Thet State Dispatch. Local and Personal. Subscribe for the Dispatch. , North Carolina Day will, be cele-' brated this rear in' the public school? of the State on Friday December 1 7 A nmorrammp nf exercises has been FOR SALE Old papers at the Leut out by the State .Superintend Dispatch office. dent of Public Instruction. , It ero- Now is the time to renew or braces a study of the mountain sec tion which lies beyond the Appala chian Mountains. Among ; others, it carries short, sketches cf Allegh any, Ashe and Watauga counties. A Quilting Party. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercurY will surely destroy, the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when eutering it through the mu cous surfaces Such articles should never be used except onv prescriptions from re putable physicians as the. damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive fpom them. Hall's Cata- rh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Uo., Toledo, O., contains "no mercurv, and is taken iuternally, acting directly upon the blood aud mucous surfiices of the system, In buving Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, O. oy P, J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free, Sold by Drnggeet. ' Price, 7oc. per bot tle, lake Hall's Family Fills for consti patlon An Aerial Trust. Boston Herald The commercial opportunity of aviation has no more immediate and material evidence than in the form ation of a million-dollar corporation in New York for the manufacture Bascom Hornaday who has been J rison. Will Horne. Fred Reiber and of the Wricrht brothers' machines delivering nursery stock m S. C, I James Evans, The incorporators inculde some of returned last week. Miss Jessamin Gant returned Saturday from a three weeks plea sure trip to New York. i Dr. Coble a well known physician Most Burlington People Have Tsnbscribe to the Dispatch. L. F. Marlett of Hillsboro, was a business visitor in town Saturday. Editor Foy of Mebane was a wel come business visitor in town Thurs- j "v A nuiltinc Dartv was Given a E. May. who has been in S. C, number of the friends of Miss Ola delivering fruit trees returned Satur- Evans last Thursday night at the day. residence of her parents. The fol- MfWInnft Oant is the iruest lowing were present and bespeak the . . - I x f 1 I of friends at Milford Del., tor a tew enjoyment oi me evemug: nws weejiQ ULAtie J one, Maud uro wn, osa ana , . . Martisha Tnompson, ijessie ana A S400 piano to be given away T , aiJT tt rWranfr to the most popular lady Sunday , M. PflHpiWfl Mn. school, school etc Walter and Dave Jones Jas. Gar- One Weak Spot of eastern Gailiord was the guest of relatives in to wja. last week. Messrs SummieSharpeand Earle Lasley were pleasant callers at Gra ham last Thursday evening. Walter Uarrett spent r naay in town returning to his home at Gra ham from delivering fruit trees. William Coble of No. 10, return ed Thursday, from Virginia where W 9 the richest men in that city. The installation of a plant for production is already indicated in Ohio. . It is rather early to predict that the possession i of the Wright patents covers the entire scope of manr flight; but the formation of this1 trust so promptly indicates the entrance of aviation into the field oi rivalry in transportation which has heretofore been occupied by railroad and steam ship lines. It is a marvelous development of Weak Part and Too Often It's the Back. Everyone has a weak spot. Too often it's a baa back. Twioeres follow every suddon twist. Dull aching keeps up day and an art which is yet in its infancy. night But it has vast possibilities. We Tells you the kidneys need help- are just beginning to learn that men -r l . i .1 1 1 I .. .... Jor DaCKflCne IS ruailV Kianev-lran Hv What mnv wa nnfe Incite lie nas Deeu aeuvering nursery siock. ache f in th neilr future under the Mm W. S King of No. 3, was A kiuneys cure is whityou'need. guidance of commercial interest -.1 A : r if . J r O I lUnn'n S,A,r U.ll nntwx mnk J! A - J I 1 cue guesi oi -y-r ana iurs. o. a., i au aviuuc uuto n. i uiretueu oy commercial energy. kidneys. I 1 m m mm a a m m Cure backacue and urinary ills ITOODie uaxes UQSieo. (jood proof m the following state- When a sufferer from gtomach meat. tronblp takes Dr Kind's New Life John A. Allen, farmer, 4Ub iiast PUla he's miVhtv triad to see his Jf. Lu Kemgar received telegram Lee St.. Greensboro. N. C Say :f Dv era rata and 1 nrlia-pfttinn flv. hilt last Thursday announcing the senoue l am vtiy grateful to Doan's Kid- more-he's tickled over his new, fine limes oi nis momer wno Jives ai nv Hii U thr nil thiv have done tar UlikR I j j I apjLlLC nuuug lie i v co ucoivut y 'H me. i am now in gooa neann ana au because stomach, liver and kid- J. D. Payne returned Thursday t is all owing to the use ot mis me- ney8 now work right. 25c. at Free dom a pleasant visit to Maimi. Fla. dicine. tor years 1 was troubled raau Drue Company. IJnngiug a box ot luscious tropical D7 pams across tne email oi my - . ii i t.i John H. Vernon; Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Burlington, N. .C. Office over Bradley's Drug' Store, Phone 65. E. S. V, DAMN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Burlington, N. C . Office In Piedmont Building. John R- Hoffman, Attorney-at-Law, 1 Burlington. North Carolina. Of fice, No. 2, SeUan Buildmx. GEORGE M. PATTON, ATTORNEY AT Utf 105 Coart Sqarii fin 82 Jbow, R. C. Practice Irgilarly 1b tba Courts of Alanines , County. . . DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLINGTON, N. C. Bor6e the latter part of last week. Miss Maude Holt of Greensboro spent the past week as the guest ot Misses Sadie and Hal lie Mitchell fruits with him. Mis Myrtle Ellis of the State Normal Greensboro spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday as the guest oi her parents. Lt J. Blackwood of Greensboro spent the Jatter part of last week as back and througn my kidneys and reading ot Doan's Kidney Pills, I it r .1 procured a oox. i eave tnem a good trial and from the results ob tained, highly recommend them." NOTICE. To Whom it May Cojvcern: This is to notify the public that Charles H. Bayne, of Alamance ihe guest of his sister and friends at States. this place. Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Cates went to Greensboro Saturday to visit their daughter Mrs. Ingle who is at St. -Leo s Hospital. r T7 mr i - ... j. x:. iuoser a ciever miner on route one was a pleasanl caller at the Dispateh office Saturday, while in town on business. For sale bv all dealers. Price bounty, iNortb Uarolma, is not now 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. New and has not been at any time in the I.. i York, sole agents for the United Vl autnonzea oy ite to incur any Remember the name Doan's md take no other. The Cat and the Sparrow! This is a true story with all the necessary vouchers, says the Cleve land Plain Dealer. An East End family has a cat, a big gray Tom who ans wets to the uame of Ben. Ben's natural ene- well is hpinir wimnlor I niies are the sparrows. When he I fc v J V- w-v Vf lt uuc 1I1HC I . rior and wih be readv foroeeunanr.v can creeP UP 00 one of tncm and in a verv short while make ,ts leathers fly be is delighted. Health 1pnBHa . .u WUIC a lut "V I,twc " wjm ' k ucauumc w H t m . . - - . e JJoreon tfie intei in t.hnn ml , chatterers settled on the limb ot a debt as my agent against me on ac count of hauling logs or on any oth er account. S. D. SOU HMAYD, By E. S. W. DAMERON, November 16, 1909 Attorney. "THE NORTH POLE FOUND" We have the best book published; giving Cook's own story and Peary's expedition. Agents wanted OutBt. free; send 1 Oc to pay postage. Best terms, also valuable premiums giv en to agents who work thirty days. Be first in the field: act at once. FLILLIPS-BOTD PUBLISHING CO. Dept. 1 Atlanta, Ga. v buyan sell all : kinds of : Real-Estate, Loan your r money, guarantee every loan we make, secure a loan for you. WRITE YOUR FIRE IN SURANCE IN THE SAF 8T COMPANIES IN THE WORLD x :.: We greatly appreciate what our many friends have already done for us, and will thank you for all future favors. at your command. CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST COMPANY SPRING STREET BURLINGTON, N. CAROLINA I USE A W ick's CROUP and PNEUMONIA SALVE The Life Protector Latest successful Treatment and Preventive. Combined Rubefa cient and Inhalant. Criminal for homes to not Have ready .25c, 50c and $1.00- Trial size mailed for 80c. L RICHARDSON. GREENSBORO. U. O. Canada is preparing to indulge io the luxury of a coal trust Furniture and House Funushing See our Immense and Complete Display in all the new things in Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Heat ers and Ranges. .Everything to make. -home Beautiful and Comfortable to be found here. Our prices will fit the most economical purchaser. M.B.S MITH Davis Street, The Furniture Store, Burlington, N. C. The new building of N S. Card- pose. tree in Ben's back yard. Beo saw pyour system from impurities free, them and crept toot by foot to the By using Hollistej's Rocky Mountain L tt u u u i Tea T. H.Stroud The High School Grades were given a treat by the Primary Grades Irst Fridav evening. Snef-p.hps ptn. j r i 1 were rendered by the youngsters. 'Office and Fur room of J. D. Payne over Foster Shoe store. Large No. 1 Mink, $5.00; Medium ISo. 1 Mink, $4 00; Small No. 1 If your Sunday School needs a vpiano, place it in nomination and i i i .i rget Dusy ana secure tne co-opera- tree. Up tbe trunk he cautiously climbed and finally reached tbe 0 limb. At this point the sparrows saw him and flew to the grund where they chattered vigorously. Ben in the meantime watching theral from the limb with hatred in his- yellow eye. j Then without warning the spar rows suddenly flew up and began a concerted onslaught on Monsieur Ben. Thev pecked him without mercy, until be dropped his head and beat a demoralized retreat ALL THE FAMILY gather around when they play on one of our sweet toned Pianos or Organs We have some organs slightly used and some been rented, at only $25, $30 and $38. All kinds Sewing Machines $5 TO S60 Ellis Machine 2c Music Co. B EL1NGTON, N. C. Just Receiver! . 1 One car Danish Cabbage; One car Northern Irish Potatoes; One car fancy Apples. Nuts, Lemons and Oranges. Wholesale only. Burlington Grocery Company, Burlington, N. C Anything in Tailoring Also the Latest and most Satisfactory Methods of Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing at the Burlington Tailoring and Cleaning Works 4 9 9 6 JAMES M. LEATH All Work Done on Premises. Even as he deseeuded the trunk of the tree of the birds followed hiia with vicious bills, When he reached the ground be ran to his mistress on the porch and sprang into her arms the trium phant birds withdrawing their fight ing line in good order. Kite Snuff is good for the nerves. tion of the school and secure the one crying mean while with pain and "We will give away. rage. W. B. Hartsoe who hasbeen con nected with C B. Ellis as sales man has resigned to be suceeded by Alex Walker. Mr. Hartsoe left Saturday for his home at Durham. Scrub yourself daily, you are not clean inside. This means clean sto mach, bowels, blood, liver clean, healthy tissue in every organ. Moral: Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, a thorough cleanser. Try it tonight. T. U. Stroud. Those of our subscribers who desire to pay their subscription to the Dispatch in wood will please bring it along, either pine, oak or hickory, green or seasoned, we can use it to advantage tuese cool crisp mornings. Cleanliness is the first law of health, inside as well as outside. Let Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea be your inteanal cleanser, then your or gans will be pure and clean, your health good, your system right. Start tonight. T. H. Stroud. V:V: y-V-V-V-V: V-VrV-V-ViV-V-V-y-V-V .ZcCALL rV.TTEZtNS Celchra'cJ for slvie. perfect fit, simplicity and i Uiubi i i ty -nearly jv : Soid in ileariy trry city r.:ii town in I United St:'ts and ''.-i, or bv mail ci;rci.t. Mors to ..1 th:m i.;:y ctli r Sci.d lor Irea catalogue. :c x:'3 s.:acazin'Z ' a Mib.--ilt i :.:n nry other fas!: ion 'ZMic million a ir. -nth. Invaluable. Lat ;, p.istt rus, i resimakin"-, millinery, .-. .vi:.r, fan' y rccdlvwoi k. hairdressinc, v v, tte, sjuod stories, etc. Only 50 cents a r ! onh double), including- a free pattern. ; . be t-vday, or send for sample copy. : . zr,ruL isucements los-n rnis premium cataloone l cash prize ofieis. Address " ! fed (EDj r n n Lrj The largest assortment of toys ever shown in this town at any price you may name from one penny up. Father or Mother, be sure to visit our store to select Christmas presents for your children. Automobiles, Horses, Carts, Drums, Bicycles, Dolls, ' Story Books, Albums, , Post Cards, etc., etc., GOLD AtlD SILVER Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, China, Fountain Pens. Silverware (inlA r.A Sterling Silver Toilet articles of every description. Let us assist you in selecting that Christmas present for your friend. , . 03L1L BURLINGTON, N, C. The Daylight Corners The Store of Toys and Beauttful Presents. 2 liu. McCAU CO.. 238 to 218 VV. 37th St. NEW TOSK

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