>.;;-Va:-7v^vv V :^-;'- That co!d may develop pneumonia. Go to A !^iB The State Dispatch, Drug Company for a bottle of Diamond White Pine & Tar, or a box of “Knoxa'’ cold tab lets. Local dc Personal Just received st shipment of gold fish this season. 5-0&25 cent store. Miss Ratie Hurdle of Greens- boro is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. A, Walker for a few days. 100,000 FINEST straw berry planfaj, twelve varieties. 50 cents per hundred. Jos. A. Isley. LOST—Bunch of keys. Return to Freeman Drug Co. Geo. A. Isley. Eeriiember the land sale, Sat urday, November 4th. See ad. on is^t page. 35X)R SAIiE—House arid lot. See Carl S. Horna^y, Burlington, N. C. Mrs. G. A, HK)d, of Winston- Sai^ has beea the guest of ^rs. J. C. Buchanai# for the past sev- eml days. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reitzel, of Elon Colfei^ spent Sunday even ing the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Ri Mebane. WANTED—Secoid hand bags and burlap: Write.folr prices. Richmond Bag Company. Eichmoad, Via. &iturday, November 4th, 2 o’clock P. i\f. eighty-five beauti ful lots will be sold. Good place to buy lot for home. Miss Nellie Wynn of Gibson- viUe has accepted a position as inilHner with Jos. A. Isley & Bros I/)ST~Ladies double case gold watch, Wednesday around post office or on road to Hopedale. iaberal reward. D. S. HaJl, Miss Emogene Thurston of G. F. College Greensboro spent Sat urday and Sunday in town the f^est of her parents Mr* and Mrs. W. C. TWiraton. ? '■ ' t Mrs. G. L. Amick went to the countary Sunday to visit his moth er Mrs. A.G. Amick near Kimes ville who will return with her and make her home with her son. IIMr. E. L. Boland spent Sunday at Durham the guest of friends. He reports having spent the day very pleasantly with Messrs. A. E. Hobgood Lewis Mars^ll, formerly Burlington. FOR QUICK SALE-Mclntyre Auto Buggy. Two cylinder. Ten Horse, Complete with top, lamps etc. Good running order. Also 21-2 Horse gasoline engine. Fine condition. Both going very cheap to quick purchaser. B. E, Teague, Burlington, N. C. ONLY ONE “BEST” Credit Bvrlisgton People Give Where Credit is Due. People of Burlington who suf fer with sick kidneys and bad, backs want a kidney remedy that can be depended upon. The best is Dban’s Kidney Pills, a medi cine for the kidneys only, made from pure roots and herbs, and one that is backed by cure& in Burlington. Here's Bnrlington testimony: Mrs. R. L. Wheeler, . lakeside Avenue, R. F. D. 2, B^lingtori, N, €.. sap: am a strong be^ liever in l)oan's Kidney Pills, as they cured me of b^kache ^rid 9ther annojdng s^jinptoms of, kid ney complaint aft3rrem^ies had fjail^. .My fe^k was certainly in a wretched, qonifiil^on.. fiould h^ly (jim a mght of fltairs iapd it was impossrible for jiie to atoop..: i wias ali5o' lathered by dizzy, spells and headac^s, A with aatisfactor;^ riesults. ; My health ^gan to mend at oiice and I now feel like a different woman. For sale by, all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. A Father^s Yenaeance would have fallcm un any one who attacked the son of Peter Bondy,'of South Rock wood, Mich, but he was powerUjss before at tacks of Kianey trouble. t*Dpc- tors could not help me," he wrote “so at last we gave him Electric Bitters arid he improved wond«er- fuHy from takirig'six bottles, its the best Kidney mfedicine I ever ^w; ” Blacjkache, Tired feeling, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn of Kidney Ixouble that may ? end in dropsy, diabetes or Brights ) : Trwl ■ • * - ..'1 - Let's s^, it s®kea us that this same Govi^jio^r jfermon, wa§ thi^ Attorney-General in President Clevelarid’s cabirieti and he is.the same gentleman thAt iallowed the Shenirian antitrust law to- lie dormant on the statutes, didn’t even pretend to enforce it, and to think that the great “trust bust in’’ Democratic party would send away up tO/OMq; and have him to come to the (fid North State to tell us how to ‘ bust the_ trusts” after our own dear Willie had promised to iur i the trick for us. -News-Dispatch. . just reem^i^X _ , n^ us aj-fine liil^ of; Wiods & Turnip Se^. Any Miid you warft. Watch the Wirdow, 5-10&25 ct store Wiison & Buchanan, FREE IF IT FAILS. Y®ur Mon#y B*ck if You Ai*6 Not Sst- Ufiod With tVw Modie’m* Wa Reeo«vimenc|. We are so positive that onr remed;> wtli permanently relieve constipatioi! no matter how chronic it nau;/ be. thai offer to furnish the mediciae at out expense should it fsiil to produce aatls factory resalta. It Is worsie nseleea to attempt to cure cona^pa' Ion ^ith cathartlcr droga. |jaiatlT« ©fv eathartics do mucti han^ They caa» t. a reaction, ttritate. weaken.; the. 6owels dnd tend, to inake comitipatlon ,more chronic. sldes, tUelr ose be ome8 a habit that ^:i^roas. Cdnstlpatioiii ia c tiiaed hy a ^akJxees of tee nerres and of the large intestine or c6los. To ex: pect permftoent rffief yon nanat thwe-; foro tone up Md^ii^wngti^ .theBe or- j[(9ns and reator* itoem to heai^er ac tivity. We want yoo to try Befall Orderlleii 9ur recommend a tjon. ; Thisy are **• ^««^ing}y pleasaa* to t^e, beteg eat- 'en^lbe candy.and are ideaf for chil dren, delicate perwns, and old' folks, as weir as for th* robti^ • T&ey act dlz«ctly: On ner^ciB iwnd .oiiinilea of the] howeN apptyently hare a nOTtwfl'; action on other a«aoc^te or gsns or glands. They do not purg% cause excessive l!>ii>sene8s. nor create any inccmtenience whatever. They may b« taken at any iiime, day or night. They will positive!;? relieve chronic or liahlttuU coQStlpat$ci;ii, if not! of surgical >Tnrletyi. and tite- myriads of associate or,dependent chronic ftilmenta, If taken ; with regularity fpf a, nwiqonable length «f time. 12 tablets*. 10 cents; 36 tablets 25 cents; 80. tjible?!».: 60 cents. Sold only at bar 'atote-'yr^t! Rexall iStore Fre^naan Drug Co.; • ' Bow's mis.? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward {or anr case of Catarrh that cannot be cur^ by Hairs Catiar* b Cure. P. J. CHENE¥ & CO., Toledo, O. We, the lihdet signed, haveknow^ia F J/Cheney for the lastt 15 yeans, and be- liiSTe him pertectly honorable in ail busi* ness transactions and flnancialljable to carry oat abv ; obligations made by his firni. / Walding, Kjkn4n & JIabvin, ' Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Cataxrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon thie blood and mucoue surfaces of the system. Testi menials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa tion. Professional Ciirdsi icome to .£>^ J. p. Spoon, D. V, S. W. A. Homaday Spoon & Hornaday Veterinarims Office and Hospital Office Phone 37T 415 Main St, . Residence Phone ,f •S’ J .r VS ■ ' C A. AfidersoD M. Office boura 1 to 2p.:!U*:7 tQ8,p.m. F^t National Ektnk Buildihg. lisave day calls at Bradleys Store. Dr. W. D Moser Practicing Phyi^eian, [BURLINGtON, N. C, Day calls at Freeman Drug Co. ^phone 20. Night calls, Mrs. S. M. Homaday"*. 'phone ^2. Be sure and visit our store and he prepared for ajurprise. Y^u will be, amazed at the gr^t variety offered for your inspection, You will be delighted with the bcsatity and good tiast so evident everywhere. And ypu^will be most agreebly surprised at durprices which en^bfe you to buy iiietter or more than you thought 'POSSIOaG* Just received another car bedroom suits ?^hi have some beautiful pn^ at $20.00 $^. 00 and 00. . B. SMITH, • ‘,■’'■5 ' ' -A .'iv ■ ■ ■ ■ . . W N. €. •vri','. w it •iki. disease. Beware: Take Electric i and debility. Bitters and be safe. Every hot- j Drug Co. tie guaranteed. 50c at Freeman Drug Co. Starts Trouble if all people l^iiew that neglect of constipation would result in severe indigestion, yellow jaun dice or virulent iiver trouble they would soon take Dr. King’s New Life PiHs, atid e«d it.. It’s the only safe .way.: i@8t for bilious ness, rheadache," iilysi^psia, child* 25c at Freeman New York,, Oct. 26. -^Miss Con- suela Fajardo, the nineteen year old daughter of a wealthy Porto Rican sugar planter, has been missing since she left the hotel October 18, saying; she was going to purchase a magazine. Her father believes she ran away be cause of his objections to her friendship for a member of the diplomatic corpse of Santo Do mingo. Police are searching the eity. Prendent Tafs's .Lcwk liito the Fo« tnre. President Taft, writing of “The Dawn‘df World Peace,'' in the November Woman’s Home Com panion, takes the following po sition with relation to the arbit ration treaties now up for adop tion between England, France and the United Si!;ates: , ^‘With the ratification of the treaties with Grcsat Briitain and France, we may hope that tr^t- ies with other nations will follow. After a tiirie, if our treaties stand thei;est of experienoe ahd prove useful; it is prpbable that all the greyest powers on ^rth will cbme under obligation toarbitate their differences with other na tions. Naturally, the small na tions will do likewise, and then universal arbitration will be more of an actuality thiin an altruistic dream. Bryan’s declaration that he will not be president has not yet provoked any deirioeratic chorus The Com Boys Tomato Girls One of the most noticeable things for men ¥ ho were looking for something d .real worth at the State, fair ; it Raleigh last week was the exhibit of the Boys Com Club and tc matpes and oth er canned good i exhibited by girls of the Toma to Club. Thesfe are of real worrh to boys and girls of the Sout'c, because they instil into their young natures a liking for the inooroved methods of agriculture ar i at the saraje time stimulate iiiterest among older people.—M arshville Home. of “Come fine. On in, the water’s Got a pU odhoand ; A bloodhound j aid to b^ one of the finest ever b) ought here is in the keeping of tb i authorities at the codnty jail. This dog. is re gistered, has a fine pedigree and has taken prizes ut fairs in Tenn essee. He was due to arrive here two weeks ago, bnt was kept in Tennessee to trai ' a murderer of a chief of i^lice v/hom he caught He is the joint property of Sheriff N. H. McGeachy> Deputy J. Mc- D. Monaghan, Dr. B. J. Fitzmor ris and Policemaf W. L. tJox. —Fayetteville Observer. Dr. F. G. Gower, , DPN5D4JJS3URGEPN Nktional BaBk;Bum$^. 8UBII, - - - mitni ciiouiii Dameron & Eong AT--LAjW; ■ AlTTORNBYS ■■■■■ L>'^ Bnrlia^qn ottc« in nsdiiliAt SitMtig rtbge ■ '^1 INLn L S R , (ri^ham , ottoe'ia ’ Blif. John H. Vernon, Attorney and Oounsellor at Buriirqfton, N. C. Office over BradlevV Drag Store. Phone 65. John R. Hofi^an, AttofMy-at-Law, Burlington, North Carolina. )fflce« Second Floor First National Bank Boilding. DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist F IsterJJBuilding BI^RLiJSGTON, N. C. J. N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office in Piedmont’Building. Office Hours: 8:00 to 10:00 4:00 to 6:00 X-RAY WORK. I Furniture, Car pets a^id Rugs, we carry them all. . For hoiisei fur- . mshinp, • ^11 at ^ oiM*'’'store,' Our stock is' cotopletfe! at all > times. ces are the low^t ' it is po^sibje for | cash to biliy, eon-^' of%ooda 'we Qsaty, ' Carolina. An ad in The State Dispatch K \ ■■ S.7 ■ mmmmmmrnmmimmlmmmmmmmmKmmmmmm Also the H^e of Satisfaction in Cleai^g, BoHingtoir TaOorlng and Qeaiiln^ Woriis. Jas. jyi. i.eath. Prop. TRENCH CLEANING A ^PtciALrY i You Have a Right to If you have the am bition and energy, to- I getherwith an honest I purpose to earn it We Wifi Help You. The first step toward financial independence is to own yoiif own home. Begin now. Don’t wait. You have waited all these years and you are still paying rent. RIGHT ABOUT and try ‘The PIEDMONT WAY.” hivest a few dollars saved each week or month, together with the interest, taxes, in surance and maintenance money—namely, Rent —that you have been paying to the “Other Fel low’' and soon it will be YOUR VERY OWN HOME , - And not the body’s house to rent. Others by the S score have tried the ‘‘Piedmont | Way” andfound it easy. Will you? g it over with us. ^ i e> Leal Estate Jepartment. ptt^on, Nordi Cuwlina. Phone So. 76 ■ryxr'-' ' ■■ ' ■ V- .■■•V . , !,■ . i: y. • t d" I- .iJ ’•Li.jh ]»?>»

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