’(‘mm y^ T'*'-, ■7:-r '^' y .;••■ ^ The State Dispatch. Ooes not dolor the Hair AYEfTS HAIR VIGOR Stops ralBinjs Hair Ematrf»ys^ f>andruff An £ie«ant Pr^slnfB Makes Hair Grow ComiHJsed of Siulpliur, Glycerin, Quinin, Sodium Chlorid, Capsicum, Sage, Alcohol, Wat«r, Perfume. Ask your doctor his opinion of such a hair preparation. AYER’S MAIR VIGOR Ooes not Color the Hair ,T. 0. ArnuB Goweurr, Lowall, Maas. Ijcai snd Personal. J'Ir. Ballard Cheek, of Greens boro, was in town Wednesday on .business. Miss Vivian Hoffman, of Elon College, spent last Wednesday in $own shopping. Miss Gallic Boland returned Friday from a three weeks’ visit to her sister at Durham. Miss Hattie Hawkins, book- iieeper for the McLamb Go., is taking a ten days vacation. Mrs. D. H. Parsons, of High Point, spent last week the guest ?)f her sister, Mrs. M. B. Smith. Miss Ollie Lloyd, of Orange Grove, spent last week in town the guest of friends and relatives. Mrs. John Shoffner left last week for Danville, Va., to spend several weeks the guest of her parents. Miss Harris, of Mebane, was a dential patient in town last Thurs day, spending the night at the Ward Hotel. Miss Queen Ingle left Monday for Spencer to spend ten days the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Jarrett, and others. J. D. Compton, who has been jvi the hospital at Richmond for ii •nonth or more, returned home S-atra’day much improved. Miss Mamie Holt, who has o'?en spending a months vacation A'lih her sister at Wilmington, turned Saturday evening. Maud Witt, of Fall Va., arrived last Thurs- Mr. M. L. Holton left last week for a few days vacation at Nor folk, Va. Master Tom Ellis, of Cedar- Grove, is the guest of his cousin, Master Chas. Ellis, Jr. Miss Nellie Cole went to Ra leigh Thursday to spend several days the guest of school mates. to spend a lew weeks the i;^aest of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. lViei:>ane. Arthur Pickard, who spent part of last week the guest ui' his r>nrp>its, Mr. and J. H. Pickard, fftturned to his work Friday at Eoanoke, Va.' ]\irs. W, H. Patterson left Fri day evening to be the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Koese, of Guilford county for several days. Miss Beatrice Fowler, of Char lotte, who has been the guest of friends and relatives, left Friday for Ossipee to visit Miss Hatch for a few days. ‘ Miss Lillie Moore, of Raleigh, spent a few days last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Morgan on route to Greensboro to visit frierads. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson, of Raw River, were shoping visitors b town last Friday morning, iriving through the country in sheir automobile. Mr. W. K. Scott spent last Thursday evening and night at St. Leo’s Hospital, Greensboro, with his wife, who is a patient at that institution. Capt. and Mrs, T. W. Davis and daughter. Miss Penelope and Miss Virgina Pickel, of Raleigh, are here spending two weeks’ the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Holt Miss Saliie Fox, a teacher in xhe Randleman Graded-school, who has been the guest of Miss Minnie Rauhut, of R. F. D. No. 7, and other friends passed through town last Friday return ing home. Go To The Rescue Don’t Wait till it’ s Too Late—Fol low the Example of a Burling ton Citizen. Rescue the aching back. If it keeps on aching, trouble comes. Backache is kidney ache. If you neglect the kidneys’ warning. Look out for urinary trouble— diabetes. This Burlington citizen will show you how to go to the rescue. J, J. Foster, Mendenhall St., Burlington, N. G., says; “I suf-, fured from kidney complaint for a long time. I had severe pains through the small of my back and was caused annoyance by irregu lar passage of the kidney secre tions. I also nc ticed that the secretions, conteined sediment, and were unnatural. While I was suffering from a severe at tack of that kind, I procured a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills at the Freeman Drug Co., and their use gave me permanent relief. It is with pleasure that I express my high opinion of Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. Regulate tlie Bowels ‘1 have been troubled with constipation for several years, and have tried a great many iands of pills, as well as medicine from the doctor. Nothing seemed to help me until I be- i gan taking Dr. Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills, I found the little pills very effective, and I am thankful that at last I have a reliable remedy.” MRS. F. M. DUNKIN, LeRoy, Ills. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills simpl)' cause the bowels to move in a normal manner, and with out the griping efYects of cathar tics and purgatives. That’s why they are so universally used'by women and children. The longer they are taken the less are needed. Natural conditions gradually being restored. Sold by druggiEts evorywiiare. If first, package does noi, benefit, your druggist wil! retui'n your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. To the RepubUciiiji Voters of North Carbllaa.' Pursuant to £t resolution pass ed by the E:i^#ablican State Executive Comiriifctee^ at a meet ing held in the of Greens boro, N. C., on «ile 27th day of May, 1910, a State Convention of the Republican party of North Carolina, is hereiaf' called to meet in the city of Gr#hsboro, N. C., at twelve o’clock noon, on Wed- nesdav, the tenth day of August, A. D.; 1910. ! , This Convention is called for the purpose of nominating a Chief Justice and two Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, to ratify the nomination of Superior Court Judges in the various districts where candidates for judge are to be nominated this year, to nominate two Corporation Com missioners, also to elect a Chair man of the Republican State Executive Committee and one Committeeman from each Con gressional District, the last nam ed to be designated by the dis trict delegation when assembled at the State Convention and to transact such other business as may come before the convention. The plan of org-anization re quires that delejrates and alter nates to the State Convention shall be elected by duly constitu ted county conventions, called on at least fifteen days notice of the time and place of such conven tions. Representation in county conventions shall consist of one delegate and one alternate for every twenty-five Repubhcan votes, or fractioriai part thereof, cast in the precinct for the Re publican candidate for Governor at the previous election, and in all other conventions one dele gate and one alternate are ap portioned to every one hundred votes, or fractional part thereof, cast at election th€ for Republi can candate for Governor. Pro vided, however, that each coun ty shall be entitled to at least two votes in State, Congi’ession- al Judicial conventions. The county chairmen, as well as the precinct chairmen are earnestly urged lo use_all dilig ence in seeing that their respec tive counties and precints are well and fully represented in the conventions, as well as to give their conventions when called the widest publicity. Let us urge upon you that the conven tions in each county and town ship shall be conducted in such manner as to have full represen tation in the resp.ective conven tions, and let every voter feel that he has a voice in the affaire of the county. Spencer B. Adams, Ch’m Repub. State Ex. Com. T. J. Harkins, Secretary. This May 30, 1910, State OF Onto, City OF TotiKooj ,, •■■■ LtTCASCoONTY,^ . , B6..^ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he' is senior partner of the firm Qf F, J. ( heney & Co., doing business in the City of /Toler do,Cotmty and TolecI o, Connty and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay tlie sum of Onk Hundred DoijLabs for each | and every case of Catarrh that cannot be j cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure, { .. Fbank J. Cheney. Sworn to before roe &pd ?i’>‘«crlbed in my presence, this 6tb day of December, A. D. 1886. ' ' (Seal) A.V ■iLBAsON, Public. Hall's Catarrh Ouic is t ...iien internally, ated acts sirectiy on ihe blood and mu- cons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free, F. J. Chewisy & Cg., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75, '. Take Hall's Family Pills for coiistipa- tion. SCHOOL directory UST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS Remaining in Post Office at Buriington, N. C,, July 23.1910. Gentlemen: John Boesch, Frengis Cemar- ack, Charles Dferaara, Frank Jackson, D. K. Kelter, David Myres. Ladies: Misses. Willie Crisp, Lula Ca tes, Ella Tumman, Mesdames. Rachel Faucette, Bettie King, Persons calling for any of these letters will please say “Advertis ed and give date of advertised list.'’ J. Zeb WALLEPv, Post Master. A negro named Hale, being held for attempted criminal as sault on Mrs. Charlton, at Nar rows, Va., several months ago, broke jail at Pearsisburg, Va., last week. He is still at large. Ipinity Park School A First-Cla^s jPreparatoiy Schodi Certificates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance ’ to Letdin^Southetn Cq}l^gc$ Faculty of ten officers anl te^hera. Oanopiis of Seventy-fi ve acres, tiibrary contmning more than forty thousand bound "volumes. Well equipped gym- nftsiam. High standards and tiiodtrn methods of institution. F>ie|uent lectures by prominent lecturers. Ex penses exceedingly moderate. Twelve years of phenomenal success. For catalogue and other information address F. S. ALDRIGE, Bursar £>tirham, N. G. Maklno Life Safer. Everywhere life is being made more safe through the work of Dr. Kings New Life Pills in Constipation, Billiousness, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Liver troub les, Kidney Diseases and Bowel Disorders. They’re easy, but sure and perfectly build up the health. 25c at Freeman Drug CO. .. Professional Cards Dameron & Long ATTORNEYSfAT LAW L 3. W. DAMERON ABOlPfi LONG .Burlington ’ Orahnm (Co-educational) The College of Alamance Cbuhty Preparatory, Mmic, Art, Mocution, nud Bminess Departments: Four courses leading to Der grees- Special NorniarCoui^es for Teachers, approved and endorsed by Gounty Superin tendent Flemihg and State Superintendent Joyner. Every modern convenience. Steam Heat^ Electric Lights. Baths. Terms moderate, from $112.00 to 1187.00 per se^ion of ten months. For cataloj^e or other infor mation address E. L. MOFFiTT, President, or W. A. HARPER, Dean, Elon Ccliege, N. C. im THE AND OyRE the lue^cs WITH ir. icing’s Hiw Mmnff PRIGB •Oc & $1.00.: frial Bottle Free I &ND ALL THR&AT AND LUKG TROUBLES. n tmiiriTirnfiri mi win r~tri iiaw i impmibibbm uwiiuMiii MMMBwujwwij ■ Five gepa«^ments-C)lleL%^7^ ate; Eijgiaeenng^ tion. Large librarj^ Jacilit 1 equipped laboratories in^ ''e’i- mente of science. Ovninflfil ished: with best verir;'mode:-.Aid students. 'ortbv Teachers and StridcvM ‘ to m teaching vestigate the smmiw advt , offered by the Demvtml . muionm ninitj KSlg*‘“ For»talogueai,dlnrtherjnfo,„,,, ' . , aiidress R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary Durham; N. C. ^ THE NORTH CAROUNa State Normal and Ind ustrial College Mainlined by the State for gie Women of North Carolina Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special CoursAs for Teachers. Fall Session be gins September 14,1910. Those desiring to enter should apply ;as early as possible. For cata- logue and other information address J. 1. FOUST, President firfiensboro, N, c, and CoRservafory Of ♦ HuSicForGirlsand Young Women. ........ Hiciiory, N. Caroiii, If you are thinking of enter ing school write for catalog, Special advantages in Music and Art. Location ideal. Buildings well equipped. Rates very low. Fall terra opeiis September, 1910. JOSEPH L. MURPHY, President office in PledmoQt Building Plione - 250 office ia Holt’Nicholson Bidg. PbODe iOO-B Death of Mrs. B, j. WiUiamson. Mrs. B. J. Williamson died at her home at Saxapahaw Wednes day morning July 20 at 2 o'clock after an illness of several weeks heart failure being the cause of her death. Ml’s. Williamson is an exceptionally good woman and will be greatly missed by. the people of that community. She was the daughter of Dr. Wilson of Caswell County. Her sisters Mesdames M. W, Lewis and R. L. Walker of Milton were at her side when the snd came. She is survived by a husband and one son. Burial took ];>laee Thursday evening at the cemetery at Gra ham. Lawence Baker, the 14-year old son of a promii^ierit Jockson- ville, Fla., business man, was killed by a stingeree while in bathing last Wednesday after noon. The stingeree struck him with its tail and cut his jugular vein. John H. Vernon, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Burlington, N. C. Office over Bradley’’s Drug Store! Phone 65. John R. Hoffman, Attorney-at'Law, Burlington, North, Carolina. Office, Second Floor First National Bank Bnildinfi:. S OB. MOSTKir B:BF'Dl!ifI>E]>. wmmk Poor DR. 1 H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLINGTON, N. C. Jas. N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office Piedmont Building, two front rooms, up stairs PHONES: Office 218A, Residence 395. Hours 9 to 12 a. m. 4 to 5 p. m. .*?pecia!ist Oiteate* of CiiiMr«n and Wam«n h^ been burned out. Nothing; but a few odds and ends of furniture left to tell the tale. Don't wait until the same thing happens to you. Protect yourself with ■BTRJE AlSrCE ’ We write insurance for the .®TNA, HARTFORD, HOME of NEW YORK, ROYAL, SPRINGFIBLD, F. & M. NATIONAL and others. Companies well known for their liberal treatment to their policy-holders. Insurancei Real Estate Co., BURLINGTON, N. C. iSd which 18' froi» ^charge , sci tjer bonc^ j-^er to tr Sfi O’*’ mt -WWW ' wr- V ^•P’ MONEY To Loan For one year or longer at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. We negotiate loans only on first mortgage on real estate. : : : : • : • e appraise property, abstract title, prepare mortgage, write the insurance after every detail incident to the trans action. We save you all the worry and trouble incident to negotiating such a deal. If you wish to buy or build a home, enlarge or extend your business, eall to see us, and 'raOT®'’' confidentially. « Phone No. 76 .-K '

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