I Sunt- smart- >e than 3MPANY ■f ill (Vnlral Caiolinfi, c. )NDAY he East.er tide ALL at ^RK :lock P. M. LEGE Qt club and the great interest, ry and Moore. for grand stand on exhibition : of Alamance 25C. Sciiooi Association \pril 2nd and Crd, A. M. X] )AY SCHOOL. :• Reg"ular AtttncJance- Mr. Ben Rog«i^ | on of the Lesson— inci Rev. D. E. SanipsoJi* ises More Interesting" rt’id Rev. G. W. Holmes. M. f’or \\'omen— . , , i Rev. W. C. ‘V^ icker-j 10 A. M. V. A. Harper. ^ 1 Whc-n-Mr. A. V. era* e and Mr. J. D. SitnP»“- }'. M. ctical Religious Prof. H. L. Birc^ loll-Mrs. D. E. Sampson j mmers. houtd notify Rev. W. O' should be placed >r during the Convention', ANDREW, Pres* COBB, Sec.-TrEAS- Garden Seed Woods, Landlrelh's and Ferry. la packages and bulk. Wood's Seed Irish Potatoes. Freeman Drug Company, Try Egyptian Deodorizers in four Batli Rooaa. PTocal and person r ^ i^furray is a business visi- tor at New York this week. Mrs Nellie B. Green has a change of ad this week. Read it. Rev C. Brown Cox, spent yes terday in Greensboro on business Mr and Mi*s. Suton Coble of Ko. 1 were shopping visitors in town Monday. Whitted Brothers have some thing very interestiug in their space this week. Take a aay off next Monday -nd witness the game of ball at Hardens’ Park. Lea Fowler is spending this week in New York taking a few days recreation. J E. Ausley spent Tuesday at Altaniahaw with his brother-in- law who is critically ill. •'Witherdale*’ was the name suffo-ested by Miss Annie Bennett very simple, but she won the Cyras H. Heritage a represen- ■ tative of H. E. Bucklen & Co. j came home first of the week to j spend a few weeks as the guest; of relatives. He has been travel- j inr in S. C. and Florida. | Mrs J. Zeb. Waller spent Sat urday and Sunday at Hillsboro, the guest of her father and oth er relatives. The Cooper Dry Goods Co., are telling you about their Easter goods in this issue. Read their ad on another page. The program at the Grotto is the best yet, have you seen it? Well, go tonight and see the best show of the season. Quite a number were present at the musical given at the Grad ed School Friday night all report a pleasant evening. Miss Annie Bennett, one of our popular stenographers spent from Saturday to Monday as the guest of her parents at Reidsville. Mrs. J. A. Davis who has been sick foi’ several weeks was car ried to Salisbury to day, where she will undergo an operation. Call at t he Dispatch office and subscribe for The State Dis patch and vote for the lady of your choice in the contest. Miss Edna ' Graves of Salem Female Academy Winston-Salem came home Friday to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graves. TEETH Tliat are Guaranteedjojit Painless Method of Extracting a Specialty. Beautiful Gold and Enamel fillings placed injHteeth without prizing them apart with separator. Thisjis the mostjpainless and satisfactory method known.1 .■JSM .«,;your:teeth are necessities—not luxures. Ifjyoa|doSnotHattend|toSthem no one else WlH« tsanaMn 'wr?! NOW is the time, before they get in such condition as will Jbe difficult to repair. My prices are low enough to be reasonable, and high enough to pay for good dentistry. Examinations Free.a Work Guaranteed. Olfice hours: 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 ni.® ^'1 1:00 to 5:;)0 p, m. Office over Selltirs Clotiiing Store. DR. J. S. FROST Burlington, North Carolina. Phone 374 a Back to the Soil 99 Splendid farms for sale in Alamance and Orange counties, also timber lands in great variety. City Property, improved and unimproved PRICES AND TERMS TO SUIT. Money to lend upon improved real estate, city or country. Write for particulars. JAMES P, ALBRIGHT BORLINGTON, N. C. Leroy Cates who is studying/ pharmacy at Keiser,: W. _Va. spent part of last week visitin:;j: relati ves and friends at this plact. Read the ad of Mr, J. P. Ai bright in this issue of The Di& • PATCH. If you want a good fan j or city property he can interest you. Miss Dora Teague who Is se l dom missed from our midst spent part of last week as a pleasui s seeker at Greensboro visiting hfer sister Mrs. Williams. Have you seen the beautifiili Piano at Ellis Music Store. It is ■ a beauty, and will be given away i to the most popular young lady ; in our Popular Voting contest. ■ Don’t fail to see the game of | baseball Easter Monday at Har i j den’s Pari:, Elon College vs Oak i Ridge. A good game is promis-1 ed, all who can should go out. | W. J. Thompson of Whitsettj has recently closed a deal in i which he sold the stable now oe | cupied by Thompson & Thompson i to th^ Central Loan & Trust Co, i T. W. Vincent of Greensboro, I was in the city yesterday attend j ing the funeral of his friend Mr.; S. M. Hornaday. Mr. VincenS. | gave us a pleasant eall while her^j, | FOR SALE.—A small gentle! female goat, one “Studebaket | Jr” wagon, and B, C. harness, j wagon and harness good as nev,.! L. D. Meador, | At N. S. Cardwell’s Store. Death at Snow Camp. After a lingering illness, Mrs. P. Thompson died last Friday afternoon March 18th aged 34 \ears, and was buried at Cane ' Jreek the 20th, the funeral being ( inducted by Rev Miles Reece. sShe was a kind Christian mother IJ ,r|d no ipatter how gloomy the I appeared at times, she never ; i^icame discouraged but fought I the battle prayerfully and in ijverything gave thanks. She by many |riends and especially in her home she leaves a husband and mge chileren, the oldest being fourteen years old and the youn- 'j^^st about six weeks old. She iilsp leaves a father and mother, ®lliam and Cleopatria Williams, #0 brothers, T. M. and F. R. Williams of Snow Camp, three sisters, Mrs. George Cole, and Mra Rufus King of near Ashboro and Mrs. Alfonso Howorth of Morida. ' « . •■Sleei^ OH beloved, sleep and take tby , rest; Lay down thy bead upon thy SaTiour's , ^ breast; We love thee well, but Jei^uH loves, thee beet. - Sleep on! Sleep on! Sl*ep on!’' Beautiful Showing^ EASTER FOOTWEAR, SHIRTS, You are still in time to place your order and get that stylish made-to-order WE are Very anxious to show you OUR NEW SPRING STYLES in two EYELET TIES, AND NOBBY OXFORDS WHICH HAVE CREATED SUCH A SENiSA- TION AT THE LEADING COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS OP NORTH CAROLINA :: The HOLT-CATES CO OvttlMn. IBRUIIiTm. R. C. See Mrs. Nellie B. Green in Cooper’s Dry Goods Store. SPRING Before Rev. C, Brown Cox has rcent j ly accepted an invitation to deli j ver an address at the State Con i ference of the Christian Endea-'' vor, which meets at High PoiYit ’ April 22nd. M. Moose, who has been coa ^ nected with the Cooper Dry ; Goods Co., left yesterday for; Greensboro, from there he wilsj spend a few weeks in Virgin i;i. before going to his home at Hie-: kory. ;■ Keneth Robertson Secretary o f ; the World wide Baraca movemeiif; spoke last night at the Baptisi,; church, He is a speaker of worlai wide fame and deserves much j credit for the enthusiasm he kes in this great work. :> Mrs. E. L, Morgan and Mrs. : H. Vernon and Miss Verna Cates] left Tuesday evening to attend a 1 meeting of the Womans Missic,?.;! nary Union which is in session ai: 5 Oxford this week. They repre -! sent the Woman’s Mission&n? 1 Society of the Baptist church, i .-1 Nicholas Albright of near A ia -i mance Factory died Thursday a ^^11 was buried on the following day ^ at St. Pauls Church. Funeral conducted by Rev. Stickley, pas tor of Guilford Charge, Luthervn, He was 86 years old. He lea i-eisf several children to mourn their loss. “Uncle” John Lain, as he fe familiarly called about town, vv'as seen going toward the South-.vr;;;! passenger station just be!ore train time yesterday aftern(;t?!:t, all "diked” out in his best clothes:' Itis said that John went up to, Greensboro to get married. # such is the case, he has the hi&t wishes of a large circle of wiii te friends. ;; ^'Congliing in Church and Public Placet.” ^Nearly every public place you where there is a gathering of l^ople, you will find a great many of them continually coughing. This is very annoying to them and we are sure that they would not do it if they could help it. Now if you will " take a little Mother’s Joy just before going to these places and rub a little up ^ach nostril and take one or two deep breaths, your head will bfe as clear as a crystal and your throat and lungs as clear micro bes as J. P. Morgan’s million dollar diamonds. Manufactured by Goose Grease Co. Yours truly, GOOSE GREASE CO. Western JUNE 20, IfiOS. Nj. No. 24 Charlotte n ;00 a. m. Winston 2:40 p. m. 7:10 a. 111. TjV, Walnut C. y: 15 p. in. 7:51 rX. m. Lv. Madison 3:43 p. m. a. 131. ;1>Y. vayodau ;J:46 p. m. 8:27 a. ni. •Lv. M’rt’nv'He 4:4, p. m. a. 111. Ar. Roanoke 7-0.^ p. ni. 11.-45 a. nj. So. 21 No, 23 ■■Lv. Roanoke 9:15 a. m. 5:25 P- III. M rt'nv’lle 11:38 a. ni. 8:00 P- m. Lv, Mayodan 12:34 p. m. M:55 P- Ill, Lv. Madison 12:55 p ni. 8;.5S) P* ni. Lv. Wrtln'at G. 1:27 p m.* 9:2 ■p. n\. Ar, Wiuston 2:10 p ra. 10:05 P. in. ■ At. Charlotte 5:50 p m, Nos. 21 nnd 22 daily: Nos. 2:^ and and 24 daily except Sunday. Connections at Koanoke for all points North, East and VVent; I’ulhntln Parlor sleeping cars, dining cans; meal's a la carte. If you are thinking of takfn^ a trip, yon want quotations, cheapest, fares, reliable and correct information, as to rout«, ti ain schedules the most comfort able and qnifikest way, write and the in formation is yours for the asking with one of our map folders. Trains leave Durham for Ruxboro, South Boston and Lynchburg 7:t)0a. m. daily,and 5:80 nj.daily exceptSunday W. B. BEVILL. (ien. A>?t. M. F. BR \eKT, Tray, Pas. A^t. Koanoke, V'a, Spring Items. Spring Graded School closei;5 on; the 11th with quite an interesT,in’| program owing to the incleniviiit; weather the congregation wag; not very large. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andi dA^ are all smiles. Twin babies ;at there home. One boy and aMf girl, 8 and 9 lbs each. The li! 5;^ brats were crying the other night when Mr. Andrew raised up: td: attend to them and he declavr'tyi that he heard another one oirJ. in the woods crying. He thon.(:|:ht that Dr. R. A. Freeman hacl fet another one get away. The people in this neighbor;;j.;>od are getting up a phone line aM expect to be ready to spea!iv to the people of Burlington Graham shortly. Mrs. Jinnins who is visitixig her daughter Mrs. R, F. Moore secured a very painful wcAiad last Saturday night, when slie fell and broke her arm. ;i; Mr. and Mrs. A. N. McBarie. attended the burial services- Mrs. Pinkney Thompson at (3ane Creek church last Sunday. , f The wedding bells are rinvfijig in this neighborhood, Miss Esfie Richardson and Foust Thomi;5{ion were united in marriage at the home of the bride on the iStlii. Miss Daisy Thompson and Guthrie were also united in rimony on the 13. Listen out lor more to follow shortly. Tom Mann went to Raleig h undergo an operation at the hos pital we leam he is very lo ,v it present. Hope he will retsirn iKwne well. : ■ ;; MOVED! I have moved my con fectionery store into the building formerly occu pied by the Blagg Music Co., where I am better prepared to serve your wants. You will always find a complete assort ment of Fruits, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars & Soft Drinks. Respectfully, John C. Bradsher THE PRESSING CLUB (Over Sanitary Barbershop) All kinds of Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Reasonable price. Let us press yonr next suit or trou&eia. Phone 342, Sanitary Pressing Cloli Burlington, N. C. J. ED. AOSLET. Pnprictor. — s. AUAR MINE, HaMscr. Corn Planters, Daisy and Empire Harrows, Drag and Disc. Harness, Single and Double^ Barbed wire, Poultry wire and Field Fencing. PLOWS, THE GENUINE VULCAN AND WILLIAM OLIVER. Get our pnces. ^ Tools of every description. i — g Coble-Bradsliaw Compi S Headquarters for Hardware, g Burlington, N. C. S Just Received Anoife^ 5 Car of the Famous t Sunny South Stoves The Manufacturer... guarantees that the cook ing qualities of this stove cannot be excelled by any in the United States. It will be to your interest to get our prices on this line of stoves when in need of one- In addition to the above we carry the larg est stock of Furniture and House Furnishing Goods ever carried in Alapaance county. M. B. SMITH The Furniture Store. Davis St. next to Alamance Loan & Trust Co. Burlington, - N. CaroUna. (i .y'-l A;-:.'. '■ r»nAK ;*ArrTr a tilm