le it’s showing tile veiy -yies. regard- nd most erial that 1 wear, are the ihionable s follow, e* Price 311 rounfi. ■RS. COLD OX HAND. TON. ;d Wagons. built. One ality you are ?ht running Li expect to tave on hand f warehouse ‘ have three Dntario and Not made of u to get our iidv/are line. Co. urers ss needed.’* model for 5 formerly* i charge of The Sta tue dispatch. FREEMAN DRUG CO. Agents ior Huylers Candy. I Van Lindley Cut Flowers. Also the place to buy anything kept in a Drug Store^at reasonable prices. GIVE US k CALL m OUR ICE CREAM. I^TlE]EMi^]Sr DRUa GO. Phone 20 - Burlington, N. C. Mmoidfl ^ Dr. N. Eosenstein, Eye Speda^ *^ A Good Position. ist of Durham will be in Meban a . Monday Sept 19th, at the White y'Can be h^d by ambitious young House, and Tuesday Sept. 20th, nen and ladies in the field of at Burlington, at Burlington | Wireless’’ or Railway telegra- Drug Co. Doii’t forget that eye-j phy. Since the 8-hour law be^- aches and headaches go hand in! effective, and since the hand, the one producing Ihe oth- { ^ireless companies are establish- er. Properly adjusted glasses! ^hg stations throughout the coun will relieve one or both. Consult 1 ^l*y there is a grea^ shortage of us about your eyes and we will i tieiegraphers. Positions pay be- give you the proper glass'es. Sat-1 from $70 to $90 per [ isfaction guaranteed. Don’t for- ] riionth, with good chance of ad- get the days and place. Consul-1 vaneement. The National Tele- tation free. | graph Institute operates six offi- ■ I cial institutes in America, under I supervision of R. R. and Wireless Odkdaie NotSS. | pfficiais_ and places all graduates 1 „ .• • : i ihto positions. It will pay you As it has been some time since; -q them for full details at ; LOCAL^AND PERSONAL. Memphis, Tenn., or Columbia, South Carolina. yi.r. and Mrs. J. W, Murray ■iiv 51 lending a few days at Rich mond . At ;i recent analysis of the city water it was fund that no polu- ^’or. oxists. Fnn Ferrington left last week for F’viciimond where he goes to ^11-;ter school. j, C, Squires returned yesterday nvirninof from a visit to his sis ter at Spencer. Pr. Taylor who accompanied Mr?. J. W. Murray to Richmond reiin-ned Sunday, Mrs. N. M. Watson of Norton \ a, .ui' is the guest of her sister J. W. Murray. Walter Strange of Lex ingno!! is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bowman. Mr?. C. W. Bynum left a day or two ago to be the guest of triends-and relatives at Bynum. Misses Cora May and Georgia Garrison will assist Mrs. Nellie B (^reen in her millinery store this I i [, Miaster Garland Green who was the g-ust of his mother Mrs.Nellie B. Green returned to Goldsboro Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Da^'is returned Sat- day from Snow Hill where she Miss Mayme Baamwell left yes terday morning for Red Springs wjhere ^ she will continue her course in school. Misses Ruth Hughes and Clara Purcell of Haw River arrived yesterday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Goodman. Mrs, Nellie B, Green returned the past week from a trip to northern cities where she bought her fall stock of millinary. The best Sewing machine need les, Oil and repairs for sale by the Singer Co., Claud Cates our salesman, Burlington, N. C. LOST.—Monday evening on Front Street near the Reformed Church, winter lap robe, finder will please return to this ofRce. Miss Daisy Wilson left last writing, I will try again to make some reports. We are sorry to say the corn crop is not what it was thought it would be some i , .... time ago, there appears to have! be® too much rain. . / ,. i | BuslneSS BuildcrS. The farmers are breaking ground for wheat as never before I ^ Notice* inserted m tw* colmnn will be we think if not prevented theie cWeJ for at the rat« of one cent a word will be a large crop of small grain ^ f®*" m**rtion, ten «nu being tfce mia- Chiarge. Ad«. will be run until no- SOWea. ; tified to be discontinned. We are sorry to lose some of ' ii. our boys, but our loss is their | gain, if they will improve the:ir' opportunities, which we are sui'e they will do. Wayne Hwiaday | r FOR SALE—Two fresh milch eows, at the residence of Dr D. A two miles East of Graham “Prohibition can secure has gone to Kansas City to finish' ^ his course as a Veterinarian, alpioj ” Glenn Adams goes to Greensboro,: FOUND—Medal, Eugene Spoon to Liberty, andj Ow^ner perhaps others. ^ property by calling at Dispatch We V7ish to call the attention ^ Office, and paying for this notice, of the County Commissioners ijo^ "v . the fact that we very often feJl FOR RENT—Good five room to receive our mail for tw^o or i house with electric lighfs on Ire- three days at a time on the ac~ I land street, count of high water; and would W. Luther Cates, be very glad if they would view; - 'i-'" niffht for Philadelphia where she situation near the E. M. Hctli i am in position to weigh your trained nurse in the hospital. fS : H. W. Tbollinger. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mathews! their part would greatly relieve?; and family of Lynchburg return-1 the situation. The high water .aa: been the guest of relatives arid friends. Miss Addie Ray and Mr. Lexie Patierson spent Sunday the guest O’:' Miss Myrtle Nicholson on R. F. D. No, 1. The Philatheas of the M. P. Church v/ill entertain the Baracs on the lawn of Mr. J. H. Heritage Thursday night. L. E. Reams left Monday night | We are glad to report Mr. Cheek for Covington, Ei.y., to work on a large bridge contract for the auu lauuiy uj. j^ym:nvui^ rin.urn-I um siLuauiuu. Aiit; lugii i ghSiffles^S^^S^^er th^^ ed Friday, after a weeks visit to j at this place affects both Burling-; ^ Cate«? tnousand. J. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest McPherson,; ton and Hartshorn mail, and Mrs. M. B. Self of Whitestone i . WANTFD-To at onfo a ^ n nassf'd throne-h town last ^ HoS” trading is taking om VVAW 1J1.U lo sell at once a b. u passea tnrougn i wU}, gome of our farmers th^'S*^ ^ Only used eighteen week sending Fnday night the j ™ StsSs A T Sn tiy^' months. Apply at Methodist ^estof her sister Mra. C. H. I exchanged some of late. • , " “ Bynum Hart who has beenj The “Holiness’’ people have j Have scales arranged to weigh spending a months vacation with i begun a 10 days meeting at Pleas-!' your heavy farm products, hay Vn-Q orrs»T^f^ns>T-anfci «»■ .Qf-nayf- V« ! ]y[ay niUCh gOOd bo j etC. J. W. CATES. HoI«prool Hose Notice School Opents Sood. his grandparents at Stuart Va. {ant Uuion. returned,hom.e Monday, to enter ; done school. j Miss Ola Lloyd of Chapel Hill arrived this week to spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Don’t fail to have your Cates and attend the Graded dren’s eyes examined before they School, i go back to school, and havt Mr.andMrs. J. B. Cheek left|glassesmtedto help them in th;eir today for Chapel Hill to spend a studies. Dr. N. Rosenstem i^y NOTICE—All parties who are in arrears for work done in the cemetery w^ill please come for- cliil-1 ward and settle. Respectfully, L. P. Sheppard, Cemetery Keeper. few days the guest of his father. Carolina Engineering Co., of this city. He will be away about two months. able to be out Mrs. Luzada 19B9 Delinquent Tax Payers. Again I beg to remind those who have not paid their taxes for 1909, that this matter is too import ant to be treated with such indifference. You must admit that I- have been linient. I have tried to manage so that ^ you might have the privilege of settling at your con venience. Bat I cannot wait always. My settle ment is right at hand. These taxes must be paid. It is right, and I want a full settlement now. RevSpectfully, R. N. COOK, Sheriff. Workman who | spent the last two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. H. 0. Holliday, on Snow Camp No.l. returned home Sunday. Miss Mable Ellis will teach the , McCray School this winter. Miss | Ellis is a popular young lady, j graduated at the Graded School! Specialist of Durham, will be in Mebane Monday Sept. 10th, at; the White House, and Tuesdav'; Sept. 20th, at Burlington at the: Burlington Drug Co,, for the pur pose of examining eyes and fil ling glasses. Don’t fail to see him. Consultation free.' The protracted meeting at tl-e Christain Church which be.:?an Sunday is progressing nicely. Re .FOR RENT:-Several good of fice rooms in Waller Building. For terms etc. Apply to J. Zeb. Waller FOR SALE—One 2 1-2 horse power gasoline engine, in perfect running order. Apply to Bur lington Beverage Co., Burling ton, N. C. I TaeSay the*^ prea^eM^ Services each day during the week continuing over Sunday. You are cordially invited to at tend. at Greensboro Miss Flossie Hitchens of Balti more arrived to resume her work as milliner with Mrs. Nellie B. Green. Miss Hitchens has many warm friends who welcome her back. Miss Carrie Hornaday left yesterday morning for .Kandle- man to be present at the opening of the Randleman Graded School, of which she is teacher of the primary department. Misses Blanche Stockard and Ella Robertson of Southern Ala mance spent Monday night in town the guest of Mrs. J. B. Cheek. Miss Stockard was on her 1 v/ay to the State Normal. } Mrs. J. M. Workman, who spent several days last week at Salis- Mrs. Sarah Jane Wayatt, of McCray, died Monday morriing and was buried at Long’s Chapel yesterday. She lived with her son, J. M. E. Wyatt. She was 80 years old. Funeral services conducted by J. W. Holt. A Change ihe Only Remedy. Catawba county has been u n der Democratic administrati>n for lo these many years, and \ve defy any .man to show us a foot of macadam roads in that couniy save in the incorporate limits .'f the towns. We also view with WANTED—Woman married or unmaried to mn small board ing house. Apply to State Dis patch Office. SOMETHING NEW-Now while times are hard, a dollar saved is a dollar made. Why use so much electricity on lights when our new' article will save you from fifty to eighty cents on the dollar. Will last a life time. Send $1, for article today. Box 55, Burlington, N. C. bury visiting her daughter. Miss I alarm the roads in Lincoln coi Lois, who is in the Hospital reco^^- , ty, another Democratic cou nt y, ering from an operation for Ap-;;Caldwe,ll county, which is Rebub- pendicitis, returned home Tues- lican, has macadam roads.—Ba- day, and reported her daughter as getting along nicely and thinks she will be well enough to come home in a few days. Country People // i'\ The Best Drug Store in BURLINGTON. The county is now full' of telephones. Let me have your order at night- Uncle Sam’s carriers will bring it to you next morning. No extra charge for postage. vie Record. , [In this county it is still worse, for the past two years we hfive been under a Democratic admia- itration and our roads are ir; a deplorable condition. ^ If the c.otfi- ty should continue Democratic two years longer our roads m^ouId , be entirely extinct, except the I macadam roadfe being built by ;a I bond issue, and too. the saliiiries of the road force have beeft in creased during the term;] TRY- Burlington Drug Comply FOR- Fgf Drugs, Cigars and Cold Drinks. A new lot Woods’ Turnip Seed. Burlington Drug Comp’y Bradley' A Card. I have secured the service J. C- Williams a Licensed Eiiilval i. mer of long experience to a.snist me in my work. We are at y«jdr service day or night. Phone 115 or 173. Jas, A. R. Davis, Undertaker. SANITARY PRESSING GLUB Suits cleaned and pressed .75 Coats “ ;; ;; .40 Suits sponged “• “ .50 Coats “ “ “ .25 Pants “ “ “ .25 Ladies’ suits cleaned and pressed .75 Skirts cleaned and pressed .50 Panama hats cleaned .50 Straw (sailor) 25 Sanitary Pressing Club ’Phone 342 Months* Goarttfttee ReaHy Means Holeproof Hosiery is guarantee to be as {ree from holes at the eud oi six moQths as it is the day you buy It. We give you this i^turantee in 'writing so if any holes appear In six months you re ceive new hosiery free of charge. v Common hosiery has no such gniU'an* tee. It costs you just as m«ch as “Hole- proof,” but at the end of six ndionthsit iS- worthless. You spend hours darning it when for tio extra expense you can have "Holeproof” and do no mending. Why ,not have the best?''- FOR ME CHI3.DIMEN Insist oil seeing the original Holeprobf trade-rmark. Many have imitated the guarantee but hone haye equaled the quality.' The makers pay 63 cents a pound for Egyptian and Sea Island cotton, but common hosiery is m^de from cotton at 12 cents a poqnd. “Holeproof” uses 3>ply yam in toe body and 6rpiy in the heels, toes and knees; Ordinary hosiery uses 2-ply throughout, yet costs you just as much as “Hpleproof.” Stop in at our store and examine the hose. Set ho^ stylish and comfortable it is —sOft.smooth and neat fitting. I^am the facts today. Tk HOLmm CO. On the Corner, BURLINGTON. Bet- V- S- M.J OOm, TEETH Extracted by Painless METHOD! Gums heal rapidly if properly cared lor. “A stitch in time saves nine,” and a grain of Gold| in the care of the teeth at the proper time, when there only minor defects is better than ?ui ounce after they have been neglected , for months or years, and means an im mense gain in comtort and reduced expense. Teeth filled by most modern and painless method without being prized apart with separator,. Examinations free. Work guaranteed. OFFiciB 18:00 A;: M. to 12 M. t Office oyer Sellars HOURS 11:00 to 6:00 p. m. I Dry Goods store. PR- J. S. BURLINGTON, N. C. - PHONE 374. You are cordially invited to come to the FALL OPENINCi to be held at our store Septem ber 23rd and 24th. ? the most mag- nificent display of dress goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Coat Suits, French and American Pattern Hats, and MiUinfiry NQvelties. Style Guaranteed. Our Milliners, MISS ALICE BOLAND / “BEULAH PETTY “ OLIV LLOYD. J. D. & L B. WHITTED BURLINGTON, N. C. 8 . ■■ "s. , ' ■ " ■. ■ ,i'. V • 'i:;