] l-f’ *1 I r ml iw-ii M’' ff s1| m % ' ii |f.r i>'-.' ■3f The State Dispaxch. loes not (Solor HAIR VIGOR air e An Elcfirant Dressing, Makes HairGro^vj AYER’S Siops ralllns' Hair Oestroys Oandruff Ingrediente; aiS wl'tcr“"p«rf«me; s. ««>naration made from this fonnuia h harmless, yet possesses positive merit. Consaityourdoctor aDout these natrprooiems. j Local and Persoaal. Mr. C, F, Neese has recently ’.ailed a new phone in his store. Misses Bertha and Verna Cates ^:ere Greensboro visitors last Sat sxlay, iM:r. W. J. Brooks spent Satur- iiiy and Sunday at Reidsville the ^i'est of friends. CoiKmunion services at the liUtheran church the second Sun- iay in September, The excursion from Durham to Danville '^onday was attended by a large crowd. Mi^. J.H. Joyner and mother M S^^itsett were shopping visit- •ai^s in town Monday, Mr. and Mrs, H. C. King ;of S;. F. D. No. 5 spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs, S. A. Horne Get busy, subcribe for the Dis- Dutch or renew your subscription iiid vote for the lady of your •j/iwice. Miss Ethie Garrett leaves Fri day for Greensboro where she will be in school at the State >]ormaI this year. Mr. W. R. Garret, who has been ‘traveling in Virginia, returned iwme last week to be v/ith his 'jiUiily untill November. Fa-s. Lea Mann of Albermarle jixent from Wednesday to Mon day the guest of her parents Mr. Lcid Mrs. W, G. Dameron. Messers B. E. Teague and Chas ¥aiker spent Saturday at Hills- 't^oro attending* the Orange l€a;raty Republican Convention. A I\nk Horn f^ent last week at Pines in the mountains guest oi friends. He returned Saturday artd reports the time of y.s life. J. W. Murray who v/as rated on at Richmond Friday T>. reported as improving nicely, sler many friends hope she will yion be able to return home. The dedication of the new Luth Church will occur the second Sunday in Octol>er. All the previ- 'sus pastors have been invited to Represent. It is hoped they will present. Miss Rebecca Bradley who has seen the guest of her brotherMr. Bradley for the past week or fcm days left Monday for Ruffin to ^)end several days with friends and relatives. Pi-bf. Spiker returned last week from Virginia where he spent a ;:iontbs vacation the guest of relatives. He will have charge of thie music department at Bing- feim this year. ^ Misses Verna Cates and Maytie 5jxx>n leave this week for Raleigh to enter school at Meredith Col lege. Miss Spoon will take the regular literary course and Miss | Cates a buisness course. Miss Pearle Mebane spent Sat urday and Sunday the guest of Miss Cora Trollinger on R. F. D. No. 3. FOR SALE—One 4 1-2 months old half Fercheon Colt, well built and well grown for its age. Ap ply to J. Ed Jobe, Mebane N. C. Mrs. H. E. Greeson of High Point spent the past week the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Shepherd. Mr. Gree- son came down Saturday evening and accompanied her home Sun day. Miss Ollie Lloyd of Orange Grove passed through town Satur day returning from Greensboro where she visited friends. She has accepted a position in the millinery department of the Whitted Dry Good Co. A beautiful reception was given at the home of Miss Maude Shoff ner last Friday night in honor of her guest of High Point. Games w^ere played, refreshments served all present enjoyed the social and hospitable treatment of Miss Shoff ner. Rev. L, S. Massy, Editor of the Raleigh Christain Advocate, preached at the Front Street Methodist church Sunday morn ing and night. Both sermons were very instructive. The pastor Rev. J. A. Hornaday is assisting in a series of evangelistic services in Randolph County. Story of Pledges Eedeenied. All the terms used, in President Taft's letter to Chairman Mc Kinley are those; o:| exactitude, just what has been done and just what is sought tc> be done being clearly* coldly and iiicontroverti- bly set forth, with no suggestion of fervor, to say ni5)thing of the tropical. Even in the summing up or peroration, so-called, there is no effort to appeal to the gall eries. Calmly, the President tells the story of pledges redeenied and of promises yet to b^ fulfilled. — Of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. E:. A Coble spent Saturday and Siinclay the guest of her sister, Mrs. Curry Stewart near Greensboro. Has the Tiiie Ring. ‘ ‘President Taft reminds Cong ress that it still hai^ other pledges to be kept, including legislation providing for the issue of stocks and bonds by interstate railways, the limitation of the power of the federal injunctions, the creation of a national bureau of health and the encouragement of our mer chant marine, Tjiie letter, as a whole, has the ring of real Republi caaism, and undoubtly will prove a valuable contribu tor to the litera ture of the Cong'ressional cam paign; which is the preliminary skirmish to the CEirnpaign of 1912. /* ■■■ - II I Work Weakens the kidneys. Deafness be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseaBed portion of “jfhe ear- There is only one way to cure deafness and that i^ 'by coBf5titj]tional reniediee. Deafness is cansed by an inflamed condi tion of the inucons hnning of the Eusi-a- chian Tube. When this txlbe is inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, aud when it is entirely closed; Deafness ie the result, and unless the inflamiiiiation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will b( destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused hy Catarrh which ie nothing but an inflamed eondi- tion of the ni ucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dpilars for any case of Deafness (caused by eatrrah) chat cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Sefid for circulars, free. F. J. CiuiNEY & Co.,[Toledo, O. , Sold by Druggists, 75. Take Hall’s Pamily Pills for constipa tion. II LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS Remaining in Post Office at Burlington, N. G., Sept. 10, 1910 Gentlemen: A. A. Brown, B. W. Baulding, T. Cates, G. B. Foster. Luther Hooker, L. F. Kelton, W. T. Hall, Robt. Jones, Solomon Kimbro, J. J. Mun^y, C. L. Nusz, Newlin W. Bate, R. L. Warren. Ladies: Mrs. Jane Corbett, Mrs, Rosa Graham, Mrs. Martha Garrison, Miss Rosa Jones, Miss Mary Jeff ries, Miss Cletus Johnson, Mrs. Tilda King, Miss Lola J. Long (3), Miss Annie Long, Mrs. W. J. Mitchell, Miss Lillie Martin, Miss Sallie Payne (2), Miss Annie Belle Payne, Miss Sarah Towsent, Miss Lizzie Tickle. Persons calling for any of these letters will please say “Advertis ed and give date of advertise d list.” J. Zeb Waller, Post Master. Doan’s Kidtey Pilis Haye Done Great Service for People Who Work Ik Burlington. Most Burlington people work every day in som^e strained, un natural position-bending con stantly over a desk—riding on a jolting wagons or cars—doing la borious houi^e work; lifting, reach ing or pulling or trying the back in a hundred and oae other ways All these strains tend to wear, weaken and injut*e the kidneys until they fall i>efcind in their work of filtering the poisons from the blood. Do'aii's Kidney Pills cure sick_ kidhej.s, put new strength in bad backs. Cures effected in this ioca'ity form the strongest proof iff tlieir efficiency read this testimony, W. N. Ainton, taHor, S. Elm St., Greonsboro, N. C.., says: “I have tried a great many kidney remedies and have come to the conclusion that Doan’s Kidney Pills are the best one on the market. In my work I am obli ged to be in a ci-aniped position for hours at a time and I believe this constant strain weakened my kidneys. I was so much impres sed by reading testimonials given in favor of Doan's Kidney Pills, ohat I procured a box and began their use. They soon entirely relieved npie of kidney complaint. ” For sale by all dtaalers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Yoi'k, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no otlxer. Spring and Summer Changes of the Southern Railway. (Effective Juiie! 5th, 1910.) On the above date the Southern Railway will put in operation their Elegant Summer Service of Sleepers and Parlor cars from all important points. Jacksonville^ Atlanta, Macon, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga, Colum bia, Charleston, Norfolk, Ra leigh, etc., to WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RE SORTS ‘ ‘the land of THE SKY’ ’ all other Summer Resorts. Cheap round trip rates effective May 15th, to September 30th, final re turn limit October 31st, 1910. For further information re- j garding rates, schedules, Puli- I man reservations, etc., apply to your nearest agent or the under signed. H. F. Cary, W. H. Parnell, Gen’l Passeng- Trav'l Passenger er Agent, Agent, Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. j Professional Cards Dr. W. D. Moser Practicing Physician, BURLINGTON, N. C. Day calls at Freeman Drug Co. ■phone 20. Night calls, Mrs. S. M. Hornaday’s, ’phone 282. Country calls prcmptiy aaswered. and Mrs. L. V. Macomson are all smiles over the arrival of Httie Ruth Van Buren last Wed nesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Macomson have been married ten years and this is the first born. Bob Isley, an employe at the Elraira Cotton Mill had the mis fortune to get three of his fingers cvit off by the machinery Saturday n'.ornirtg. Physicians were sum"- riionfrd but the fingers cculd not be ;-aved. We Stand Behind every piano we sell with a binding guarantee, look after it-he Ip you take care of it-make you our friend- ^ that’s why we have sold so many. We have pianos from $150.00 up b^utthat $250.00 piano can’t be beat for the price, and then the terms are so easy! ELLIS MACHINE & MUSIC CO. BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA,- Dameron & Long attorneys at law £. s. W. DAMERON ADOLPH LONG Burlington Graham office ill oflSce in Piedmont Building ifoIt-NichoIson BIdg. Phone - 250 Phone lOO-B John H. Vernon, Attoruej and Counsellor at Law, Burlington, N. C. Office over Bradley’s Drug Store. Phone 65. John R. Hoffman, Attorney-at-Law, Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Second Floor First National Bank Building. DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLiiNGTON, N. C. Jas. N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office Piedmont Building, two front rooms, up stairs PHONES: 01fic3 218A, Residence 5)5)5. Hours 9 to 12 a. m. 4 to 5 p. m. Specialist Diseases of Children atsd Women A FirstrGlass Preparatory Schodi Certificateis of Gracjuatipn Accepted for Entran:e to LeadirigSbuthern Colleges Facuit,t of ten oificei’8 and teacliers. fvatQpitis,6f seventy-tive acres, library coatainifig luore than foipty thoueapd^^ biound vblunies. Weir eq uipped gy rn- nasiuiri. High stiindarde jand iiipdei’U iHethpds of iiietitutidn. Fj’equejQt lectuTCB by promineut; lectureife. Esi- penKe&jexceedihgJy in^)d^rate. Twelve years of ]>hertoineiial Buecess. : For catalpgue and other inforniatipn! ..address -.. F. a AJLDRIGE. Buisar . Durham, C. Trinity Coll eg Five Bepa-rtinents—Collesriah. r. T a,te, Engineeripg- (Co-educational); The College of Alamance County Prepkrstipry, Mmio, Art, WocufJon, arid liiisipess Departments. Four courses leading- to De grees- Special Norm^Ll Goursfes for Teachers, approyed and endorsed by County Superin tendent Fleming and State Superintendent Joyner. Every modern convenience. Steam iHeat. Electric Lights. Baths. Terms moderate; from $X12;00 to $187.00 per session of ten months. For catalo^e or other infor mation address E. L. MOFFITT, President, or W. A. HARPER, Dean, Elon College, N. C. tion; Largi' librar> J V \v it equipped laboiatories ■ juentis of f^cienee. isbed with befet aumvatiiK i very, .jiioderate. studeuts. ; appa,va,tiits. !• Aid fni- -■ Tef3£lm‘s ,'Kn, : to.^--hwk (shim'bi^ vmig'^ite fM sv] my if,r mlvini hdoiitwn irt 1. runty CoJh o;/ For cataKjgue a nd furtlier i addrei!i.s R* L, JFLOWERS, Secreiarv Durham, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. The State's college for training Industrial workers. Courses in Agriculture, Hor ticulture, Animal Husband ry and Dairy; in Civil Elec trical and Mechanical Engi neering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and in Agricul tural teaching. " D. H. HILL, Pres., West Raleigh, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina Four regular Courses leading to Degrees, fecial Courses for Teachers. Fall Session be- ^ns September 14,1910. Those desiring to enter should a]3ply as early as possible. For cata logue and other information address J. I. FOUST, President Greensboyo, m, c. L... ClaremoRt Coile§8 and Conservatory of Music For Girls and . Young Women... , N. Carolina. If yoU; are thinking of enter ing school write for catalog. Special advantages in Music and Art. Location ideal. Buildings well equipped. Rates very4ow\ Fall term opens September, 1910. JOSEPH L. MURPHY, President. Styles for Smartly Tailored Garments. •1 stock of out^r garments for the masculine fam- ily^are daily arnvmg, and they possess all the suit individ- uality that is becoming to: the leading American tailors. , We Avant you to see them. In fact it will be to your mterest to come here b^for^ btiying your fall dress suit. Ihey are Irom the largest manufacturers. Ask others. A fuU line of Diy Goocls, and Hats. B. GOODMAN Home of Good Clothes. Burlington, N. C. We appraise property, abstract title, prepare mortgage, write the insurance on buildings, have the papers recorded and look c£srefully and systematically after everj^ detail incident tothetrans action. We save you all the worry and trouble incident to negotiating such a deal. , , - . » . If you wish to buy or build a home, a loans only on first mortgage on I enlarge or extend your business, call S real estate. :::::::: I to see us, imd ‘®rr’ov^"' MONEY I lo Loan g For one year or longer at six S per cent per annum, payable %2 serii-annually. We negotiate , - - N. c. PhoiiC No. 76

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