fl ('M I ware. : and lina. g 3es/ CE X Payers. 3 remind not paid 909, that ) impon- :ed with :e. You tI have ave tried :hat you privilege our con- [ cannot y sertle- it hand, t be paid. want a ow* OOK. I Comply ^OR- 3rs and iS. ■urnlp Seed. I Comp’y >een formed x>k as Pres- g of a lidway bncK ■ the building in days. The ill cost 4bout^ jeting: of ciit' re Commitef^ Sept, that at! Republicans ent. ieft y^ster- v/here . Haycten iO% Myrtle- Stuart Va. i-acation. ,•!. . ’■. \ ■ A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING O# AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. vol.. in. BURLINGTON. N. C., SEPTEMBER 14, 1910, NO. 18 THE CONTEST kM HOW VOTE STANDS Burlington. Miss Lois A. Workman, 11,950 “ Swannie Patterson, 14,350 ‘ Myrtle Isley, 3,350 Myrtle Tate, . 1,000 Lillian Tamer, 925 Burlington R. F. D’s. Miss Jennie Whitsell, R. 4, 3,325 “ Emma Overman R. 1. 1,625 Annie Matlock, R. 2, 400 “ Ollie Ector, Rout^ 2, 200 " Rosa Crouse, Route 4, 200 Snow Camp. }^iiss Mary Stout, 14,225 Spring' Graded School, 500 Sylvan Graded School, 200 Mebane. Miss Grace Amick, 300 Haw River, No. I. Iviiss Carrie Alt'right, 13,300 Elon College, N. C. M i ss Mol li e Baldwin. 6,650 Union Ridge, No. 1. Miss Lottie Terrell, 300 Kepublican Cointy Convention, Notice is hereby given the Republican Convention for Ala mance Co. will be held in the Court House Graham, N. C. Saturday 17th of September at noon for the pnirpose of nomina ting candidates for the several county officers and a candidate for Legislature and to transact such other business as may prop erly come before said convention. The precinct primaries in all the precincts except those in the cities and towns will be held on Saturday, Spt. 'lOth, at 1 o’clock p, m. for the purpose of electing delegates to said county conven tion and transact such other business as may properly come before said primaries. The fix ing of the time for the primaries in the towns is left with the com- rnittee of each precinct. By order of the Alamance County Republican Executive Committee. This August 22nd, 1910. T. F. McVey, Ch’m. E. S. W. Dameron, Sec. Republicans Attention. A Primary of the Republican voters of North Burlington pre cinct, will be held in the Maj^or's Hall, September 16th, 1910 at 8 o'clock p. m. to elect delegates to the county convention, and to transact such other business as may come befctre the primary, -vhich is to be held at Graham, K, C. September 17th, 1910, This the 31 day of Aug. 1910. John R. Hoffman, Geo. D. Smith, Chairman, Secretaiy, Registrars and Judges of Election. At a meeting of the County Board of Elections for Alamance county, held in Graham on the first Monday of September, 1910, the 'following Registrars and Judges of election, to held on the 8th day of November, 1910, for the election of state, county, towr/ship o!!icers ^ and member of Congress, were'duly appointed for thepurposeof con ducting said election as provided by law: Pattersons Township: Regis trar, C. H. Brown; Judges, Jno. Anderson and Wm. H. Euliss. Coble Township: Registrar, Gi’een A. Nicholson; Judges, Gaston Sharpe and L, L. Patter son. Boon Station Township: Re gistrar, W. T. Noah; Judges M. A. Atkinson and June R. Ker- nodle. Mortons Township: Registrar, C. M’ Pritchett; Judges, D. M. Ireland ^and Jno. F. Sutton._ Faucett Township; iRegistrar Wm. J. Graham; Judges, Chas. Wilson and Sam Lineberry. Graham Township: Registrar, Jno. M. McCracken; Judges, Robt. L. Holmes and R. G. Fos ter. Albright Township: Registrar, G. M. Holt; Judges, Geo. F. Tompson and Cicero Thomson. Newlin Township: Registrar, Walter Stockard; Judges, Caleb McPherson and Chas. Newlin. Thompson Township: Saxa- pahaw Precinct: Registrar; Geo. T. T. Morrow; Judges, B. J. Wil liamson and J. Newlin Thomp son. Swepsonville Precinct: Regis ter. J. Pope Bradshaw; Judges, W. C. Neese and M. G. Pike. Melville Township: Registrar, H. A. Bason; Judges, W. W Cor bett and L. A. Crawford. Pleasant Grove Township: Re gistrar, W. B. Sellars; Judges, Chas. G. Maynard and Zan Barn well BuElington Township, North Burlington Precinct: Registrarr, B. M. Vvalker; Judges, C. B. Ellis and S. A, Horae. South Burlington Precinct: Registrar, C. R. Love; Judges, V. H./Snyder and L. C. Fogle- man. Haw River Township: Regis trar J. H. Blackmon; Judges W. T. Williamson and S. C. Spoon. This the 15th day of Sept., 1910. R, A. FREEMAN, Chairman. WILL S. LONG, Secretary. The Campaign is On. The campai^i is on, politics is beginning to sizizle. Do you want to keep posted upon what is do ing? If so subscribe for The State Dispatch. Every Repub lican should take it, in order to know what his party is doing. Every D^niocirait should take it to keep posted upon what the Re publicans are doing. We will give it all for One Dollar per year, shorter time in proportion. We v/ill be fair to our opponents, v/e will not color the reports to boost our side. How many papers Democratic or Republican can you depend upoin in thisxespect. Subscribe for the fairest and best Republican paper in the State. You will never regret it and we will appreciate it. Who will be the first to get on the honor roll, tlie best thing going. Main Goes Democratic. For the first time since 1880 5 ■ M;ite of Maine has gone Dem- :■- a'ic. electing the Governor, ■ . mil Congressmen, with ‘ v;:is!:iture in doubt. This re- our OGniocratic - ,-(>rne comfort, but too ■ fihouW pot be .at: t,(> i,he result in^No- r. I.uca; isstics CHUse^l the ' -ils ’.ime. Principles and the issue next Settle and the Republican Gindidate for Congress. Hoi David Blair Will Address the People of Alamance County in Graham Saturday Sept. 17 The Graham Bra$s Band will i . furnish music for the occasion everybody is invited to come out and hear thesie Distinguis hed Speakers, ’ T.F. Friendship S chool Fair. On Saturday October l5th, 1910, the citizens of Friendship School District will Iibld their first District Fair on their school grounds. The Fair will consist of exhib its of farm, garden, dairy and kitchen products, and live stock, owned or produced by citizens of the district, or,by any patrons of the Friendship school. Members of the State Depart ment of Agriculture will address the citizens on subjects pertain ing to farjai and home improve ments and education, and will judge the exhibits and award the cirtificates and premiums. Prizes will be ^ven to the win ners in a series' of athletic and put-door everife. The purpbse!in Viewin institut ing the Friendship School Fair is to get the interest of the citizens centered in the Public Schools ; to make to a greater e^ftent^ the social nuqleus of the commiinity ; to encourage good-ri^tured com petition among the fariners; a,hd to increase the pleasures of home and farm life in the District. It is expected that the occasion shall be a gala day for visitors from all parts of the county and for the neighborhood. Anyone who is interested in the success of the Fair, ahd^ants to know more about it, may write the Principle of Friendship High School, Buriihgton, JiT. C. Route No. 1. Chairman Republican Executive Committee. E. S. W. Dameron, Secretary. HAS THE fiONDS BEEN SOI# It is Riwnored That iht Bmd Have Been Soid^ or Rather Sacriif^iced At a Bigf Discount. Will our city fathers tell the tax payers whether the $60,00® dollars Worth of bonds voted May have be«n wld, and the price received for the same. It is said by those who claim te know what they are talking about that thei bonds have been bar gained away for a price much un der par. Infact it is said that they brought less than ninety- five cents on the dollar. We are further t6ld that the city charter provides; that they sh&fi not be sold for less than par. Let the tax payers know the net price received for the boncfe, or better still, call the citizens and tax payers ^ether and let them ratify or reject the bond sale. H it be true that the city fathers have bargained away the bonds for le^ than 95 per cent are the tax payers going to stand for it’ Now is the time to act; A w^eek or ten days may be too late. Wake up Mr. tax payey arid prote^cEi. your interest. ■ ii si IS quite a t wo our Dchi” wiii discover later the A City Beantiful. Let’s have a city beautiful, to do so it is necessary to have a clean city and a clean city nieans a healty city. So that it is all important to have all this that we get busy. Our back lots are in bad shape and the principle streets of the city looks as if the garbage wagon had turned over in each one of them, there are boxes, barrels and every conceiv able kind of trash right on the side walks in front of busmess houses. Fair time is nearly here so Itet us clean up and show the visitors that v7e have the best and cleanest town in the State. Let our town officers get busy and see that those who are re sponsible for these conditiens are warned to do better in the future. Who will be the first to start the ball to rolling. Millinery Opening. Our milliners are arrangingfor their fallmilhnery opening which will occur Friday and Saturday September 23-24th. The latest and most artistic styles are ar riving daily. Misses Morrow & Bason are busy as bees arrang ing everything for the nicest opening they have ever had. Mrs Nellie B, Green, assisted by Miss Hitchens of Baltimore is busily engaged arranging her stock and will be ready when the 4ate ar rives. Miss Alice Boland at V\ hit- tkls, Misses Gross and Cook at islevs -all give you a hearty wel come to attend the opening Sept. 23 and 24.i Miss Bessie Thorsipson delight ed about fifteen of her friends bv riving a watermelon slicing at he'*’ home on West Front street Sp*-urday night. The ’ evening was spent in playing parlor games and slicing melons. A Personal Poem. Several poems and near poems on debt paying are going tha rounds, the following has been handed in and we pass it along for what it is worth: If by the public you would be admired, And a right spirited sense of honor you desire; Then of the poor merchant don't credit require. But cash in hand foots up the requisite desire. Remember to credit is dangei'- ously in the extreme. Hence be sure with a record of spot cash you be seen*,- Merchants troubles by the hun dreds are tallied. Thence lessen said troubles by spot cash rallied. Knowing the human heart to lie so atrociously corrupt. Thence disposing of goods on time means to merchants by millions a bankrupt; Learn to be spirited right and tempered good and pay as you go, Thus proving the ideal model to to all humanity full well you know. To beat the merchant, who worl s and studies so hard, is a damnable sin. Aspire a blessing to your country be known and this damnabl e sin never begin. If heart is right you will reluct antly attempt the heinous credit rule. But stand by and defend the greatest of all—the golden rule. Further remember that North Carolina is minus a statute at merchants command,- Thus a paramount settlement— cash down-—dispensing with credit demands. To owe your merchant, or worse merchants, and never, never pay would be a thrice awful slam, Thus to do would fix your destiny throughout eternity as not only doomed, but damned. Mis|t Opal Nicholson ISntertains. !-row(^d QHt last weeK. On last Monday evening at ‘ ■GH'tM'f^y- Croft” the beautifoJ: country home of Mr. and Mrs. T C. Nicholson, Miss Opal delight fully entertained the Baraca and Fhilathea classes of the Methodist Protestant Sunday-School, to gether with a few of her most in timate friends. The beautiful home was deco- rated with ferns and cut flowers, while the spacious lawn was lighted with Japanese lanterns which furnished light for the many games which the evening afforded. The most interesting part of occasion were the beautiful solos that were rendered to the crowd by the different young ladies while Miss Flossie Loy showed her skill as a pianist. Fniit, punch, was served in a quaint way being imbedded in an embankment of ferns. The feast of watermelons was by all enjoy ed. As the time for departure a,r- rived the crowd strolled home ward, deciding that Miss Opal certainly understands the art of entertaining. Our townsman Mr. B. E. Tea gue returned from Atlanta a fe^v days ago where he signed a coji- tract to represent the well knov. n firm of Latham Alexander ard I Company, Bankers and Conirn'iS- I sion merchants of iNevi? YoriC, ' Mr. Teague's territory will be the state of South Carolina, and part of North Carolina and Virginia. He will pay special attention uo the cotton interest of the busi ness. Miss Ola Evans Entertains. Miss Ola Evans entertained about thirty of her friends l^t Thursday evening at the resi dence of her parents on Tarpley street. Amusing outdoor games were played, and delicious banana cream served in the spacious din ing room. The table being beauti ful decorated with ferns and roses Several selections of facinating music were rendered by Miss Martitia Thompson which served as a charming rememberance of the occasion. Thanking Miss Ev^ins for her kind and hospitable evening of pleasure the crowd dispersed. NOTICE. At the last meeting of the Burlingnon School Board of Edu cation it was' decided that all pupils who desire to enter the Primary Department of the City Graded Schools will have to do so before October 1st, or wait until after Christmas, After Christmas pupil will be permitted to enter until Feburary 1st. and after that date no admittance will be grant ed. Exception. is made where sickness has deterred. . G. C: Singletary, Superintendent of City Schools. Sept. 13, 1910. Horse Stolen. Sunday night shoirtly eleven o'clock seme negro from the barn of Mr. S. Home wood who lives a short distance from town, his young four year old mare. Finding Monday niom- ing that the beast was gone, Mr. Homewood imriiediately phoned to all the surrounding towns, al so offered a reward of $:&.00 for the capture of the thief. A^ut two o’clock Monday he received word from Danville that parties there had the horse/ but upon ar riving found that the horse had been shot, from which it died not long after. Had the parties who shot the horse waited a few min utes longer the Danville police would have captured both horse and negro. The negro made his escaps and is still at large. The animal was worth $300. hence Mr Homewood feels the loss and es pecially the manner in which it happened. Hartshora NO; 1 jfems Crowded out last week. We had a lot of rain on No. 1 last week. We want all of the men of the MtZion Baptist Church to be sure and come out the second Saturday in September. We Want to see them all there by two o’clock. Eugenia Cates has been on the sick list but we think she will be alright soon. \ Ask Miss Ora Foster What for time she had Sunday night when that young man was there to see her, guess^she and Eurette May had a nice time. Guess Res Soots is all smiles since he has a baby boy at his house. Mr, Cruse and his girl were visiting at Mr. William Fosters Thursday. They had something to do at Mr. Kimery^ Friday night, we are notable to tell what it was, gtiess Rodsy got back in the stir one time more, guess William , would have been glad to see themi. Rcnia cfime back with shoes bn her feet and rings in, her ears, hurrah forJRoda. ^ Henry Simmons and Nan Black made a fiying^trip Monday, the other side of Liberty on Dr. Fost ers farm. Hope they had a fine time. Mr. Rudy Neece sister was visiting them last week hope they had a nice time. We would like to know why Nan BlPick goes so close to the I mill so much for. Ask J. H. why I bet; he knows Vv'hy he comes so imueh. . i Would hrke’to.know. :wh I Creek has stopped, writing. guess I she hasn’t got out of liev/s about ; visiting . at T. ' E.v, and' J.,' F. ; Murray.. We hope you wont forget about coming out the second Sunday THE Ctnf BOK S(ll|l Proposition of J. W. Cates, Es^ for die Purchase of BnrlingtoA ; \ .Bonds. '; Buriihgton, N. C., September 3rd. —To the Mayor and Gentle men of the Board of Aldermen of Burlington, N. C. I agree to pay the City of Bur lington, N. C., the full sum of Sixty Thousand Dollairs, par var tue, for its Sixty Thousand Dollir thirty year five per cent bond is sue for Street and Side Walk im provement together with the accmed interest theron from July 1st 1910, up to the date that sai4ib«J?^s mn be delivered te said City, nay commission for services in n^otiating said sate to be Thirty Three hundred an^ Fifty. Dollars, to be jpaid to me by said City on ■the'day said bonds are paid for and delivered out of the general funds of the City of Burlington, N. C. said commis sion commission includes all ex penses connected with the issue of said bonds, including attorneys fees, Hthographing and other ex penses ijertaining thereto. This proj^ition is made, on one provise only, that -i*. that the legality of said Bonds is approved by the Bond Buyers at torneys, and I furtiier agree t« put up for the use of said City a certified check in the sum of One Thousand Dollars as an evidettce of good faith on my part J. W. Catea. On motion of Albright^ second' ed by Atwater. Aldermen, the vote is as follows, to wit. Albright; Atwati^r, Fowler and^ Ireland, vote Aye. Sellers, Ap- ^le, and Freeland vote Na Mo* tion declared carried. C. R. Love, Mayor. W. H. Carroll, ^retary Pr» Tem. A Sinccetshil Paitonite. The services at the Refonh^ church last Sabbatii was the appointment in the 13th year the present pastorate. Rev- D. Andrew read a brief re; reviewng the 12 years wor follows: Number of times preached i. Number of funerals 2^ Number of marriages Number pastoral calls, 10,69£ Number members received 250 Present membership, 211 The 13th, opened with fine at tendance at feoth morning and evening services and the prospfeet is that better work will be done this year than ever before. -nil—iNTHi ■ mUH ^ Promptly at 9 o’clock, a. 'n\ ! September 11th, 1910, Mr. Peiar ^ Tickle and Miss Minnie ■ were united in the ho7ids of njat-. ' rimony in the .hoiYie of Mr.: R,; N, ; at Glen R?ivep ^ by Rev; J, 1 D. Andrew. Only a few friea^s ' v,-ere; present tb witness the cer- but will time. emony. ' ' Mr. B. E. Teague returned Mor:^ try to do better next day from a buisness trip ‘ io ■' , i Greensboro.' Well nev/s are scarce this Week ■ . '■"i iMil m iii

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