A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING Of AMEilGAN HOMIIS AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. VOi- BURLINGTON. N. C., FEBKUARY 23, 1910. ts 5, I! ONLY AN EXPERT JIIG- OLER, BUT A PROFESSIONAL SlOE STEPPER AS WELL Qu esteemed contemporary, the News, in order to show its ap- prec) ition for the favor of being awarded the contract to publish the t iunty exhibit and feeling that it had not rendered proper ser vice -or value received, rushed into a comparison of expenditures [iv ti ? Republican and Democratic county administrations just at a time A hen everything was quiet and ^aceful, and our citizens ^ert pursuing the even tenor of their way, little dreaming of toun .Y politics, much less publicly discussing them. But the hog »,i!l eturn to his mire and the dog to his vomit. So with the Edi tor c' the News, he must return to his juggling lest the pen refuse to d( his bidding, and his hand would lose its cunning. Did the KeN'. feel that the Democratic county administration needed a lit tle 1> 'osting at this particular time in order to hide its many short comi jgs? and is this why it opened the campaign so early? If it ijid, .'.e want to say the people are aware of the cold deal given then in the location of macadam roads by the administration you are t ying to boost, and they are on to the juggler as well. You may not f rid it so easy to get them to blindly believe all that you say in iture. as you have in the past, and above all, the people of county believe in, and love fair play. You may obscure iCts by muddying the waters and deceive them once, as you liie last campaign, but have a care for the future. The tax ^ tif this county are last learning that the figures have been ;(i Upon them, and they will render their verdict at the prop- we called upon theNews to say if this ^ co^t and to answra Merit Bootted anaiUc»nl*Slnjied yes or no, and Without even a blush, the _ » » paper, he answered no, and this is tJss opy t]]i|il!that he hjis come mi"*" aquarter of a centtii^ near tlie truth, for which we connnenSihii^^Bett once than World Almanac has fe^n never, but even then he refered us bu(r|^j^'K[s"^rst false statement splashing rerards in maintaining $23,9^.01. We are glad for our neigiiiio^s sake that the Iord is the information of the la>nd in a not dealing out the same kind of pun ifchjheht that He dealt out to ^®st admirable manner. Its ac- Aninias, and Saphias in the days of old, and the fact that he is curacy has been vouched for by not may be responsible for our neighbor’s reckless statements. j thousands—yes, ihiilibijs, ahd it Now let's see from the juggler's fibres just how much | itself the "wfell d4- the Democratic board did spend the first of their administra-1 position among reference saisry tion. Here is what he says himself, iet^s see; if we can get him stick to his own figures. STATEMENT OF EYPENDITUl^IlS POIl 1909 SPENT BY DEMOCRATIC B0^RD. HOME OP AGED AND mFlKM. Simon Thompson, Supt. 3 months J. H. Tarpley, Supt. 9 months Inmates Account Outside Poor Work House ROADS W. N. Thompson, Supt. 12 months General Road Account to $75.00 225.00 1,555.42 1,147.79 6,407.69 safciry f ight: We guarantee ice time. Mrs Tap- illy does everything :hat our friend Har- of Union Ridge, of his mail wagon all on account of that [by Jit his house. Con- 1 brother W’alker, and [for the little lady. Ickv.ith, of No. 2 went IChatham county on a Ita\ ed so long that k-tc-n got uneasy and |novr if brother Beck- Bt, strayed, or stolen. I hat he was just stray- Ican't lose a Chatham and no one would til him. So he was He v»nll come back. |.am county neople are wish we had some |m up here. F. D. Ko. 9. ie Belle Sanford en- lite a number of her ler home on the even- fth by giving them an idy party which they I very much. |v^ Long is pending a [ith her brother, Peter J Elon '^ollege. Ion Walker is still at lospital and is slightly Inks Quakenbush is at this writing, lie (jreeson has been Ibut is improving ^ms last week in C. Ingle’s house, i o was going to build s ise on the George Holt ^^hen I should hav« house. Irgaret Moser died la' Tter a year’s il-ness. THEY GONE. pUNA. ,;ie Aia the i. did i tl' UlVic'. Thv Republican party is not ashamed of its past record in Ala- liiciiK' cuunty affairs, and it welcomes a campaign of education and iiubli }ty* Every man, woman and child of school age Inthiscoun- is iamiliar with the Republican record, and if the Ne\ys vdll eoiiti ue its juggling a little while longer, they will be familiar '^ith he party the News represents. Now if the News wanted to be ^'aii' with its readers and the Repubhcan party, why didn't it sek'Ci the first year of the Republican adrainistraaon to compare with ;he first year of the Democratic administration? But when ii cor .es to politics the News does not know the moral code of faimtss, therefore it selects the last year of the Republican county admii istration and tries to compare it with the first year of the Democratic administpation. -The News knows, and so does every payer in the county that these two years are not a fair com- ptunst n, because the floods came (which no one could control) and Washi-j away a large number of bridges and displaced many others, and if: this year the Republicans were compellied to spend the sum oi thi; r«en thousand, eight hundred and seventy-nine dollars and thirty four cents for bridges, whereas the Democratic board last year oly spent two thousand, two hundred and forty-eight dollars and sixty six cents for bridges, a difference in favor of the repvib- iicans of eleven thousand, six hundred and thirty-one dollars and eightt en cents. Then is this a fair comparison ? We say no, and our farmer friends regardless of party who live in the country and hav{; :c> travel over these bridges will say no, and no amount of juggii’.g the News can do will make them believe otherwise. The last y^ ar of the Republican administration there was held two elec tions, iind the expenses of these two elections was twelve hundred and ei/hiy-two dollars and fifty cents. The first year of the Democratic administration there was no general elections, and the eiectiorj expenses was only f6.60 making a difference of twelve hundred and seventy-five dollai’s and ninf'ty cents in favor of the Repul :icans. In these two items alone, and over which the Re- pabiicc.ns had no control, the Republicans had to spend twelve ’ihou}?.!]id, nine hundred and seven dollars and eight cents more than i r e Democrats. The election had to be held and the bridges had It be built, or let the rural citizens ford the streams at the 'iik o: their lives. In this instance as in all others the Republican party net the situation like men. This heavy drain upon the coanti, finances made it necessary to boirow nine thousand dollars, ana \Yi .en the Dispatch asked the News what was done with the ten th rusand dollars borrowed from the highway commission, the News a vs they paid off the nine thousand dollar debt of the Re- l ublioi .ns, but "it tui*ns out that instead of borrowing only ten thousa id dollars which we charged them with, the Democrats had bi.-rrowed eleven thousand dollars, ten thousand^ from the highway commission and one thousand from one of +heir own, Mr. E. Lot J/, making eleveri.thousand dollars to pay off a nine thousand dollar iebt, contracted by the republicans. Just how much more they h ive borrowed no one but the Juggler knows. Now will the News iandly tell the tax payers of Alamance county just why they had to borrow eleven thousand dollars to pay a nine thousand dol lar delt. No juggling this time, come clean for once in your life and te;j the plain naked truth. The old chestnut that it was used to pay off Republican debts won't go any more, that stale yarn is worn thread bare. . Tt;e nine thousand dollar debt due the Bank of Alamaece is all your exhibit, published in your own paper shows existed, and that lias been account^ for, what did your board do with the other two thousand? TWs is what the tax payers want to know, and they want t he expert juggler and professional side stepper to tell them. They leel that you have given the matter considerable study in your efforts io juggle the figures satisfactory, and therefore you are m a tetter position to tell them than any one else. They have a syspicion that since this matter has been under discussion that pc-ssil iy a consultation has been held and that you have been al lowed to look at the books, a privilege that the rest of us do not tnjoy, Is this suspicion well founded, or will you side step the Question ? In this connection the Dispatch desires to say that it is in this controversy against its will, because we prefered to eschew politics until a more convenient season, but we do not allow any or paper to make such a reckless statement as made by the Kew« to go unchallenged, and we propose to pursue this subject until the News acknowledges in words or acte that the figures na\e i)een purposely juggled to suit the occasion. So lay it on Medici' and d-m-d be he who first cries hold enough. *'0w the News says that the total expenditures by the Repub lican !)oard the last year of their administration, for the year 1908 ^as K if), 144.27, and the total expenditures by the Democrats the ' ’ ’ ear of their administration for the year'09 was $23,928.01. Now was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, thf!! he Dispatch would shut up like a clam, but it is wholly false '-id ! it only wholly false, but malisciously false, and the person it knew it false when he made it. We have prefered here- ’ -^1 to call it juggling, but when the attention of the News .0 the error and an opportunity given for a correction, which ' i'orih coming, but a re-iteration of the same false state- t.'ien the situation called for stronger terms, and we shall -i'tatG to use them. The Dispatch charged the Democrats Patterson Township Coble Township Boone Township Morton Township Faucette Township Albright Township Newlin Township Thompson Township Melville Township Pleasant Grove Burlington Township Haw River ■ 0: 600.00 1,987.25 64.93 66.19 119.39 120.62 132.95 108.44 336.96 247.67 310.49 111.92 741.73 9.53 2,248.23 2,884.^6 867.33 3.91 1,075.58 14.00 6.60 142.67 697„85 1,618.21 6,333.33 9,000.00 2,9^. 00 Bridges Superior Court Jail Small Pox Listing and making Tax lists Pension Poard : ' Election . Interest on County Notes Commissioners Court ' Miscellaneous Amount paid, interest county bonds Amount paid National Bank of Graham : Amount paid Ac’t's past due and presented at 1st meeting Amount paid paid on road leading foom Glencoe road to Big Falls 685.00 Total | $ 42^874.34 This does not include the amouTi; I Ibaned out on sinking fund, although this is an expenditure so fa? as th^^ board is concerned, as this money is not supposed to ever cojiie back into their hands for general purposes. What does the juirgler say to this? Did 'the Dernoc-ratic board disburse why- did you say they only spent $23,928,01? If ^ not disbwrse thi^ money, then the debts made by the Republicans have riot been paid off, and why did you say they iuitl? If false in one false in all, is the English maxim. Then ag-aiR^you said that thj Demo cratic board during its first year loati # out upon the sinking fund $4,275.00, and when we called for naines, dates and amounts, this I amount dropped to $3,275.00, a diffof ^hce of one thousand dollars. Were you juggling in regard to this rtein or were you honestly mistaken? and if mistaken about th all the other items? Here is where rhore. When the Republicans went out as a sinking fund the sum of $6 lished by the News in the county ex books which has outclassed every competitor. Edition ^teredition has gone to press—the hij^h water mark of circulation has been reached—so take wairriing aiid get a copy today before announeCT ment is made “out of 1910 edition on all news 25c.; by mail, 35c., west falo and Pittsburg, NO* 41 ElON nUfliE WTCS. stiands, of Buf- Attempt Highwity Robbieiy. Will and Robt. Burch M Spray who had been visitinjg, their uncley Mr. Charles Bradsher, neeo* this city, attempted highwa:y robbery; on Mr. Bradsher at an early hour last Sunday morning at the rail way station here. It appearis that Mr. Bradsher accompanied the boys to the station pi*epai^- tory to their return home and as they neared the depot, the boys knew Mr. Bj'adsher had a neat sum of montsy on his person, they demaned it, threatening death if he refused, upon a refusal tocom- ply with the request, they as^ saulted Mr. Bradsher in a brutal manner. He received several ugly gashes about the head and face inflicted by a knife, whil^ the other boy used an iron rod to persuade the uncle to part with his wad. The boys were fright ened away and are still at l^ge. Mr. Bradsher had to have medi cal attention. you not mistakein about you have been juggling some «'Jit of power there were loaned iOd.OO and the statements pub- I iifoit shows that there is now only $7,275.00 or only $1,275.00 more than when the Republicans went out of power. Now you know rijis is the truth, and will you please tell the tax payers why you t;r iod to deceive them ini regard to this item. No juggling or side sl cfiping they are entitled to know and you should have the manb'j'pB to tell them. Be a man and admit that you were only juggliirg. they may behave you next time. Now finally, will you please txiii the tax payers what, your Democratic board done with the $2,! ;!,>0.00 belonging to the sinking fund, and paid back to them by the ( Isristian Orphanage at Elon College. Now of course we do not thkik any of them stok this money, because they are all supposed to be honorable high toned gentlemen. But we thought perhaps there were some more old Republican debts outstanding and that your board had paid this money out for this purpose. Is this surmise correct, oi; pos sibly your Democratic board has the lindney now in the trejasury. Would you mind telling the tax paye!';: the amount of cash in the treasury at the close of the fiscal year, or when you began: the pub lication of the county exhibit. We asked you to tell the tax payej-s how much money was in the treasury in our issue of the 9th. inst But you side stej»ped the question, and failed to answer. Surely a party that has been as economical as you say the present 1 democratic board has been, and has only spent a few thousand ckiliars for all purposes during the year 1909, must have loads of money in the treasury. You say the RepubHcans spent nearly twice as m^jch as the Democii^ts, and yet the RepubMcans only borrowed nin3 thousand dollars, so wi th the eleven thousand borrowed by your fcoiird, and the two thousand dol lars paid back by the Christian Orphanage, makes four thou sand dollars left to their credit after the Republican debts was paid. The present board ought to be in fine shape financially. But we notice that a committee was appointed a few days ago to have a bridge built across a certain stream at the McBride Holt place, just as soon as the money was in sight, i s It possible that there is no money in sight after the extraordinary showing made by your pre sent board. And that too when the are no old republican debts to be paid. The total income of the county is $32,^8,34 and the eleven thousand dollars bi>rrowed, and die two thousand dollars paid back by the Christian orphanage making a grand total of forty five thousand two hundred fifty three dollurs and thirty four cents. And your board according to your own stiitement twice repeated says that the democratic boardonly spent Sl^, 928,&1 the first year of their administration, and if this statemeriv was true, which of course it is not, there would now be in the tr .;astiry the sum of $21,3^. 33 all of which would be in sight; Will you lellthe tax payera if this amount is now in the county treasu^t'y, and if not what has become of it. No side stepping, just give th?f faicts which will be highly appreciated" by a long waiting publie; Now in conclusion. The News says that two hundi'ed thous;iod dollars worth of good road bonds was issued by the repubhcan fci3ar€, the last year of their ad ministration, and that if we insist in ;'Mrging the amount spent by the highway commission upon the pulilijc roads of Alamance^ county to the Democrats the News will chiiige tl^^ with the good roads bonds. We want to say ;x>r the benefit of the News, that no good road bonds or any oth'ctf kihd was issued by the iiepub- * —- lican county administration. ■ The Si'rpvs cannot find any bonds OOP di ng the Sst year of thei9"administeati^^ p0261,34, and I bearing the names of the repubhca- :oard of county commissions. Mrs. Tempie Shepherd Dead; Rev. J. D. Andrew; was called to Brick church in Guilford coun ty last Saturday toassist the pas tor Rev. J. L. Bowers in conduct ing the funeral of Mrs. Tempie Shepherd, the wife of elder Abra ham Shepherd of that con^e^- tion. Mrs. Shepherd was a'little past 71 years old and was the mother of 9 children 6 of whom are still living. Her maiden name was WhiteseU and she belonged to a family of 16 brothers and sisters. One lone sister, Mrs. Geo, Coble, of the Mt Hope neighborhood, still survives heh Mrs. Shepherd was a most excel lent woman, faithful to her fam ily, industrious in her Home and loyal to her church. She will be greatly missed by friends. Special to tlie IMepatcb. Elon College, j'eb. 18.—The college has decided to offer aa eigHt W^k-^ course to the pub lic school teachers of the State, be^nning April 5. This normal will,be of the chiaracter usually., offered in summer teachers insti tutes, and tejicherd : who avail thenaselves of this opportunity hkve every ^vantage of college life and community. The library, the re^ng room, the athletic field, i^e physical culture course and the lecture rooms will all be at their disposal There will be rio charge for instruction which will be given by the pro fessors in their respeetiye depart ments. Only 00 will be charg ed as an entrant^. fee. State Superinterident Joy her j Superin tendent PJerning, of Alahiance county, and the Supenntendents of many other cojiiiiies have given theiir hearty approval to this, and have a^^ee'd that the certifice from this normaldepart- meht may t^e this, place of at tendance bn the county institutes. Drs. Joyner and Fleming will de liver a cojar^e. )f; lectures while the normal is in process. The interest in athletics is in creasing day by day and will burst into feyer heat when the new coaeh, Mr. L. L. Hobbs, Jr., of Guilford College- shall have ^rrived. Mr. Hobbs is, no strang er to baseball in N«>rth Carolina,, and it is expected that he w eflScient and effective work in the position to which he has t:^ea called by the athletic association. Already several practice games- of bs^ieball have iai^nifed for the coihing sea^n. It is not the in tention of the colleig^ to put out a, regul^ college team this year, but to put oat a team which will play practi^ games with other institutioris and looking to the putting out of a regukr colleg;e team in 1911. Thiis ,decision has been arrived at after careful consideration ^ the • evils of pro- fesiionalism in college ' Athletics, which will be eliminated from the team this year. By 1911 the athletic authorities hope to be abJfe to put out a winning college team,, absolutely from prefession- al players,, which can make sl. creditable showing with the oth er college teams of the State. Hi^raaday-WitUajRis. The marriage of Thos. L. ttoma- day and Miss Bessie Mack Wil- tamiiy and Hams at the Reformed Parsonage ; at 7 p. m. last Wednesday Feb. 16th 1930, come as a surprise to ■ many friends. The cere- Death 01 Harvey Steele^ Harvey Steele died at the home of his mother Friday night at 9:- I?*? Rev. J. D- Andrew. Im- 30 after a very severe attack of ^ pneumonia lasting only seven ,« ^ days. Mr. Steele was a young ^opwi s father man only seventeen years old of l of town- Mr. Horna- good morals and has many friends ^ successfuV^rmer having not only in this town but also! near Mt. Pleasant church wh^rej ^A*«»®^"i^timeagoprep^^ they formerally lived. The funer al was conducted at the honie by to his life work. Mfss William's is the oldest daughter of L. N. Rev. J. D. Williams burial taking \ place Sunday at Mt. Pleasant cemetery. He leaves two siistei^ two brothers and a mother to mourn their loss. Yisitation b? Bbhop Otiishire. Right Rev. J. B, Cheshire I). D. Bishop of North Caroiina will make nis annual visitation to St Athanasius Episcopal church on Monday Feb. 28th, krid Tuesdaj^r March 1st. Services vriU be held in the church consisting of even ing prayer and a sermon hy the still in the city graded scholols which position she gave up to ac cept the mdj-einesponsible position of mistress in the home. Death «rf Mr». Banks (jnacfcenhiuii. Mrs. Banks Quackenbush died at her home in east Burlington Monday morning at 7 o'clock and was buried Tuesday at Pine Hill cemetery. The funeral service being conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. D. Williams, of the Meth odist Protestant chiurcl^ at onife o’clock Tuesday. Mrs. Quacken- Bishop onjlonday mi^^^^ bush Was 36 years of age. She' * 4. „ „ leaves a hushand and cme chiM^^ Spend an hour of pl^isure/and recreation at the Grotto. and celebration of the Holy Copi- munion Tuesday morning a.t 11 o’clock confirmation will be ad ministered at both services. The good road bonds were authorized by the voters of Alamance county during the republican administration. But were not sold and the money received there until ifter the i*epubliean went out of power. The News who claims to know so much ab6ut Alamance county finances should have known thi^ which we suspect it did. But would not admit it for fear that this fact would interfere with it j uggling arrangments. Now, in conclusion. Will - the News tell the tax payers of this county if it ever heard bf fifty thousand dol lars worth of bonds being issued by Alamance county; and what party was in power, how lohg they had been inv poWer; and for what pilrpose was the bonds issued, and what waa' done - with the money? No juggling, no side stepping. - If you will tell this and tell it straight, it may help you regain your lost prestige aaused by your expert juggling trick; He juggled in and he juggled out, but with Whis’lu^lin he couldn’t get out. lpf%

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