cy ?K>:. n' "' ill Life ' as the L CSNT. ‘ SCOCK rhter of ire In- m tracts !leserv(? •ecurity .nee Co. interest Uj?]-! our for a I! tCo, «E I _l sea g leeper. lu tsdie llot of It our pat- lutifui NQ, leaning. forks. i § 0 . n,'"' '-j, IMIR HHD MIED BY km Ha’eig--- July 6. - Daniel Loiig, n^ Wrson county, a juror jn the of tbe Ware-Kramer Tobacco Jcinpany against the Americaii Tobacco company, on trial in Federal court, was slightly injur ed the noon recess today b” b( ing knocked to the pave ment in front of the postofHce by a street car. It seems that Mr. bo/g was crossing the street and had (iiodged one car when the^ came upon him from the oppwite direction. The fender tfrcc i his ankle, knocking him to Se jsavement. His forehead, near ihe right eye struck ;the pavewent and inflicted a painful irnvr^'v He was taken to Rex h(^'pi*'.a} aiiid the wound dressed. He’>vas able to resume his s^t as a juror at the afternoon seis- jijcn rf court. mmm mm KiH lore Tbao \^iid Beasts. The number of people killed T,«*ar]y by wild beasts don’t ap proach the vast number killed by: disease germs. No life is safe from their attacks. They’re in aiT v.ater, dust, even food. But yrand protection is afforded by Electric Bitters, which destroy and expel these deadly dis^ife ^^eriiis from the system. That's why chills, fever and agu%- all maiarial and many blo(^diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them, and enjoy the glorious health and new strength they’ll give you. Mon ey back, if not satisiied. rOniy 5Gc at Freeman Drug Co. • MEN HllLED # STORM ]fj mmmm twim, va. Two Harrisonburg, Va., July 6.— men were killed, others were shocked and burned and thousands of dollars worth of dijnage was done to property and live stock today when an ejectrical storm of great violence svjept Rockingham county. John Crider and Jacob Wilkins were strack by lightning while riding for shelter, and they and their horses were instantly killed. Lightning set fire to the home d1 Eerry Mattox, near Lacy, and it was burned to the ground, Mrs. Mattox and the children barely escaping with their lives. A bolt bfOKe up a funeral procession in East Rockingham, stunning the undei-taker and his assistant, who were riding on the hearse and ihroAing the mourners into a panic. More than a score of cat- I’e and horses were killed in the Its SALES KEEP PACE |[TI! PliOUlBiTION CRAZE -'e’.v York, July 6. —Ko less 63,000,000 barrels of beer were sold in the United States the 12 months ending Jurjt 30 last, or an increase over the previous 12 months of 6.21 per cerA., according to the annual repori of the beer and whiskey J^ales made public here today'by f'je United States Brewers asso- Notwithstanding the in- which the report contends ' -vCtties that the county is pros- ; ■:rous, the spread of prohibition as affected the trade consider- it is declared. The whiskey bill of the United ior the year, according to report, is $146,973,000, and IJicreaseof nearly $8,000,000 or 5^j6per cent, over the previous V iRoriths. A Free Sdbolarslup. , young man or woman who 's a bcsTja fide patron of this paper secure free instruction in or Elocution, y Jthaca Conservatory of usic, with the desire to stimu- ft'" study of these arts, of- if Scholarships to applicants the State of North Caroli- ;/-'f‘■'Jed at $100 each, and ^f twenty *^®^nning with the open- S school year, Septem- ^ IWl, in any of .the fol- ^ departments;- Voice, Vio- }ano, and Elocution. _ ^■‘ nese scholarships are award- ^'jn^petition which is o- ')rdesiring a musical “^erary education. '£xiS^ ^’ishing to enter the - 01',desiring informa- write to Mr. George General Manager of '-;Onservatory of Music, before September Elksn, July 8. — An interesting industry atot which little is kno^n outside this imtaediate ^ction, is-^ing conducted near Rockford, this county by the Yadkin Lime Con^pany. Some time ago what appe^^ to be a solid mountain of iUmesione was discovered about a mite from Rockford and neari ^he ^nailroad The State GeologisFt] lhv0$tigated and expr^ed the jobib|6n that the-deposit did not lexist iin pay ing jjuantity, Howev^j the pro moters, Mr. A. F[' M^sick, of Winston-Salem, ar^ a-| Mr Wel- Kngtoh, of Boston^ pl^^kily in- necessa^lii^hinery and theii* faith se^ihi^ be fully justifi^,. They are i tilting out the iimefitoh^ ^ whjch ii^bf fine quality, 5n paying qiiaiiiitles, and from all appearances the moun tain, though a small one, is of soM Ifiqae^tone.v The company is liaQojrporated under th6 naihe of ; the- Yadkin Lime Company,, and >as estab- Mh^ offices and wa?«n0uses for shipping purp5^s aiojigf the rail- road-. The industry Kis^ paying arid is rewarding the faith of the investors. ' EiSHH iiNTlf IA8MER KiLLED BY Winston-Salem, July 6,—Yes terday afterhooii about 5 o'clock on C»A? ^ones^ f«rm, three-miles south of the city, John Henry Reich met his death under the feet of a pair of runaway horses. Mr. Reich had stopped the wag on and was closing the bani doors, when he saw a traction engine approaching and called to his assistant to run hold the horses. The man jumped into the wagon, but failed to get hoki of the lines and the team dashed off. Mr. Reich ran in front of them and threw up his hands, but they paid no heed and before he could jump aside he was knock ed down, the wagon tongue strik ing him in the abdomen, and the wagon passing over his body. He iived iust a few minutes af ter the itightful blow, raising himself upon his knee, and groan ing, “0, rm hurt!” Then fall ing on his face, he died without speaking again. _ Washington, July 7.—General Bixby, chief of engineers of the gives as his ©pinion that the primary cause for the blow ing isp, of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor, will never be dis covered. * ‘As it was caused by a torpedo or mine from without the fact will never 1^ established ^cause of the condition of the wrecked ship," asseits. Army en^ners are raising the wreck of the maineand Mr. Bix- by has returned from inspection of their work. He examined the tom and twisted hull from which the water is now being drawn away. He says that ^1 three of the forward magazines of the battleship were exploded and that these explosions caused the ter rific dama^ done the ship. He does not differ with the findings of the ^inpsoh naval court of in quiry in November, 1898, which declared that “In the opinion of the court, the Maine was destroy ed by the explosion of a subma rine mine, which caused the par tial explosion of two or more of the forward magazines.” General Bixby does not think the bodies of the men who lost tiiejr lives in the explosion and which have not been recovered ever will be found. He thinks they were hurled from the ship and buried in the mud. Two sides of the ship were blown to pieces,: the decks had been hurled into the air and the sides forced outward. These decks were where the unfortunate men lost their lives. THE Charii^e Observer The Largest and*Bcst News paper in North Carolina. Every day b Year, |S.OO a Year. Tbe OuBisRV£R co&eiste uf 10 to pagee daU; and 20 to 32'pagee: Sunday. It handles more sews matter, local State, national and foreign than anj other North Carolina new8paT>er. The North Carolina State Normal arid Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North CsuroUna. Five regular Courses leading to De grees. Special Courses for teach ers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State, Fall Sessions begins Sep tember 13, 1911. For catalogue and other infonnation address Julius L Foust, President, G^eens^ oro, N. C. -THFr. Baltimore American EttabluM 1773 The DaQy Americaif Tern* br Ma3 Pe*U(e Prepaii!. Daily, One Month f Daily and Sunday, One Month Daily, Three Months Deuly and Sunday, Three MonthB Daily, Six Months, Daily and Sunday Six Months Daily One Year Daily, with Sunday Edition, One Year Sunday Edition, One Year. .25 .m iM IS i.od The Twice-a-Wcek American 4f The Cheapeet and Best Family Sew|| paper Published. * ’ ONLY ONE DOUAR A YEAR Six Month#, 50 OenU. THE TWiCE A-WEEK AMERICAN^ is pub lisbed in two issues, Tuesday and and Friday mornings, with the news of the week in compact shape.- It .ei-lso coi- tains interesting special correspond^nc^j' entertaining romances, good poetry, !>. cal matter of general interest and. fresn; miscellany suitable for the home cirel^.? A carefully edited Agricultural Depai|r: meut and a full and roliable Finaneial HDu Market Reports are sp^ial CHAS. C. FULTON & Cfl. 4' FELIX AGNUS, Manager and Aacncaa Oftkt, Siltaeen, M§i THE SUNDAY OESERYER is unexcelled as a news medium, and i> also filled with excellent Riatt>er of a cellaneuus nature. Address THE OBSERVER CO.. Charlotte. N. C copyrightB, 114 *,,1, COUNTRIES. I JSttsifsfss direct wUh WasAhtffion savtt /iW,| I taonty and often ike patent. }*atant and Infringtment Pnctic* Exclusively. Writ* or eom« to as at I TIO ElckA Btnat, liMtr ValM BtetM Ofl(% | WASHfNGTON, O. C. conntriei,or mo pkk. , I TlliUW*li*IIK*.t’»T«to «nd Copyri«lit»re^ I tered. Send Sketch, Model or rJioto, for free lirepoit on ps.teat«.billtr. ALL BUSINKSS 1 STRICTLY COMFiaSSITIAi.. p»ctic« I fcclnsiTBly. SuppasiiUtt refeTen»e». /~- 1 -WWeawake layentoi* »honiii JiaTe oar faatM- b^k o«U>vr to crt>t«in*nd1^eUp»(e;)t«,^\ luit in. I TenHoDKTfiU’payvHSwtofrPtapsrtwr^inaetlior I TalviftUeintoTmuion. it«« toknjaddieM. D. SWIFT ft pp.! ^501 Siver.:?! St., Wash^M, D. S. oven 68 Y EARS' EXPERICNCC Ell K TO M Wilmington, July 7.-Calvin P. Lewis, a white man of Bruns wick county, was given a pre liminary trial' at Farmers to^y upon a charge of burning his store for the purpose of getting insurance money and was, bound over to the higher court. Hie bond was placed at four hundred dollars which he unable to jrive, but before being carried to Southport to be placed in jail Sheriff Knox carried himi to his home, nearby to tell his faimly goodbye, the sheriff re maining on the porch while he went in to the house. Wlien he did not come out the sheriff en tered, but Lewis had taken leg bail. He has not yet been captured. Lewis conducted a veiy small store and is said to have had goods to the value of not more than twenty-five dollars and is charged with firing the building to collect three hundred dollars of insurance. ... o (j t*l» til eimi soMuOiiiioNs : • Tr*«$fn*ni Mary^h»w«iy^uiok for { • / Thf» and All Foot TroubtM^ • two uiiMpt^nirals of Calo- cld« coiftiJodkd fS hot water; tlbe tiill fifteen ttUititeiiis tlto aoM pfcrtB; CI^! cot give d^lr^ r^iljalts;) this eiuih night dni|^ ; cure ,1« permanent.” All f»aln ftistd initlamm&tioa i« drawii out iofitimtly ud tbe bunido eobn is reduceiC ncrnaM size. CSoms aoii ban bie righib!ff and will stay off. tender f«et and smelly, sweaty fwt need biat' B ifew treaatmeitts. A twenty-five cent poackage of Oalocldi* la usually sulllGlent to put tbe wor«t feet in fide cbndltlob. Cali^de is no longer confined to only th» doetora’ oeei Any druggfet vh«». it in itoek or will quickly get It from bis wbole* iMUe house. Th!f will prove n edme Item to peiiaon^ who bfcve bee» vainly trying to cui’« ^helr foot troubles with ii^effective tablets v an* Ibpt poiwde«. , Atlantic Coast layeistors. ® * G OI3l)M AN THE HOME OF GOOD i CLOTHES SHOES HATS etc. Burlington, N. G.| The following patents were just issued to Atlantic Coast in ventors, reported by D. Swift & Co., Patent Lawyers, Washing ton, D. C., who will furnish cop ies of any patent for ten cents apiece to our readers. Va. Joseph l^novitch, Carter^ ville, Tile-moldmg apparatus; Albert Gornto, Norfolk, Shade fixture. N. C. John S. Blake, Charlotte Foldable car step; Milton D Smith Siler City, Bending machine; Olmedo C, Wysong, Greensboro, Sandpapering machine. IPAttention is called to the fact that Jack Johnson has been the greatest man on arth for only one year. But he has lived as much as a dozen ordinaJ'y men in that time. I fnuilclNtStaii m star l«m gestedar OTeoKBlw it. .. . Eilis A4a^me & Music C>r Burlltstb, • » ikC "Will Sid^e for making the fly istand sti® while it is being swatted ? Senator Bristow (Rep.) of Kan sas, says by heck that lh*esident Taft does not represent the ma jority of his party. Maybe Mr. Bristow thinks he himself does. i Speaking of society, a six foot New York man is to rrarry a sev en foot girl. HaBdsoine Scart Pin FREE A PheDomeiudf Offer Made by a New Yofk Bm. Thousands all over the Untited States are taking advantage of a generous offer of the Gotham Company 1161 Broadway, N.' Y. City, making request for a beau tiful gold-plated scarf-pin for lady or gentlen|en, which is mail ed to any one sending name and address free of charge. This offer is made to introduce their catalague of general mer chandise, household goods, jewel ry, novelties, &c. Readers of this paper are requested to send name and address immediately, nclosing five two-cent stsmps to cover packing and postage. Send to-day and receive with out cost a piece of jewelry that you will be proud of. KILL the couch AND CURE the LUN€S Dr. Kiog’s I New Diseovery FOB CSggs”* AMD AU. THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES.^ REIDS VILLE SEMINARY, Reidisii^c, H.;C Term begins Sept. 6. 1911. Excellent faculty. Course of study ; throughly re orgamset and extended. All modern cohvehiences-electnc lights, water and sewerage and patent ventilating fuiTiaces. PepaHmient6-prepafa- tory, Collegiate, Music and Comniercial. Number' of boarders limited. Terms mGderate. For attractive cat^dgue addins, Frank H, Gurti#; Pni^paL NORFOLK Office of the General Passenger Agent Roanoke Va. June TO AGENTS CONNECTING tlNES AND ALL INTERKSTED: With the change of schedule Sunday, June llth, the sleepers on trains Nos. 1 and 2, via Shenandoah Valley Routs; will be changed from Gary & Philadelphia to Gary & New York, and, with the ad ditional service on the Pocohontas Division, the time of train No % has been materially quickened, vis. Lv. Gary “’’Welch Bluefield “’’Roanoke 11:50 A. M. 12:20 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 8:67 A. M. (next morning OUARANTSSO SATISFACXOBIC OK M0NS7 BSFTTNDSP. . jLiismA4£ST^EwiK6 mmm > LIGHT RUNNING Tn^DC Marks >-DCSiGNS SOPVRIOHTS Ac. gkdfi^^nd dcBcripMon w«? MowMUh cfur n'free^nettier w» tSTwehably ipM»t«wiaal«u„CoinmttnJc»r HANDBOOK OD PalwctA ■ Patent* taken through Munn » c special notice^ wltboat cba^e, in toe $mm Attiericdii. A hwidfomely Ulnstrated ireeklj. fmlfttton of any-scicntlB® lourniu.. Toria*, $3 • 70!ir; four month*, $1. Sold by »ii n«w»d»lerj. It has been discovered that frogs and toads are the greatest fly eaters in the world. And in addition to this daily work the frpg? pbjiest. t9 iaigfitly’*®on€eFts»..'/ ■ ■■■■ ■>-, ggfcn want etthera Vibrating Shuttle, shuttle or a Single Thread [ Chain ^wing Machine write to 711 llW HOME 8EWIIII MACHINE eOMfAHY Orange* IVIasis* dtanr inad«toseUte€«w4liM* fci giwUtr, bitt the Slewr Br«n»« i* made to wieat C(te tunranlT • fi|iA«-1^- SpitilwiPlMtd ,,^'y* Ar. New York (Pa. Sta.) Dining car service on above trains, Gary and Shenandoah. Dining oars will also oe operated on trains Nos. 13 and £4 Roanoke and Hagerstown. Trains Nos. 23 and 24, on the Winston-Salam Division will be made daily trains (instead of daily except Sunday). Train No. 33 on the Scioto Division will also be made a daily train. Leave Kenova 6:00 a. m. arrive Columbus 10:50 a. mt and train No. 34 (a new train) will, be operated Sundays only. Leave Columbus 6:00 P. M. arrive Kenova 10:50 P. M. W. B. Bevill, General Passenger Agent Roanoke Va. Pri^piff^fr^ Book on patents. ‘^Hints to inv«ntor$,*f . ”Why some Inventofs feiL’* search of Patent OfHce rece*rdi. Our Acting Cotrimi^ioher of Patents, ^d W lthe'lJ;Sv:jtotOffice;' V -•’'J* ■ •..'■‘U J . Vl iX ; • '■■l-k-- ■ .f; '■•••• ,■ ; ;:;0v Hi?.?. ';;.' ■|| ’S I M s'-,Vd

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