nirrniMTni iirfi The S ie Dispatch. tax on land listens: ip Rev, J. W./Morgan, who has i rGfundGd. N-EiaHBORHOOD NOTES ii*^*.f"ownshipi„ m the Board ‘Jf Sale. Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale eontamed; ' a certain Ifpm^ of General Interest ■CIiddmI I ^H^ied at Way, near which! Cpmmis.sioners go over. ',|t(}rgan at the' Baptist Church S mortgage deed, exeiuted on W “ ! P'S.ce thedeceAspii^ Kc.qi^ w,r.i, the Snow CarniJ and Sundav riinrnino-ar«ri TiYo-Vif a,. 25th dav of Rp-ntAiriKoi^ 1909, by pi :ing From our ExchaBges. yanS'i^yvisle Sentinel. There was a serious shooting scrape indulged in by two colored ],eop!e on Will Smith’s farm Sat urday night when Will Richiftond sliot vVill Stephens through the head causing instant death. They claim that they were fooling, Avith a pistol when it w^as accident ly discharged.^ Richmond was: uiven a preliminary hearing Sun day and was lodged in jail Mon- fi-n' in default of $1000,00 bond. If an accident how long before America will learn fire arms are not playthings? Sanford Expross The Sanford Cotton iVIill is now operated by pow^‘ funished by its own^steam plant. Ta© water in the Cape Fear river ,is too low \ Blspaicii; on account of the dp- _\yeatlier | _A. S. Allen, who has been ruri- ior powci' to be lunished by the ning a' grocery store in what is Buckhoi‘11 plant, A large plant is, known as the old brick shop at the Wennonah Cotton Mills, was 1*'* *1 • t the deceased had i^n mak-' Camp and Sunday morning and night. He his home. i and Ossipee Macadanv; j4p,es to Henderson ville where hp : roads before the said roads re- iias accepted regular work His ^ived by the Board of Count:r:,tpe^Il visitatthehomeofRev Commiraoners ;S:aAMorgan for sev4i! ^Said board meet on the tentl-: i of this month A new rural route, , known ds -aoute I wo, was put into service out,from Roaring River Saturday. It serves a territory south of the Yadkm river. With; its'establish- ^ ment the postofRce at Dellaplane ,^^iar Creeik are discontinued ]s carrying the mail tmtil the permanent carrier is ap- pointed. Cliapel HiH News. The numerous friends hereabout of Mrs. Andrews, wife of tur clever and popular Sheriff,- will be pleased to learn that she is able tO'Vvralk some, after unde:^going two or ; three operations' at ' ’ Watts Hospital, for a) broken iracturded ankle, as the r from a fall she received on the ]ce l^st winter, i roads. Or(iered. to visit the said That Lee King Re-Sale of Land. Qr being- built at Raleigh by the Carolina Light and ^*ower Comp any and as soon as it is completed the cotton mill here will again be o])errited by eletric power. The Ra’eigh plant will funish p^wer when the water is toolow f^rthe plant at Buckh^rn to be operated. (?!>liJ.«vil!8 Revtcw, Southbound local passenger train No. 7 ran over and instantly killed a young white man, W. D, Hughes, of Danville, Thursday after noon between Benaja and Brown Summit. He was lying across the track and the wheels passed over both legs at the ankle cutting off the feet. The skull was fractured but the face was disfigured. The remains were carried to Randleman for inter ment. Orange County Observer. Several hundred people wit nessed the baptizing of twelve colored persons,' two males and ten females, in Eno river at the town bridge Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. H. Moore the colored pas tor of the Hillsboro Baptist Church, Married itt the milliiiary store of the Misses Forrest atllillsboro on Wednesday mornifig Sept. 28 th at 11 o’clock in the presence of several ladies and gentlemen, Mr, S. B. Sykes and Miss Robena Jones by Joseph A, Harris, Jus tice of the Peace. All of Orange. Eikin Times. Vvill Germarj a negro convict at v/ork on the Elkin and Alleghany Railroad, neai Elkin was quite seriously hurt last Monday, The accident was caused by a rock falling down into a cut where the negro was at work. The rock which weighs threeor four pound struck him on the spine, produc ing temporary paralysis. He is now much improved. Asheboro Courier. 0. E. Rich cornes forth this week with a stalk of corn that surpasses in height the one re ported last week. Mr. Rich who lives in South Ashboro has a stalk of com that measures 8 ft. 6 inches from the ground to the ear, and the entire length of the stalk is sbout 14 feet. Who will next break the record in the corn growing regions? Ml Airy Leader, The incoming freight train, on the A. & Y, division of the South ern, was wrecked , near Pilot Mountain, last Saturday after noon. Five cars were derailed and two turned over but no one was hurt. The passenger train did not arrive here uutil7 o’clock Sunday *norning. On last Thursday the North Carolina Granite Corporation, of this city shipped twenty five ^r loads of stone and on Friday ship ped seventeen. This is fair aver age for this mammouth ente-. prise and yet the plant is being enlarged and it is safe to say that another season will find the out put doubled. SSIer City Grit. ^ Mr. J. M. Woody, of Silk Hope had the misfortune of beirig bit ten on the hand by his horse Sunday. The injured member \yas once given medical attention % Dr. Kirkman. Mr. Jacob Patrick, of Burling ton, and Miss Lizzie Robertson ];'[ere married Thursday night at the home of the bride's mother,. 'y,. Susan Thomas, ne^r Kimr witon, Esquire J. R. Blain pre- toi'ming the ceremopy. Our con- fe'i'ULulations to the ^ happy pair, "'■iitiis Patriot. ‘ given a preliminary hearing be fore the may or last on the charge of selling whjskey. Some joint ib this section of towm has been deal ing out the tiger product in large quantities and the officers hope that they have at last located it There was sufficient evidence against Allen to bind him over to court and he will answere to judge and jury at the next terrh of court. PKOCEEOiO OF COITY i CQMMISSlONEIiS MEETili I Graham, N. C., Oct. 3rd.-* The Board of County Commis sioners of Alamance County m^t in the Court house on the above date in regular monthly meeting' at 10 o’clock a. m. with the fol low members present. A. N. Robertson; B. S. Roberson,, ; W. A. Murray. B. R. Sellars, The following business was transacted: !he chairrnaiti being absent the board 'elected A. N. Roberson chairman protem. Ordered. That the road from near W^agoner’s Store to the, Guilford County line be and ■ is hereby made a public road. ■ Ordered. That citizens be al lowed to construct a Telephone line from the Orange County line to John A. Warrens: said poles to be so planted as not to con struct the roads or ditches in a|ny way. i Ordered. That Bob Graves, b® allowed five dollars for the Bu rial of Anna Vincent. Ordered. That this Board bor- borrow Five Thousand from ^ the Virginia Cotton Mills to pay note of two thousand dollars at the National Bank of, Alamance and to meet the expenses of the' coun ty. Ordered. That this Board give contract for an approach to the bridge across the race at the Vir- giuia Cotton Mills on the East side of the river said bridge to be of steel one span of 110 feet, with stone foundation. Ordered. That W. I. Braxton be exempted from Poll tax and road duty and a certificate be is sued to him, he having lost one arm. Ordered. That J. H. Tarpley be authorized to accept Nota Mar tin as an inmate of the County home. , ^ , Ordered. That the Road asked for by citizens, leaving the Gra ham t(m6l at Chas A. Thompson’s and running between Thos. C. Foust and Geo. S. Rogers cross ing creek at the Mike. Neese place intersecting road near Mt. Har mon be advertised and heard the first Monday in November and W. N. Thompson be authonzed to investigate the same and re port to this Board at its next meeting. ^ Ordered. That C, A. Albright be authorized to make estimate on bridge at Kerrs Mill and re port to this Board at its next ”^()rdefed. That W. N. Thomp son be authorized to make esti mate as to cost bridge at Mosers and Tinnins mill and report to this Board at its next meeting. Ordered. That W. N. Thomp son have damage repaired on Rock Creek School House caused by blasting'by the Road force. ' Ordei‘ed. That Harrison Buck ner be permanently relieved oi poll tax andiroad duty on accoun t of disabilities, i , Ordered, That W. N. Thomp- son be instracted to work the Road from Alamance jFactory to ■* ^' "as pos- The ^following named persons; ! which the were dij-awn as Jurors for Novem'i-V^f^ law of B.'B.' King,. de- bei’ terin of Superior Court ^ constituted A: V. Ealiss. No. 2;W S Sut-will of ten, 4; John W. Overman, 9: C. ^ highest L. Moser, 1: T; B. Pettigrew 10- House door Jas. N. Malone, 12; John 6; J. C. Philips, 10; 0. F. Clapp, ] The , followiiig described real & ^ She^ierd, No, 2, J. S. | property, to wit: A certain tract m I ’Oliver l ®^ parcel of land lying and being " r Alafflance ^ ^offner, 2;_ W. D. WhiteSiellJ fef Alafflance County, state of . ’ Tingin, 11; C. J. Guth-J Morth Carolina, in Pleasant Grove ne, 6; D. B. May, 12; Geo. W. I 'i’Qwnship, on the waters of Owen 1.atterson, 8; John R, Isley, 2: | :i?feek, and adjoining the land of Samuel Hughes, 3, M. A. Kinney 'I. G’ Tate and others, it being 2, Chas. P. Stewart, 8; J. P, Bar-;;||e home place of ,the late B,. B.' ber, 3: Geo. H. Huffman, 3; A. T l-mg^upon which he resided at, Albright 10; Jas. E. Miirphey,;l2*1.'tfie time of his death, eontainiiig- J. A. Branson, 2, C. J. Black, 6;| |);ae Hundred (100) acres^ more: G. M. Stewart, 8; A. H. Fogle-■ pi'Jess. 'This is the same propet- man, 12; W. D. Murcherson, 1; Ivfy^that was conveyed on the sec- Samuel McPherson, 1; M. G. Pilve I'^nd day of April, 1894, by John „ 9; Percy Homewood, 6; Joseph P. | B. Compton to B. B., King, whlqhi’ ’Thi&t^^ Albright, 12; J. H. Loy, 3; J. M. i 4®ed is recorded in the office ^f'1910 • day of September John H Shoffner find-wife Minnie Shoffner, tb D. Wlnningham and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds: for Alamance County,, in Book No, 46 of Mort gage Deeds, pages 116 119:; The said M.^ D. Wii^ningham, mortga gee, will offer for sale at public Graham, Alamance County,.N.’ C. at noon on Monday, Octoter ^1/ 1910 the following’ described tt'act of land lying and beirig 'h Bnrlington ToMrnship, Alamance County, State of N. C. and more particularly/described as followsr , Adjoining the lands of Luther C* r'Ofe^eman, Mi^s, Emanuel In gle and others, Begihiiing at a stone Emahtifel' Ingle’s^Solitheast corner bn Everett Street itt the City: of , Burlington, ; running thence in a Southern- dir^iiBtion with said Everett ■ Street; 6^3 feet to a stone in Luther 0. Fogleman line, thence in a Western direc tion 180 fe^. ' with ’said Luther Cv Foglemaw’s ime to'a stone, thence in a.,-Northern, direction 63 ft to a stone said;- Ingle’s-cor- BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon hayeii’t 4 rcjtnlkr, lienJthT ibnveiu«nt ot tlw. bowei8 6y«rydtty.yQa’reilJorwi)lbe. KoeprOB?f borfots ope!i,,and bo well, roi-ce. in tho physic .or.jjlll poisci;, iis amawas. 'm’ S!A.cot.]j€sl., er.sJcst, njost perfect witj’ cf kesnlus the bmveJs c-le8r,ftndl clean is totako ^ CANDY CATHARTfC EAT *feWI like CANDY Ste^lnp Remedy Compm, ChicafiO or New Yoffc KEEP YOUR BLOOB CLEW uer,, tl-:^en^ce, in ap, Jas? tern direc tion witji said,Ihgles line 180 feet to the beginning- Lot 63 feet frdnt running; back 180 feet: Holt, 2; John W;. H. Isley, 2;, T N, Mitchell, 11; T, P, 'Nicholson , 7, J. S. McBane, 8; J. W. Burke 6; Geo. Black, 6; A. P. McBane, 8; W, L. McPherson, 8. Ordered. /That L. L. Black- well and Beiij. Bowles be allovv’^- ed to peddle in'Alamance Coun ty free of License tax they being old Cdnfederate Soldiers. ; ■ Ordered. That the .report of the grand jury be flledl Ordered. That the petition for,I^oop/ Station, Township be laid over until the November meeting of this. Board. Or^ei’ed. That Notice jbe i and is hereby given that some a,ction will be taken by this boaM at its meeting in regard' to building bridge across Stihkih^ Quarter creek near John F. Cobles, Ordered, That contracts for building bridges at Swepsonville and Back creek be awarded to the Carolina Engineering Com pany they making lowest price on said work. Contract for Swepsonville; , $1525. . Contract for Back Crefek $2175. Ordered, That A. R. _H eritage be authorized to furnish VVm. Chatham and wife each $1.-50 per month for two months, and pre sent an itemized account with this order attached. , ; Ordered, That John M! Coble be refunded tax on $415 Bank stock same having been errone ously listed and paid in' 1909. Ordered. That Henry Bamm be relieved of one Poll tax erro neously^ charged. , , Ordered. That M. G. Flanigan be relieved of tax on 47 acres of land in Graham Township value $500 same having been erroneous ly listed for 1910. Ordered, That the report of Dr, H. M. Montgomery acting Supt of Health be received and filed. There being no further business the board adjourned to meet on Monday Oct, the 10th, to investi gate the. Macadam roads. ' Ghas. D. Johnson, Clerk. 3^3gister of. Deeds countiif in teb6k'.6f for Alamanoe' Deeds No. 0, P,gges.46 and 47, to -which refer- jj.ce is hereby y ex|)ressly made \ Mw, p, ."^inninigbami I\|ortgagee Jno, R. Hoffman, Attorney. . a Jmpre particular description', ‘ ^ Terms of Sale;' One-third . of the purchase price to be paid. |n cash, one-third in three months ri/id thei: remaining . onerthird at TJifeexpiration of six .months frbhi d&;!:e>of sale, deferred" paymerits ■ ti fsecured by notes of pur- bfisser baring interest from date "of ilile'arid 'title 'res§rved until purchase price is paid. , Ea S. W. Dameroh, Jho. M. Cook, f Attorney, ,,, ^ Commassi^pqr. CURE WITH ir. liitg’t; i@i:;iiseotrer| PEIC® . ,80c & $jLOO. Trial Boille Freii iial^mber ISthJ 1910, Am Alii YMRCAY AWP LUJ^GTROUgLES. aWAKAlWEBBS^tSEAoiOBl pB MONEY BEFUNJ?E3>. ir 20 High Grade Post HALLOWEEN, THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS,: ^ NEW YEARS; GREETINGS, ; 'L^te. —With every order we send FREE our. 48-pag|g jp0st, card:2atalog, containing 500 Illustrations of , high- grade post cards. V^e^also place your name FREE .. in our post-card exchaiige if you request'saihe. Address : FAMILY STORY PAPER, ^4-48 Vandewater St., New york KERN A European Plaa, Absoiuteiy Flreprnof, , , Id tjbie heart of tKe hastqett tection of BALTIPRE. m .Ivu:5iuriou^ritonii«,, j and En suite, * Wiljii ..or Bathe,Per; Palatial C nBUi:paesed: Cu Hine, Shower and Paths Bath* Free to Guest*. t KEBNft ' ' ^ JiooKJiXXi •; Tbe Demon o! Tbe kir. is the germ of LaGrippe, that breathed in, brings suffering to thousands. Its after * effects are weakness, lack of appetite, ener gy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood punfier and regulator of Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. Thousands have prov ed that they wonderfully streng then. the nerves, build up the system and restore health and good spirits aftei* an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50c. Perfect satisfaction; guaranteed by Freeman Drug Company. Cicero Anderson, the son of M r ^paries Anderson, of Oakwood, ,-vw.,;-.ncfi' ^JC'dsome days ago of fever, in a the Battle grou hospital in Statesville. The young , siWe. , W A Lewis ^nan was 16 years old. The body^ Ordered. That NOTICE.- .At the last, meetings of ; the* Burlingnon School Board of Edu cation it was decided that all pupils who desire to ent^r the; Primary Department of the City Graded ScHooils will have to do so before October 1st, or wait until after Christmas. After Christmas pupjl will: toe permitted i to ent^i;- until Feburary 1st. and after that date no admittance will be grant ed. Exception is made: where sickness has deterred.^ i G. C. Singletary, Superintendent of City SehQpls. Sept. 13, 1910. : ' , GOLbEN ;-i OPPORTUWITYi Mh Carolina Agricultural & Mechanical Goilege Young man, golden Opportunity kocks at your door today. If you would^enjoy some of the rich blessings op portunity is offering you, write at once to the A. & M. College for catalog and learn how you can become inde pendent as a scientific farmer, a skilled mechanic ok an experienced teacher. Board, lodging and tuition $7> 00, per month. For free tuition or further imformation, address / Preadent JAS. B, DUDLEY, Agricultural & Mechanical College, Greensboro, N. C. ‘T carry Dr. jNlOcs’ Anti-Paim Pills with me all the time,, ani. for aches and pains there is. nothing equals them. I hia,vc used them; for, fheuiTJatiCi pains, lieadache, and pains in sitie anfi back, and in every case they givf perfect satisfaction.'’ IIENrY CGURIJEN, Bbonton, % Pain comes ? fr©inii tortured; nerves. It may occur in any part of the head ot body 'where there is weakness or ;prcssu» ujpon the nerves. Dr.^M Anti-'Pain Pills , Relieve pain, whether it be inc*^ ralgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, hea4 ache, stomiwihe, pleurisy ot ovarian pains. Druggists everywhioi^e sell them. W first packaee falls to bensftt, ymir 4fru9> gist wlil return your rribnoy. ' MILKS IUEDICAL C>., ElMwUii, lN((i Some women retain tlieir beauty to axi adyaiKH^ age. But women, who regularly endure pain, age rapidly, for suffering leav^ its lastiiig lim them. '. i. ■ Nearly aU women i^utfer mor^ or lesi? mth some form of female trouble. It should not be neglected. 'A.yoid the pain^^^treat yourself at home by taking Oariui, as thousands of other womeh have 4one.:| P|Bgm at once and give Cardui a fair trial. f «od Ante rapoit.1 . it«, trade eopyiHrhH IN AlX. COU.NtRICS. I JBttsiness direct ruUk WasMi^inn tvvet timuA \moni0fandofte»,theptknii- ■ Patent snd Infringeimnt Pr ctlee Excliitiytlv. 'Write OI (xane; to tu at I Tt-lt' Eigi^ wmt 'Vsttod Btotn | WASHl>»«GTON, D. C. It Will Hcip You ®[ts. Katie Burlison, Cfor0ville, ,Hl.,: tried C^rdui , ai|d wites: ! ssi^ered witE'female troubles, and was sicfe: 1 covjld noi3taad' i oa my feet. iFinally I begian. to talre Cardtii,. and''soon began to Ij mend. li am, ^ble to do iay honisework; tod am j better health than I was befor^" Try it ' ■ ^ > : AT hUm ; ijjiuia STOICS Succeed when else &cib. lo nervous prostration and femftJe weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thocsands hav6 testified. FOR KIDNEY^IVCR AND STQMAOHTROU9tE ft is the/;best tnedicine ever s(^ oveir a dtug^t’4 coimten '

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