of women who and get a bottle of Wine of are full directions for use. century, Cardui has been of homes, as a safe remedy J34 Help Yon Sweetser, Ind., tried CaiatrL BEe how much Cardui has done for me. I could not do a day's work. I shall always give praise to your 1 -'Reminder That this is the time for hot fires. Fire insurance is a t great protection against defective flues in the home and i -frice. - We represent the strongest companies in the world. Call at our office and talk it over. :-: Between 1 600 and 700 acres of good. farm land lying between ; Burlington and ; Haw River. Will cut in lots or r farms to suit purchaser. We have a good farm ! . miles from Hopedales cotton mill, 5 miles from ' Burlington on a public road. This land is easy , cultivated and is splendid for corn, wheat cotton and tobacco. 170 acres with one 4 room dwelling house and good barn inciud i ing one. tobacco barn, one 2 room dwelling i house and barn, a splendid well of water. A bout 90 acres of this farm in cultivation Vill self at $12.50 per acre. Also a splendid truck farm in one-half mile of Burlingtonwith good house practi v cally newand a very large barn and plenty of good water: If interested call and see us :-: We have pur chased W.H. Hall's nice 7 room 2 story residence, on Front street. Good well i of water and barn. Will sell at bargain. The Central Loan & Trust BURLINGTON, N. C. J. A. DAVIDSON, Pres., W. W. BROWN, Mgr., JOHN R. HOFFM IN, Sec-Treas. Furniture arid House Furnishings See our Immense and Complete Display in all the new things in Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Heat ers and Ranges. Everything to make home Beautiful and Comfortable to be found here. Our prices will fit the most economical purchaser. M B The Furniture Store, Davis Street, Burlington, N. C. Just One car Danish Cabbage; One car Northern Irish Potatoes; One car fancy Apples. Nuts, Lemons and Oranges. Wholesale only. Burlington Grocery Company, Burlington, N. C v ing Anyth a iso uie iaiest ana most oausiactory mcmuus ui y Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing at the j I Burlington Tailoring I All Work Done on Premises. FREE Fill The SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST offer more and better premiums to club raisers than any southern paper. This year we are giving away a lot of new and valuable presents some thing you never saw before. Anybody can get a club for the SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST, because it is the best paper published for southern farmers and the price is very reasonable. Write tor free sample copy containing at tractive premium offers. . Southern Agriculturist NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE any SM Received . j in and Cleaning Works Tailorin A .A 14 T

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