2 Mr Local and Fersonal. FOR SALE—Old papers at the Dispat^'h office. H. Fleishman was a business vis itor in Mebaue Monday. Miss Blondie Kernodle, of Elon College, was in town Saturday shopping. Misses Jvizzie and Jtiliu Fogle- man svere the guest of tiieir brother lasl ^veek, WANTED—Two hundred bush els of ('.>vn. at 95c, delivered. Glencoe Mills. Miss Daca Davis spent the past week in Greensboro as the guest of Miss Inglsnd. N 0. Garrison, of No. 2, was in town Saturday and gave us a very pleasant call. Geo. Plott, of Greensl)oro, was the guest of hi? sou ou R. F. D, No. 1, Sunday. Miss Lillian Shoffaer spent Sat urday and Sunday as the guest rela tives at EIod College. Jas. T. Bradshaw^, a proraiiiet citi;?eK of Graham No. 2, was in town Monday shopping. Money To Lend.—On real estate.. Apply to Long & Long Attorneys Graham, N. C. C. C. Cates, one of our clever merchants spent Sunday with his parents at Orange Grove. The Piano contest is causing great excitement these days if your friend is not nominated, nom nate her. Do you go to the Grotto? If not jou are missing some excellent mov ing picture and vaudeville shows. The beautiful Piano on exhibit at the Burke Funiture Company’s stote will be given away absolutely free. ' Elx-Sheriff Graves, of Caswell county, vifited triends in town last week and attended the funeral of Mr. H. May. Miss Callie Boland will leave Sunday to be the guest of her sister Mrs. Lnngley, of Durham, for week or ten days. Wilsie Greeson, who is teaching the Roney pchool this winter, was the guest of her parents on No. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. John Dixon, of Grimesland, ar rived Thureday evening to be the guest of his fatlieriolaw, J. C, Whitsell, of No. 4, for a few days. We were glad to see W. C, Blagg, who is at Greensboro re euperating in our midst fir-t of tht' week We hope he will soon be restored to good health. J. E. Shoifnetj, of Boland, N. C. who was married Friday to Miss Maud Turner, of Dover, N. C. were the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. R Mebane, Sunday evening. During the long, dreary winter months mothers become tired, worn out, can’t eat, sleep or work. Hol lister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest blessing for mothers. Makes them happy, healthy and strong. T. H. STROUD. Rev. Milton Barber, Rector of Christs church, Raleigli, N. C., spent Saturday as t)ie guest of Rev. Mrs. Ogliby, Rev. Barber was jrsturning from Greensboro, ivhere he spent the past week at- tiinding the Laymen’a convention. Builds up waste tissue, promotes appetite, improves digestion, induces refreshing sleep, giving renewed strength and healtti. That’s what -Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Just what you need now. T. H. STROUD. Mr. anu Mrs. M. B. Smith left Thursday for High Point to attend the funeral of Mrs. Smith’s father, Mr. Jas. Lowe, who died Wednes day evening at eight o’clock at his home near Springfield, of pneu monia. Mr. Lowe was 68 years old and a prominent farmer of that section. Some friends have asked us if the Prize Contest was open to Araternal organizations, such as the Jr. O. U. A. M., or Daughters of Liberty etc. To 811 those we answer yes, and we would be glad to see them get in tiie race. All that it requires is a little effort and the prize is won. North Carolina History. The New York Herald says: Tlie people of North Carolina have been iiniortnnate m some respects. They have but liltle addicted to iuiastir;^; of fheir achievements. \Vl)iK- otS‘V Statrs have been con- vpiciiuiiv ,4 gala days and in the iii>t(iri!i ri'C'ords uf the past the peo ple (•(' \octh Carolina have for two hundiid years been making history wiihoui s; rking to blazon ff»rth their (iecilrt -o the world. Mr Bancroft, Iniu to n>ve.stigat^’ tilt' lit North (^'arolina’s hi.stoi'y ha8 iv''i'i;!Mgt‘d tlmt tlie people of fhis slt'U’ !ii'vtv aceoniJ)!isiied in the if')iuman fiwdom and in the vindic. .lion of rjolifcs over.held dear by f'n‘(> i)orn citizen.s and has in his immortal j'ages, elironioled some of the eveiith that m.^ike the advance of tlie evoiit« that make the advance of North Carolina upon the religiuos development. But unfbrtnnately. the people of this State have been so How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Eewar3 for aijy c-ase oi Catarrh that cannbt be cured by^Hall’s Catar li Cure. P. j’! CHENEY & CO., Toleoo, 0. ^ We>the undei signed, have known F. J. Cheney for the lastt 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness ti-ansactions and iiDancially able to carry out anv obligations made by his firm. WALDj iiG, KiNNAN & MABVIN, Wholetiale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting dire-ctly upon the blood and mucous (-'urfnces oi the system. Test i monials f-eiit free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa tion. Professional John H. Vernon, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Burlington, N. C.' Office over Bradley’s Drug Store. Phone 65. * ‘ 'wmwiimw isolated from the great centres, have had so little communication with the outside world have been so de- stitut« of tho.se channels of inter course that belong to more favored sections, that the great impor ant and unquestioned facts of their his tory are unknown to the people of other States. While the skirmishes of the New England States are known and read of all men events of earlier and quite as significant character that happened in North Casolina are known to gentlemen beyond its borders who like the late Colouel Peter Force of Washington Mr Bancroft President Welling and a few others are fond of historical investigation or have been led by some of the partially known histo rical territory that belongs to this people. In view of these facts it becomes an interesting question what North Carolina claims and what can be established beyond all cavil quetions? Briefl/ true. That the first Englishman who ever planted a foot on the Anaerican continent landed on Roanoke Island in the month of Suly, 1554. That the first child born of En» ilish parents on American soil was Virginia Dare, ivho was born on Roanoke Lland in 1585,after whom the c unty Dare is named. That the first resistance to the .stamp act at Washington N. C., in 1765. That th.e first blood that was ever drawn in defense of the people’s rights and in resistance of tyranny, was at Alamance on May 17, 1771. That the first meeting that was ever held in any ot the colonies to declare separation from the British command to organize for armed rei' sistance was in North Carolina in the county of Mecklenburg in the month of IVIay 1775—nearly fifteen months before the national celebra tion. DissoItttloE Notiee. To whom it may concern! This is to certify that the copartnership heretofore existing, known as The Pate and Davies Printing Co., has this day been disolved, the junior member tetiriog. A D. Pate as sumes all obligations of the old firm, al* parties owing the former firm will make payment to A. D. Pate, and all indebtedness of the old firm will be paid by the said A. D. Pate, who will continue the business of the old firm. A. D. PATE, B. P. DAVIES. Jan. 11th, 1910. Notice. My son, Sampson Graves, some times call^ “JKuddie” Graves, who is of ginger Cake color, 14 years old, ran away from my home on or about Nov. 15th, 1909, without my knowledge or consent, and without any just cause. This notice is to forbid any one to hire, boani or harbor him. Any information as to his whereabouts will be appreciated. ALBERT GRAVES, Burlington, N. C. Dec. 28, 1909, E. S. W. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Burlington, N. C. Office in Piedmont Building. John R. Hoflfman, Attomey-at-Law, Burlington, North Carolina. Office, No. 2, Sellars Bcildini;. GEORGE M. PAHON, ATrORKEr tT uw lOS Court Squre, Gresnsboro, N. G. PnctlcB Irgularly in tit Courts of AlaniDee Couttii DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLir^GTON, N. C. To Ailing Women Those Pies of Boyliood, How delicious were the pies of boyhood. No pies now ever taste so good, what’s changed? The pie? No. It’s you. You’ve lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigor ous liver, the active kidneys, tlie regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor and you blame the food. What’s needed? A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all oigans of digestion—Stomach, Liv er, Kidneys, Bowels—Try them. They’ll restore your boyhood appe tite and appreciation of food and fairly saturate your borif with new health, strtngth and vij^r. 60e at Freempn Drug Co. Dr. W. A. Stroud Practicing Physician. BURLINGTON, N. C. OSerB his profeseional serrices to the people of Burlington and surrounding country. C a 11 e promptly responded to ’phone No. 29 day or night. OFFICE AT Stroud’s Drug Store. “THE NOBTH POLE FOUNr We have the best book published; giving Cook’s own story and Peary’s expedition. Agents wanted Outfit, frre; send 10c to pay postage. Best terms, also valuable premiums giv en to agents who work thirtj" days. Be first in the field; act at once. FLILLIPS-BOYO PUBLISHING CO. Dept. 1 Atlanta, Ga. W ANTED:—Three or four knit ting mill hands. Family of exper ienced help prefered. Good house •an be had cheap. Would learn new help. Can furnish regular ^'v^^nie-Noah Hosiery Mfg. Co. Elon College, N. C. A Little Soand Advice Wifl Help Many a Sufferer in Burlingtou. No woman can be healthy and well if the kidneys are sick. Poi sons that pass oft' in the secretions when the kidneys are'well, are re^ tained in the body when the kid neys are sick. Kidneys and blaslr- der become inflamed and swollen and worse troubles quickly follow. This is often the true cause of bear ing down pains, lameness backachie, sideachp, etc. Uric poisoning alao i;au«iug iieadaches, dizzy spells, languor nervouness and rtieumaitie pain. Whi'u suffering so try Doan’s Kidney Pills a lemedy »i)at cures sick kiineys. You will get better as the kidneys get better, a,vid heal th will return whea the kidne«#s are well. Let a Burlington woman tell you ubout Doan’s Kidney Piils, Mrs Sarah Andrews Webster Ave., Burlington N. C., says: “I am always willing to recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills, knowing from my own experien3e that tiiey are a reliable kidney rt-'medy. I suffered a great deal from pains through tae small of my back; and I had such severe headaches and dizzy spells 1 could hardly get about. I finally decided to try Doan’s Kidney Pills and procured a box at the Freeman Drug Co. As the results of their use I am now in better health than for years.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—>Doan’s— and take no other. Plain Facts. I hicago News. This globular and useful world Would amoothly sail along. If you were from its surface whirled^ ]Kck«l from the bnsy throng The BOP would in the morning rise With undiminished light, ind ’twould occasion no surpriK If it should set at night. The things to which you now attend Would good attention get. If you should knock of! work, my friend And qriit your toil and fret. The thing to which you give yourself Would draw »ome other one. Would garner, maybe, prise and pelf The same as you havs done. No doubt the starry universe Could promptly fill its date. And find that it was noa«> the worse If you should emigrate. Too need the world whilo you am here No matter w'hat yon do; It* need for you is not so clear, Ho keep the balance true. Bancroft Tortored on a Horse. ^‘Foi* t«n years 1 couldn’t ride a horse without being in torture from pil^/’ writes L S. Napier, of Rug- less,. Ky., ‘^when all doctors and other remedies failed. Buckle’s Arnica Salve cured me.” Infalli ble for piles. Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Boils, Fever-Sores, Eczema, Salt Eheum, Corns. 25c. Guaranteed by Freenmn Drug Co. COR. 18th m H Sts. N. ’ Washington, D. C. Cars pass the door to all parts of the Gtjr. Near War, State^ Navy and Treasury Depto. A first class modem hotel American plan. Moderate rates* Rooms single or en snite, with or without private bath. The service and cosine ”of die Hotel Bancroft cmnUne every convenience known to hotdl managemeitf. RATES American $2.50 to $4 per day. European $1.00 and upward. R. H. BENSON, Prop’r. IF you waiit a jSeirm or City Proper ty isee us before you buy, frr we have some real bargainsr to otfer >rou at this time. E pay SIX PER CENT INTER^ EST, clear of any expense on all money placed through our com- pany. The security is first mortgage on real estate, the safest there is. The only kind we take. DO you need the ($20.00) dollars, extra interest, on the thousand or would you rather give it to the bank, L x us talk it Y/M i C V over with l CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST COMPANY SPRING 8TBHET, BURLllNGTON,N. CAROLINA Furniture and Hon;se Furnbhings See our Immense and Complete Display in all the new things in Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperi(^, Heat ers and Ranges. Everjrthing to make home Beautiful and Comfortable to be found here. Our prices will fit the most economical purdiaser. Davis Street, The Furniture Store, Burlington, N. C One car Danish Cabbage; One car Northern Irish Potatoes; One car fancy Apples. Nuts, Lemons and Oranges. Wholesale only. Burlington Grocery Company, Burlington, N. G in Also the Latest and most Satisfactory Methods of Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing at the Burlington Tailoring and Cleaning Works JAMES M. LEATH All Work Done on Premises. T. L. Vaughn, Jr., of Wiisston- Salem, trading as the T. L. Vaughn, Jr., Company, Monday of last week filed in tiae United States court at CJreensboro, a voluotary petition in baiikruptcy and the matter was re ferred to Maj. J. E. Alexander, referee in bankruptcy, for a hearing. The liabilities of the bankrupt are scheduled at over 116,000 and the assets at about f4,000. Advertise in The Dispatch. Electric Bitters Succeed when eveiTthing else In nervous prostration and S^^e weaknesses they are the snpreme Temedy, aa fhoosaads have testified. FOR KIDNEY^IVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it la the beat madJdne ever wld over a dxcgglat^ counter. \k neigh: of General interest From onr ExchangJ 1 HIM Fatrlat. GiBoers Haynes P^ync Crapor made a rather fruij iu the lower part of the c!oJ week. They found three li skey plants and got the two of tbetrt. They wt*re ail capaeity and showed si^nsf tinued operation. A bouse at Elkville ocel Mr Hendrix was burned turda^y morning. Iu the iJ stored away practically af household effects of K. R all of which were destroy? fire is thought to have oi fh>m a dlelwecive flue. GliapBl Bin Rews. Invitafc'ons have been here announcing tfie apji marriage of Paul Cameron [ ot Hillsboro to Miss Maryl McNeil at. the home of the I’ayetteville, on 20th Ja| Mr Collins is the efficient the Bauk of Orajige and to be in one of Fayettevillt iar a.ud accomplished younJ We learn that Chapel H ha ve auolh r cotton mill in| future. It will be owned [ ated by Chapel Hill capital lis hope that the the millf forth comicg. It i? sad F Lloyd and I. W. Pritcl the prime movers in the nj end if these gentlemen heads to bqild it we can of the second cotton mill. nieiBh CiciHsiM. John Thomas Farmer d| ^ home on Dawson sireet tl Tuesday morning. Mr Fa| been'a tnail carrier in this a number of years and wag ful omploye. He was a, splendid character and wi!l| ^ by his many friends. Chas E Crawford ofRalJ earl^ Sunday morning ai pftal. Mr Crawfi)rd has two strokes of paralysis been ill for sometime. U prominent Democratic can« County treasurer in the lal| Itldsillls leylew. Dr jQlin Koy Williams an address in Keidsville we“|t. ago when an anti-tul society was organized, has tically ill in Asheville witlj fever. The news from week Is altogether encouraj it'is now thougi)t he will restored to health. Congressman MoreheadI district is making his liea^ |ia Wasbingttm at tlie Mrs Morehead is spendijif l^r with hiiu. Mr Morehd «tary Willian Grissom Grriasooi have apa('tments| Cougressional hotel •xlfiyt^n Dlspatcb. The official aunounceR] ■he Statesville Air Line rai •e constructed from Stat ITadkiBvilie this year wot, arly in the spring is pleai nd no doubt delights the he jradk^,nville and Yadicl people who have no rai 11 and hence having been cut off from the world to the Air Lint ! ^_**ngton and Thomas guardsmcin will vie fe the proposition to e federal appropriation fi nal encam pmen ts. The lehts during the summer] I’e about all there is to th^ The Boys who KNOW, all say— “Yon cannot aim, you cannot hit— WitfcoBt a STEVENS FAVORITE.” V/a hear from an army of live, wide awake Amerioan Boys every mom- iDg, requesting our 100 Page, illus^ trited Jrirearm Catalog. Why don’t YOTT send for a copy? Mailed for 6 cents in atamps. Zeiu?n all about the famotis STEVENS RIFLES, SHOTGUNS PISTOLS, FIREARM ACCESSORIES, ETC. If you c&nnot obtain STEVEIIS ARMS from vpur dealer* let Us ' kaow, and ire wJJJ A ship direct^ express prcj»ld, upon receipt m caialoif price. J. Stevens Ainu & Tool Co., r.O.BnSOU CUc*pM Fdb, Mu*. Wlien you are sick, or suffeiiiig from any of the troubles peculiar to women, don ^t delay—-take Car- dui, that well-known and successful remedy for men. Thousands of women haye used Cardui auaff Uling week in and we^k been benefited "^^y not you? Bon^t take any»;j»»gre68 cuts down the cbanceSi Get Gardui, the ol^ reliable, oft-tried ^bthe boys of mud) remedy^ for women of aE ages. Gazene. year we had no Ntions in North Cartj par the voice of the eandij heard from mountain t( iOre, County officers^, con >d;perhaps other offioialj and as usual ap| 'i^rth to every vote;’ to jfe eoujitry from impcudii; IMl& Morgan, Sneedville, Tenn., writes: hoM^^^ years I snffered with the turn of life, aad tri^ many near putt. I without relief. I had pains all over my body and at times I . Kht system ont of not sit up. At last I took Cardui an:d now I can do niy iwnsewo^^^.. blasiifg I have toM inony ladies abdat Caidni end zeooiniaeild It to all dangv,r to tiie t n| I 3^ it. results wen« I# Wk J J of l,u m^tHlJed, Li are almost ovei It Wm Help J40