"•’1 THE STATE DISPATCH Fublitihed Kvery Wedne^sday —By— Tl«e Sute^lUpatck PnbKshing Com|»*ay, Barliogtoa, N. C. Ur. J. A. Pickett, - - Presideiit a. M. Hornadttv, - Vice-Pre«ident Office First Kloor, Waller B’uilding. Telephone No. 205. ^OHN L HART, Editor aai Bbi»cm liaMRer. JAWES E. FOUST, Cky Editor »ik1 Awwtwit Basin«»t Manager. pay- Subscription, (>iie Dollar per year, able in ad vance. /iill comiBTinicati -ns in regard to either ^3fiW8 items or businesi^ luatters should %e addressed to The State Di«patch and not any indi.Tidual colinected with the ^per. . *• * All news notse and communications of Ijpoaportance mt'»t be signed by the writet'. We are not responsible for opinions of ttiar correspomientii. SabBcribers will take notice that no re- ^ipt for subflcription for Tlie Stale Ditpat^ will be honor®il at this office unless it is numbered wltlt stAmped Seuree. Entered m seeondwJasB matter May SO, 1908, at tlie post offic* at Burling ton, North Carolina, under the Act of Coivcrecis of March 1879. Wednesday, Marck 23, 1910. If Guilford county feeeps up her present reputation, it will cause ■“Smithtown'’ to biush with vshame. In all probability a blockade ^distillery was at the bottom of fcliat bloody affair in Guilford -sounty last week. We have heard Democratic pol iticians make claims before Jose phus Daniels become the cheif ,prognosticator in North Carolina. Have you paid your poll tax? Better do tbis at once, if you to participate in the 'bond election in May and the general v^lection in November. i Greatest Show of if Unless you pky your poll tax on or before May the first, this year, you will be disfranchised. See that your tax receipt says for the year 1909. Pay now, don’t put it off. The Democrats would like nothing better than to know that you had failed to pay and was disfranchised. I Easter In the death of Mr. S. M. Hprnaday the city loses one of its best business men, the home a kind indulgent husband and fath er, the church a valiant and con secrated member, the community a highly esteemed citizen and The State Dispatch one of its efficient officers and loyal friends. The people of Southern Guil ford county have hardly recover ed from the shock of that horri ble tragedy, when Simpson Coble was killed by his brother-in-law, before another equally as brutal and horrorfying is committed. That section of the country is getting quite a reputation for lawlessness. > The past week two prominent physicians of Guilford county, on6 from the city of Greensboro and the other from the country, were indicted in the city court at Greensboro for the promiscuous issuing of prescriptions for whis key. But they fell down. The enWcement of the prohibition law is a problem that is yet far from being solved. Ai Fascinating Millinery displays swaying ft? crowds in our notable openiii^s of the past falls, far short of the mark, placed alongside this mag- nificent^how of beautiful f lats, for the approach §A of Easter. French Patterns, American Designs, iats. I No wonder people are entiiusiastic for it requires no romancing to say, people are held spell bound before such perfect pictures of lovliness, dreams of beauty, entrancing, divine. Such becoming 4f adornments to youth and bcaaty baffles description The Children’s Hats. E^inty affairs for the lit tie, tots, Manilla, Milan, and Java straw, Lace Tuscs a and Hemp braids, White Pique, Linen and Eiiibroidered Hats. Baby Caps galore, indefinitely de,^c;ribed as darling little things that every mother aclsiirnres. Complete Line of lair Goods. This new departure successfully launced, fairly jumps into popularity. Real human Hair dress ings, the wanted kinds. Hf^ir Braids, long Switches Coronets, Puffs and Curls, a select stock for dis criminating buyers. I J^EW spring and Sum mer styles on sate ••T^ow! If anytliing a little hit smart er a^d more exclvsive than usual. The kind you see on IParis houlevards -^ PiftK Avenue too. Every last and leather tltat a woman could ^ossihly want at dny tfme* $2.50, $3,00 and $3.50 FOSTER SHOE COMPANY 'J’he largest And most up-to-date Shoe Store in Tentral Ctirolinn. BURLINGTON, N. C. This is the year that the Dem- . (crats will sweep everything in i'Sight, at least they will claim it : il electi/>n day. And then?— it wi«i u^xt time. It will aid us materially if our readers will patronize our adver tisers. We do business with the best merchants in the city andi they are alert to your wants Look over The Dispatch adver tising columns and when conven ient make it a point to buy your supplies from our patrons. By so doing you help us and help the merchant who wants and appre ciates your patronage. COMING If you expect to vote in the ■approaching bond election and i:he general election this year, 2:iay your poll tax. Attend to this ?oow, after May 1st, it will be too; late. More Temperance Needled. We note n om an exchange that man has leeu bound over to ourtin Rakig'h fur selling' liquor, not by tl;e state or city au- ^)ioritiss. It was by a United :>.tates Corriniissioner. Now is th'-- time for ail Repub- j iicanstopay their poll tax fori ';>>e year 19>0, and unless you do! Prohibition does prohibit the lawful manufacture and sale of whiskey in North Carolina, but, not the drinking of the fiery fluid j from other states. More tem-1 perance and less prohibition j would greatly improve matters. | : —Littleton News-Reporter. -I A great many people thought, ; j or at least acted as though they i I thought, it would stop the illegal | j traffic, but such is not the case, ! j as the reports from our Superior i and Municipal courts conclusive- i ly show. ' B. A. Sellars & Son Now on Disj lay, Their of Easter Dress Spring wearing apparel of every descriptior. ^ Grand owing iFabrics and I. F. U. Ito. I. on or be.-'.ro i\'iay .,lst, ot thisj q_ Coble of Greensboro ;! to' spent Saturday and Sunday at ’; home with his parents. Friendship boys went up to' Liberty and gave those boys a i good beating playing basket ball! Saturday. i Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Waddell, ' attended the singing at Bellmont! Sunday. I Martin L. Coble is on the sick: Hst this week. Duncan Luy of Elon College spent a few days at home with parents last week. Miss lone Pickett, our teacher :viar you cannot vote, attend this now. I on't out it off. "The Yanceyvill Sentinel has been leased by its owner Mr. T" J. Henderson of WeV)sters 'Week ly Reidsville, to Mr. A. J. Mas sey, a young man of much prom ise who will cotiduct it in the fu-1 ture. With all the efforts put forth ro try to discredit the meeting held at Henderson a few weeks | at EMermont wilf leave this week ago, it will not down. The Dem-1 for West Virginia to visit pra- ocratic leaders would try to make rt appear that it v/as a joke, but shey know better. The sheriff of Surry county is no doubt doing his duty, as he aees it, in enforcing the prohibi tion law, but he stands no more vjhance of beingre-elected than a Pvepublican does in Halifax. So It need cut no ice with sheriff Haynes, he is done for anyway. ents. Her school was quit.e a success. Thanks to Esq. Loy for Cabb age last Thursday. The play at Friendship was quite a success and enjoyed by all present. E. 0. Martin of Western. N. C., spent last week at Sunny Side Farm visiting A. L. Combs and; family. C. F. Moser has bought and put in operation a sawmill at his place of business and is ready now to wait upon the public. Miss Anna Waddell of Carolina returned home Sunday after weeks with her The Raleigh Evenikg times an nounces that after April 1st, it, will not carry whiskey advertise-two mients. This is commendable, > ,, 7. ,4-A 4. J u l i Nicholsojn Albright the oldest out ^ *^ot understand why it | patron on No. 1. died Thursday should have ever poluted its col- morning with pneumonia, and amns with such rot. For our was buried Friday at St, Paul’s part, we do not want them, have .never solicited them, nor never will. We have from time to time assailed the prohibition law, and the manner in which it was be ing enforced knd shall continue to do so. We ceUeve in temper ance, not only along the lines of drinking in toxi% ting liquors, but .in all things. Rev Strickley conducted the fu neral service. He liked only three months of being ^55 years old has 11 children five of whom are dead, and 24 grand children of whom 6 are dead Mr. Albright has lived a typical life and lea ves many fn^nds besides his large family to mourn his lost,. G. L. Simpson and son sp»nt Saturday night and Sunday with the writer. All previous efrorts, are sur passed in this Gi iA!!^ Display of the beautiful for Ladies and Children’s wear. , ■ New designs in Fou lards, Pongee, Tussah, Japazii)';:, Satin Repp and Seco Silks. New things as \v:;ll as the neat designs in black Dress Goods for Skirts and Djeyses, All that is \vorth while in White and Coloieli Linens and Linonett for Dress. .Coat Suits and Skirts. ; i' Ready-to-wear I ,iKen and Lino nett Coat Suits irs white and colors. Ready-to-wear Skirts, Ready-to-wear L ijg-Qrie and Lin en Dresses. Beautiful Batiste, French Lawn and >Jet Waists. I Irigh Crochet woyk inT Center Pieces and Doilies, Don’t fail to see them, as th»:;.v: have never been on display hiCrsS; before. Speciais for ie week. One hundred Batiste Lawn and Tailored Waists fc>.r $1.00 each, values $1.25 to $1.5,G.S 60 all-pure Linv?n Waist^tucked front with pocker \v3rth $1.50 for EASTER MONDAY The chief Athletic event of the Easter tide willbe agame of BASE BALL at HARDEN PARK Easter Monday at 3:30 o’clock P. M. Each institution has an excellent club and the game promises to be one of great interest. Battery for Oak Ridge Mayberry and Moore, for Elori Hearn and Hobbs. There will b^ given as a prize for grand stand coup'} a $10 Picture Hat now oil exhibition at Miss Margarett Glegg’s, Bank of Alamance Building, Graham, N. C. ADMISSION 250, B. A. Sellars & Son Burlington The STATE DISP4TBH $1 A Year Program of Alamance County Sunday Scliool Association Cross Roads Presiiyterian Gliurcli April 2nd and 3rd, ’ FIRST SESSION, SATURDAY, 10:30 A. M, Devotional Service. Enrollment of Delegates. Words of Welcome—Rev. W. O. Saniple. Response—President Association. ^ MODERN METHODS IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1. 'Methods of Securing Larger and More Regnlar Attendance- ! Mr. Ben Rogers | 2. Methods of Securing Better Preparation of the Leisson— Rev. B. W, Mebane, D. D., and Rev. D. E. Sampson, 3. Methods of Making the General Exercises More Interesting- Rev. A. H, Bryans and Rev. G. W. HoliTies.| Adjournment for Dinner. SECONt) SESSION, 1:30 P. M. Devotional Service. 4. The Organized Adult Class: For Men: For Women— R«v. W. C. 5. The Big Boys’Class—Rev. C. B. Cox. THIRD SESSION, SUNDAY, 10 A. M. Devotional Service. 6. The Teacher's Training Class—Prof. W. A. Haurper. 7. The Teachers’ Meeting; Why Hold and When-:Mr. A. V. Crai^fj 8. Mission Study in the Sunday School— ‘ I Rev. W. 0. Sample and Mr, J. D. Simpso!)-] Adjournment for Dinner. FOURTH SESSION, 1;30 P. M. Devotional Service. ? 9. Methods of Enlisting the Class in Practical Religious Work' , Prof. H. L. BirchariJ 10. The Primary Department and Criadle Roll—Mrs* D. E. Sainpstf’-i 11. The Organized Work—Miss Sallie Summers. i All Delegates desiring entertainment should notify Rev. W. ^'j Sample, Mebanei, N. C., R. F. D. No. 3. All Statistical Reports and all moneys should be placed in.^ nands of the Seer^tary-Treasurer before or during: the Gonventio®| J. D. ANDREW, Pres. J. T. COBB, Sbc.-Treas. f w. Murray is abusii tor’at New York this w Mrs. Nellie B. change of ad this week. Rev. C. Brown Cox, 8 terday in Greensboro or jjr. and Mrs. Suton No. 1 were shopping vi town Monday. Whitted Brothers ha' thing very interestiug space this week. Take a day off next and witness the game c Hardens' Park. Lea Fowler is speni week in New York taki days recreation. J. E. Ausley spent Ti Altamahaw with his bi law who is critically ill. “Witherdale” was t suggested by Miss Anni( very simple, but she $5.00. Cyrus H. Heritage a tative of H. E. Bucklei came home first of the «pend a few weeks as t of relatives. He has be^ ing in S. C. and Florida Beautiful Gold without prizing th mostJIpainless and s are necessities—noi no one else will. is the time, before difficult to repair, be reasonable, and Burlington, Nor' Before Buying Your

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