Cooper Dry Goods Company’s EASTER SPECIALS We wil) start our EASTER SALE off with a rysh. Our Stock was never more! complete, and you will be absoJuteiy certain of Correct Styles and Superior Quality in everything ^ Our buj'er has just returned from the Northern market, where he bought an immense stock of Spring and Summer Goods, paving cash, and with discounts we can sa’^ ;^u from 10 to 25 per cent, on your Spring and Summer Goods. —.gwn Our Shoe Stock Is now complete, and in order to introduce our new method of selling for less we will make the following pn^s on our new goods, consisting of Men’s, Women’s and Children s Oxfords, Ties and Pumps, in Tan, Pat. Leather, Gunmetal and Vici. Ladies' $3.00 Values $2.49 Sidney Russell crossed o Rock Creek on a visit Sun night. They say Paul Isley is feel loansome now since his girl Bellemont. Suppose Odist Isley had a g time driving through Bellem Sundays The nice weather came but looks like the Dogwood blossc are a little slow this time si Henry Whitsett was pl^t com today. Men’s 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.35 3.50 2.50 1.75 Messes’ and Children’s $2.00 Values 1.75 “■ L25 “ 1.00 V‘ .75 “ 2.19 1.69 1,39 L05 2.98 2.19 1.49 $1.69 1.49 .98 .89 .59 Dry Goods. 12 l-2c Percals 9 3-4c 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams 9 3-4c 7 and 8c Calico now 5 & 6c 7c yd-wide Brown Cotton 5 3-4c 40-in. Lawn, 15c quality, now 10c. Royal Bengaline, 12 1-2 and 15c quality, novv^ 10c, Regular 5 and 7c Towels, now 3 and 4c, Mercerized Homespun, 18c value 14c, Norfolk Suit ing, 15c. quality, all shades, 12 l-2c, Regular 25c quality Repp, now 20c, Regular 40c quality Shirt Waists, linen 35c, Regular 37 l-2c Shirt Waists, linen 32 l-2c. Full line colored Linens from 15 to 24c yard, Priscilla Cloth, regular 30c quali ty, now 24c yard, Flaxon, the popular Shirt Waist goods 16 1-2, 20 and 25c. Men’s Furnishings Yes, we have a full line. Just a few prices to convince you of the money-saving values in this sale. Men’s Summer Underwear, 60c quality, now 48c 35c Quality, now 24c 50 and 75c Suspenders 47c 25 and 35c Suspenders 23c Just create a little stir we will sell one lot of 7 and 8c Ginghams, about 3,000 yards, for 5c yard. iDispatchi -"if Every price and every article we advertise is guaranteed by us. At any time that your purchase isn’t entirely satis factory we’ll gladly trade back. COOPER DRY GOODS CO. BURLINGTON, .. C. Altamahaw No. 1. Items. Rev C. 0. Durant preached of his best uplifting sention’sl Shiloh Sunday. It takes Bro J Rant to preach good sermons The rain has stopped and fanners plows are making g time these days, wheat is look fine great prospect for a g crop of tobacco plants are pie ful if the night riders will them alone. The health of our commui is good except some cases grippe. Uncle Buck Fauc( has been down with it, Pr Durham, Sam and Bob Lei but they are all on foot agaii * We suppose theirs a man Altamahaw hill went to the s1 an^ought him a dozen eggs come home and got his pan greece hot and broke his el chicken and all in the pan s(|| good old woman is selling c kens by the dozon ask Jai about it. Our new Docter, Dr. Weat ly of Altariiahaw got married week and brought his wife Altamahaw, she is from near leigh, they are boarding at S, Faucette’s we wish them all pleasure and happiness that life afords. Nat Reid was a jury at c last week. Misses Kate and Susie Fauc visited Mrs. R. L. Gwyn ovei Caswell last week.- Miss Salie Somers J, A. I cette and J. J. Boone are gates from Shiloh to go to C Roads, at the county school vention Wish every body a happy 1 ter and a heap of eggs to eat RURAL CARRIER ITEMS R. F. D. No. 7. The Peach, the Pear and Plum tree bloom. Now radiate their jsweet perfume. Lacy E, Sharpe is having his house painted. J. F. Overman ©f Rock Creek, No. 2, is doing the work. R. L. Isley’s family who have been living at Bellemont for some time moved back to their farm on “hilltop” today, Mrs. P. T. Phillips, who is spending the summer with her father B. O. Hargis, visited her sister Mrs. W. B. Cheek at Oc- coneechee farm near Hillsboro last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boon and Miss Bessie Tinnin of Graham, visited at J. M. Albrights Sunday Dr. L. G. Coble of Greensboro, and sister Mrs. Mary Lee, visited at Dr. L. A. Johnson’s Sunday. Rev, W. E, Swain spent one night last week with J. M. Al bright Minter Albright has planted some com, guess it will not be long before he will start out with his machine to thresh wheat. Odist Isley was out bicycle rid ing last Sunday but returned on foot. Jim Rich got a setting of par tridge coachin eggs from J. H. Hawks but would not put them under a common hen for fear they would mix, so he got a hen of the same breed as the eggs and put them under her. Hope Jim will have good luck. There will be a picnic on the movmtains, near Silver Springs, Easter Monday also a i^ame of base ball between the Mt. Her- mon and Swepsonville teams in the afternoon at Mountain view park n^r Mt. Hermon church. It seems that John Neese’s Rabbitt foot failed to act Sunday evening. Ask the girls why the Small pox scare at Bellemont is inter- fearing with C. H. Isley’s social business over there. Misses Mrry Cheek, Emma Overman and Cordia Wilson, of No. 1, spent Saturday night with Misses Maude and Flossie Isley. Lee Fowler of Swepsonville spent Saturday night with Odist Isley. Guess Willie Rich and Jacob Sharpe had a pleasant time Sun day night with their girls. ‘ 'Dan Cupid'’ certainly is getting busy with Jacob over the creek. “Joe" j had better hurry up or h^i will get left way behind. Haw River items. Mrs. J. A. Long made a fl trip to Greensboro last Wed day. Miss Pasty Robertson s several days in Greens^ro week the guest of Miss J Bradshaw. Mrs. S. A. Vest visited mother Mrs. G. S. Franklij Durham for a few days last ^ The Ladies Embroidery met with Mrs. B. S. Robei last week, Mrs. B. S. Robertson speni Tuesday in Greensboro. ^ John A. Trolinger spent day in Raleigh. Mrs. A. V. Purcell has bet the sick list for a few days, hope for a speedy recovery.1 Mrs. C. W. Causey of G ville S. C. spent last Friday Saturday in town with her Mrs, B. S. Robertson. March has been doing so i Rev. D. W. Arnett prea two most excellent sermons the Baptist church Sunday ni ing and evening to a large ence. Miss Martha Simpson on Haw Rivers fairies, who is w ing at Burlington visited her rents Sunday Mr. and Mrs, I wood Simpson. Rev. W. E. Swain presider Heat F] Smoke and gases that e furn Come to see our new line of Rugs am 6TR0USC a eAi.Ti./v>Qnft 0 mg for With the sweBest iine of Spring apparel for Boys^Youths, Young Men and men, we bid ptt a welcome to our store. Our suits have all the Spring snap in their make up. The new stripes, the beautiful new greys and the prettiest of the new worsted are here in abundance. They are the product of the Strouse & Bros, and others. These firms are style setters—not foUowers -for the clothing world and when you get one of their suits you KNOW you have the best and most stylish. Get in early and make your selection for Easter. If you are out-of-the-ordinary in size we can make your suit. We carry a complete line of Men’s and Ladies Sboes dnd Dry Ms. The Home of Good Clothes, BURLING TON, N. C. the M. p. Conference came to town and preached Tuesday night we were glad to shake his hand. Brother come as often as possible we love your presence. s Misses Fannie Williamson and Bettie Cates were the guest of; Mr. and Mrs. Flora Jobe Sunday ' evening a nice dinner was served Her many friends will regret to; learn that Mrs. John Bason aged; lady is very feeble two of her j grand children are with her. j Jessie Williamson, Jr., of Le noir county spent a few days here with his parents Mr. and Mrs, J. i R. Williamson, he left Sunday! for his home. His mother who was mentioned in the Dispatch ' last week is improving. Come, again Jesse, C. D, Dawson fitted his parlor with a new^ Piano he is a progres sive man all 0. K. J, H, McClue and wife spent Sunday in Burlington with rela tives and visaing the sick. Prof. H. L. Birchard left last Thursday morning for Anderson, S. C. to attend the Y. M. C. A, meeting, wMch is the seventh annual inter-state convention^ 116 delegates were present. The | Andersonites claim to have the largest town in Dixie. Misses Murray and Baker have been on the Richmond market and selected one of the largest stock of millinery goods ever brought to Haw River. Mr. Garwood of the Burlington News was in town first of the week shaking hands and talking news to us, he did not appear to b e a candidate. 8u^>8cribe for the Dispatch. rn Waste le up the chimney in all other I, are penned up in a I Peck-William:?on [Underfeed Furnace Consumed. The Underfeed ia easily lited, bums soft coal of the v^fy grade, insuring % Saving of 1~2 to 2«»3 pinter’s coal bill. Fnel is replauisbcd fn>m I with the flame on top. The beat of theUndw Is uuifonu, 'Those who nse it are loudest in nlee. Miss Ivy Anthony, of Mebane, spent Sunday as the guest of Miss Bessie Fowler, » We have just received fresh lot of Wood’s Garden Seed Be in time. Get ahead of mother nature, Burlington Drug Com’y Main St., BnrUn^oiij N. C. (Burke’s old stand) Come and see how nicely we are ar range in our new quarters. Matkins & Brannock POR SAUt ar HOMAS & SON, BDRUNeiON, E HAVE iust received a large yy number of beautiful Easter Suits some of the most elaborate styl^ we have ever handled, also Ladies Dress Goods which are very fitting for the approaching season. The universal popularity pf our Bostonian Shoes for men and MayManton for women who appreciate real worth hais made them the ackv nowledged standard of popular price footwear. May we have the pleasure of showing you our beautiful Easter styles. We carry a comjplete line of Men’s and Young Men’s hats in the latest styles and colors. Yours to please, H. FLEISHMAN Burlington, N. C, Duggets BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE | BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. n. iepubucanspai THE VflU 1^1 aiiii I —^ii» Miss Swannie Myrtle Isley, Lois A, Woikman, Myrtle Tate, Ullia»TttCT*er, Flossie Burke, " Callie Boland, •' Daca Davis, BnrlingtoB R. F. Miss Jeimie Whitsell, " Emma Overman " Annie Matlock, “ O^lie Ector, Route " Crouse, Rout Mattie;P«nnington! " Fannie Belle Stan' I^ute 9, Snow Camp. Miss Mary Stout, Spring Graded School Sylvan Graded School. Mebane. Grac« Amiek, Essie Dodson, Haw River, N*. JfiisB Carrie Albright, Eion College, K. I Miss Mollie ^Idwrifl, Pmbibitioii in ICsai Chicago, 111,, March Walter R. Stubb# of Kai speech tonight, ^''put hi* ^e necks” of those w tun that absolute pi would brifig eommerdal community. He cited th I ence of Kansas as sbow j-State-wide prohibition j **raee suicide’* «nd en iavings bank aeiaounti^. "PwAfbition ia .Ksjisi I a result .of atmospheri tions,'%iid GoverBor '^leason .^'as at it^e boi all. As a result the iCa: jile today are better fee «k>thed, have finer .harsc iamilies and bagger b •ottnts- ‘ ‘I hav^troofa ;#»ely spiking, J . tfein W foot pE thjB jaocki wno circulate ;anti-pr talk* It was said dbr«e: y wat the wipng imn tl with no sa&oona t, has doubled its* pe^piuJaitv ^n doubled its feaak « «« Isietter ^people, :iaa[ ■wre school and mctt'c gwe& *'I have j*ist reejwv*^ td^ranw from ttbe 30cities £md towio^, ■••trict judges and jfew ‘J? Pol**6; and^they a4i :ai ^ dajr Statis^wide »» Jf«at iHttto eff«et in ILm biigliest day in that Wherew God&as caili ■“«ir eailhly .labors j *«venly rewaod our i^njamin Cla the 27th of C^toU who i February 1910, ^67 latter 15, ft , ,gurah Militant to the ii^njehant. Jleedlfsed, Ut: Jfe dep«rture,of thew b I v5* Church at Ha I ^ J'. faithful m I S!?*®® andinflueace I they Vi yflted ^ the chmtph wojriii j^^solved 2nd: That? jeploite the dea^ *nd th* I influ^ce as ex JfbmiS9M>n to Him w ho f«il, believiifig 1*0® 18 their etemsU gain 3rd; That we w their j^reaved iamilje iif® Christian sympal & them in the and Bye.'' ig^lyed 4th: That a be sent ^5^acopy toTni W J.":? pubfication, l^uest that the Burlingto Cates, iVLiss Fannie Williai r Nellie Cole. 2S. J910. ■A

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