jSW-V^ I'll' .'t s to sure op- take lack sale Dld ;d. SI. FX>R THE Big Fourth of July Celebration MA.KE iFreeman Drug Company Your headquarters best ice CRUM AND COLD DRINKS. i* local AND Everjthing ready forbig crowd Fair Grounds July 4th. " E N. OUver sj^nt yesterday u. Durham on business. Remember the racing at the rjij. Grounds on the 4th. Tink” Home was in Greens- K^ro Sunday and Monday. 25 Knights will ride in Tour nament at Fair Grounds July 4. The Burling1x)n Drug Co., have .pcently installed a new electric ■f.n. Miss lola iMcKeel is the guest n-iends and relatives at Spen- .vr. )ris5 Mary Speer of Winston- is the guest of Miss Flos- Loy. postmaster J. Zeb Waller was r: u v.n---s5 visitor in Greensboro v^urctriy. i; in ;ieed of Mowers, Rake, ;a.-: ' V' iigon see Coble-Brad- s.a"- Co. Mis.-i Bertha Boon of Route 4, a siionping- visitor in town V)naaV, M;?5 Eula Dixon of Snow Camp sas.t shopping visitor in town Jiiui'day, L J. Blackwood of Greensboro ,•5 trie guest of his mother and svier Sunday. Miss Jennie Whitsell of R. F. Xo. 4 was a shopping visitor yesterday. The 4th of July oration will be ’r;;\ered by Hon. W. Carroli at iie Fair Grounds. Mrs. J. H, Vernon accompani- ri her cousin Mrs. Burnes as far i Durham yesterday. Misses Ruth Hughes and Clara Vjceli of Haw River, spent Mon- iay ir\ town shopping. ' Miss Mayme Holt is the guest ;f friends and relatives at Wil- riington for a months outing R. F. Mebane of Danville is he guest of his parents Mr. and ’r3. J. R. Mebane this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brannock pent Sunday at Shiloah attend ing the SundaySchoo! Convention FOR RENT:—Several good of- rooms in Waller Building, or terms etc. Apply to J. Zeb. Waller Maud Florence of Yaneey- ille who has been visiting Mrs. icero Holt returned home yes- I I |Hev. J. D. Andrew "left Mon- “7 to spend the week at Greens- w assisting Rev, Shuford Pee- in a meeting. iMrs. M. H. King of Fredricks- ^gVa., is the guest of her sis- Misses Florine and Ella ■>oertson. PERSONAL. Record breaking crowd expect ed at the Fair Grounds July 4th. Jake Boland sp^nt Saturday in Charlotte attending a game of ball. Cyrus Coble of Hartshorn was the guest of relatives in town Satur day. Hermon Stance! spent Sunday the guest of friends at High Point and Greensboro. Profs. Spiker and Flick spent Friday night at Gibsonville at tending a lawn party. Wesley Comptom of Greens boro is the guest of his uncle J. D. Compton this week. Misses Eva and Dessa Gross left Monday evening for Greens boro to visit Johnie Shields. Mrs. Phillip Cooper and mot her of Carr, spent the first of the week the guest of J. D, Compton. Jake Murray left yesterday morning for Wrightsville Beach to spend a few days enjoying life. Messrs. R. A. Lutterloh and Walter Cates spent Sunday in the country the guest of Henry Anthony, Both report a grand dinner and day of pleasure. Mrs. J, N. Taylor and children left yesterday for Morehead City where they will spend the sum-, mer. Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Anthony spent Sunday the guest of his brothers Messsr. Dan and M. J. Anthony. Miss Sue Mebane returned yes terday from Charlotte where she was the guest of her sister Miss Lillie Mebane. Remember the general reduc tion Sale at H. Fleishman’s be gan last Friday. This means bargins to you. Isley Bros, big summer sale is now on this will last until Aug. 1st. Bargins are being offered in every department. Miss Aurelia Barnhart spent Saturday and Sunday the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Barnhart of near Whitsett. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Daven port returned yesterday from a two weeks visit to their son R. B. Davenport of Charlotte. Mrs. Cora Mathews and child ren of High Point arrived Monday to spend a few weeks the guest of her father D. M. Moore. Mr. George W. Fogleman has purchased himself an automobile and has accepted the agency for the Foard machine in Alamance and Caswell counties. Mr Fogle man has learned to manipulate his machine and can be seen any day now speeding along our magnificent streets. The Sanitary Prming Club have their price list in this i^ue. G, L. Amick accompanied his children to Greensboro^Sunday. They will spend sometime the gti^ of their uncle Chas. Tea gue. FOR SALE-One % 1-2 hor^ power gasoline engine, in perfect running order. Apply to Bur lington Beverage CO., Burling ton, N. C. Cicero Durham traveling rep resentative of the Burlington Coffin Company spent Sunday in town the guest of his wife and children. WANTED—Four or five young live squirrels. Will pay good price. , A. L. l)AVis, at First National Bank. Miss Gussie Ingle and brothers John and Paul also Miss Vivian Hoffman of Elon College were the guest of friends in town Sun&y, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Burnes who have been the guest of re latives for the past month left yesterday for their home at Tal lahassee Fla. The Baraca Class of the Bap tist church wifi hold their elec tion of officers next Sunday morn ing. All members of the class are urged to be present. Walter Cates, Pres. B. Goodmon, Home of Good Clothes, has decided to reduce his stock before taking his mid summer inventory. This sale of fers special bargins which will pay you to investigate. ■ Mrs. J. Zeb Waller returned from Hillsboro last night where she has been-- for several days with her father W. J. Freeland, whose condition does not appear to improve, we regret to learn. Ex-Mayor W A Hall is making quite an improvement upon the appearance of his residence on East Morehead street, by the ap plication of the paint brush. Mr. J. H. Iseley has the contract. The last service in the old Lutheran church Was held Sunday attended by a large 5rowd. The service was very appropriate for the occasion. It is hoped to hold services in the new church in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rogers and family spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. M. J, Rogers of near Saxapahaw, also attended Child rens day at Saxapahaw Union church. They repart a very pleasant day. The third game of ball between Greensboro and Burlington was played Saturday on the home grbiind. Score in eleventh inn ing 2 to 3 in favor of Burlington. The batting for the home team was a feature and the fielding for Greensboro excellent. Miss Effie Isley of No. 8 was the guest of her uncle Jno. R. Foster last week, returning home Saturday accompanied by her cousins Misses Mary, Beulah and Sallie Foster. Miss Isley will teach this year in Wake County. The “VortexLumber Company^' at Gibson ville, N. C., have en gaged the Consolidated Realty Co., to offer for sale at auction' on Saturday July 9th at 4 o'clock: p. m., their valuable real estate on which their Lumber plant and Mills are located.. They will also offer their planing and saw mills. This entire property can be bought Z.& a whole, or separately. For full information see next week’s paper. Watch for the ad. Oetfii fee infant son of ll3^. and Mrs.! C. W. Petty di^ at ^eir home^ on East Davis street last Satur day nigrht at 11 o'clock, aged about 4 months. The funeral was conducted from the home Sunday aftmioon at 3 o’clock by Rev. J. D. Williams, after which the remins were laid to rest in Pine Hill cemetery. WsHSenre RefredbiBei^. The l^di^ Aid of the Ala mance Hospital Association will serve refreshments on the office lot July 4th. While the men of the county and the association arc! bestirin^ themselves in be half of the institution, the ladies art! bjf no means idle; and den ser ve much credit for the active pail they are taking in this mat ter. Patironize them on the 4th, theireby aiding them in this noble' work. Claud H. received n^wrj>i tli»& IllhM of his sister Mra.^ W % Mi Waterioo S. C., who h^ typhilid PURE s' '• 'S" ■ GOOD Drag Canp’y NiWJsSJL MAY 15, 1910. : , ..Nd. 22;' Lt. Charlotte' lltOCf a. m. Card ttf Tiianks. We take this method of ex pressing our heartfelt thanks for the many acts of kindness and manifestations of sympathy she wn us during the illness and after the death of our infant son. May God abundantly reward each one as they so richly^ de serve, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Petty. Y/^atch Roanoke, Billy B. Grego and Zeb, fast pacers, at the Fair Grounds July 4th. PAY YOUR 1909 TAX i Those who have not paid their taxes for the year 1909 will please take notice that the time has come when this matter should have their attention, as you know these taxes are due and needed. I am bound to settle and you should not ask for further indiilgence. Flease do not let any excuse stand in the way, but let us have a full settlement now Respectfully, R.N. COOK, Sheriff. Lv. Winston Lv. Walnut C. Lv. Madison Ly. Mayodan Lv. M'rt’nvUle Ar Boanoke Lv. Boanoke Lv, M rt'nv’lle Lv. Mayodaa Lv, Madison Lv. Walnut C, Ar. IWinston Ar. Charlotte 2:40 p. m. ™ 3:15 p.'na. 3:48 p, in., 3:46 p. ia, 4:4* p. m, 7-00 p. la. •. .A: • No. 21. . 9:15 a. m., 11:40 a. m. 12:52 p. lu. 12:55 p. Btt. 1:27 p. m. 2:10 p. m. 5:50 p. m, :: ■No.^2i4 7:10;»i'm.' 7:51 a. n» 8:23 a. m 8:27 la. m, 9;26.ai/mi. ^l:45:a. m; 5:00 p. m 7:80 p. ioa. 8:22pk na 8;20pi m. 8:52pi m; ; 0:30p. m. I have moved my con fectionery store into the building fonherly. occu pied by theWgg Music Co., Whero X am better prepaured to ■ serve your Vratnts, 'ipvill jftlwAjTS find la bomptoto as{3oi1r ment of ' Nut^ Tobacco, Giigw & Soft Brinks. h No8. 21 nnd 22 da9j; Nofb^ 23 and and 24 daily except Sundaj. Connections at Roanoke for all noinl^ North, East aiid West; Pullman Parlor sleeping cars, dining caxs; meals a la carte. If you are thinking ol takfng a trip, yon want quotations, chea>pest, fdres, reliable and correct information, as to route, train aeideduleB the most comfort able and quickest way, write andJihe int^ Jormationis yours for the asking with one of our map folders. Trains leave Durham for Rosbdiro, 3outh Boston and Lynchburg 7:00 a. ms daily,and 5:30 p. m. dailyexceptSunday W- B. BEVlUi, Uen. Agt. ■ , T; M. P. BBAGG, Trav, Pas. A^t. Ptoanoke, Va, SANITARY CLUB Suits cl^ned and pressed .75 Coats “ “ .40 Suits sponged “ “ .50 Coats “ “ .25 Pants “ “ .25 Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed ’ .75 Skirts cleaned and pressed .50 Panama hats cleaned • .50 Straw (sailor) 25 Sanitary Pressiag Club ’Phone 342 1 V • njiwj ' ll ::’4j V'il M ' 1' ! Ij ri'^ THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Msdntained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session be gins September 14,1910. Those desi'^ing to enter should ap|)^^ as early as possible. For cata logue and other infomiation address. i. I. F9DSI, President Greensboro, N. C» § ' 'II ICO ■ I Has just completed the installat-^ ■ ion of new and up-to-date machin ery throughout our mill, which enables us to doubfe our capacity^ Our mill is now equipped with the best machinery in the State. , We make the following brands of flour: V ALL WHEAT and HICO BEST also large supply of feed SHIPSTUFF BRAIt ETC. We can supply you witb best flour and feed at low est prices. We thank our nijany patrons for their liberal patronage during the past and earhestly solicit your j^tronage ll? the future, promising yw at all times court eous treatmeiit, and the best goods that yeiars of experience and first class material can pro duce, and We would say to our farmer friends that we are in better position to serve you than ever before. Always in the mark et for com and wheat and w^e hope ior a conjtihu^nce of your patroiiage ih the future as in the past. ;■ i ■'M ■I ■ :''tJ '1 14' WM ' ■ '-ll ■ ■ y ■ ■ -Is V Biiriirigton, N. -1 : ■‘I ■■ J . fl'ii AN’S GENERAL REDUCTION SALE ■'lit Beginninfr Friday June 24 and lasting for the next two weeks we will have a iiale the like of which has never before been held in Burlington Because of the cool weather during the month of May we have more goods than we need, and we intend to cut prices below cost. This is a bonified sale-~rio jbkei If you need Shoes, ^'lothing, Dry Goods or Furnishings or Ready Made Wear, come to us and save money. Our loss—your gain. Remember this sale positively lasts only TWO WEEKS, Come first; and early get the bargains We quote below a few prices to show you what we are doing; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^-27 Men’s and Youth’s Suits in popular colors and styles, good ^'•orkmanship—$8 and $10 Suits,. » 135 Suits in pure Worsteds, in very latest styled and colors of Black and fancies,—$12 to$15 Suits 300 pairs of Ladies’ Oxfords solid leather, all sizes to be sold at . . . . . , $1.15 while I 136 pqjrs Men’s $2.50 and they I $3.00 Oxfords* in Tan, pat- last I ent and velure calf at . . , :^Ien s 50 and 75c Dress f* j^nirts in beautiful pat- j -Wns, all sizes . Men’s fine quality SHIRTS 69c. Men’s and Boys’ Caps, all sizes reg ular 25c goods , , . ] tc. 1 2'*""i i r€^g. $1 and $1,25 values Ladies’ trimmed and untrimmed Hats--you can buy at your own price during this big reduction 112 Ladies’ Shirt Waists on sale while they last Ladios’ $5 and $6 Linen Siuits in all colors v ^ . . ily a few left YOURS FOR AN HONEST DEAi. aifM

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