The State E^iipatch. ^legmte,Orai^ Kduca raclitu-s. Wpjt \..U!,isn,ni fuj r«*tv-^. Kx.,e,”p: i nv '■«- p/ ■l'h-.:l!,]is^_^ ,,r ' o!i(-^^f., 5^eriofor.n,,tion 5, Secret:ary • 0. 'AROLINa iial and ollege ®for rth Carolina, i^ses leading cial Courses 1 Session be- ’t?" Those ;nould apply e. Foi: cata- in formation ireensboro, K. c. olietje ^tory of rls and Carolina, ig 01 enter- f or catalog, fes in Music tion ideal, equipped, f all term 1910. President. )nds of le same TFORD, Id, f. & lown for n ■Ki ^BiaEEBORHOOT^ JSTOTES jte®s over 1 I of retailing in Alamance of General Interest tupped county. Goley waived examina tion and in default of bond was committed to jail to await trial at the next term of United States District court. John ^ F. Lyon, Greensboro's oldest citizen, celebrated his nin- The number was 21. :ety-seventh birthday Sunday at Ffoin our Exchanges. UlJsglOB BlspatcH. peach trains went north i„ than wer^everha,uled in one .a> ^ 1, which ’'s far^and away above enjl!edar 53 trains were opera- the home of his son,’'Will Lyon Street. Mr. I^yon is »v^.v.o- The peach crop remarkably vigorous both in mind ith is a record-breaker. Fruit; and body, for one who is near lundant everywhere. jing the century mi|epost in life. average, K)Ui ‘''rwf^Hiiton brought a colored i He retains an active* interest in Ji-oman with a “razzer^' and as le failed to answer last court, Her l)ondsman had ^ her to the authorities. leiEsvlilB Gazette. Leaksville and vicinity the onlv section, by any hat has had too much rain, recent trip through parts IS nfflan^named Lila Martin to jail ^ the affairs of life, and is never !rnm Iliomasville Monday, the happier than when pottering UYze against her being deadly I around the garden caring for his Some months ago she; crop of vegetables. Vost severed the arm of a ne-;EifeiB Times. ■' ...;+V, n .anA qq i Mrs. Frank Bowers, who lives • about five miles North East of j Elkin, gave birth to triplets last I Menday morning—tw^o girls and j one boy. Mrs. Bowers was the not niother of five children—this lat- means,, est addition to the family swell- On ing the number to eight. Mrs. of I Bowers and thfe children are do- Forsyth, Sarry and 'Wilkes coun-1 ing well, fjes/wesaw much ruined corn; HeWsvUle Review. jom I M. A. Hilton was convicted in coi n and some Monday of '"'■"T" A wf^verv Hilton for some “rn; 4i' ™d has been conspicuous seivablfc ^ 1 1; m working up cases against al- ;■ fJnnS hi ■ blind tigers. ; nfowinsy his' Lemons, who has been 50 I' q -^rv j postmaster at Sfoneville for the d past 16 years, died Sunday. He have been cropa injuied b^ p . a ^; did not call in a physician until Friday. The remains were buri ed Monday. The remains of J. R. Eulies, of Spray, age 22, were brought through Reidsville Wednesday Ciape! Hill Nrws. The many good citizens in -edar Grove section of the coun- fV are talking . trongly of trying the to ;6t the next General Assembly afternoon enroute where they were to pass a dog law for Orange Co. Thev are in favor of the tax be- young man had been sick ing k much as $5.00 on every j time with tuberculosis. to Graham, buried. The some as Qog. If this vvas done every far mer could afford to keep a flock of sheep dogs have been playing havoc with the sheep in that sec- lion. We hope something can be done. KetisterWeek);. Charlie Rascoe and Willie Hoo per, the two youthful boys who were arrainged in the Recorder's court on the charge of manslaug hter, were on last Friday evening bound over to the Superior court in a bond of $100 each. The bonds were readily given by the relatives of the little fellows. It will be remembered that these bojs were playing ball on the street, and accidentlly the thrown ball struck T. C. Goodwin, an old Confederate soldier breaking his pilar bone. Mr. Goodvdn was ieeble at the time, and this sev ere shock, together with other complications, resulted in his death some two weeks later. The occurrence is deeply deplored, especially by the boys and their parents still it was an accident, and the public feels that these young' boys should not be made w sufer to severely for their un- jntentional act, even though it resulted in the death of an inno cent and ■worthy man. Siler City Grit A posse of citizens, duly depu tized, arrested Lawrence McAu- ley Monday morning on Hickory I Mountain. He is a negro con- -ict who escaped from the chain I gang of Alamance county last I April and is thought to be the sarna party who attempted to steal a horse from J. R. Blair in April but who was prevented by tne timely pursuit of Marcus I ^lair, the sixteen-year-old-son of K Blair, The negro was car- back to Alamance county ,\iiesciay morning to finish serving 1 sentence on the chain gang. /Ve understand that the work I S^rading and macadamizing the streets of our town will be begun ® a very short time. The com- 'I’-Kioners will meet this week ?t^d formulate plans for beginn- active work. As a certain ^Siebrity once upon a notable oc- saw fit to exclaim: “A '^^J^f'-'wmation devoutly to be ^’''ished for!” Courier. -Mrs For.5/th Nevfs. On last Sunday at the home of the bride a beautiful wedding was celebrated by the contracting par ties John Taylor age 81, to Mrs. Cathron Charles, age 62, The couple was said to be one of the happiest witnessed in a long time The ceremony was perfomed by Rev. J. W. Pinnix. They have the good wishes of t:heir many friends and that their troubles may be “little ones", talelgb Cacausiaa. Festus Perry, who was convic ted of burning the barn and stealing a horse of B. Hobgood and sentence to serve thirty years in the State’s Prison was taken out Tuesday to begin his sentence. Sidney Davis the 14-year-old son of A. J. Davis, who resides on North Person Street, was painfully injured Sunday shortly afternoon by falling under a Southern freight. His right leg was crushed to such an extent that it had to be amputated mid way between the ankle and knee OdIob Bepublicaa J. W. Martin, a progressive farmer in Broadbay township, brought to his friend, Capt. Hen ry Riggins, this city a few days ago, a cabbage head that weigh ed 19 lbs. Who can beat this? The farmers of Forsyth hold Capt. Rigpns in high esteem, remembering him with the choic est of their products. The Consolidated Granite Co., of this city, has been awarded the contract for the making and erec tion of a Confederate monument wall be constructed out of Mt. Airy granite with a North Caro lina dark blue pearl die. The monument will stand ^ feet high surmounted by an Italian marble statue, six feet in height. This monument is to the memory of the Confederate dead of Franklin county, Va. •-^s^ueen seriously ill at her home houth Fayetteville St., for uays was taken to Greens- nf!! •“’^'eatment in St. Leo’s ■ last Sunday morning, , still in a critical condi- b' t' heard from yesterday, I'ovsicians and friends have despaired of her re* Air. \Vinningham is with ' ' I"/ ^^so two of her sis- ■ ^' ^ W. Rich and Miss '-rowson. i’ajriof J'iayJock one of the dep- thr; Ilnited States rnar- in this city, last w'^eek Another “Girlies” Song. '‘Girlies!" “Twenty of them and all under twenty." This is the way the New York billboards read. The New York Sunday World has sent its Song man up to see “Girlies’’ at the os Wmmngham, who Amsterdam Theatre, and he has picked out a good song from this summer show. The song will be given with next Sun*- day’s World, words and music .inplete. Also a page of theat rical pictures, in colors, and lots of other features. Copies of Sunday World can be secured by applying at the Dis~ FATCH Office. Breif News Items I Thirty-three horses were burn ed to death in a fire that destroy ed the livery and boarding stable of S. W. Salt in Brooklyn, N. Y., one day last week, and drove the tenants in half a dozen houses in the block to the streets. The Dixie Shoe Company, with $150,000 capital, has been organ ized at Bristol, Va., and will es tablish a factory. The incorpor ators are John A. Caldwell, S. X. King, E. K. Bachman. Fred Smith and A. P. Pepper. One boy was killed and forty persons hurt, six seriously, when an interurban car crashed into a work train at Wilkes Michigan one day last week. The car was a special from Flint to Detroit, loaded with a holiday crowd. The population of Chicago has passed the 2,000,000 mark, ac cording to estimates based oil the 1910 school census made public last week. The total minor popu lation of the city is 814,115, an increase of 66,768 over the cen sus of 1908. Miss Lillian Jackson and little Adelaide Fellows, of New York, boarders at the Kirk farm, below Milford, Pa,, were drowned in the Deleware river one day last week, w^hen their boat tipped in the current. Miss Jackson lost her life ia trying to save the child. While bathing in the James riv er at Lynchburg, Va., last week Walter H. McClary, aged twenty, a student at the Piedmont college, was drowned. McClary was from Rochelle, Nelson county. It is probable he was drowned with cramps. His body was recovered. Extreme heat, aggravating an attack of stomach trouble caused the sudden death of J. W. Her ron, business manager of the Evening Star, and director of the American bank. Herron had of ten complained of the heat, but didn’t consider his trouble serious, Ira G. Rawn, president of the Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisr ville Railroad, (the Monon route) died of a bullet wound at his summer residence in Winnetka, fifteen miles north of Chicago last week. Members of Mr, Rawn’s family say he was killed by a burglar. William H. Plunkett, a tele graph operator, died suddenly at his key last week in the office of S. B. Chapin & Co., bankers and brokers at 111 Broadw^ay, New York. Mr. Plunkett was from Atlanta, Ga. He was thirty- three years old. He was well known through the south, Hazle Best, 21 months old, was drowned in a tub of water at the home of her parents, near Harris burg, Pa., last week. The child had been playing about the tub and lost its balance. When found the baby was hanging over the tub with its head and should ers in the water. While prospecting for coal on Birchfield creek, in Wise county Va., last week, a force of men unexpectedly struck gas at a depth of 600 feet, causing an ex plosion which demolished the machinery and severely burned two of the workmen. At last re port the gas was still burning. While in afitof insane jealousy last week at Danville, 111., Frank Sutherland, aged 65 years shot and killed his wise, aged 50 years, and a bride of less than three weeks, and then turned the re volver on himself, firing one shot into his brain and dying instanly. There were five bul let wounds in the woman’s face. Plans are under way for the establishment of the first wo man suffrage club house in Arherica. Mrs, Clarence Mackey and other wealthy women are back of the project and will pur chase a mansion at 215 Madison avenue for that purpose. Mrs. J. P. Morgan lives across the street. D, G. Leonard, said to be an United States detective, and a local carpenter named Sams en gaged in a desperate fight at the top of Braggs monument three miles east of Chattanooga, Tenn., last Wednesday and Leonard was thrown to the ground, killing him almost instantly. Sams escaped. They had previously quarreled, it is said. Make the Best Roof- in the W'oi’ld New (^tury Me^ Shingles are ditrable, waterproof, ^reproof and ijghtimigproaf. They save insurance. Tliear ornaraental dew TnMm i * fit them for on private dwdlingSy chiirches, schools, public utunumra and similar and they will add to the beauty and attttwy tiveness of any builamg. Write for our ImpdaomdT ft fc -*> of infonnatioii for all who ore going to irajld or $«^zoot We M^ufacture The Gnte» and ilre^ TAs* your dealer to show you thase giates, for It s as impO|tot to liave yoiir house comfortable m weather as it is to hav'e a good rool ^me to mstall thes^ grates is when you are bidlding or repairing. Southern Ornamental Metal Ceilito Duress piocK,^store, bank, omce, church or poblk bmldmg, there is nothing better or handsomer than our ^utiiern Orn^eh^ in be^i^il L^uis XIV and Colonial designs. Send di^dmaonti of your rooms and^ Our pn^ 1 i. Chattwoptfa, Temir asi Silas Hoffman, aged 67 years, died at his home in Bedminister, Jack Johnson, the heavyweight champion pugilist, was arrested in New York last week charged v/ith reckless driving his big automobile, Johnson character ized arrest as an outrage and said that he had been informed on good authority that the bicycle A Wild Blizzaril RaglDg brings danger, suffering—often deatli—to thousands, who take colds, cough and lagrippe—that terror of Winter and Spring. Its danger signals are stuffed up. nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, pain in back of headl, and a throat-gripping cough. When Grip attacks, as you value your life, don’t delay getting Dr. King’s New Disco very. “One bottle cured me," writes A. L. Dunn, of Pine Val ley, Miss., ‘ ‘after being ‘laid up’ three weeks with Grip” For sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron chitis, Asthma, its surpreme. 50c. $100, Guaranteed by Freeman Drujy Co. GOLDEN ;-5 OPPORT^ITY! North Carolina igricultnraK & MechaM^^^^^^^^ Youngman, golden Opportunity kocks at your door today. If you would enjoy some of the rich blessings op- ] portunity is offering you, write at once to the A. & M. College for catalog and learn how you can become inde pendent as a scientific farmer, a skilled mechaniti or an experienced tocher. Board, lodging a^nd tuitibn $7:.00 per month. For free tuition or further imformaisQn,, address PreMdcnt JAS. B. DUDLEY, Agricultural & Mechanical College, Greensboro, N. C. % 1"-^. L__ I FOR W. D. Lindsay farm' 109 acres, one mile of BurUngton on themaGadun.road between Burlington and Big Falls cotton millSj 40 acres in cultivation, 25 acres in pasture (wire fence) 44 acres in old fields and Wood land. One good 6 room house; one good 3 room house; one good feed barn with good buggy shed; one good crib and smoke house; two good tobacco barns; good well of water. This is one of the most desirable farms for sale in our county. If interested call at our office and get prices and terms. an fa r m public road between Burlington and Elon College, dd C 1 d.1 111 fine land for tobacco or trilck^ We will sell at a bargain. 1 70 anri^ fa rm ^ mill, one 5 room house; two room 1 y U d.d C 1 d. 1 111 house; two tobacco bsu^iis; five good springs, good well of water. Eighty acres in cultivation and 90 acres in wo^ land. Wc will sell this place for We also have some good bargains in city property that we will sell on easy terms. near Somerville, N. J. For 31 j police all over the city had made years he had spent all his time i the declaration that they were in bed, refusing to talk to any |out to “get him,” He gave J^lOO ioley on the' one excepting his family. i bairfor his appearance in court. I When in need of Farms, City Property or Money, call and see us. BURIJNGTGN, NORTH CAROLINA. ; ■ J. A, Davidson, Pres, ::: Jno. R. Hoffman,' Sec. & Treas. : W. W. Brown, Mgr. ML