The state Dispatch. 4 4 Church Directory, i »«»» » • St Athanariii* Episcopal Church. Rev. E4w«rd L. OjiU»y, R«et«r. Mr. Erwin A. Holt, - Senior Warden. Mr. 8. A. Steele, ■ - Junior Warden. Vestry: tSessrs. Eugene Holt, Jamee N. WiOiani- gon, Jr. L*awrence S Holt, Jr,, t^uley L. Wimamson. Jolins C. SquSree, I^wis Carter, William A. Hall. Serrice*: Snndaj, 11.00 A. M.-—7.30 I\ M. Wednesday. 8.00 P. .M. Sunday School, 9.45 A. M. ^ Holy Comaiunion, First bunday, 11.■Jv 4. id.' Third Sunday, 7.30 A. M. Chrbtian Chardb. Ck*raer Church and Davie Streets. BeT. P. H, Flmii*, PmIw. Scrfket: PreachinK every Sunday, 11,00 A •Bd 7.30 P. M. Sunday School, 9.45 A. M. John Foster, Snpt. Christian Endeavor Servic^s, Sunday •veningsat 7.15. Mid-week Prayer Service, every Wed- Beeday at 8.00 P. M. , Ladiee Aid and Missionary Socicty aieete on Moaday after the Sewnd Sun day in each month. ^ A cordial invitation extended to all. A Church Home tor Vieitors ^ and BtranKers. K. RnylingioB Refomed Charch. Comer Front and Andereon Streets. R«t. J. D. Andrew, P«t*or. Su&day School every Sabbath. 9.30 A M Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sabbath, 1 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. _ _ | Vlid-week Service every Thor»daT. 7.45 ! M. A cordial welcome to all. j Parsonaf^ 2nd door east of church. , Presbyterian Church. Re». Dtmak MeWw, PmSot. Services every Sunday et 11.00 A. M. «jud 7 ;5(l P. M. Sunday School at 9.45 A. M. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday at 8.00 M. The public ie cordially invited to all pervices. IFmil Street M. £. Churdi, South. R«t. j. a. Horoa^y, pMtor. Preaching every Sunday, morning and fTening. SsBday School, 9.,30 A. M. Prayer Service, Wednesday evening. JMacedoaia Lv&eran Chardb. Front Street. Rer. C. BrawB C»x, Purtw. (Residence next door to Church.) Morning Service at 11.00 A.M. Wspers at 7.30 P. M. (No eervices on third Snndaye.) 0nnday School, 9.4.5 A. M.,every Sunday JWchers Meeting, Wedne^ay, 8.00 P. M. (At Parsonage.) Woman’s Mifwionary Society (^aft«r morning service on fourth Sundays,) U. C. Bs., Saturday before third Sun days. .H.tK) p. .M. L. L. L., third Stmdavs at 8.0(! I'. -M. Ka|>tist Church. Rev. S. L. Morg2U), Paster. Morning Services. ] 1 .oO A. M. BTangeiiHtic .Servicf*H, T.-'U* f. m. Wednesdav night i»r«>vr meeting ser- 7.30 F M.' Bueinese first Wednenday •rening of th* at x.iri P. A5. Sunday ^v-h.n,)). h.;;:) A. vl. ,J. L. flcott, iSupt. The Methodist Protestant Church, Rer. J, D. WifiiaiEs, Pastor. Sunday Servi(.T8. 11 a.m. ami 7.30p.m. Sunday Scho»i. a. m. -I. ». KotrerKr Prot. wiristiaii Endeavor. Wwhu'wla v f> ni. L. W. Holt, Pres. Webb Avenue M. E. Church, ’ I Rev. T. G. Vickers Pastor. j Preac.hinji every S«t»(do.y at I'i a. i n. and every tswoiid .Simday at 11a. m. | and 8 p. m. rtiinday-sfhool every Sun- | day at 10 a. n. ’ ‘ | • lohn !’. Ilit’], Svipt. ; E^’erv!.((,idy veicojiio. i THE WORLDS 6REA1ESTSEWIN6MACHWE; fc fcUGHT RUNNING ^ ELQN COLLEGE NOTES. Special to The Dispatch. Crowded out iast week. Elon College, March 10.—Mrs. J. B. D. Rhodes, Harrisonburg, Va., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. L, Moffitt, this week. Mrs. P. H. Fleming, Burlington, sister of Mrs. Rhodes, also visit ed at the Moffitt home this week. The Business Board of the State Christian Endeavor Con vention met in High Point last Saturday and arranged a pro gram for the approaching State Convention which is to meet in that city April 22 to 24 inclusive. The theme of this convention, as adopted, is to be *'My Lord and I," and the song is No. 69, in the New Christjlan Endeavor Song Book, called “Jubilant Praise." It is hoped that all the Societies in the State, which there is sev eral hundred, will become so familiar with this hymn before the convention that they will be able to sing it with great zeal and impressiveness. At this con vention will be present Dr. Chas. H. Hubbell, Adriance, Mich., and Dr. G. W. Haddoway, Balti more, Md,, two of the very best specialists in Christian Endeavor Work in this country. They will make several addresses each dur ing the convention and will, in addit^ion, conduct Open Parlia ments on Christian Endeavor Methods. The Quiet Hour Ser vice of the convention will be conducted by Prof, W. P. Law rence, Elon College: Rev. C. Brown Cox, Burlington; Rev. E. E. Crosland,Winston-Salem; Rev. G. E. Stoney, Winston-Salem; Rev. S. W. Taylor, Littleton; Dr. A. S. Caldwell, High Point, and Rev. Shuford Peeler, Greensboro. Addresses On Christian Endeavor Methods and Principles and Ideals, will be made by Dr. N. L. Anderson, Winston-Salem: Miss Clara Cox, High Point: Rev. R. M. Andrews, Henderson; Dr. J. C. Leonard, Lexington; Rev. S. S. Myrick, Greensboro; Rev. R. E. Steele, Spencer and Rev. Howard Rondthaler, Winston- Salem. A model Christian En deavor prayer meeting for the young people will be conducted on Sunday morning by Mr. E. H. Stockton, Winston-Salem, and for the children by Mrs. W. C. Jones, High Point. The conven tion sermon will be preached by the Rev. J. O. Atkinson, D. D., Editor of the Christian Sun, Elon College. In addition to this there will be two-minute reports from the representatives of the various denominations of the Union, and addresses and reports from the State officers, who are as follows: President, W. A. Harper, Elon College; Secretary, Miss Charlotte Webb, Winston- Salem; Treasurer and Superin tendent of the Press Department, Miss Mamie Bays, Charlotte; and Junior Superintendent, Mrs. A. G. Dixon, High Point. The convention will mmet with the Methodist Protestant church of High Point, of which Rev. A. G. Dixon is pastor. Free enter tainment will be furnished all speakers and accredited dele gates, and the railroads will be ^ked to give the usual reduction in rates. The outlook is, that '‘High Point,, 1910,” will be a record making convention for Christian Endeavor in North Carolina. President Moffitt has sufficient ly recovered from the grippe to be at his office most of the day during the past week. He is still weak and not yet physicially able to resume active field work in connection with raising the proposed endowment, about $15,- 000.00 of which he has already raised. He is very much en couraged over the outlook. 2. 'want either a Vlbniting Kh ut t lo, Rof«.ry bhutUe or a Sinjile Thrt'ati [e/iain UtiU'hX Sewing Machine write to fHE NEW HOME SEWING WACHINE COMPANY ' Orsnge, WawT s^wlngrniacJiirK's yre mii(.!»,■; to sell regar iless oS pi^uiy^ but i]5ti A .lioiiiQ is ninde to wear- Our cuar;my never r\>ns ovit. by autborixr-fl dealers onlj'. »OK SAl.U KY MaLke & Music Co. Rock Creek, B. F. D. No, (Ji owded ont last week. Mrs. J. W. Alexander is on the sick list again this week, we hope she will be able to be out again soon. Mrs. Claud Spoon was visiting her mother this week, who has been very sick. Messrs Robin Kimery and Char ley Leines, Wilbert Foster, was visiting Tom Murry Sunday even ing. Torn Murry has been ot| the sick list this week but is imjprov- ing some now. Miss Aliva Bristow was visiting Misses Kimery and Uler Sullivan Sunday evening, she reported a fine time. The members of Mt. Zion Bap tist church have decided to build a new church and they have im- ployed Ben Holt to do there saw ing and they have moveed the sawmill on the church ground, we hope that the good brethen and sisters will all pull together, and build a nice church, and we v/ill build a nice church, and we will gladly receive help from any one. Honor Roli. The following is the roil of honor of the Burlington Graded Schools- for the month en-liixg March 4th, 1910. i FIRST GRADE—B. Total enrollment for the moiuh 60. Knox Lively, Hoyt McPh^rso^f Clemont Bayne, Mary Loy, Lessie Hazelwood, Ruby Fogleoaa, Elizabeth. Barnwell, Paulette Rogers, Louise Cates. ;; ;; FIRST GRADE—A. ;. ^ Total enrollment for the moJiijh 47.' Grace Martin, Fanny Marfea, Clifford Stubbins. SECOND GRADE, (Miss RiC:\ ;.^ Total enrollment for themoft'ch 34. . ' ‘ Willard Bosewell, Gervas L.>ye, Lanier Jones. SECOND GRADE, (Miss Cunnvrtijr ham.) V " Total enrollment for the moat h 42. Anny Perry, Edna Cheek. J THIRD GRADE, (Miss Carsoa^| 4 Total enrollment for the montii 36. Madeline Hatch. Deloris Mor row, Elisabeth Workman, Anriie Lea Atwater, Fannie Hazelw'x^ii John Barnwell. : FOURTH GRADE, (Miss HancoeK. |‘ Total enrollment for the mOiVtn 39. Myrtle Williams, VevaHemkvi’-, son, Jessie Bridges, Paul Perrv;; Dewey Stewart. FOURTH GRADE, (Miss Stafford) Total enrollment for the montn 4L Sadie Loy, Mary Holt, Fannie Lee Walker, Myra Black, Ger trude Coble, Arthula Cheek. Louise Blagg. FIFTH GRADE, (Miss Keys. Total enrollment for the month 27. Agnes Curtis, Glenn Htiil. Grace Moore, FIFTH GRADE, (Miss Sterrett.) Total enrollment for the mor; tb | 32. Mabel Williams. f Seventh GRADE. I Total enrollment for the monfh i 38. Florence Huffman, Margarett; Sellars, Annie Walker, Walton j Dameron, Charles Stafford. | HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. • Total enrollment for the month: 80. • NINTH GRADE. Mabel Elliott, Lucy Hatch. >: TENTH GRADE. | Ella Rea Carroll, Kate Mont-I; gomery, Ruth Tate. i ELEVENTH GRADE. ^ i ‘•.V- Ruby Ross, Eva Chrisman, ■ ; TWELFTH GRADE. ^ Thomas Stafford, Edith Car • j loll. May tie Spoon, Lillie Tumer.; Frank H. Curtiss, | Supt, Schools, i Elon College Defeats Greensboro High School 5 to 2. Crowded out last week. Elon College, March 14.—The Greensboro High School was de feated in a game with the Elon College team this afternoon by a score of 5 to 2. The game was interesting but lacked snap on account of the extremely dis agreeable weather. The Greens boro boys played very well, the locals proved too strong for them. Battery for Greensboro Coffin and Bell. Battery for Elon Ballance, Heame and Hobbs. Hendricks played well for Greensboro, while Ballance, Pier sons and Hill did good work for Elon. Temperance Lecture. Crowded out last weeK. Miss Elizabeth Moore president of the W. C. T. U. of N. C. gave three strong lectures at the Ba ptist church Sunday evenin'g at the Reformed church Sunday night and Graded School Monday morning. Miss Moore plainly showed Sunday night how the mother and young woman could if resolved, put away the use of strong drink by compelling her friends and associates to stand on the same lever that they stand. Miss Moore is a live wire and is doing perhaps more than any ot her woman in the state for the cause of prohibition. A W. C. T: U. was organized Sunday even ing at the Baptist church with Rev, Mrs. Morgan president and Mrs. Dr. Morrow Secretary. It Saved His Leg. “All thought Fd lose my leg,” writes J. A, Swenson, of Water town, Wis. “Ten years of eczema that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it sound and well. ” Infallible for Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rhem, Boils, Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25c at Freeman Drug Go. HOTEL KERNAN European Plan. Msoiutelf Firepnof, In the heart of the butine** terti»B of BALTIMORE. MD. A Man Of Iron Nerve. Indomitable will and tremen- i dous energy are never fouvscVi where Stomach, Liver, Kidney& ; and Bowels are out of order. ‘W you want these qualities and tbe success they bring, use Dr. Kinj^s I New Life Pills, the matchless re-; gulators, for keen brain ajjil ; strong body. 25c at Freeman r I)rug Co. ^ MCMinA mm Luxurious Kooms, Sins^le and En suits. VVith or Without Haths, Per Day Up. Palatial Dining Rwins. Unsurpassed Cnsine. Shower atMi PIoBge in Twki«b Bath Batht Free to Gae«t*. los. i KERNAN, SEIfl) you liOOKDICT, III Worn Women ^ Women, worn and i, ii:ed from overwork, need a I tonic. That feeling of or helplessness will, [not leave you of itself. ¥on should take Wine of Gardui, that effectual rt^medy for the ailments and weaknesses of women, y^hoi^ of women ':ave tried Cardiii and write eiiuhusiastically of the great benefit it has been to them:. Try it—don’t experiment -use this reliable, oft^rled‘Medicine. CARDUl The Woniin’s Tonic J 33 I llrs. Eena Hare^ of PiercOj ila., tried Cardui and afterward wrote; was a sufferer froiii all sorts of female trouble, had jpain m my side and legs, could %o:i; sleep, liad shortness of breath. ‘*^1 suffered for years, tmtil, xay husband iasisted oa my trying Cardxu. The first bottle gave m-s yelief and now. I am. almost well.” I Try Cardui »TwiU help yoTU ^ at all DBiiS STOTIES V ; .‘■'‘S' ' \ S .ji. The SOtrrHEi^ AGRICULTURIST offer more and better premiums to club raisers thas any southern paper. This year we are giving away a lot of new and valuable presents—some thing | yon never saw before. Anybody can get a club for the SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST, because it is the best paper published for southern farmers and the price is very reasonablev Write lor free sample copy containing at tractive premium off ers. \ Southern Agriculturist NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE donh:’ be deceived By the glare and gKtter of things, and 6on*t think yoti are getting a bargain when you pay youf money for One of the liioch adver-' tised^ cheap machine Time Proves AH things and it only needs a little experience to show that it's the better plan and morg; satisfactory in the end to hay a machine' like the White and know thajl yot can' depend upon it for right work at all ttoes, ELLIS sells the WHii’E ROTARY Sewing Machine, as well as others from $10 up to $60. Easy terms. ELUS MACHINE & MUSIC CO., Bnrlington, t 11 Own Your Home! 11 i § The Piedmont Way Makes it easy for any one to buy and pay for a home, by adding a lit tle each month to the RENT MONEY We own and offer for sale the fol lowing nicely located property in Burlington: No. I.^Five room c o 11 a g e corner Gilmer and Washing ton streets. Porch oil two sides. Large lot—room for another house on this lot. Three Hundred Cash, bal ance on easy payments. No. 2.—-Four room cottage on very large lot, beautiful grove, on Mebane street near Graded S c h 0 o 1. Convenient to School, Bellevue Mills, Mur- bola and Whitehead Hosiery Mills and Bridge Plant. Of fered at a bargain. Two Hundred and Hfty Cash, balance on easy monthly payments. No. 3,—Five room cottage on Kiyett street near Plaid Mills and corivenient to Elmira Mills. Large lo^t. Offered at bar gain. Three hundred C^h, balance easy terms. V Gall and let us take you to see these properties and others that we are offering. i BURLINGTON. N. C. t es I til b T ti lUtUroad Conrtei foftalo Bxprew. The announcement Pacific is going to _ Swol in which It will employes the art^of c^ the traveling public is S showing the growi among modem railroad K to their interest tn Jnod will of the public. day of . the publi i^ilroad man is over. that some of the old- it difficult to^r^hze. fact, nevertheless, refuses to be damned . Tthas come to recognr has certain righte wS corporations, and amc railroads, must «cogn as the years roll by li more insistent that thoj shall be observed. Ai writer in one of tm publications a short tmj it was his belief that m feeling of the public ag roads was due to the received at the hands employes with^whom contact, and that ii u were taught go^ mann attention and all that, this feeling would dw] haps it is this belief tha railroad officials m d nowadays that their shall be courteous in ment of patrons. The Lasb of s Fff would have been abou come to A. Cooper of Os Y., as a merciless lur cough that defied all rei years. “It was most tr at night,” he writes, helped me till I used J New Discovery which completely. I never night now.'’ Millions matchless merit for colds, obstinate coug lungs, la grippe, asthmg age, crough, whooping hayfever. It reliev^ qi never fails to satisfy, convinces. 50c, $1.00. tie free. It’s positivel teed by Freeman Drug KILLthe con tM» CURE tmb L Kin| New Disco Tria roRC8i;gi'» AWD all throat *WD t«HG T OUABANTEBD SATISI OB HONEY REFUND] [ proinDtly ol'tained In ali WHintrieB,« TDADE-MARKS, C’n,ve.iU Coiyi tared. Seiwl 8ite(,«h, Mode! or i’ho rejtort on pamniiibilHy. ALL STRtCTLV CONFtOENTiJtL. Vate I cxcliiSively. ejurpat^iiig ret'ereikous. Wideawake inventors ghould liar nook oni i)W to obi a in ivtwl Sell patpr vontlomwill pay.Howto ►n'tapartni vainaUlo iiiformaUoii. Hiait free to a D. SWIFT k Seventh St., V/ashmgi Ip Going to Washington, Write f(»r Tlnndgoine Dos Booklet an(j[ MnpJ Hotel RICHW 17th and H Sts.-IS m A model hotel condu YOUR COMFORT Her Aroui the White Houso. r rout* to palatial Union S *1 rates aud features; upward; with I If "P upward, bmikfast 20 to ' ahd Cottages on th QiM M. lewis, BQOKLBT,

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