^7:-^ '. * 'Tcl iij Ivl.ji-a- \v,.r>- 1 arr- !!li invu- " • ■* tilV '^s'aiiou retary ►LINA lege te for ■1‘olina, eading burses ion be- Those apply T cata- matioR sro, X. c. ege iino, !nter- tfusic ideal. 3ped. teiTii flden!. L> . ■■' ■ 'The State Dispatchw■ aON COllECE N01!S. -iKi i;:! to The Disjiatcii. ( pywdiil out last week. Elon Col'ege, N. C., Aug. 18. — Tlie Committee appointed by the };,,ard of Trustees to have a deep ,ver; l.iored at the Central Power Siaiion met here today and tested fht- v;ell being bored for them by the Artesian Well Co. of Wilson, N. C. Tlie Jommittee made a eon- iSSfi i: u'- ft for a 500 foot well, expect ing that it would take that deep a well to fai’nish the needed 2-5 o-alions per minute, but they re- ser'. ed the right to stop whenever Tiit v llbought they had all the v. aier they wanted. The work began July 20 with II. Heater as foreman on the -,/n. The first eighty feet was ; ,1'-' short time through soil iV:. 'i cased with eight inch well- Fi om then on was rock, r.nd nioa’e rock. At eighty-seven- : :h yi-\ Heater figured that he ■ suTick a seven gallon pei’ r ' r'ow. At 141 feet head- • icU ir ijnmensely, so m>’ch so T;v.,r rric head of water ah about yud the working capacity •.; ins ndstee' drill. -He ■; ii for two days on the ada- r-u'viije tormation without mak- t about tv/o feet and ask^d rhe C:>nimjttee test the well- T.'.> luest was granted. -L Beal Johnson, chair- i;aleigh, N. C. R. M. Mor- hurliiigton, N. C. and J. \V. W'riloiis. Elon College. N. C. i;.f conrn'iittee of the college on T:'.o L-e.'p Well, accordingly met tC'tkiy and after a fair test f-.r;!.! ihat we ha. e a ca]>acity ol' :'i --ri rifry toone-hundred-iwelvo ,;as per minute in the present V r-i. This seemg to be all the •viiiei' '.ve need at present to sup- ]>jy ihe college plant and the peo- the viliege, and so the Ar- .!i Well Co. was released from i:- i’urthei’i>rosecution of itscon- ii.ct ai this time. The comiiletion of this Well •.:irks i'n; era in the value of the ’•.•'it'ge heat, light, and water The water will be analy- ;'..t once and if found suital>lc ^ r;o cioubt will, will be used _■: r-.y Lor sewerage, but also j;g. it has a pleasant taste absohitely pure. A. ,';.ngements are also being :o pui hot Water from the - Li'ul i’ower Station into ah ;V.' CoHege Buildings, instead oi ;.virg- each building iieat its .vn water seoarateiy. •.tT Last Steps Back Into the Union. Cluirlottft ObsHi'vor J^'Spublican State Chairman Morehead does well to import a speaker of high position for sev eral dates during the campaign. A political personality more att ractive than Vice President Sher man might have been secured, but the appeal to them in this nianner is bound to please the peo ple of the State, Other nationally prominent Republican speakers should be brought in, and Dem ocrats should follow the example. For many years the sheer ne cessity of self-preservation kept the white voters of North Caro- Pi’Gdominantly Democratic- We know no reason why, if the national Democratic party will show itself progressive and in touch with the times, this State should not retain the same politi cal afnilations, but an in'creasing number of votes can be induced to vote for no party as a mere matter of course. These men feel their new freedom which they owe the Democratic party — and wish to enjoy it. They wish to be an organic part of American pohticallife "Bs their fathers were to hear nj'itionci] issues in national campaigi'is presented by ■national- iy representative men. It is felt that, counted as certain by one party and as hopeless b}’ the ot her, they have been neglected and treated without considera- tion at a'i po.nts long enough, ihero are several other South ern States where s’.milar corjcli- tions obtained. North Carolina has already had some attention from campaign speakers of the class described, including several specdies by Mr, Taft on his cam- paig'n an.d by Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, Vice Presidei t Sherman’s coming will be another step in this direction. s more strength ' in a bowl of Quaker Oats th an in ' the same quantity or the same value of any other food you can eat. Most nourishing, least expensive Packed in regular size packages, and in ber- laetically sealed tias lor bot climates, 60 HOTEL kernAn European Plan. Absoiutely Fireproof, / In the heart of the business section of BALTIMORE, m, 1 The La§t Grand Excursioii OF THE SEASON TO Asheville, “The Land of the Via Southern Railway, SEPTEMBER N. [ promptly oTitAined iii all coOntilfts, or M6 PEE 1 TKAD£»W/AKKS, Caveats iiiia ecth'isbisrCEic-! tored. Send Sketch, Moacr or flioto. for tr''c rep ott on patentftblUty. AtL BUSINCS« L STRICTLY CO.>«mENTUL. Patent practic®! I esdHsivoly. ■ 8«rp6sslhg reterencca. I WiJcv.walce inventors sho'ilct hATo onr han.'’- bookonHowtoob;amim(i;->/.lpatent8.\ViiM i:i- J'X venuoina-wlUpay.nowtbRelaparliicrAr.aotT.jr r 1 valuable mforrination.. Bciit free to any address. B.SWiFT&v«. ^01 Seventh St., W^sbin0ton, D. C.J Rates and schedule.s as follows: Leave Goldsboro, Selma, Raleigh, Durham, Mebane, Burlington, Gibsonville, Greensboro, Oxford, Henderson, Chapel Hill, 6:45 a. m. $5.00 : 7:83 a. m. o.OO 8:35 a. m. ,4.75 : 9:50 m. .4*75 10:48 a.; m. 4.75 11:18 a.' m. 4.75.. ■ 11:37 a. m. 4.50 12:30 p. m. 4:50 5.00 K. An 0, w ■ :■ 4.75 KlLLTiiE COUGH *nd cure the lungs '"'™ Dr. King’s New Biseovfirjf FOR Csifgl'^ I AND ALL THROAT AND LUN6TROUBLES. G'EJAKAKTiBSBD SATISFACXOBl OB MONEY BEEtTirDED. Saved From Awful Peril, 'i never feit so near my Ki'ave, ■' v. y-iTes Le^vis Ghaniblin, of Marv enes^er, Ohio. FI, R. No. 3, ‘'as v.-iien a frightful cough a?)d lung T;':'uble pulled me down to lir) in spite of many remedies and best doctors. And that I am - ii . e Today is due solely to Dr. ]\';ng’s Nevr Discovery, y.-hich ror.ri.'ietely cured me. Now I v. vi.i'h 160 lbs and can work hard I: u;e;o cured my four children o:' cr'>up. ” Infallible for Coughs 'f d Colds, its most certain I'eme- ■ :or LaGrippe Asthma, despe- lung trouble and all bron- vh:;..’ affections, oOc and Sl(Xf. A '.iic.'. bottle free. Guaranteed by Fj reman Druy: Co. President Helps Orphans. Hundreds of orphans have been helped by the President of the Industrial and Orphan ’s Home at Macon Ga.,, who writes; “We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution, for nine years. It hus provt^d a most excellent me dicine for stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. We regard it as one of tlie best family medici nes on earth, ’ ’ Ir. invigoratesall vital organs, purifies the blood, ajds digestion creates appetite. To sti'engthen and build up pale, thin, weak children or rundown people it has no equal. Best for i'emale complainj^s. Only 50c. at Freeman Dru A«&v. n.v Rates from-intermediate points in same proportion. Tickets good returning on any regular train leaving Asheville September 9th. . ,, ; r Separate cars for colored people. For further information ask your agent or 'write.S . ,.: W.H. PARNELL, Traveling Passengesr Agent, RALEIGH, N. C, A srOCu'RED And. DEFENbED. Se»dmo[leJ,l tTpnatc.lov -uxj'joi't. aud f vcc 1 Free advicc*, hosv t'-i r.JwJo marks, 1 I C0pyrigWe,C!to, IN all COWNTiJIKS. . I T BwhicM dhyct tuUk WasMn^tcn savfs I 'moitr.y and tiften iliepaie:nt,: ■ I Pafent and bfringoment Practice Exclusivsly. |- .. 6r.com© to.-us af ■ [ VlO Elfilitli Eitreet, fluftt ITnited Btate riv^a't I WASHfNGTO'M, D. C. Luxurious liooms, Sinj«Ce and En suite. Wifcb. or Withoyt lUi-tbfi, Per Day Up, I'alatial J)iniuR- Kooiiis. Unsurpassed Cusine Shower ansi PSung^e in Twrkisfi Bftths Batli.s Free to Guests. ’jOS. L mnm, ■ lanager. I HExo h'OR ni.H)Kj>f:r. BEST FQR THE BOWELS If yoti haT«Q't a regtilay, h;?!iltli;,'TiiO'7Gmfnt of th» 0:v-ry dny, yo'i’re ill or ivill Vo. Keep your' l)0\rel!s onen, and be vrell. Fovce. in the shape of violent j;'iiysic or pili poison; is dangerous. The SjmooThcst, easiest, itnost iiorl'eo't'^'ay of keeping tlie boi'-els clear nirf clean i.s to''.aka CA5MDY CATHaRTJO GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! -thp:- ig Co. Baltimore American Estaklisiied 1773 EJi.T ’EPU LIKE CANDY Fiea,?a!'/,, P;ilnin!jlc, ■T’otent, Tas.to flood. 'Do CJ-ifiJ, X(;'!'pY Sicken. VTenkcn or vtripe; 10, Sr and 50 tf'eiits prVT-ios. T\'viVs for I'l'ee sisUUi^e, and Ksjok- Jftt ou Adilw-ss il33 ' Ste'-Sing fiemedj Cotn^-any, Chicago or Nsw York. KEEP Ysyi Bieoa oleam NQrtli Carolina Agricultural & pctianical Mege Young mari, golden'Opportunity koeks at your door toiay. If you would enjoy some of’ the rich blessings op portunity is offering ,you, write at once to the A, & M. College for ;catalog and learn how you can become inde pendent as a scientific farmer, a skilled mechanic or ai> -experienced teadier. Board, lodging and tuition $7.00 per montli. For free tuition or further iniformation, address. President JAS. B. DUDLEY, Agricultural & Mechianical College, Greensborp, N. G, w»iw4*s«n->^ At the end of its first yejir the new tariif is found to hold the record as a revenue producer, in spite of its reductions of duty on tirticles other than luxuiies. Democratic orators will fight shy of tariff details. Democrats who expect to put Republicans on the defensive on the tariff schedules will find out their mistake when the camy)aign opens up. It will be the same old kind of a fight, with the sam,e old result. The Daily Americaa j Term* by Meil Postage Prepaid. ‘ IHiily, Oue .\IontIi j Daily and .Sunday, Oue Mov^th Daily, Three .\!onths Daily and !jui)day. Three .Montbs i)aily. Six Months, Daily ami Sundaj Six Montl'.s Daily One Yoar Dftiiy, Nvith Sunday Edition., One Yea r vSmiday (edition. One Year. The Twice-a-Week|Amerkan tm;n«nBnrici.i;uwfwrsf!UM0i What the Railroads Want. The situation briefly summed ui) seems to be this: The railroads re-; uire a vast amount of new cap iijil 10 make the great improve- ]?:ents and enlargements of their facilities that are necessary to en able them proyjerly to handle the iraffic of the country,; to get this capital they must pay higher rates of interest anddividends;in order t$ meet their increasing expenses prope. 1/maintain their properti'^, an>i pay the higher rates of inter nist and dividends that capitalists demand they must earn both rrsore gross more net; and, unless diey are allowed to advance their i 'ites, it is probable that their net earnings not only will notin- '-iease, but will decrease. Prices in general have risen ovf-r 21 percent, in ten years and •5. iier. cent in thirteen years.The ^'oads are asking for increase in '■ft't'S that will certainly not aver- over 10 per cent., and pro- f cj iy will average considerably Therefore, if the very high- avfjj-age advance that has p!‘oposed were made, rates - .1 still be substantially lower | pared with prices, than ' 'XQve ten years ago, and | ■ 'i'l-eaily lower, as compared i :: prices, than they were i years ago. —From ■ rr:0 Railroads to Advance V i:ates?”"S; nual 0._ Dunn, American Review of ■ v. s for .Se])tember. Big Premium Offers Given Awny Free. We want you to represent PHSICAL CULTURE in your City and vicinity. Never before was such an opportunity offered our agerics to secure subscriptions as we have to offer at the present time. Five to fifteen dollars a day is being earned by many^ of our agents offering our attractive premiums with subscriptions to PHYSICAL CULTUKE. Write today for territory, ad dress Circulation Department, Physical Culture Puftlisiiing C®., Flation Bldg., New York City. The CteapeHt aad Best FamMy News-; : pa,per Published. I ONLY ONE DOLUR A YEAR Sis Moritlis, 50 Oenta I THE TW1CE-A-'¥£EK AMER1CA3«^ i8 pnli- i Mshed io tw(; ismes.^ Tuesday and and I Friday mornings., with the iKJ'vs’s of the i week in ■eorapaet shape. It alRO eoii- ■ ta.ine iateresting special eorrespondeii>e, intertainiBg Toma/neeB, good poetry, lo- e®.l matter of genesral interest and fresh mieoellany suitable for tibe borne circle. AeareJtiily edited Agricultttml Depart ment and a full aad reliable Financial HKJ Mark-et Reparts«,re eyiecia,! fea.tures. CHAS- C. FULT€N & FELtX AGNOS, Maisager and Publisher American Office, Baitesnore, Md FARMS , Oakley - tornoii'ow, and vv'ife will (Thursday) for The “FREE”- the only Sewmg Machine for whicn even needles, shuttles and everything is fur nished free for five years. Has 8 sets ofj balllbearings. LoWer the lid and you lock every drawer—^raise the lid and every drawer unlocks. The price is right. The Ellis Machine & Music Co. BURLINGTON, N. C. » ABTOIWtW EAIL bearing fiAU.G£AR»l& HMV£R pRlLSaWttS T 1lOO^ctes, 1 1-2 miles of Burlington, .c J. Ill, one good 6-rooij[i dwelling house, one good B-room dwelling house, one large feed barn, two good tobacco barns. 25 or 30 aeajes in pasture (wire fence), 40 acres in cultivation, balance in old field and wood Jand. TJhis pJare is wll watered, and a great bargain at the prices DF^ 1 1-2 miles West of Burlington, 84 -acres , J-/, VjriCllll JT dll 111 J good land. 7-room house, good ifeed barn, 1,000 p«ar tre^ and a great raifflny peach trees and grape vines. This is 3a splendid truck farm. 52 acres, one mile of Burfogton, small house and barn, fine land for grain, truck or tobacco. 105 acres, two miles, of Haw River, 7 room house, feed bsu-n, ^jobacco b2B*n, red land, good locatiop 3-4 miles of good school cn public road. One iC^room house for sale at Whitsett. N. C. At a great sacrifice. We also have some good bargains in city property. If you want farm land, city property or money, call and see us. * if you have money to loan, we can place it for you in carefully selected first mortgages based on not to exceed 50 percent of present value and guaranteed by ourcompan)^ , The Central Loan & Trust Company BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA. J. A. Davidson, Pres. ' Jno, R. Hoffman, Sec; §;Treas. W. ,W,Brown, ■I

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