RURAL CARRIER ITEMS • • 8. Fa B. m, 7. Most of the wheat is now hous- The road force have moved from Bellemont to little Alamance near the McBride Holt place where they expect to do some grading. E. A. Isley has charge of the foi*c0 / J. s. Brooks gnd family also Miss Bettie Isley visited relataves in Burlington Saturday and Sun- day. . Old Mrs. Mary Isley, Chns Rich and family visited at E. A. Isieys Sunday which means more hard luck for Ed if that crowd stayed for dinner. Guess Chris and Claude were trying to get back some of the rations Ed eat off of them while he was grading the road by Bellemont where they live. You can look at Eds Sto- mache and imagine what happens when he gets where the good ra tions are convenient. The “holiness” meeting will begin at Antioch the 2d, Sunday in July. Mrs. Simeon Shoe and Miss Josie Spoon have cleaned off the church yard. W. B. Garrett was a recent vi« sitor at W. L. Spoons. Must be some attraction there for Billie, J. L. Neese is able to be out again after his recent illness, R. F. D. No. 8. Prof. R. W. McCullock of the Georgian School of Technolo gy is spending a few dasy at the old home on No. 8. Mrs. Mamie Kice and children are visiting at R. A. Matlocks. Hope they will have a pleasant visit they are almost “Sartain” to enjoy ^ visit on No. 8 anyway. C. E. Tapscott and family visit ed Mrs, Tapscotts father J. C. Whitesell on No. 4 last Sunday. Our kid Little Hal spent last Friday and Saturday on No. 10. with his brother LeRoy at J. A. Loys he had a big time. The Farmers Union _will have a picnic at Altamahaw July 4th. Hope they will have an enjoyable occasion. J. A. Murray is the 1st on No. 8 to thresh wheat, he must ha^ e been having to eat corn bread. We had the pleasure of eating dinner at Andy Ross’ last_ Wed nesday and we enjoyed it too. We have been wanting to gfet a “whack” at some of Andy’s Ra tions a long time. Our patrons on No 8 have as usual been good to us all the nice fruit and vegetables we needed, Thanks to all of you goodfriends. Ask i^jhry Wilkins about his trip on No. 8, some time ago somebody said he got scared. When John Paschal goes through a wheat field with a reaper he just naturally cleans up things he even gets up terra-? pins and binds them in a bundle of wheat, its right rough on th^ Terrapins we should think. We took our old lady and wen^ on an excursion to Oxford last Friday we had a nice time, the people in Oxford thought we were a young courting couple. hitn a nice wat^ teft ago planted it in weH week. Don’t what his iO€a w^ for putting it the well. Dr. Isley now Ms his phone in and is ready to to any of his patrons. Ernest Cheek si>aat Saturday night and Sunday 4^ itdme with parents. ■■ _ ■; ^ Misses Genie S feiiner Carrie Evans and Dellie Alred^ of Ala mance visited Mrs. Mollie Clapp Sunday. . ^ Our friend B. JL ^d E. F. Waddell now w:M, Alamance Cotton mills have i tsii^ed their j present position t* %ke effect July 1st. at which t^imie they will go to S. C. where have good jobs waiting them, j We feel that these goodable men iirid the car rier two good fricEis, we hope them much success and welcome Mr. Cates of SaxaMiiaw to our Route who will talst Ben’s place. Emmice Homewo^l treated us to the first “homeiisde” toma toes that we have seen ripe this year. Tuesday al^a a number of our patrons have rtkieinbered us by fruits and etc. S'hanks. R. F. «. XO. I. W. J. Brooks of Wilkesboro is spending this week at Sunny Side Farm. Bynum Isley who purchased Fair Grounds, JULY 4th Two Bands Music. First race free for all. Purse $50.00 Four Entries: Roanoke, Zeb, Billy B, Grego. 2nd Race-FOR 3 Year Olds—Purse $30.00, D. S. B. Annie Mebane, Bud C. Annie, 3ed Race—2:40 Class—Purse $30.00, Max, Vance, Little W^onder. 4th Race—Mule Race—Half Mile Running—Winner Prize, Good Saddle. 5th Tournament Grand Prize $10.00 in Gold—Divided 1st, 2nd and 3rd Frizes, These races will be exciting as all horses are from the county. All entries are closed. -■ FREE ICE WATER ON THE GROUNDS. Let’s all take a day off and have a good time, treat good people if not here July 4th. WHEELER & MARTIN ALAMANCE TRAINERS ASSOCIATION Institute For Teachers A County Institute for teachers will be held at GRAHAM, N. C., beginning JULY 4,1910, and continuing two weeks. Section 4167 of the School Law says: “All public school teachers of any county in which such institute and school is conducted are hereby required to at tend the same continuously during its session unless providentially hindered, and failure to attend the biennial institute and schol shall debar any teacher so failing to attend continu ously from teaching in any of the public schools of the State for a i>eriod of one year, or until such teacher shall have attended according to law some county institute and school as herein provided for in some other connty.” You are required to bring^ll of the text-books used in the public schools through the primary and intermediate grades, as the institute will partake largely of the character of a school. For the primary work bring, in addition to the readers, some tablets and a pair of scissors. P. H. FLEMING, County Supt. J. Y JOY- E.,, Supt. of Public Instruction. At the present high prices of many ait^ at this great sale oueht to be an inducement to every person that Wants to a saving. Look at a few of ine prices and oif^ripgs fit this great 0ai(daleFiifes. some paper try to Har- a few 'After borrowin;g from our neighbor i send in a few more vest is about over pats. ■ Farmers are aboat to get their heads out. ;|- - Corn and feed* stdff has been so very hi^ that liSifes are not so very fat but the iiresher has started that.will r-'op so much buying. We are very sor]:^; M hear of the burning of JMh Atkinson house a few nightis t^. As we understand the lanj|!i exjploded an oil ran nearby also exploded and as the well house near and caught fire and cat : off all the water supply so oniv a few things were saved. : n Moody Shoffner and Miss Blanch Isley were married #jnday 26th, Esq Hawkins Baili® . officiating The Esq was holdiiii: tb the back of the rocher and fd^embling as psual and stopped ;f.iid the cere mony and seemed fe fie immedi ately and said “Dogipn-’ I have forget it. But mana^^d to get through after so loist at time. e Huffman A. Evans You v/ill miss k I.F. D. Nst i; Mr. and Mj^, C. Keck visit ed Mr». R. G. EuliseBun^ay. Mr. and Mrs. L. M No, 1, and Mr^ and Mrs. R. L. Coble of No. I s Sunday with J. W. Clapp at i i/sdnily^, ^ Messes FJmily % and Etai^l Greeson wasfpleasfeii callers on No. IQ Suriiday. : Mr. and Mrs. D;i of No. 4, visit^ V ] Sunday. A large number cq: young peo ple gathered at W. 'K Shepherds Sunday afternoon t^ljeat fruit. Ask Henry Albright li^e loves Mr. and Mrs. J, Shoffner spent Sunday with ]:i. P. Shoff- ner and family. Thanks to Misses ; 7it'a Isley, Janie Clapp, J. M. Sh^ffner, W. Fogleman, T. A. Siroith, W. B. Shepherd, and Sam Graves for Apples peaches and, pe&s.' Elon College li Quite a number c i .6wr young people attended thij j^e cream supper at Mr. L. J. iilif^aels last Saturday evening, ail report a good time. Miss Georgia Sun ateers, visited Miss Lydia Lowe Sujiday . after noon. ■ Rev. Lindley Geniteger visited friends and relativcss i on this route last week. He left Wed nesday for South CarcSma. Prof. W. A. Flick ji Burling ton visited at D. J, I kies last Sunday. Quite a number froe this route attended the ice crei.m supper given by the band hcfs at Gib son ville Saturday eviiaing, all re port an excellent timei • - Mr. Jas Tickle frooi jMissouri, was a caller on this j dute last Thursday. rp We have so manj^ to thank for nice fruit this week t} it we^^^ name them, as it wcij.kt take too mnch space. Subscribe for The Despatch, 5000 yards of staple and fancy ginghams, real value S tolOc, for this special Summer Salib only gc. 2000 yards of lawn, dimity,: or- • gandy and prints, special for this sale 5c per yard. 2000 yards of white madras, special for !this sale only 10c, real value 15 to 18c. Yard wide white lawn and India linen, real value 10c, special foir this sale only 7c. lOc bleaching, special for this sale only 71-2eii 12 l-2e bleaching, special for this sale only 10c. 5, 71-2, S and 10c val. torchon lace and embroideic'y special for this sale your choice 5c. 8 and 10c sea, island, special for this sale only 7c. Ladies*: white duck skirts, to close the lot, special for this sale pnly 59c. These skirts are easily worth lix and $1.25. Ladies’ $1.50 wasih, skirts, special for this sale only $1.00. $3.00 and $3.50 waisih suits, special for this sale dnly $2.25. $7.00, $7.50, $8.00 and $8.50 Men’s suits, special for this sale your choice $4.49. One lot of Men’s suits consisting of finished and unfinished worsted very attractive styles $10, $10;.,^ and $12.00 suits, all on one cdun!- ter, your choice for this sale $7.79. One counter of Men’s fans:y suits,: this spring’s style, very: attrac tive patterns, finely tailored, I McCall Pattemt No. 3348 Lindies' Ovcr-Blou*t N©; 3354 tadies’ JSklrt wprth $12;50 and $15.00, special te: this sale oiily $9.95. The offering m these suits is a saving to anyone that need. a suit, .pr :willneed a suit in Z year_ or more. 50c corset coveJ. special at 25c. 40 and 50c BovV knee pants, special for this and$1.75 Men’s pam" special for this sale onlv |7.5p and $8.00 go-carts, special for this Summer Sale $3.98. 0th er go-carts and baby carriaffP^j $5.(^. 75 and 85e galvanize(j wash tubs, special at 49c. 00 gavahi^d w^sh ttibs, special for this Summer Sale 59e. 25and 35c galvanized water pails, 12 and 15 , special at 14c. See the grea* OflferiiigS; on pur 5c, 10c,. 25c and 50c tables. The offerings in our grocery department ought to interest every one that wants something to eat. A special deal in Arbuckle Coffee enables to place on sale at 15c. 100 lbs seam-, le^s sack of fine salt, special for 54c. Finest nutmegs for this sale 2c per doz. The very best you want in flour, meal, ship- stuffi corn and oats, special prices for the Summer Sale. One car lot of white stone ware, special for this Summer Sale 9c per gal. This ware is cheap at 15c per $1.50 brussels rugs, special; fpr, this Summer Sale 98c. 75c Japanese rugs 36-in. by 72-in. special at 39c* $2.00 velvet ifugs, special for this sale $1.49. $5^50 and $6.00 Axminster rugs 36-in. by 72iin., special for this Summer Sale $3.49. I : - — — . ^— ^ ' V; , - ’ • - • • Do not forget this Summe^ Sale, these; pri%s are effective only ua^ Aits[ii&t 1st,, or present stock is edaaiisted. : Burlington, MlPAimiffiNX STOWE r ^ i. 1- N. Carolina. Resolutions of Respect. > Whereas it has pleased the Su preme Ruler of the universe to remove from our midst our sister, Katie Sharpe, and whereas the intimate relations long held by our deceased' sistier with the members of the D. Of L;, there fore We think it propfer thgttvwe should place on recordbur appife- preeiation of her s0rviCe^ aS a member of this order. T'here- fore be it Resolved: First: That while we bov/ in humble submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well, we do not the less mourn for our sister, who has been called from her labor to rest. Resolved 2nd: That Purity Council, No. 22 D. of L. tender their heartfelt sympathy to the husband and relatives of our de ceased sister in their sad afflic tion. Resolved 3rd: That a copy Of these resolutions be entered upon our minutes and a copy be sent to ithe bereaved husband, arid a copy to each of the city papers for publication. Rosa Crawford, | Daisy Barbee, I Com. Daisy Durham. I Officers M. F. Sunday School El ected June 26. J. G. Rogers Supt. G. L. Amick, Asst. Supt. W. E. Crutchfield, Secretary. Miss Agnes Heritage Asst. Sec. “ Madge Thompson, Organ ist. Miss Flossie Loy, Asst. Organ ist. Miss Cora Isley, Librarian. T. T. Stafford, Asst. Librarian J. H. Boon, Supt. Home Dept. J, L. Thornburg, Asst. Supt. Home Dept. T. T. Stafford, Secy, Home Dept. Mrs. S. M. Hornaday, Supt. Cradle Roll -v-ny... Quick Lunch ito Ladieis ^ Gfemkmen. Open and ready fof ‘‘Busy.’^ Give u» a trial and be coiivihcedl BUSY BEE CAFE Opposite Piedmont Bank. BurlinSton, - - - N. Carolina. TOj YOUR GUM3 EASILY? Hjtve you ah offensive br^th? Bad taste in mouth after sleeping? Ever troubled with indigestion ? Are you weak and nervous? Do the fillings fall out of yOur teeth? -There 1(5'a'.reason.'- ’ The condition of your teeth is an index to all the above troubles. When you talk about teeth, I’m interested. I’ll exaKiine yours and advise you free of charge. OFFICE I 8:00 A. M. to 12 M.;! OfRce over Sellars HOURS I 1:00 to 6:00 P. M. I Dry Goods store. BURUNGTON, N. G. - PHONE374. Miss M$attie Simpson Mr. and Mrs. E. LI Henderson of Graham took an automobile trip to Greens boro Sunday. Messrs Emmett Petty, Be|J Sykes, Ed Boland and Stancel were automobile in the city of Greensboro Sunoajj I We Now 4 have the AND LINE OF i STOKES FURNITURE GOMPANY, rvy.» tt ii it 4t 1 Miss Loii ' Sw^ Myj Mj Lilli FloJ “ Call “ Da(! Bei 61 [Miss " Emj “ Ani “ oiia I* RasT " Mai “ Fai Roi Miss Mai Spring Gj Sylvan [Miss GraJ “ Essf IMiss CarJ I Miss Molj Ui [Miss Lotlj To the R Pursuaj led by [Executive ling held J boro, N. May, 191^ [the Repi I Carolina in the citi [at twelve] hesday> t| I A. 0., 19] This i the purt [Chief Jusl [Justices North Ci nominati [Judges ii [where cai [to be n I nominate | [missione: [inan of Executive Committ Igressiona] jedtobe ( trict delej at the St [transact [may com The p- qnir^ ti nates to shall be el ted count! at least ii] time and 1 tions. R convention delegate eveiy t\ votes, or _ Cast in th| publican at the pi all other gate and . POrtionedl votes, or 1 cast at e) can canda vided, hoi ty shall bl two votesl al Judicial The coi as the ^ earnestly | ence in se tive cour ■well and _ conventio] their cor the widt H^ge upor tions in cb ship shall] nianner £ tation in , tions, anc that he hi . of the cov " Ch’m I ^is May