ins Pei* yard good 'Ss goods. •■1 snd \V0 i€Gt your ui’ special P€'r yard, wide and '■ ‘'eadi]y. B carrying t lines of ly whre in ' just re- ipment of in ladies’ ti's. We ' 15c. per .ried the ry for la ’s at 25c., y have an 7 stock of ints. If this line, ;his stock. 1 from 25c n’s suits lave some s clothing olina. ifSSSI iss Daisy’s pa- J. F. Over- ■i, No. 2 a fe^’ t a good time, / evening Miss a small but ittle party Miss Malona ?oing away evening was imes and tel!* cakes and ices served, after rliss Patterson i departed for lily moved t& od had a horse table Sunday unate enougn )ack Monday where the lor. V/e have they caught this wilting. >nd hand soda ondition, Ap r A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDIf^Q OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. VOL. BURLINGTON. N. C , SjEP'pMBER 21, 1910. NO. 19 -f«ir LO‘(r[ST AND HOW ' VOTE STANDS THE Burlington. m's a. Workman, ■vaiinie Patterson, ;rtle Isley, >iyrtie Tale, LHIian Turner, Burlington R. F. Jennie Whitsell, R. 4, Overman R. 1. D’s. 12,050 14,350 3,350 1,000 925 3,325 }'. 11 i liLC Matlock, R. 2, ■;ie Ec'cor, Route 2, Crouse, Route 4, Snow Camp. W’V Stout, iii'aued School, i;!'aded Schoo], Mebanti. Amick, River, No. 1. 'arrie Albright, Elon CollegCj N. C. uoHie Baldvt'in, Union Ridge, No. 1. jjXX^e TerreH., 1,825 400 ■ 200 200 I ISS ■ J ? UCt? . Haw 14.450 500 200 300 13.450 6,650 SCO 'i II I The Big Fair. The Alamance County Fair will i t the best in years. The Mana- -tiis are doing e’s^ery thing in ir.eii' power to make it not only ;,-nactive and amusing but well .vuj'ih your attention and time, li.e Big Vvild West Hippodrome, in connection with the ten big ihuws, will be amusirg to say i.oib.jng of The Grand Free at- •! actions which will be given each {'i-y. One of the many features ■viiicli will interest most will be ih(; I’acing, if you are interested ;;i horses it will pay you to go ; -d sooth your facinating desire. Vhe agricultural exhil its promise 0 be better than any previous Veit!’. No charge is made for the >;;';Li'ance of farm products, so if • ou ha'/e sr-me ;oroduct whicli /.ill interest your neighbor be :^ure and enter it. Remember the time Tuesday, '.Vednesday, Thursday, and Fri- ■:v October 4th, 5th, 6th, and . I i i. Why not take a day off and go *■. the fair, encoui'age the man- cL'-fers, and be benefited yourself. InteriirbaiiCar Line Z. V. Taylor general counselor for the Southern I'ower Company ,vas interviewed the other day by d )-ei)orter of the Greensboro Ba-'lyNews and the reporter ask ed what about the interubaii line in North Carolina, and his reply '.vas as follows: “if the conditions are favor able and the pro]3er encourage ment is given along the proposed route by the public, the line will oe extended from Greenville via ^jjartanburg Gaffney Blacksburg Kings Mountain, Mt. Holly, Charlotte, Concord, Salisbury, Lexington, Thomasville, High Point, Greensboro, Burlington, Orahani, Kaw River to Durham. ‘The road is to be built of 85- pound steel rails# will be rock ballasted with 1 per cent, maxi mum grades, and over the road will run high speed electric cars, capable of making: 65 miles per nour. Heavy duty locomotives will be put on and solid train loads of freight will be carried over the line." Mr. Taylor said the company would ask the manufacturers ^iong the proposed route to sub scribe one-fourth of the stock, the company to subscribe the other three-fourths. ’ ’ What we need is a live cham- of commerce to get them to ttke over the line already under construction in this city, and to ^>:tend the same on to Durham, ^uch an enterprise would mean to this community a,nd to i^'jrlington especially, are there not one li v'e progressive business ^pan who will start the ball a rol- just one. Miss Maude Brown gave a wa- rrielon slicing Saturday night '-'j 'i large number’ of her friends her iiome on Tjirpley Street in of. her friend Miss May ^"o.vri of Efland who was her during the past week. A crov/d was present to par- the delicious melons and : fev/ hours in pleasant THE BEPliBLICAN CAll- DATES AND WHO TflEV ARE Prof. Junius A. Hornaday, can didate for the House of Repre sentatives, is an educator af abil ity, and a inan of sound business judgement, born and reared in Alamance county, attended the' public schools of the county, and a graduate of the State Universi ty at Chapel Hill, He was sever al times elected mayor of Liber ty, a thrifty town in an adjoining county. He taught a most suc cessful school at Friendship this county last year, and first half of this. He is a high toned Chris tian gentleman and will make a good representative. Those of his heighbors who know him best will rally loyally to his standard. William E. Vincent, the candi date for Sheriif, is a sturdy type of manhood, a splendid fanner, and a man who has been success ful with his own business. This fact will be a guarantee that he will be more so as guardian of the peace, and custodian of the peo ple's money. He has served two terms as county commissioner during which time Me made good and v/on many friends, a feat rarely ever accomplished by any one holding the position of c^n- ty commissioner. Mr Vincent is well liked by his neighbors and is held in high esteem by them. This will be a tower of strength in the comJng campaign and will make him many votes. S. Fred. Faucette, the candi date for Clerk of the Superior Court, holds the important posi tion of shipping clerk in the Al- t^n.ahaw co‘:ton mill. He is a farmers son and was raised as a farmer boy. He is well qualified for the position to which he as pires, is popular with all v/ho know him, and is calculated to make many friends during the coining campaign. He is a rela tive of nearly everybody in Mor tons township and should receive a large vote outside of his party. If these calculations are correct lie should be elected hands dov/n. Thomas C, Montgomery, the candidate for Register of Deeds, is a son of the late Dr. D. A. Montgomery, and is a good busi ness man, having been employed as agent for the Southern Rail way Co., at Graham for a num ber of years, but now Express agent in the same town, also con* nected with several other buil^ ness enterprises, Mr. Montgom ery ran for Clerk of the Superior Court four years ago, and al though admittedly elected by all who were familiar with the cir cumstances, but owing to an un fair Democratip election law, was deprived of the office. He is a strong man and will make a good run, as his opponent will learn when probably it is too late. J. Mac. Garrison, the candidate for Treasurer, is a well-to-do far mer, and a man of steiiing qual ities. He is well known through out the county, having been a candidate for this position once before. He has many personal as well as political friends who speak of him in the highest terms and will not be afraid to risk the county’s money in his hands, knowing full well whatever amount is entrusted to him will always be ready for the county vouchers. If Mr. Garrison does not prove a vote getter and a win ner, we will have another guess coming. Farmers rally to your farmer friend and neighbor. You are coming into your own under this Republican prosperity elect Mac Garrison and come into your own as regards part of the coun ty offices. We will give a brief out-lme oi the candidates for county com missioners in our next issue, di gest this and be ready to hear about the best set of men ever nominated for commissioners. ■■ Democratic Speaking. Major Chas. M. Stedman, the Democratic candidate for Con gress in this district made a speech last Monday night m the Grotto building to a small, but appreciative audience. His speech was badly connected, and in the main was a repetition ot the old Democratic speech of happemngs just after th« war. If the Dem- ocrats was pleased with such an effort, we have no right to com- j plain. HM[ THE Cin RE- Is the City of Bnrlington to be Treated to Another Raleigh Affair. In the city of Raleigh a few years ago the records of the po lice court were changed and mu tilated, But in this city of Love and fjowers, the records of the board of Aldermen are said to have been changed in regard to the sale of the sixty thousand dollars worth of thirty year five per cent street and side- walk improvement bonds. The city fathers have met and promptly repudiated the record and order ed it expunged from the le^ords as will be seen from the follow ing minutes. Burlington N, C., September 19th 1810.—An adjourned meet ing of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Burlington, N, C., held this evening in W. H. Car- roirs Office, Present Mayor Love, presiding, and Aldermen Sellars, Apple, Freeland, Ireland Fowler and Cates, present. Object of the meetinr?: as stat ed by the Mayor, being to app rove or disapprove the minutes of meeting held September 3, 1910. Moved by Alderman Ireland, and seconded by Alderman Fow ler, that the minutes of Sept, 3rd 1910, as handed in by W. H. Car rol, Sec’ty., Pro-Tem, there ap- I.! iWREPUBUCAN CONVENTION The Republican county conven- on was held in the Court House at Graham Saturday September a 7th, and was called to order ];>'omptly at 12:30 by chairman ivicVey, The c^ll was read by I'-ecret^y Dameron. the roll of townships being called showed all represented. The credential com- iufttee was dispensed with and i;hairman McVey called Mr. B. . \^obertson to the chair as tern- poriary Chairman, upon assuming ilie chair Mr. Robertsoii made a lew remarks in which he clearly and forcefully compared the re- -ord of the two political parties, iirr. Robertson is a Magnetic and liuent speaker and made many happy hits to the evident delight uf .his audience, and closed % .^iiying that v/e are not here for Hjeeches, but for business, after which there were some gentle men present who would do the f;|>eech making. The temporary organization was then made per- inanent. It was decided to start at the bottom and come up, so the first business was the nomination of *oUnty commissioners .and the j:«>llowing gentlemen were placed in nomination: Samuel J. Buck ner, Patterson township; J. Cal- V lii Thompson, Newlin township, iialph W. Vincent, Pleasant Cirove, township; J. D. Albright, (U’aham township; G. W. P. pearing to be errors in same, be|:("ates, Haw River township; Ed- and the same is hereby expung-IWard Teague, Burlington town- ed from the records and that the ! ship: and B. S. Robertson, Haw minutes of said meeting be cor-j iliver township. Upon motion rected to read as follows, to wit: September 3rd. 1910. Proposition of J. W. Cates for purchase of Burlington Bonds:-- Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen of the Board of Alderman of Burlington i bad company for N. C. . ' - - I agree to pay the city of Bur lington, N. C. the full sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars, par va lue, for it $60,000.00 30-year 5 per cent bonds with the accru ed interest from July 1st 1910 to be added up to the date of the delivery of said bonds, for a Commission of $3350, to be paid me fi'om the General Funds of t he rules were suspended and Mr. Robertson was nominated by a rising vote, but Mr. Robertson, declined to accept, saying among oi ber things, that he had been in he past two years, and that he was afraid the people would hold ■ him responsible for increasing the in- '^viness of the county. A roll call of townships result ed:!, in the following nominations: Edward Teague, J. D. Albright, J, Calvin Thompson Ral. h W. Vincent and Samuel J. Buckner. Tlie nominations of coroner and surveyor were passed over and the City of Burlington, on the I joft to the County. Executive day said bonds are delivered to! Committee, with power to fill, said City. Said Commissions to jTbe treasurer came next and Mr. include all expenses of attorneys Me. Garrison was noniinated fees, lithograying and all expen- | acclamation.' The Register of ses connected therewith. This j I>eeds came next and there were proposition is made with this pro-; two nominations, Mr. T. C. Mont- viso, that the legality of said i ;iomery of Graham, and Mr. S. bonds is approved by the bond ! jyred Faucette, of Mortons town- buyers’ attorneys. ! ship, but the friends of Faucette Said Bond Buyers agreeing to I withdrew his name and Mr. T. C. put up a certified check in the I Montgomery was nominated by sum of One Thousand Dollars i acclamaton. The Clerk of the 2nd. Webelieveourpeopleare f|||niQ|jUr ||y entitled to an economic ;iadminis- Ui niUlliU lit tration of the government in ali. / its grades and its every depart- " mentj and taking ihe county as a unit, we demand that our: cduhty ’ officers be placed upon a salary basis and that all fefes and emolu ments now pertaining to said of fices be tarhed into and made a part of the school funds of the county. 3i*d, Believing that the safety of our government: and piir pros perity ks a nation depend upon the education of the masses, we emphasize our loyalty to that por tion of our state platform declar ing for the furpiishing, free of charge and under proper regula tions, all necessary text books for every child in the ypublic schools of the State. 4th. In the avent- of the fail ure, by the legislature, to pass a state-wide law, providing for the purchase of text books for the public schools, We! dehiahd the enactment of a la'VV', ; apply Alamance county, that \vill per mit and require the savihgs ac cruing to“the county by reason of the payment of Salaries to our of ficials to be applied to the pur chase of books for th^ children in oiir own public.schoblSi , . After which the convention ad journed and the speakers were sent for and introduced, Hon. D. H. Blair spoke first and:^ m^^ telling speech for Republicanisni his speech was clear, forceful and interesting. He compared pres ent prices with those of 1896 and showed conclusively that the country was in much better con dition now thaii then,- and that the purchasing power of the farmers crops are about twice as great now as then. His ^speech was Well received and highly complimented upon all sides as being the ablestexpositioh of Re publican doctrine that it has been our good fortune to hear in a long time. After Mr. Blair concluded Hon. Thomas^Settle delighted the audience for an hour with one of the most brilliant airaignm^t of i Democratic incompetency and in-' sincerity that was ever listened to in this neck of the ivoods. He made the Democrat?/so ashamed of themselves that the most of them left the Court Hfiuse, but the Republicans hung bn as if hungered and thirsting for more. The convention was well attend ed, the court room being- at least four-fifths full, had it not been for the circus comjng the same week the Court House would have within ten days as evidence of gOod faith in this proposition. Moved by Albright and second ed by Atwater, Vote Aye; Albright, Atwater, Fowler, Cates, Ireland, Sellars, No. Apple, No. Freeland, No. W. H. Carrol, Secretary,. Pro- Tem, appointed by the Mayor. On ballot, Apple, Ireland, Free- Superior Court came next and M r. S. Fred Faucette was named by acclamation. Then came the Biieriff and Mr. William E. Vin- eeat of Pleasant Grove township wjis placed in nomination, there being no contest Mr. Vincent was nominated by acclamation. At tills time the office of Represen tative was reached and here de land, Sellars and Fowler, vote vtiloped wiiat looked like a real AYE. Ciates votes NO. The mo- contest. %e friends of Mr. Wil- tion is declared carried. llam A. Hall, thrice mayor of Aldermen Sellars moved that i Burlington, presented his name, J. W. Cates be furnished a copy | the nominating speech being of the proceedings of this meet-1 made by Hon. Heenan Hughes, ing motion seconded by Freeland i who said some mighty nice things and on ballot all Alderman vote j lot his candidate and it looked as AYE. Motion declared carried, | if Mr. Hall would be nominated On motion the meeting stood I 1j1v£j the rest, by acclamation, but adjourned, s ^ there was a young Demosthenes Jas. P. Montgomery, present in the - person of Prof. Sec. & Tres. Junius A. Hornaday, from Cobles City of Burlington, N. C. township, and as this township This is no campaign tale, but. M had the honor to furnish the facts. What does the honest cit-; Representative for the past sev- iKens think of such high handed j fral years, and as thisjs all they been full and overfiowing. questionable methods. Will Address the Veterans. Hon. W. A. Graham Commiss- oner of Agriculture has kindly consented to address the Confed erate Veterans in the Fair Ground Wednesday fair week at 12 o'clock ha ye ever received, they did not It'dl like giving it up, so it\fell to tbs lot of Dr. J. A. Pickett to name his successor, and he placed Mr. Hornaday before the con- 1, ehtion, which was seconded by (jliairman McVey and Prof. J. A. W. Thompson. At this juncture Mr. Hall requested that his name be withdrawn, and Prof. jdorna- J. A. Turrentine. The Holt-Engine Co., have a i day was named by acclamation. Tills completed the nominations ' ind the following resolutions was personal appeal to every citizen i mgoduced and passed, who is interested in the upbuild^' The Republican party of Ala ins of Burlington. If this enter- rnance county m convention prise is launched in Alamance assembled do hereby resolve. County it will mean employment; 1st. We are in thorough^ac- for a large number of laborers. ; eord with the National and State We beseech you to read their pro- platforms of our party and we Dosition and investigate the de- hereby proclaim our unfaltering tails fully aUegiancethereto. Snow Camp iti;ms Sylvian High SchooL op6hed Monday with Prpi F. R. Yoder of Hickory as teacher. ,, Dolph Teague and daiighter Miss Laura of Swepsonville are spending k few days in this va- cinity visiting relatives. Mrs. Lee A. Wharton of Gibv sonville returned home Saturday after a weeks visit to her grand father’s J. R. Coble's. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of High Point ars. visiting friends and relatives here this week. Miss Est^la Allen, Snow Camp centml girl, recently returned from a visit to her sister Mrs. Bodenhamer at High Point. Messj^ Davjd Carter and Ja mes Dixdn came home froin Whit-r where they are in school^ Satur day to attend the protracted meeting at Pleasant Union Sun day and to see their best girls al so.'- . Mrs. Cicero Stuart and little son Everett are visiting; at Yad^^ kinvill^ Everett will undergo ah operation while there for throat trouble. Miss Koduska Roach aecom- pani^id by her sister Mirs. Wayde of Graham, went to Winstorji last week for a visit, Robert Culbertson spent Satur-^ day night at T. H. Hornaday’s took his girl to preaching Sunday night; Listen for the wedding bells, such extended visits are not made for nothing. Thomas C. Hodgin will preach at Cane Creek next Saturday ahd Sunday instead of the first Sun day, his usual appointment. Insurgent peniocrats Demand Party Reforttt---~Ma$s Meette Held and Present Management of Connty Party Affairs Severely Arranged, Lumberton, Sept. 15. — Pursu- ant to a call by many of the most prominent democrats in Rpbesois county, a large delegation assem bled in the coiirt house here to day in a mass meeting which had as its object tl^he uplifting of pol itics and raising a higher stand ard of civic righteousness. Mr. J. S. Oliver, of Marietta: was made ch^rman of the meet ing which; was opiened with a prayer by Rev. C. H. Durham. Mr. R. D. Ckldwell in stating the object of the ineetihg said , that it was a voluntary gather* ing of the citizens, and the call did not come from the county ex» ecuti ye committee and its pur pose was to overthrow the pres ent management of the dem ocratic party in Robeson county and restore harmony to the party. ' ^ A committee was appointed tio draw up an order of exercises and while this c6mhiittee was absent from the room severati men in the audience were called upon to make short talks. Prom inent among these were three ministers of the county wh» de clared in one accord that the time had come when the righteouf citizen of the county should rise up and put an end to the corrupt ing influences in certain branches of Robeson’s politics. The committee on the order oi business reported several recom mendations some of which were: That the mass meeting endorse two men for the legislature and five county commissioners. That Mr. Geo. B. McCleod be asked to resign from the championship of the democratic executive com mittee .and that y Sheriff E.; C. McNeill be endorsed for sherilt All these recommendations, were accepted by the meeting." Dr, B. F, McMillan, of Red Springs and J. 0. McArthur, of Thomp sons township were endorsed for the house. The men endorsed for county commissioners were.; A. J. Floyd, of Whitehouse town ship, D. Z. Mc(xOOgan, of Lum ber Bridge, J. A. MePaul, of Blue Springs, J. A. McCormick, of Pembroke and W. H. McCel- land, of Thompsons, A very hot fight is being wag ed for the office of sheriff, ex- Sheriff Geo, B. McLeod contest ing with Shenff E. C. McNeill for that office, honors appearing at this time to be about even be tween them. The rhass meeting demanded the resignation of Me, McLeod from the chairmanship of county executive committee because he is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, but’at this time he has not resided and there seems little likelihood of his do ing so. The fight in RobesoB seems to be taking on the form of a ring and an anti-ring en counter. Whatever the outcome of the convention work, it is the plain duty of every local Republican to support the party candidates and platform. The broad principle of stauuch Republicanism stands fore the requisition is honored- far and above every other issue, ’which request will be granted. Mr. John Mac Walker one of Alamance County's boys who haj made good returned last week from Washingrtoin City where he spent the summer as a ministerai supply. Mr. Walker preached Sunday at Stony Creek, return ing Monday to the Union Theoiog ical Semina;ry where he will spend two years continuing his studies. “President Taft says it is not a question of ‘the kind of Repu blicanism one prefers, but whether it is l)ett»r to have the Repulican party control legisl ation or enable a Democratic party to interpose a vote and carry Out Pemocratic prihelplesu The President is right. Nobody has stopi^^^'to think what Dem ocracy might do, but the possibii ities will develope in timly rec ollection.” : The Governor of South lina has made requisition on Governor of North Carolina for Jake Lever, wanted in South Carolin for enticing laborers from that State to come to North Caro lina. Lever, v/ho is under arrest in Rockingham, has asked Gov- jernor Kitchin for a hearing be- 'I ■