c f,,' > r K>,V9W»'l For Coughs and Colds Troubled with h cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just these cases—Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knov.'s all about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicme can ever take the place of your doctor. Keep in close touch with him, consult him frequently, trust him fully. No alcohol in this cough medicine. jX. Ayer Co., LoWell, Mass. Ayer’s Pitls. Siigar-coated. All vegetable. Act directly on the Ijver- Gently laxa- Jlve. Dose, only one piU. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask vour doctor about them- Lociil aiit! Personal Get the (?rult,i habit ttud be plea.s- wJ. Mrs. M. B. Smith spent Friday .at GreenBboro. W. E. Sharpe spent Thursday sat Greensboro on business. j 0. J. Denny of Greensboro was | a business caller in our city Satur- ’ day, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnwell spent ^ two or three days last week visit ing friends and relatives. C. A. Walker our clever towns man is putting a new dress on iiis house on Broad street. Murphy Neese of Brick church ineigborhood purchased anew rub- ,l5er tire buggy last Thursday. Mrs. J. Ed. Albright and chil dren of Greensboro arrived last week tOf visit friends and relati- s?es. Don't fail to call at Smith’s Furniture Store, and see the beautiful prizes on exhibition there. T. W. Vincent a Deputy Mar shall of Greensboro was a wel come visitor itt our city last Thursday. The beautiful gold watch on ^:?ixhibition in Stewarts show win- i'low will be given away in our voting contest. Quite a number of our Burling ton people saw the Lymen twins at Graham last Thursday night. All are v/eli pleased. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Fogleman, c?.f Greensboro spent part of last N^^'aek as ib.e guest of fiiends anc vclatives at this place. Call at The Stokes Furniture •Ijtore and see the beautiful bed room suit tl'iat wiU be given away in Popuki Voting contest. EGGS FORSALE—Prize winn ing Barred Plymouth Rocks and .• ind Pekiti Duck eggs. Ed Harden, BuriingCon, R. F. D. No. 7. N. C. Junius Sutton died Thurs' ay -at their iu.ine near Altamahaw' ■ymd was huned Friday at Bethe^ >-ehem. He wa.s a young man only twenty yexvs of age. I-'uneral '.'-ervices coiiductc'd by Rev. J. W flolt. It expels :).il poisons, stimulaets :he interriai organs, cleanses the xysteru arul pariiies the blood. :>i)ch is Hodister’s Rocky Moun- :.ri/,n Tea, tlic most effective pre- •entative ar)d cure of bad blood, .'.onstipatiofi and sluggish liver. I, H. Stp.ou[>. J. S. Roijertson a prosperous Lt'uit gvowev of Hillsboro, Foun- ^ion county Ind., is spending a i^ew mouth/j in our midst. Mr Robertson f)orn in Caswell county ^leaving he.'e forty-three years ■•'tgo. This .s his first visit. Mr. Lond on writes: “Iflown- adyour Tea, I would guarantee a :?'ure or refund their money. I ,i ay it's Nature cure and the only ^>ne for the blood." Hollister’s Kocky Mouritain Tea cured him where ocher remedies failed. Try it with yourself. T. H, Stroud. M. D. Winningham met with a right painful accident one day last uveek. While attempting to split *a small piece of plank with a sharp laatchet, missed the plank and struck his hand inflicting a pain- 3:ul cut. It required the service ;.?i a physician to dress the wound Mrs. Kat-e Hall says: “I have kept house 15 years, am a mother of four children, and I would not keep house without Hollister's Eocky Mountain Tea.” Wise woman, why? Drive away sick ness, brings health and happiness to the whole family. It’s the world’s health preserver. T. H. .Stroud, Bob Ingland of Greensboro sold .a number of National Washers at ^•ublic auction on the office lot ast Friday evening. Mr. Ingland had shipped the machines here to establish an agency but found the tax higher than he expected. Miss Lelia WilHamson of East well Caswell county arrived Fri day to spend a- few days as the guest of her sister Mrs. A. D. Pate. Miss. Williamson is just returning from an extended visit Jto Bamweil, S, C. Thrilling—Startling—Dramatic. The biggest mystery story ever written from the pen of Louis Joseph Vance. It is entitled “The Brass Bowl,” and it has had the attention of novel read ers in Europe and America for the past year. So great has the fame of this book become that the New York Sunday World has secured it for its fiction series. It will begin April 3 and be comp lete in five booklets of 20,000 words each. Get the first instal ment. It is a hummer. What The Kidneys Do Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy. All the blocd in the body passes through the kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. When health they remove about 500 grains of impure mat ter daily whea unhealthy some part of this impure is left in the blood. This brings on many dis eases and symptoms—pain in the back, headache, nervousness, hot dry skin, rheumatism, gout, gra vel, disorders of eyesight and hearing, dizziness, irregular heart debilty drowsiness dropsy, depo sits in the urine, and etc. But if you keep the filters right you will have no trouble with your kidneys. J. B. Stubbins S. Main St., Burlington,_N. C., says; “I us ed Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured at the Freeman Drug Co. and the results were so satisfactory that I have no hesitation in recom mending the remedy. I know Doan's Kidney Pills to be a reli able remedy for disordered kid- nevs.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's— an i take no other. An Interesting Transrormation. One day my little four-year-old boy was crying very hard, and his auntie said, “0, Walter don’t stretch your mouth so wide, you v/ill make it as big as a horse’s.” He stoped suddenly, then said,. “And will my nose be on the end of it?”—The Delineator for Ayril. Death of Mrs. Mansfield Jones. ’r wded out IukI wctk. Mrs. Yannie Mansfield Jones died in her home near Plaid Mills March 2nd. 1910 after suffering for a long time with that dreaded disease tuberculosis. On June 10th 1905 she was married to Isaac Jones. To this union, was born one son, John Sidney, who died July 9th, 1909. Mrs. Jones suffered for a long time, yet she remained patient until death. For feveral weeks before her death, she seemed to be conscious that the end was near and expressed herself as perfectly ready to go. She was a good women and will be great ly missed by all who knew her, and especially by her young hus band and her aged father. A Friend. fa There is more Catarrh in this section >f tbtv country than all other dieeasee pvit to^ebher, and until the last few yeanit was supposed to fce incurable. 1 or m: great many years doctors pronounced :s., a local disease and preBcribed localrems-, dies, and by, constantly failing to eui *-' with local treatment, (joncunued it if’- cnrable. Science has proven ca.corrh lo be a tonstitutional diseaHe and therefore requires constitutional tre‘itment. Hall Catarrh Cure, manufattured by P. Cheney &_Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the on!y, constitiitional cure on the mnrket. It it-i taken ihternall.y in dortes from lo dropj- to H teaspoonful. It acts directly on tiis' blood niucons HUrfnees of the syBteir , They offer one hundred dojlarri for aiiv ease it fails to cure. Send for eirculis.v'ji and testimonials. Address; F. J. Ghknky JL Co., Toled >, Ohio. . . Sold by Druggists, 7ac. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa tion. Professional John H. Vernon, I Attornoy and Counselhjr at Law, 1 Burlington, N. C. 'Office over Bradley’s Drug Store. Phone 65, E. s. W. DAMEmiN, mORSEY AND COUNSELLOR AT UW Burlington, N. C. , Office is Piedmont BuildiBg. I Rock Creek No. 1. Crowded out last week. That beautiful spring wheather did not last very long. It seems that winter has returned. Thomas A. Morrow was to meet the people at Snow Camp Fridji.y the 11th in the interest of tfe farmers Union with a view of organizing a lodge at that place; But owing to the enclining of tlfK? weather he did not come we be lieve the union is to be a good thing and glad to see the move' ment started in our community. If any class on earth needs orga!> ization it surely is the farmers. Jap Thompson and Clarense Barbee attended court at Graharh horse trading we have their word for it that they got back safe avifi:: sound physically as well as finan' cially but begging their pardoa we are bound to doubt their vera city a little. Well J. G. how are you getting^ along would like to hear frcin you. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Woods were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Warren Saturday night arn] Sunday. H. M. Rick is visiting at Gra ham at the present. We learn that D. H. Hem; si made a call on Miss Etta Crabt;"e«: Sunday night guess they had a good time. Mrs. Eliza Kimball is visit in j; on our route at the present. Miss Bessie McPherson of Sno w Camp No. 1. visited Miss Eti;y, Cheek Tuesday.* E.A. Noah and family visitari at the home of W. A. Patterson/ Sunday. Miss Jewel Kimery is on trM? sick list hope it is nothing serious. We are glad to see J. H. Wr.t^ kins and family back at th«:'iV home on No. 1'again.. Mrs. Roxie Garrette who iias been sick for some time is improv ing we are glad to say. Mrs. Clarence Barbee and child ren has been visiting for sever;ij1 days her parents Mr. wiid Mr^; Adam Record. Ask ClareTiCc about them biscuits he mj’cls: while she was gone. The Sylvan Graded School clos ed Friday with a little oratorv^l display. There will be a children misfu>>, nary entertainment at Cane Cri^ek Sunday conducted by Miss Lu.cy. Harding. 3fohn R. Hoffman, Attomey-at-Law, Buriington, North Carolina. Office, No. Z, Sellars BaildiaR. DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLliN(ITON. N. C. Dr. W. A. Stroud Practicing Physician. BURLINGTON, N, C. Offers hia professional services to the people of Burlinpfton and surrounding country. Calls promptly responded to 'phone No. 39 day or night. OFFICE AT Stroud’s Drug Stor. ias, N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office Piedmont Building, two ‘ front rooms, up stairs PHONES; Office 21SA, liesidence Hours 9 to 12 a. ni. 4 to 5 p. ni. Specialist Disea»e* of CiiiMreB ukI Women The germ of Fire and Life, Insu);;anee had its rise in the custom',of taking up a collection for the striekened family We all chipped in, in the hope and expectation that if were sniiffed out by sickness, or accident, the neighljors would do as much for us. iPire and Life Insurance avoids the uncerta:inty of leaving things to the neighbors. It is a ' business plan fbunded on the laws, mathemaitics and sound economy, to provide for those depending upon us in case of death. Fire and Life Instiranee is a duty, and it is a privilege. Don't leave your loved ones to the care of the public or of the neighbors. We represent some of the old est and best Fire and Life Insur^ce conripanies in the world, and^we would be glad to write either for you We pay SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on all MONEY LOANEI) through: our company. We give you first mortgage oft real estate and the guarantee of our comnan v and this alone means HFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. If you have money to loan, see us before you place it and if you want to borrow money, we can furnish you on short notice. We buy and sell all kinds of' real estate We have some desii^ble city property arid some good farms cEimiu WN un con Spring St., BUEINGTON, N. C. OFFICERS; DIRECTORS: -f. A. DAvjneoN, J. A. Daviiwon, Presi .f. A. PlfeKJS'TJ', C.V.SBLi!.4Bs,l8tV-PreB.. R. 'J. KuHNpni^ii;, C. D. Johnston, 11. T. KkrKoiHjB, 2nd J. B. Thompson, J. A. IbLeV, Jno R. Hokp!«aw, Sep. J. Ei», Mooitk, J. M. Brownino, and Treai?. Jno. R. Fostkk, W, W. Bkown, Mg". , C. V. SfciijLAke, W. W. Bitowu. X. There is a grov/ing suspiciop abroad that not a few faces n;)v? in Congress are goingto besorne- what conspicuous by their sconce next year^ especially those, who serve the trusts instead of the people. LIST OF UNCUIMED lEHERS Remaining in Post Office at Burlington, N. C., Mar. 12, 1910. Gentlemen: Walter Anderson, Thomas S. Brown, R. L. Burch, Willie Comp ton, E. D. Compton A. L. Dark, G. R. Gogleman, L. D, Lee, Joe Prevette, John Ed Reaves, Tom Rodgers Lytle Smith, Ladies; Bessie Banes, Miss Nittie Boone, Mrs. Cora Carter, Miss Arline Lea, Miss Maggie Nor wood, Miss Kate Oaks, Miss Cora Thompton, Louisa Walker, Miss Lydia Girton, (Special Delivery.) Pepons calling for any of these letters will please say “Advertis ed" and give date of advertised list. J. Zeb Waller, Post Master. Attractive Round Trip Rates via Southern Railway to Mobile, Ala. Account Annual Reunion, Unit ed Confederate Veterans, the Southern Railway announces the sale of very cheap round trip tickets to Mobile, Ala., and return. Tickets on sale April 2Srd, 24th, 25th, with final re turn limit May 2nd, 1910, or by depositing your ticket with special agent at Mobile and paying a fee of fifty cents you can have final Ifmit extended until may 1910. From Raleigh, N. C. $15.75 Goldsboro, N. C. 16.40. Selma, N. C. 16.00 Durham, N, C, 15,65 Oxford, N. C. 16.30 Henderson, N. C. 16.55 chapel Hill, N. C. 15.65 Burlington, N. C. , 14.95 Rates also in proportion from all other points. The Southern ^Railway is the only direct line to Mobile, handles through cars 'and makes quickest time. For further information as to rates schedules, Pullman reser vations, etc., ask your nearest Agent or address the undersign ed. R. H. DeButts, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Handing out ^ dollars to my ^ customers jrj and friends ^ all over iS the country. I u U u I ■ FI • 1 another car of the $28 top Just Keceivecl ^"^^®®- vWhy pay the get as good. Good honest Southerii m^de bugles, wish to run theni off quick, hence the low prices. Top bug gies $28, $45. $55. Rubber tire top buggy for $65. ' Car Columbia Buggies, Car Greiensboro fine buggies. Car John Deere riding Cultivators, Car Walter A. Wood Co., Mowers, Rakes, Disc and Spike Harrows, Superior Grain Drills, Corn Planters—world’s best. Daisy, Star and Cardwell’s lihprpved Corn Planters. Guano Dis tributors, Engines, Wood Saws. Syracuse-Lynchburg Chilled F. F. and Boy Dixie Plows. Gar Star and Mc- Gavock, Car Roysters “Orinoco and Farmers Bone” Fertilizers. White Spring Seed Oats, Clover, Herds, Orchard grass and Lawn grass. Gourd Seed, Cocke’s Prolific, Hickory King Seed Corn. Phone 187; for your wants. Everybody seems busy and all want to be waited on at once. The only thing that is as cheap as ever is talk. Prevent aind Relieve Headache “It gives, me great pleasure ti> be able to refer to Dr. Anti-Pain Pills as the best rea'v * edy we have yet had in oi;r house for the prevention ariif cure of headache. My wife w i has been a constant sufferer fh' a number of years with abovt: complaint joins me in the hjf;r that they may fall into the hauc's of all sufferers.” JOHN BUSK, Watervleit, iVlc;. Used Them Four Years. ^ “Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are the best I ever tried for irvf;; relief of headache. I have UriiSi” them for nearly four years sna they never fail to give me relief. I have tried many other retit edies, but have never found asiy JOSEPH frankowick;! ' 854 Trombly Av., Detroit, Mich; There is no remedy that widl more quickly relieve any fothi of headache than Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pillsi The best feature of this sr^- markable remedy is the fact thit it does not derange the stonfaeli or leave any disagreeable a£ter-^ effects. Druggists everywhere sell them. I# flret package fails to benefit, your gist will return your money. . MILES MBDI6AU CO.* Elkliarl, ■ Hotel Baocroft COR. iSIb AND B Sts. N. W. Washington, D, C. Cars pass the door to all parts of the City. Near W?jr, State, Navy and Treasury 0epts. A first class modem hotel. American plan. Moderate rates. Rooms single or en suite, with M* withont private bath. The service and cosbe^of the Hotel Bancroft combine every convenience known to hotel management. RATES American $2.50 to $4 per day. European $1.00 and upward. I H. BENSON, Prnp’r. N. a CARDWELL The always busy store. - Burlington, N. C. ■Jill i Will Collect »• Office I I g ALL WATER AND LIGHT BILLS PAYABLE AT COLLECTORS OFFICE. On account of the increased work placed on our collect ors hands by reason of increased business^ and in order that he nia,y have more time on his booksj and it being impossible/to get out and collect and do the office work, hereafter all water, electric and power bills will be mailed out on the 10th, and the^ bills can be paid in person or by eheck in the offiee of the collector by the 15th, when a discount of 20 per cent, will be all6:^ed, iind if not paid by the 20th service will be discontimled. For rates for electric ligrhts, power, or water’ see CHAS. A. WALKER, over Sellars store. By order of the ; Water, light 9nd Power Committee. JsTEIGH Items of General Interei From our Ex Patrlet Jlobert Troxler, a w. young business man of j was painfully injured I night when he fell intt« vation made by the SoutJ viray on the sidewalk of *1 street near the crossii passenger station. Hii ^ not serious nature. Robt. M. Donnell, a and Mrs. V. B. Donne. Alamance church neig died recently at his I Montana. HeleftGuil ty 26 yeai^ ago and is by his widow and two Friends of the. aged pai other loved ones sympa them in their sore beres OBlra BepBblicas In this city Saturda; Williams, col., aged 15 3 burned to death at the her stepmother. The 1 abseent a short while a she returned she found lying on the fire place ' a crisp. Upon the advii of-Police Thomas, their be investigated. Luther Petree, who practicing wire walkinf Stokes county fair at ¥ fall, saysthathe will wj wire acrosis the Yadki Donnaha on Easier Mo: Petree performs a n stunts on the wire and have seen him operatin dieting that he will s crossing the river on If Mr, Petree carries o» her dangerous underta feat will doubtless attrs crowd. Baleigii Cacausiaii. C. C. Gardner, white loye of the Raleigh and Railway, and Marcus R were bound over to cou tice Blendsoe charged theft of whiskey from road company. City Attorney WalU representing the city oi has caused warrants to against the local agent & Co., the Chicago pack ging them with selling fit for food. Several of violations of the law the full penalty being a 000. V Aster Weekly. S. R. Walker who liv southeast section of tht his store house dostroy last Friday night Th some $2,000 worth of go in the house at the tim was a total loss as M carried no insurance. The fire was making f« way before the fire d* received the alarm, an tance to the scene of tl the distance from the ws rendered the dapartme able of gi ving the neesc diate assistance. It is loss to Mr. Walker, an the sympathy of our er munity. Isfesbors Courier* At a meeting of the e ners of Asheboro on la day night an annual ta> a veiar was put on near tablishments. This wj meet the sitution of an who declares he is goir near beer either at As liandleman, so the stoi .HilWarner, of Rar;d ty started to Lexinglor last week and camped a Creek. While hitchinf> to a tree Mr. Varner w by the mule and his leg He was taken home bj and received medical from Dr. R. W. Myers. ■teuHeiMD News. Supt. J. B. Robertsc gr^ed school will mak rary address at the do* cise of C^ar Square next Saturday March 3 make the Literary addr Edgar sehool. lllkos Fatrist. The child without an ■was born a few weeks and Mrs. Solomon Spai home is in Edwards iiear Lomax, died last w cause of its death was ed, though it was pro due to its deformity, the exception of arms, seemed to be perfectly £tkin Times. D. M. Holcomb, of killed a hog last Tuesc ^g- He brought it tc Bros. Co. It A^ eighci I ccales here 507 pounds. "'.J.. I ’

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