FAIR A for yW mdMer IS what we Our ; ana Tar Coygh Syrup is unsurpassed for tliat tight feeling. State Dispatch. Local lie Personal Watch the Window, 5-10&25 ct store Wilson &iBuchanan. Miss Mary Poster is the guest of friends at Durham for a few days. Just received first shipment of gold fisb this season. 5-0&25 cent store. 100,000 FINEST straw berry plants, twelve varieties. 50 cents per hundred. Jos. A. Isley. Mrs. S. A.; Horne and baby were thi^gud$t of her father Mr. H. C. King?on R. No. 5 Sunday. Miss Vivian Walker of Watson is the guest of her brother Mr. d' 0. Walker for a few days. WANTED—Second hand bags and burlap: Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company. Richmond, Va, Special Baraca Day will be ob served at the Methodist Protest ant Sunday School next Sunday at 9:30. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Holton of R. No. 2 spent Sunday and’Mon day at High Point the guests of his relatives. His many friends are glad to see Rev. J. W. Holt who has been confined to his roorajwith a ser ious attact of illness out again. Mr. Jno. Craig of Bingham School, Mebane, spent Sunday in town the guest of Miss Callie Bo land. The stockliolders of the Alam ance Fair Association are called to meet at eleven o’clock Satur day October ^th at the fair ground. Dr. Dixon of Norfolk who has been the guest of his parents on No. 7 spent part of last week the guest of our townsman Dr. J. S. Frost. May Prove Fatal When Will BuiUiigtoit Le&m the Bmportaiice C|f It? Backache is only a simple thing But vjrhen you know 'tia from the kidneys; That serious kidney troabl® follow; That dropsy, Bright^s disease may be the fatal e^d. You will gladly pji ofit by the following experience. 'Tis the%onest statement of a sufferer who wasjcui*edl Mrs.^. C. Phillips, Graham> N. C., says; , ‘I am glad to con tinue to recommend -Doan,s Kid ney Pills in a public way. Since this remedy cured me three years ago, I have had little cause to worry about my kidrteys; I suf fered a great deal for several years from dull pains across the small of my back and I was of ten very nervous. I felt weak and at times my sight was blur^ red. Soon after I be^n using Doan’s Kidney Pills I improved, and it was not long before 1 vms well.” For sale by ail dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United S|ate3. Remember the name—Doan's -and take no other. Remaining in f'c«t fBurlingtohrN. ( Gbj^tlemei^::;: G. Bowles. liube Eld ridge ( !^ , Sam Elling ton, G. A. Horoidayr Per^ S. •4lolden> Albert McQall, Rpl^rt tRusselV 6 imith, fSrey Smith,/^. ]B.: Ti'vbkeflr. . ; Ladies: '■ ■■ Mrs. Winnie James, MissjMay McDonald, Miss ,Mil^d Persac, Mona Calie’Per\ilie. i Persons callinif forany of these letters will plea&e say “Adv^rtis- i3d," and givfe d?aite bf advertised listi ^ ; J:. ZeK)-;WaUJBR, i, ■ii'.Pdst lifajster; J’reii^®! Drii^ Co, jUsC^bpeneai np a jSne line Turnlp^ Seed. Any kind you wiyat, W© offer Om DoUaw Beward for mrdaae of OatiBmrll Jshat eaniaot be F. J. CHENEY'^ CO., Tolbdo, 0. We, the anderittiPQed,, ha^® known F. J. Chenej for the laatt 1e:3> yearn, and be lieve him perfectly :|ioDoni]ble in ajil bi^- nem tmnBactionB and fliiAadailj^iabliB’t'o cairy oat any oblij^tiOBft made by hie ■ Wijjpiife, MitaviN*'. , Whoi^ale:Pruggis4wiv; Toledo. O. > Bairs Catorrh Cure iei takcii internals lyj aWing directly lapon the ' blood a^d maeoas eurfaoes oj! the syttteni;. I’esti inoxials sent free. Price T5 centja per bottle. Sold by aii;Drii^et«. fake Hall’s Family Pim for constipe^ tioa. Mr. W. A. Mebane and wife spent Sunday in the country‘vis iting at the home of Mr. C. ?. Aldridge on R. No. 2 and enjoy ing a dinner of o’possum arxd yam. FOk QUICK SALE-Mclntyre Auto Buggy. Two cylinder. Ten Horse, Complete with top, lamps etc. Good running order. Also 21-2 Horse gasoline engine. Fine condition. Both going very cheap to quick purchaser. B. E. Teague, Burlington, N. C. Is Tlis Wofid Growing Better? Many thing.q go to prove that it is. The way thousand^ are trying ^^elp others is proof. Arrtong.,jyb.©m is Mrs. W. W. Gould; d!^ittsfield, N. H. Find ing good health by taking Elec tric Bitters, she now advises oth er sufferers, everywhere, to take them., .“For yeara I suffered with stomach and kidney trou ble, S'he writes. “Every medi cine! used failed till I took Elec tric Bitters, But this great rem edy helped me wonderfully." They’ll help any woman. They are the best tonic and fiinest liv er and kidney remedy that's made. Try them. You’ll see. 50c at Freeman Drug Co. ;Stopped]iTtiose Paias, Timberville, Miss.—Miss Ger trude Gutlin of Timterville wri tes: “I did not know anything could stop those womanly pains, from which I suffered for two years, until I tried Cardui. I had been troubled with various female ailments, but they were cured in a little while, tlmnks to Cardui,” Cardui is especially adapted for use by ailing women It relieves head£.ch3, backacke, dragging feeling, irregularily, nervousness, misery and wonmn- ly weakness. It is safe. It. is reliable. It does the work. Will you try it? Please do. ' ■ -YeBr.-Ssfi'ttti. 3 Hie first step foward a sue cessful business career is toi^write^ fpr a catalogue s>f J)raughon’s i^ctical Buf ine^i College, CliiriimeDr SaSelpli,N.C^^ ^liashfine, Tenii. ■■ ” '■ ' > Qtyttsr liistored. nng to-rday tojw^^cint piorolicationf. relative to the restoration oil tlje large-fountain or geyser which for many years played at Bound KnoD, N. C.. in &ight oi passing trains on-the Southern Railway, P^ident Finley said: "There seems to be some mis apprehensions a« to the restora tion of this geyser. On a trip which he ma^ through Western North Carolina several months ago, Mr. Georj^ji F, Baker, of New York, noted that the geyser was no longer flowing. Inqui ries having satisfied him that it would be piracticable to restore it, he arranged tc; have the work done entirely at his expense as a testimonial of his high appre ciation ql the gnat service ren dered bynis friend,'Colonel Alex ander B. Andrews, of Raleigh, N. C., First Vice-President of the Southern Railway Company, in the dfeuelopmertt of Western North Carolina. “The restoration is now un^er way and the nsw geyser will soon be in operation, throwing a column of water 250 feet in the air/’ —— — The Wilson presidential %oom has been heard 'rom in Califor nia, which will doubtless create a good deal of surprise with certain Nebraskan. Professronal Cards J. P. %oQn, D. V. B. W. A. Hojiwi^ay %K»oh A Hornadbtjr Veteriiiadans Hdspitaii iOffiee P^avSTT 415 Maim St, lEteeidi^nce Pbsoiw 2^2, C A. AndersoD D. dffice hounrs 1 to 2 p^ m. First Nadonal Bank Leave da5r ealls at Bradley# Dsn^ Store. 9 % sure and Visit prepared for »surprise. You ^ill be amazed at the great variety offered tor ^ur inspection; You mil be delighted with the b^uty and gK>d tast &o (evident everywhere. And Y — ^^t agreebly surprise at our priees which 3^ to b^t^ or you thought ^jiist ^received anfthW :car bedroom suits and have some fee^tifuV dn^s $2& 00 and $m. 00. M. # BURLINGTON. N. C. Tf'ttfT' 7rr-x i-rTy-VTTr An Alabama Cora Record. Jerry Moore of South Carolina had better arrange next year to plow his corn j)atch once more than he ever did. E. A. Kim brough, aged 16 years, of Alex ander City, Ala., this year grew 224 3-4 bushels of corn on one acre of ground. Jerry Moore’s world record last year was 228 bushels. Alabama’s champion com grower will get a $2l>0 Alabama raised mule as a prize at State fmr next week. Other contestants haven’t turned in their reports, and it is not a fore gone conclusion that young Mr. Kimbrough will get the mule, al though he is entitled to a couple of mules. Through the various boys' corn clubs of Alabama oUr young farmei*s, and others, will probably gather enough of the stuff this year for Alabama’s use during the next year.—Mont gomery Advertiser. Mr. Bryan h^s no%ord for that whom he once supported, B. Parker. It would b© a tine thing for this country if Italy would call home all of her "blackhanders” j to help fight the Turks. Ex-King Manuel ex-pects the royalists to get Mm out of ex-ile. Averts Awful Tragedy. Timely advice given Mrs. C, Willoughby, of Marengo, Wis., (R. No. 1) prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. Doc tors had said her frightful cough was a “consumption” cough and could do little to help her. Af~ ter many reme(2ies failed aunt urged her to take Dr. the New Discovery. “I have using it for oome time,” wrote, “and the fiwful cough has almost gone. It also saved my little boy when tf ken with a se vere bronchial trouble.” This matchless medicine has no equal for throat and lund troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Freeman Drug Co. Dr. W. D Moser Pradtieing Physician, 3urijngton,n;€. Day calls at Freeman Drug" Co. ’phone 20. Night calls, Mrs. S. M. Homaday's, 'phone 282. » I Dr. F. G. Gower, DENTAL SURGEON National Bank Building. auiM, - - - Koleni uiouKA. Dameron & Long ATTORNEYS AT LAW L S. W.:DAN£pii lihrlinfstoii, • ■ '' ■ office tai ■ ; Pisdmsit BslMti# PbOflO • 2M ADOtPR 10 HI G Gtaha,m HolMtisiMlsoa X Jlldg. Phone tOO-B John H. Vernon, Attorn^y and Counsellor at Law^ Budin£t'.on» N. C. Office over Bradlev’s Dtujj: Store, ®5. . REST AND HFALTH TO MOTHER AND eKIL|r.«' MiQa. WxHSLow’s SoosaiKG Svkop has tjsed for over SIXTY 'S’l ARSby MHAIONS of MO'FBjQRS for their Cmi,DRBN TBKTHING. with PERFRCT SUCCESS. It John R. Hoffinan, Ailmey-at-Liw, Burlingtofit North Carolina. OffioB, First Nstitaftl Bhiik i’umiture, pets arid Rugs,, we carry themj all. W For house fiir nishing^, call at our stbre. Oiir stock i complete at alj tirries. Our pri-^j Ces are the lowes it is possible fo cash to buy, con sideririjf the qviil ity 6ff goods W€ carr^. Graham, An ad in The StW« Dispatch will J. H. BROOKS *Sargeon Dentist F osterjJJBaiiding BURLINGTON, N. C. Alton Rolntely hantilesW, ?e i‘«re and aslc for Winslow’s Soothing Syi up,*' and take ao MM6 kisid. Xweaty&ve cenU> a bottto. J. N. Taylor^ M. D. Plysician & Surgeon. Office in Piedmont Building. Office Hours: 8;00tol0.*00 4:00 to'6:00 X-RAY WORK. pay. one ^n.6RING. the Hoine (rf Sati^action in Cleaning. Pxtssing, IlHtagtDD Tjioiing aDil QeaDiDg Works, u IVjU Leathj Prop> rRENCH CttANING A :5PEClALrY You Have a Right to' § If you have the am bition and energy, to purpose earn We win Help You. , The first step toward financial|[independence to own your own home. ^Begin now. bim’twait You have waited adl these years and you are; still paying rent RIGHT ABOUT and try “The PIEDMONT WAY.” Invest a few doUars saved each weeli or month, together wk^ the interest^ taxe^^ int surance and niffitenance m6ney---riam5Jy, Rent ypuEave the “Other Fel low*'aj^^ic^m k will bc^ YOUR lr i d And not the some body’s house to rent. Others by the score have tried iiic ‘^Pieidmont Way” and found it easy. Will you? ti:- rrx US. PPrBii J'Ujur- ..‘jl'fiit;* pU.I.(V ■ ':l‘y PlMne No. 76

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