=F A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPB^UILDING )F AMERK^AN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. zr— VOt- BURLINGTON. N. T JULY 20, 1910. NO. 10 fij li' f0Wl ANNOyNCEMENT. ic, t'-ated Ihe first of June, we fo''t week the names of v,seinthe Contest who have ', no effort to increase their ■'I?p From this date to the 'L'e Contest we will the ^'ote for all^ new s\i\h ikrs, in f.vs, in other words, we will v'bo votes for one new year- ?‘.‘sni>scnption; 100 votes for a A- ' months subscription. It ,’si subscriber, Just - of name from one ternbeA'i'a family to another counted as a renewal v',',raii renewals of subscriptions vote vvil] remain as in the n’a«{ For every dollar paid on Jubscripnon we will give 100 votes. , . Pi’oin this date until August iTth, at noon, we will give 1,000 -Qres for S5.00, either new or vgnewai of subscription, the pa- j)er to be mailed to one name and address. This, v;e feel sure •viil meet with the approval of rjie contestants and should create n^ore or less enthusiasm. Now hi every one get busy. This will p'nable those who are behind in the race to make considerable irains. if not to place them in the fead. Lex everyone hustle for new liubscribers, they are the ones that will increase your vote. Call For Ttie Republican GongressloRal taventlon. Of the Fifth District o? North Car olina. Notice is hereby given that pursaunt to order of the Repuli- cana Executive Committee of the Fifth Congressional District of North Carolina, I do hereby call a convention to be held in Greens boro N. C., oh the ninth day of August 1910, at eight o'clock p. m. The purposes of this convention are to nominate a candidate for Congress, for the election of members of the Executive^ Com mittee and for the transaction of such other business as may pro perly come before said convention This July 7th., 1910. John T. Benbow, Ch. Rep. Ex. Com. 5th N. C. District. J. Zeb Waller, Secretary, Hit CONTEST AND HOW II VOTE Burlington. Miss Lois A. Workman. 9,825 “ Swannie Patterson, 13,300 '■ Myrtle Isley, 3,150 “ Myrtle Tate, 1,000 " Lillian Tunier, 925 Burlington R. F. D’s. MissJenriie Whitsell, R. 4, 3,225 " Ernuia Overman R, 1. 1,375 Annie Matlock, R. 2, 400 Oilie Ector, Route 2, 200 " liosa Crouse, Route 4, 200 Snow Camp. Miss Mary Stout, 13,125 Spring Graded School, 500 Syivan Graded School, 200 Mebane. Miss Grace Amick, 300 Haw River, No. I. Miss Carrie Albright, 11,400 Elon College, N. C. Miss Mollie Baldwin, 6,250 Union Ridge, No. 1. Miss Lottie Terrell, 300 Republican County ConvcRtion. The Republican county con vention for Alamance county is hereby called to meet in the court house at Graham, N. C., July 30th, 12 m. for the purpose of electing delegates and alter nates to the State, Congressional, Judicial and Senatorial conven tions, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The primaries for all the townships and precincts except Burlington and Graham, will meet at the usual places Saturday July 23rd, 4:00 p. m. Township chairmen will please take notice and see that the widest publicity possible is given to the precinct meetings and that the same are regularly held in accordande with the rules governing the same. T. F, McVey, Chm’n. E. S. W- Dameron, Sec. By order of the Republican County Executive Committee of Alamance county. This the 80th day of June 1910. NOTICE. The Republican Primary of North Bu’.'lington Precinct will be held in the Mayor’s Hall, July 29, 1910, at 8:15 p. m. to nomi nate delegates tp the County Con vention and elect precinct com mittee and transact such ot her business as may come before the Primary. This July 15, 1910. Jno. R. Hoffman, Precinct Chairman. Spoon-Ledsum. W. E. Spoon of this place and Miss Dora Lednum of near Mt, Pleasant were married Wednes day July 6th in the Registrar of Oeeds office. No relatives or friends being present. Until the nrst of this week no one suspect ed of Mr, Spoon’s marriage and fact the whole was kept a sec ret. Miss Lednum is a very popular young lady who for the past seve- ra! years has been engaged in teaching. She is the sister of Mrs. .,\dolphus Amick of this city and has visited our town quite often. Mr. Spoon is the manager of In'; McLamb wholesale house and a progi'essive business man, . They will begin house keeping in this city in the near future. e extend congratulations and 'i welcome greeting to Mrs. Thanks The Ladlies. At :he regular meeting of the ^oard of Directors of the First -';ational Bank it was unanimou- RESOLVED: Ina t ihe Board of Directors of ■ b ,rst National Bank express, their many thanks to 'J- who so kindly and suc- ’-issiully entertained our friends ope.iii.ng of the FirstNatio- on July 12th. 1910. their kind co-op- n realize that the suc- './I!' evening was due to ■ >-nce and assistance, j • Anthony, Chairman, - i-'avis, Secretary. D I.}, _ Spiker leaves first : for Woodstock, Va., months vacation. Notice. The Republican Township Con vention of Melville township, is hereby called to meet in the Club room at Mebane, Saturday July 23rd, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of sending delegates to the County Convention and for the transaction of any other bus iness that may come before said Convention. By order of the Republican Ex. Committee. S. Arthur White, Chairman, C. R. Grant, Secretary. July 15, 1910. Attention Republicans. The Rei^blican primary for South Burlington precinct is here by called to meet at the residence of Mr. Sparrow, near Aurora Mills ThursW night July 28, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of se lecting delegates and alternates to atteding the county convention to be held at Graham, N, C. July 30th, 1910, and to elect a precinct committee of three for the ensu ing two years. It is earnestly hoped -that all persons who intend to support the Republican ticket this year will attend. W. J. Horn, Chairman. F. S. Cheek, Secretary. The Home of Good Clothes. One of the largest reduction sales B. Goodman the “Home of Good Clothes” has ever placed before the public opens Friday July 22 and will last ten days. At this sale no small amount of his stock will be closed out at and below cost. Read carefully his Ad. PROCEEDING Of COUNTY COMIiaSlONEBS MEETING Graham, N. C., July 11th. ~ The Board of County Commis sioners of Alamance county met in the court house on the above date as per adjournment of July 4th, 1910, with the following members present. A. N. Robertson. B. S. Roberson. W.A. Murray. B. R. Sellars. Upon motion duly made and seconded it is ordered that A. N. Robertson be elected Chairman protem. Ordered. That The Alamance Loan and Trust Company trustee for Mrs. Patterson be refunded tax on one lot valued at $300. Personal property value at $75? Ordered. That B. B. Martin- dale be allowed fifty cents per month for two months furnished by A. J. Marshburn Company. Ordered. That Mrs. Wright- sell be relieved of one town lot valued at $50. dollars same erro neous listed. Ordered. That this Board bor row Three Thousand dollars from the National Band of Alamance for the use of the road fund. Ordered. That S. R. Anglea be allowed to peddle in Alamance county free of license th,x on ac count of infirmities. Ordered. That A. J. Thomp son County I'reas. of Alamance county be authorized to borrow $2000 for the road fund. Ordered. That the petition asking for a road in Boon Station Township be received and adver tised and heard at next meeting of this Board. Ordered. That the tax returns for Graham Township be receiv ed. Ordered. That the tax returns for Newlin Township be received Ordered. That the tax returns for Cobles Township be received. Ordered. That the tax returns for Boon Station Township be received. Ordered. That the tax returns Melville Township be received. Ordered. That the tax returns for Morton Township be received Ordered. That the tax returns for Thompson township be recei ved. Ordered. That tax returns for Albright Township be received. Ordered. That the tax returns for S. Burlington Township be received. A petition being presented to this board endorsed by the Board of Education asking for a special election to be held in certain ter ritory in Morton Township to vote upon the question of leving a special tax for school purposes in the territory bounded as fol lows:—Beginning with Oakwood School District line on Haw River to Bason Creek and then North with Isley school districtline us- ii}g the present Bethlehem line, thence following Bethlehem-Oak- wood line the beginning. It is ordered that said petition be granted and that said election be held on the ZIth day of Au gust 1910. At Store of Seattle Store Co. It is Oordered. That W. W. Oaks be and is hereby appointed registrar and Robert McIntyre and J. U. Sutton be and are here by appointed Judges for said elec tion. A new registration is hereby ordered for said election and all persons who wish to vote in said election will be required to regis ter according to law. The books will open on the 22, day of July and close on the 13th day of August. Ordered. That the Clerk to this Board be authorized to noti fy all parties returned by the list takers as unlisted as unlisted and ask them to come before that Register of deeds and list their property for taxes for the year 1910. The following named persons were drawn as- jurors for the September terrn of Court. First Week. Geo. D. Smith, 12; W. L. Eu bank, 12; A. H, Moser, 12; Gra ham Crawford, 9; Ben Pearson, 13; Milo Dixon, 8: J. H. Thomp son, 7; W. H. Kimbro, 1; A. M. Thomas, 13; J. M. Roberson, 8; W. G. Kernodle, 5; J. N. Buck ner, 8; L. B. Oliver, 11; A. B. Florence, 12; W. H. Hall, 5, Al bert Perry, 5; E. C. Ingle, 12; Th(. Richardson, 8; J. T. Long, 6; C. Blagg, 12; Ben T. Elder 12, V. D, Holt, 13; J. W. Lashley 6; 1 E. Hodge, 12; T. D. Jo nes, Ken Goodman, 12: J, L. Coble 1; ft ;|| Huffines, 12; S. C. Moore 12; H. Clendenen, 6, Aaron Hcf’ii^on, Jr. 8; J. W. Tingen, 11, R. Newlin, 9; T. N. Fress^ter, 9: J. L. Neese, 7; A. Ji lf(?Cauley, 10; LeRoy Fog lerih- a, 2; Mike D. Sholfuer, 2; J. F ,ipebruler, 5; Floyd Rogers, 9; ; Si Barrett, 10; F. R. Petti- grt'.=, 11; Judge W. Sharpe, 2; JoM % Stout, 6; W. J. Dijmiond 3, Second Week. H, G^Quakenbush, 9: Edward M. Sdi 2; B, T. H. Moore, 8; W. Sevens, 7; R* B. Griffin, 6; W.® Isley, 10; B. F. Gibson^ 10; Sg® A. Thompson, 9; W, H. McBsi^y S; R. F. Cheek 12, R. D. Farieit,’'9; M, G. Burke, 12; H. Go()dii^n, 13; J. W. Hughes, 32; JohiiS#i McBane, 8; John A. MitdiiSliv 11: Geo. R. Garrison, 5; R. i , Johnson, 8; Andy W. Gra ves. W. A. Stewart, 8; W. A. Met ''iley, 5; R. Alex Coble, 1; YariLow, 3, A. D. Pugh, 8; C. P. E (t, 6; D. P. Anthony 12: Joki i. Loy, 2. Or, aared. That W. N. Thomp son M|pthorized to employ an engise^ to survey and corporate with lift in building sand clay road filim Cross roads church to Stagg^iiCt^ek cost of said engi neer to exceed $100.' A gBiition being presented to this Boiled asking for a special eleciiaa ito be held in certain ter ritory iifBoon Station township near Ossipee Cotton mills to vote upon l|ii question of leving a special lax in said territory for schoi!)i t purposes said territoy bouniled as follows viz:—School Distn'St dh Boon Station Township hereiolore know as No 4 with the excepSan that Haw River is to be miiiSjthe dividing line instead of fork beginning at a point ijti| on the Guilford county line irascy Low running practi cally Kilt to Haw River thence up tlie ui^er to county line thence Soutli 'i«?ith the county line to this begiie point. It's crdered. That said peti tion be granted and said election be held oh the 27th, day of Aug. at the aehool house near Ossipee A li dW Registration is ordered for SiilS election and all persons who wiali to vote in said election will bti required to register. W. J. Barkc-;r is hereby appointed regis trar said election and G. R. Summeis and James Jones are herefc»j appointed judges for said Delegate From Rutheiford County in Tenth District Congiressional in Scrap With Another. Asheville, July 13.—In the many stormy scenes that occurr ed during the session of the tenth district congressioni^l eohvehtion yesterday probably the most talk ed of affait^ was a physical en gagement that was pulled off dur ing a caucus of the delegation from Rutherford county. In the jury room while a caucus was being held by the delegation an argument came up and some of the delegates waxed exceedingly angry. One delegate pulWd a gun and it Vi'-as an uhpleasaht sit uation for some time until the weapon was taken away from its owner. ' . ' ' ■. , v - ■ Another delegate /in the angry session wielded a chair with such skill that a member of the dele gation is carrying a broken arm today. No names cotild be learn ed of the participants iii the af fray today as the gentlemen from Rutherford refused to give out any iiiformation in regard to the matter. , Every effort was made to keep the news of the fight from the press as it was stated that the news that went out of the actions of the convention was bad ©hough Without any more. SCHOOL BOARD MAKES ITS Thi registration books will op en the 122, day of July and close on the 13th, day of August. Th« Board adjourned tx) meet the Monday in August. 1. Guy Carter Dead. We iegret to chrojiicle the death c| our friend, Hon. Gxiy Carter, which occurred at the home ei his parents in Forsyth county ott Tuesday of last week. Mr. CkMer had been in declining healtiH for some time, but his friends had no idea that the end was siC near. He was a young man o£ perhaps, 30 years, and was iseated at Dobson, Surry count]?, for the practice of his prosesalon, the law,' and had built lip a lucrative practice. He ilpresented Suri*y and Stokes dbunties in the Stat^en- ate a tfw years ago and made an able ; i'apresentative. He was foremi^l in every movement in his section for the advancement and 13 j-building of the best inter est of lils State and county. mi Day at M. P. Qiurch. An tasuSually large crowd was preseGt Sunday night to enjoy the del|^tful Childrens Day ex ercise iehdered by the children of the Methodist Protestant Chur“& The children all did well and deserve much praise. Special mentic^ iis due the Japanese song rendfiEa^ by four girls, also the pantoiiiiaej “Jesus Lover of My Soul/';, M Cora Isley and Dalla IfePherson , who had the exerci;0 in charge deserve much praise f01! the creditable manner in whigji; thC; program was car ried caty■ The collection amiount- ed to in;fee than $15.00. Mrs. B, Wagoner is spend ing this; ^eek the guest of her I sister . [rs. Moser of Bellemont. Miss Loy Entertains. Miss Flossie Loy entertained a large number of friends Thurs day evening in honor of her guest Miss May Speer of Wins ton-Salem. Those receiving virerfe the hosi,ess the honorigd guest and Miss Pearle Fogleman, who greeted each guest at the porch which was beautifully illuminat ed by Japanese lanterns^ from which they were ushered into the home which was tastefuily decor ated for the occasion. The most important feature of the, eveninj? was a guessing contest. Miss Ak- nie Dp‘e Hornaday was awarded first prize and Summie Sharpe the boody. Many other interes ting games were played after which refreshments were serv^ed by Misses Pauline Coble ani Mar gie Loy. The punch bowl was presided over by Mrs. V. H. Siiy- der. At a late hour the guests reluctantly bid their gracious hostess good night each feeling that the evening was i^,pst plea sant in every respect. Burlin]^h, N. Cf, July 1st Mr. G. R. Ijpve, Mayor, and Board of Alderman, Burlington, N. C. Gentlemen; I have the honor of herewith submitting to you the ninth an nual report of the Burlington City Schools. Your attention is respectfully called to the report of the Treas urer as submitted to your honor able body and as appears in the catalogue. A carrful examina tion of this report must convince you that strict economy has at all times been practiced. The Board has, however, always kept in mind the fact that certain judicious expenditures were ab solute necessities if the efficiency and high standard of our schools were to be maintained. The Board has realized that “there is that which saveth, yet tendeth to poverty.” The.real efficiency of many ,a school has been greatly crippled, if not altogether destroyed, be cause of an attenipt to economize in the wrong direction. The al most phenomenal growth of this school makes it necessary . thsat there shall be no decrease in the annual appropriation which your honorable body has been making. During the school year, recent ly closed, it was necessary, ow ing to the continued growth 6f the school, to incre^e the teach ing force and to equip additipny rooms. This remarkable ^owth of the school is very gratifying, but it also means increased ex pense. ,/■. . ■ The sessien of 1909-10 has been the best in the history of the school and th^ best work has been done, but the necessary cost of maintaining the school has beeii greater than that of any proceeding year. Your honorable body has visit ed the school has seen the work it is doing, has been impress ed with its needs, and cannot fail to res;pond to its support in the same liberal miEmner in which you have responded heretofore. The fact that-the per capita cost of pupils of this school is less than that of any other school of similar grade and efficiency is sufficient evidence of the judi cious expenditure of the funds committ^ to us. Respectfully submitted, J. W. Cates, Chairman Board of Education. Judge Ward Reisfigns. Raleigh, July 13.—The resigria- tion of Hon. D. L. Ward of New- bem, as judge of the third supe rior court district was received by Governor Kitchin this morning and W. H. Whedbee, the Demo cratic nominee for judge in that district, immediately commission ed in his stead. Judge Ward wias appointed by the Governor some time ago to succeed Judge 0, H. Guion, resigned, Mr. Whedbee being his strongest competitor for the iappointment Then the fight went into the primaries and convention of the district with, the result that the nomination went to Mr. Whedbee. The res ignation of Judge ward follows because he does not care to retain the judgship after the choice of the district manifested in the re cent nomination. Bright Boy Bmce. A sunny-spirited, CO mjKahion- able little boy named Bruce has a charming grandmother whose most devoted lover he is. They take long rambles together through the woods and fields, finding fresh wonders at every step. . One day tl^y came to a gate which Bruce made haste to open, saying, I thought it was too hard for you, grandma, and you see I want to make you last as long as ever I can.’’—The Delineator for August. „ W. H. Rounsaville, a merchant of ’Apex, was tried before United States iCommissiont r John l^ichols in Raleigh last week, on a charge of violating the postal laws in sending anonymous letters in which serious charges were made against the purity of certain homes. : Buriinj^n, N. C., July 1st. Mr. J. W. Cates, Chairman and Gentlemen of the B»rd of Education: ; / As Treasurer of the Boar4 I herewith submit my annual re port, showing the receipts anS disbursements of ^id office from July 1st, 1909 to Jtly 1st, 191Q, as follows: RECEIPTS. . June list, 1909, balance $47348 Tuition 78.25 Burlington City 6,8^. 64 Alamance county 3,105.20 Bills payable 1,500 Total, $11,636.27 DISBURSBMBNTS. Expense Account $9,109.19 Interest Account 184.25 Improvement Account 1,859.34 Fuel Account 241.09 Total, $11,398.87 Balance ^236.40 Yours trujy, Jos. A. IsE.EYi' Treas, July 1st, 1910. != We, the undersigned com mittees, have exaniined the books of the Treasurer and so far as we are able to say are correctly and neatly kept. We therefore 0. K. this the annual report. T. S. Faucbtt, B. R. Sallars, Committee,. July 1st, 1910. Last week Jacob Boyers, aged twenty-one years and unmarried, a son of George Boyers, was plowing corn on a farm one mile north of Harrisonbtirg, Va., and while leading his horse to a barn out of a shower, a stroke of light ning killed him and his horse.