'r^ *■^3 1% rl 'i ■i l» m 'i I X‘ If \ m M. fX. 3|? ’ S! The State Dispatch. «it«u^ ?» » Not Coughing Today Yet vou may cough tomorrow I Better be prepared for it wheH «mk Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer s Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard told or cough first appears you have a doctors medicme & “ hand. Your doctor’s approval of its use wiH certamiy set all doubt at rest. Do as he says. He knows. No alcohol in this cough medicine. JX.AyerCo.,Low^M^ SicS'S' as SS'jssrs »riiSs-»,e Ucai and FersaMl, Miss Willie Hackney of Char- x>tte is the guest of Mr. Eugene Svans. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Curtis are Tsjoicing over the arrival of a ine boy. Mrs. R. E. Andrews returned Saturday from a visit to relatives at Hawfield. MissDossie May Vaughn, of Toney was a shopping visitor in town Thursday. Mr. J. L Burkett of Jackson ville, Fla., visited Miss Maymie Curtis last week. The Misses Phillips of Whitsett were shopping visitors in town hst Thursday. Miss Maud Gunter spent sever al days last week the guest of her father at New Hill. ^ Miss Izora Nicholson of Gibson- ^ille was the guest of Miss Flos sie Loy the past week. Misses Edna Jenkins and Sue Mebane made a pleasure trip to Greensboro last Saturday. Mrs. H. R. May left Thursday tor Durham to be the guest of Clyde May spent Sunday at Salisbury the guest of friends. Mrs. J. R. Mebane is spending the week at High Point the guest of her daughter, Mrs Chas. Sta ley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry N'eese are the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Neese, of Guilford county this week. LIST OF UNGLAIMEDTetters Remaining in Post Office at Burlington, N. C., A.ug*ust27,1910 Gentlemen: Scott Beason, M. Gladstein, Will Kinney, L. E. Reams, (2); H. G. Simmons, (3); Avondale Mills. Ladies: Mrs. Josie Capps, Mrs. E. A. Reams. Persons calling for any of these letters will please say “Advertis ed and give date of advertised list.'' J. Zeb Waller, Post Master. Notice to Veteraaa. The Confederate Veterans of North Carolina are invited by the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Norfolk, Ya., to meet in their annual reunion in thfit city, Sep tember 6, 7, and 8th. The usual low rate w^ill be giveii by the I'ailroads, those who wish to be cared for free, will write to Mr. Joseph A. Hall Secretary, Nor folk, Va. By order Gen. J. S. Carr, J. A. Turrentine. Major Gen. Commander, Camp 486. re ''■I lives for several days. Mes 5srs. C. Grady Cates and W. Dvidges spent Sunday visiting li'iends at Orange Grove. Miss Mattie Boswell of Union Ridge is the guest of her uncle Dr. L, A. Walker this week, NIiss Edna Jenkins, who has keen the guest of Miss Sue Me- ki.ne^ retuned to home Sunday.. faster Plollis Patterson who bf;e.n the guest of relatives at Grove returned Saturday. Ms-s. Chas. and Mrs. 0. K Rob- •ertFOH of Graham were the guests klrs- H. K. Dorsett Saturday. T'*acy Mebane of Greensboro, •'3y:a& the guest of his parents, Mr. Mrs, J. H. Mebane, last Sun- Misses Nellie and Margaret Bi'in, of Greensboro are the quests of their aunt, Mrs. S. M. Hornaday. B. E. Teague, who for several days has been in Atlanta, Ga., on ‘business returned home Tvlonday afternoon. Odd Facts About Clothing. I have verly rarely mentioned, the subject of clothes, and this is the first time I have ever express ed myself pudhcly on that subject I may Wear strange clothes my self, but I always ignore it be cause I find that, above all other things, this stampes a man a crank in the eyes of modern peo ple. Do you know that the charact er, of the man who wears a high collar is different from the char acter of the man who wears a low collar; that they feel differently; that they have different concep tions of themselves: they think they belong to a little different sphere of life? Theman with the high collar thinks he has some- theng that the man with the low collar hasn’t, and the man with the low collar tninks he has some thing that the man with the high collar hasn’t, and the,y both look down with contempt upon the man v^dth only a collar button and no collar at all. We talk about the natives of Alaska with their totems and Miss Mary Cooper who has been the guest of friends in this city for the past two weeks left, today for Reidsville to visit friends before returning to her, home at Winston-Salem,. Don’t Experiment. You Will Make No Mistake if You Follow This Advice. Never neglect your kidneys. If you have pain in the back, urinary disorders, dijszlriess and nervousness, it's time to and no time to experiment. These are all symptoms of kidney trouble, and you should seek a remedy which is known to cure the kid- ^^Doan’s Kidney Pills is the rem-' 15th, to September 30th, fin^^ edytouse. No need to experi-1 turn hmit October 31st, 1910. ment. It has cured many stub- further' mfomation re garding rates, schedules^ Pull Deafness Caonol he Cured by local applications, as they caijtnot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wiiy to cure destfness and that is by eonfetitational remedies, j .Deafiiesis IS caused by an itifiartied coiidi- j tion of the mucous linning of the Eueiia-1 chiah Tribe. When this tnl>e is inflajned you haA'e a rumbling sound o? iuiperi'ect healing, and when it is eatirfely closed, Deafnees is the result, and unless the inflamuiiattpn can be takeii oiit aiid thiiS tube i^stored to its norinal eovidilioia, liearing will b( destroyed forever; nine cases out o! ten ars eaused by Catari'h -wh.ieh is nothing biit an iaflanlied condi- tionof 'the mucous surfaces. We >vill give One Hundred Do|krs for any case oi Deafness (cjiused bj catrrah) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. J. CuBMKY Co.,xToiedo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75. Take Hall’s li’avuily Pills for constipa tion. 8 Spring and Summer Changes of the Southern Railway. (Effective June 5th, 1910.) On the above date the Southejm Railway will put in operation their Elegant Summer Service of Sleepers and Parlor cars from all important points. Jacksonville, Atlanta, Macon, New Orleans^ Memphis, Chattanooga, Colum bia, Charleston, Norfolk, Ra leigh, etc., to western north CAROLINA RE SORTS “the land op the sky’’ all other Summer Resorts. Cheap round trip rates effective May SCHOOL DIRECTORY born cases in this vicinity. Can BurUngton residents de man reservationj^, etc, , apply to mand further proof than that nearest agent or the under contained in the following testi monial? Mrs. Bryan Phillips, K, Street, Graham, N. C.. says Maple! rs; “!■' signeo, H. F. Cary, W. H. Parnell, Gen’l Passeng- Trav’l Passenger er Agent, _ Agent, Professional Cards suffered for several years from a | Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. dull ache across the small of m.y back, accompanied by, headaches' and dizzy spells. My kidneys did' not act properly and I became worried. After trying various remedies without finding relief, I procured a box of Doan's Kid ney Pills and began their use. I felt relief from the first and be fore long I was free from kidney trouble. I noij^ feel better in ev ery way." For sale by all dealers., Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-“Doan’s —and take no other. their idols, the strange figures Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Curlee went I that they worship, and we look down upon them because they worship the totem. But how 10 Danville Thursday to spend some time the guest of his broth- >3r, Mr. Oscar Curlee. C. B. Elliss returned Sunday from a pleasure trip to Atlantic city, Staunton, Va._, and other cities of beauty and interest. Miss Lillie Turner left Satur day TOorning for Pleasant Gar den” to spend a week or more the guest of relatives and friends. Messrs, C. L, Isley and J. A. Pettigrew, two of our hustling merchants spent lasf Thursday and Friday in, Greensboro on business. Jas. L. Garrison left Saturday for Roanoke, Va., Where he has ac^cepted a position. ' A water melon feast v/as given Friday night prior to his leaving. Aliss Aurelia Barnhart, stenog rapher for Jos. A. Isley and ,Bro. Co.. who has been spending her vacation at her home near Whit- seit, has returned to her work. much more a fantastic and strang ocject is that which many men worship—the shape of their hats? And it is even true that a man that wears one form of hat feels ashamed of himself if he has to go out on the street with another form of hat on. If we had a man with a straw hat a man with a silk hat and a train, those two objects and the train was going and those two men attempted to catch the train do you know which man would catch that taain? You do don’t you! Because you know the rel igion of that silk hat wouldn’t al low that man to run. It would be ridiculous to run in a silk hat. But a straw hat allows little tri— viahties, and one of those triviah- ties is running providing that man wishes to run to catch a train because no running other than for a train is allowed by any hat w'hatever. — Raymond Neunson, in September Physical Culture. After La Grippe “I had suffered several weeks with LaGrippe. Had pains in my head and eyes. It felt as though there was a heavy weight on the top of my head, until it seemed that my brain would burst. I was so nervous that I could not rest or sleep. When I dozed of! I would awake with a sudden jerking of my whole body. Dr. Miles’ Nervine, Heart Remedy and Nerve and Liver Pills cured me. A number of friends have since realijE^d the same benefits.” MRS. ALVIN, H. LOCKS, Seabrook, N. H. The after effects of LaGrippe are often more serious than the disease, as it leaves the system in a weakened condition that invites more serious troubles, such as pneumonia, ’etc. Dr, Miles* Restorative Nerviiae should be taken for some time to thoroughly restore nerve Strength. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by aH drag* Qtsts. If the first bottie does non. bisnefit, your drusalst will return your csioiiiey. MILES MEDICAL CO., Ind. Dr. W. D. Moser Practicing Physician, BURLINGTON, N. C. Day calls at Freeman Drug ’phone 20. Night calls, Mrs. M. Hornaday’s, ’phone 282. Country cail» promptly answered. Co. S. Dameron & Long attorneys AT LAW E. S. W. DAMERON AHOLPH LONG Ihirhngton Grahnm offliie hi otfloc !u I Piedmont Bsjildlog Holt-Nicholson BIdg, Phone ■ 250 Phone iOO-B : Trinity College A Firist^iass Preparatory School Five Departiuents-Collegiate. Ora.v,, ate, Epgineering- and tioti. I.arg-e library facilitie.s \\ pii equipped laboiat(»rie.s in ali dt, n-t nients of sciemre, fL, ished \vith -apparatuH, J : very . nxxiera.te. .lid for ,ri’> v .students, , ' - . {■ Teacher^ fHiirlmts toengHgo w 'iidin-binff sbovJa hi .. y&stjgHtft the oirerad by the jjoiv ]]>' ■ TrinUy V6ihp(o. For catalogueand furtljer informaticm address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary Durham, N. C. Gertificates of Qraduiation Accepted F u\,iice to Leading Southern Colieges Fiiciilty of len’otKeerBv^ and teaelierK. Cartipus ;of CH>nta,iping toore thitu forty thfc*ueiaiid bo-iitid: volttttifes., .Weil equipped gym nasium . High staridarde and taodern miethods' of inetitutiori., ' Preqaeni! k itiires' by proininent lecturerfei Kx- , penses exceedingly moderate. Twelve years of phenpiiiehal BUceess. For catalogue and other inforinatibu address F. S. ALDRIGE, Btirs^ Durham, N. C. Elbn College (Co-educational) THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and IndustrialCollege The College of Alamance Cbunty Prep8.ra,t^ry, MnBie, Art, Elocution, miaBmimssnepfivtimnts.' Four courses leading to De grees- Special Normal Courses for Teachers, approved and endorsed by County Sui>erin- tendent, Pleming and State Superintendent Joyner. Every modern convenience. Steam Heat. ElectricTights. Baths. Terms naoderate, from $11^. 00 to $187.00 per session of ten months. Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina Four regular Courses leading to Degrees, fecial Courses for Tochers. Fall Session be gins September 14, 1910. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. For cata logue and other information address j. I. fOlfSTt Fresident firecnsftoro, N, c. A—■■■■1" 1„ . / For catalogiie or other infor mation address E, L. MOFFITT, President, ^ 0^ W. A. HARPER, Dean, Elon College, N. C. Claremont Coilege and Conservatory of MuSfc For Girls and Young Woraen.......... Hickory, N. Carolina. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Aoriculfure aud tehartiC Arts. The^ State's college for training industrial workers. Courses in Agriculture, Hor ticulture, Animal Husband ry and Dairy; in Civil Elec trical and Mechanical Engi- 1 neering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and in Agricul tural teaching. D. H. HILL, Pres., West Baleigh, N. C. .' \ If you are thinking of enter ing school write for catalog. Special advantages in Music and Art. Location ideal. Buildings well equipped. Rates very low. Fall term opens September, 1910. JOSEPH I. MURPHY, PresWent. John H. Vernon, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Buriington, N. C. Office over Bradley’s Drujr Store. Phone 65. John R. Hoffman, Attorney-at-Law, Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Second Floor First Natiooal Bank Building. DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLLJNGTON, N. C. Jas. N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. OfTice Piedmont Building, two front rooms, up stairs PHONES: Office 218A, Residence 305., Hours 9 to 12 a. m. 4 to 6 p. m. Specialist Dtseasej of Children and Women R. 2 5 W Fof Mantles, Tiling and Grates see me. My stock IS complete for a small town like ours. I can show you anything in this line from a $4.00 Finish- ed Oak Mantle to the finest Mahoi^ny Mantle made in tois country. I also have a nice line of Grates and “J; yoii to see, W in need of anything in this u^e please call at my store, second door from Brad- ley S; Drug store on Front street. Prices right. No trouble to show goods. Drop in khd look any way. A Nice Line of Electric Supplies in Stok. kin lamp bulb from a two candlepower to the best 100 w^tt Tunstont lamp. Any kmd of electric fixture furnished bn short notice. If I what ypU want in^ stock I will get it for vou on ^short notice; I have furnished some of the. nicest fixtures in town, and I am still iii the business. , BURLINGTON, N: C. MONEY To Loan For one year or longer at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. We negotiate loans only on first mortgage on real estate. : W e appraise property, abstract title, prepare mortgage, write the insuran^ce on buildings, have the papers recorded and look carefulljr arid systematically after every detail incident to the trans action. We save you all the worry and trouble incident to negotiating such a deal. If you wish to buy or build a home, enlarge or extend your business, call to see us, and let us talk IT OVER F^one No. 76 - N. C. p. El Crol tM B( we| St the th JJ. Cent the haviJ own I ‘Tnl v^rit ches whe trou lbs i the alivf Kinj com weig It al of Cl and dy f rate chia trial Free up 3 requl ital meni facill ablef traff capit of inj ts ml prop! and esta demj more they rates net i creaj overt 50 p€ road* rates age babl] less. est been woul^ as cc they very with thirt OiigV Theii in til Revif le^ Teni:

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