sfjdvvj? esstve —, and SSiSSIPPi K* ^ Cents that you t> but the |s?f- :n shj Umttd asi ih»-e-yrofc a\^t2 ■ c farmet til ;>« i |:t iRci our ci'Ojjs :nts! /our Doys a Jui> Poys. le Coupon 'ents be *ot«fesic loffer is pw Sub- trs onl>- .'diiil id to diz- 101 e I *1 1 rrit-1 Js‘sff.wmT J 'V' ii *ri I ' At "I T]hc Stm Dispat^ nyeif News Items w. Va., one night Butler slashed inSn Shannon, kill- ‘iiistantiy and mortally Lawlessness cf Railroads. New Yofk World. ^ Did the railroads think they were the legislative power of the U. S. government and could re peal the Sherman Anti-trust Law by.“a gentleman's agi'eement?” B’jvidently they did, but Mr. Taft ‘' ^ nded ^ ^hem their mistake. fC ith murder this State nas, - :SSce> in days. If it is; him 1 4-kkisr» '^Trirc> r»io , 'ixri j •* ** I Whether these proposed in- I creases in rates were reasonable ■ ^ is known, no one ever 1 unreasonable. Mr. Taft could i rassing, too, As sickness although I ignore the insolent challenge I'his last American visit. ‘ ’ ascribed 1 ‘Combination of carriers. Li > this cause is the death of travel- :-"t;’\7ractically all such cases, pr some organic disease ISten the real cause, and not ,>^ple seasickness itseif. v,i ■ University for the first ‘ in its history last week con- v’-'l 1 an honorary degree upon ■"v^man. The recipient was kne Addovvs. president oi ■' National Conference of and corrections, and the Hull House, Chicago. Rev |J>;3C Robert Hanover and Rev,. Peny, two rival Baptist ,«P>,ers, fought with knives in of Rock Creek Baptist Kentucky, Saturday and liilver's throat was cut from m =ar He died soon after. T,e [rouble started over dissen- Sons in church. The Sulzer bill making October t 'a legal holiday in the District P Columbia was last week fav- tfibly reported to the K Committee on the Judici The bill provides that Oct. V’celebrating the discovery of _Jneriea. shall be known as Viumbus Day. fne House elections committee week disposed of the con- “fs^ed election case of J. M. Arsons against Representative ^dersof the Fifth Virginia ^strict, by repc»rting in favor of ^arsons. They say Parsons is Er;iiled to his seat by reason of Ikniocraric jerrimander. John Chambers, of West ;!range, N. C., and Mrs. Mary ison, of Glasgow, Scotland, tether and sister, who have not none a nother for 39 years, erg uniti?d recent. Mrs. Wil~ i)s said she would not have . ogBized her brother. He knew ;er, he said, at first glance. A recent ruling of the post- jce authorities imposes a fine of ve hundred dollars or one year iprisonment upon any person % or attempting to use post- stamps that are cancel^ or ,t have been used, whether celedor not. People should very careful about this mat- It was not a question of whether rates should be raised, but of whether the roads should be al lowed to conspire in defiance of the law. Mr. Taft promptly took steps to enforce the Sherman Act. and had he failed to do so he would have been false to his oath of office. He has no more right to suspend the Sherman I^iw than the railroads have to violate it. When railroad managers predict disaster as a result of the ad ministration’s course, they should reniember that they have only their own ^rrogant folly to blame for these injunction proceedings. Their impudence was the more audacous because the President has been endeavoring to obtain legislation that would permit rate agreements subject to the app roval of the Interstate Commerce Commission. That is one of the objects that Mr. Taft hopes to see accomplished by the Railroad Rate Bill now before Congress. House by railroads refused to wait for legislation. They took the matter into their own hands, re gardless of the national govern ment; made their own ap^eement as to rates, wiped out the Sher man Law and set themselves up as a higher power than the Unit ed States. As to Race Suididie. Minneapolis Journal. Henry James does not agree with Colonel Roosevelt on the question of large families. Small families, such as prevail in Frapce indicate, to Mr. James' mind, intelligence and progress, while large families indicate the re verse. “Large families are so embar- ” said Mr. James, on “I once knew a man named Thompson who had 14 children. Thompson agreed, one spring holiday, to fetke Ms children to the seashore for the week-end. “They set off, reached the station, got their tickets and were about to board the train when Thompson was roughly collared by a policeman. “ ‘Here, wot ’a'you bin a-doin' of’ the policeman grov/led fierce ly. ‘Me? Nothing. Why, ’ stam mered Thompson. ‘ ‘The policeman waved his tun- cheon toward the Thompson fam ily. ‘ ‘ ‘Then wot the bloody blazes, ’ he hissed, “is this here crowd a-follerin’ ye fur?’ ” Good Roads Without Money. It is well understood among naval inMi that the speed of a vessel 53 affected by the depth of the water, riot merely in shoeil places, but even in the deeper water-ways. Nenroiis Prostration For Three Yesurs “Dr. 2vtiles’ Restorative Nerv ine curfed me of a period oi nervotis prostration of over three years duration, and the Anti- Pain Pills are as necessary to us as the roof of our house. They bs. ve been household rem^ edies > K wholesale investigation to ertain whether the govem- bent has prosecuted all viola- p8 of the antitrust, interstate pmerce and banking laws fe^eially directed at the United ates Steel corporation, is pro- ided for in a resolution intro- ■scedin Congress last week by •epresentative Stanley of Ken- What He Was. There is a man living in Water- bury,Conn. who is the head of a large family nearly every mem ber of which are performer on some kind of musical instrument. A Bostonian, who was visiting the house of theWaterbury man, referred to this fact remarking that it must be a source of great pleasure to the family, but to this observation the father made no reply, “R^Hy’’ continued the Bosto nian, it is remarkable. Your younger son is a cometist, both yMir daughters are pianists, your wife is & violinist, and I under stand, the others are all musi cians now what are you, the fat her of such a musical combina tion?^' “1/' replied the old man, sar castically, “r anl a pessimist.' ’ Roanoke, Va. June 18.—Far mers all over the country are learning now that great expendi tures are not necessary in order to have good roads. That every one may have the benefit of this knowledge President L. E. John son, of the Norfolk & Western Railway, is distributing 10,000 books, “Good Roads Without Money’ ’ • by Ward King. These books: v;nill be given to anyone applying to F. H, LaBaume, Ag ricultural and Industrial Agent, of the Norfolk & Western Rail way, or to any station agent along the line. In addition to this the King Split Log Road Drag will be loaned to any six farmers applying for the use of them. Thediajwill be shipped free of expense to any station and can used as a pattern or put on the road. The method of us ing is for each man to drive the drag over the road to his neigh bor's house, he in turn to work with it to the next house and etc. These books of instruction on good roads are valuable to every farmer and are absolutely free of cost. us for many years.*^ WM. T. LOUGHRAN, I^ii4 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Penha. Much sickness is due to nerv ous troitbles. Headache, diz ziness, epileps}'^ sad insanity are nervotss troubles. Thtn there is a large class of disorders which arise from a weakness of the nei*ves of an organ or part, as weak lungs, heart, stomach, kidney, ; bladder, eyes, etc. Dyspepsia and indigestion are ttstially the result of nervous dufordeiTS. R^lotAtlve N^rrme soothes tlbe irritated nerves, and assets the nerve cells to gea^ ate nerve force. Or. Ncrvln« MM by sUt*. If «p»t toll* to b«ivHl^, yMP dnii.Trf'-’it will return your motuy. MILES ri.ieOiCAU SIMMrt, If you want to borrow money, see us. If you want City Property, we have some real bai’gains. If you want a f^rm, inspect ours. If you want Fire Insurance, we can write you in compariiesthat are absolutely safe. your mcome-— Preserve your Estate. We write Life Insurance for the strong est, safest, oldest and nipst liberal old Line Legal Reserve Company in North Caroliiia. We are glad to nieet all competitions. If you have moriey to loan, we will pla(» it for you on First Mortgage on Real Estate. Gua?^nteed by our Coihipany at 0! 0^ 6 01 0 The Central Loan & Trust Go. BURLINGTON. N. CAROLINA. , J. A, DA rfDSOJir, JPre$. JiTO. R. EOFFMAN, Sac. A 2V«w. W. W. BnOf^J^iVgr * { If Going to Washington, D. C. Write kir Handsome Descriptive Booklet and Map. Hotel RICHMOND 17tk md H Sts.~N. W. :eky. ,'5eorge H. Rudd, of Strasburg, a., during the flood of a few ^ysago had a narrow escape drowning, when the main -’«ethad the appearance of a Rudd was rowing his boat the street, but the cur- - c was so strong that he lost -■itrol of the craft, which was in the ^direction of ’•ige. k Guilty Conscience. Washingtoa Star. “What view is rather unscien tific," said at a dinner party in New York Dr. Simon Flexner, the head of the Rockefeller in stitute. “That reminds me,” continued Dr. Flexner, “of Hopkinson, who was wont to observe Lent very vigorously. “But on a certain fast day, after three hours of golf, Hop- kinson couldn’t resist a luncheon of chops. And as he munched his chops a violent storm came up suddenly, a blue light filled the room and then a terrific clap of ^ I thunder shook the building. The Use of a ^lo. The use of a “silo" on a farm is a great labor-saver and keeps the food in fine condition .all winter. You can, by inaking up your forage into insolage, save all your growing crop, such as green com, (large and small) hap, pea vines, rag weeds, clover, etc. This crop if gathered whlie in a green state, cut up fine with a machine and packed into a silo. This forage is gathered while all the substance is in it, which makes it much more nutricous and can be fed all winter without the aid of grain or other food. It iS especially adapted for cattle, and is a fine milk and butter producer. Try it. You will save money by the use of a “silo, Hopkinson, pale and shaky, jmerous affidavits alleging 1 laid down his knife and fork, f-onduct on the part of the,! “‘What a fuss/’he muttered, I'-'rod soldiers stationed at Fort l over a mutton chop.' ” .j-on, Washington, were filed .; , President Taft last week by l Piles and Representatives j Business CoKdillons. bv^'citize^s ^Hvfng^i ‘unfavorable element y‘of the Fort. GrLt pres-1 n] the situation is the unfavora- neins brought to have the' We attitude ^ federal lawmakers I '.fi's moved ■ ^^ate officials towards the o T.r* .T, 1 railways and the spirit which fc'f ■ ' la j v/ould prevent the companies V:;I‘ i;? fecutnton, near Ricn- j fj-qm nioderately advancing their ■ V a . was arrested recent-j offset the increased j jigamy. no less than seven j Qf operation. When the : manufacturer is obliged to pay --.ote irom iSorth Carolina; higher prices for raw materiel 4,nv r? I and increased wages he does the went his oail I possible thing in thecircum- 3tta was called on to pay; stances and correspondingly rai- ne parson had SKipped. j ggg charge for his product, arrested for prowling; ^^e railways are obliged to pay - negro’s house. Tucker increased prices for supphes and ’ of - - - ^'abbit’s foot, a bottle of cologne. Jo Italians not yet identified, ■•'■ ‘Ound dead last week in ^SQwayin South Scranton, had been shot four 'be abdomen and the They were about '■■ahirty years of age. The ■-I’ ^’bo had been shot four I't. in bills in his t P^jice believe the V, Wm up for the pur- that he resisted ' his assailants. ^ supposed then and fied. higher wages, and it is only reasonable that they should get more for what they sell, namely, transportation. “That they are impelled to raise their charges is plain from current trafl[ic returns showing increased gross takings, while costs of operation have increased in stillgreater ratio, with result-, ing decrease in net eamings- Uniess the greatest of all indus tries is permitted to prosper the country cannot be prc^perous."' This extract from a New York paper is meeting with general approval in business e^lea every where. Subscribe Dispatch, A MODIL HOTEL CONDUCTED FOB Y&im COMFORT. Location and eize: Around th® cor ner irom the WMte House. Direct rtre«tt ear route t& palatial Union Station. 100 Rooms, 50 isaths. Plans, ;mtea and features: European, fl.50 per daj upward; with Bath, #2.50 upward. Americaiii, |3„00 per day upward; with Bath, f4. Oii upward. Club lm&kfa-t 30 'to 75c. Table d^Hote, b!?eakfa8t ?1.00, Luncheon 50c, Dinaer fl.QO, MuBic. Snismef Season: The American Lu}:- eme in tha Adirondack foot hills. Way. side Inn Mil Cottages on the beautiful Lake Warren Co., N. Y. Ope;n June 26, (£4 October 1st. niffofi M. Lewis, Prop. BOOKI.ET. Will CoQect Office ALL WATER AND UGHT BUIS PAYABLE AT COLLEaORS OFnCE. On account of the inejre^t^d work placed on our collect ors hands by reason of increl^d business, and in order that he may have moi^e time on his books, and it being impossible to get out knd collec^and do the office work^ hereafter all water, Electric and power bills will be mailed out on the 10th* and these bills can be paid in person or by cheek in the office o| the collector by thle XSth. when * discount of 20 per cent will be allowed, and ^ not jpaid by the 20th service will be diiscontinu^. For rates for electric lights, power, or wat«^, see CHAS. Ai WALKBII^ over SeUars;st^ By order of the Wateri light and Fewer ComniittjM, Very Ckap Round Trip Tiekets^^^^ to AND fi Sts. N. W. is the only Insured Sewing Mactalne Jusll Thinll of Itf Thi Fit:tK Sewing Machine b fa- »ured for liTe yeaw against accident breakage, wear, firt. tornado, iiK^ ntng aad waterr Thk ekewe mu faith h . SewHiigMachlne ihia ^ liJMyfc' "*w Wyw wt lU M wiht «c Mr 9ut CMrfb, w atiMlMMitt, It vBl 1* Niiiwl «• m wMkwM Ellis Machine & Music Cc WssliiDgton, D. C. Cars pass the door to all parts of the Cilj* Near War, State, Navy &tti Treasury Depts. A first class modero hotel. America’^ plan. Modisriie rates. RoojDtig Siingle or ea saite, with or witliMi: priTat(? bath. The ;s^^¥ke and cusineaof the Hotel Bi^croft coml^ every cmvemmm known to hotel manageiaii . Boston, Massachusetts Account National Educational Association, Bost6n, Mass., July :eed- on 2nd-8th, 1910, the Southern Railway announces the sale of exo ingly low round trip tickets. Tickets for this occasion will be sale June 26th to July 2nd> inqluslve, with final return limit 14th, with privilege of having lihiit extended until September by personally depositing ticket with Special Agent, and paying fed of |1.00. Rates from some of the principal points will be as follows: Raleigh, N. C; Goldsboro, N. G. From. Durham, N. C. Chapel Hill, N. C. Burlington, N. C. $26.05 26.65 26.00 26*00 26.00 Rates also in proportion from a:ll other points. For further information regarding rates, schedules, Hullnian reservations, etc., call on your nearest agent or address the undeiv signed. W. H. PARNELL, Traveling Passenger Agent, RALfiIGH, N. G. Heat From Waste Aflwricaffl I^LSO to $4 per day* Eor«p«fts3 $1.00 uid Smoke and gases that escape Up the chimney in all other furnaces, are penned up in a Peck-Williamson U nderfeed Furnace . and ooniHimed. 'Tha la «Mtl7. operated^ bunui soft coal of the zf*fy caeap^f grudCp iaBUSiog tk 9aying of t»2 to 2"3 onaWtatM^ co«] bttt. Vari li nptoittoted fraia _ betow with the fliuaeoatop. Tha Iwatof th»Ua4w>. ■ iMMt to KiOfeim. Thoae WiK> U «as toailisat !• s.TnustaN, muiiffroi IX ■ ii V-l; • .f(v ' ■ '"I* •if .-'I !f - ■II-.