j»—SM|g $Atktiw We have a few «f those suede hand bags left. Splendid values at low prices. iDfestioaHon Local tt Personal White fish. Coble’s Grocery. Fresh Mackard. Coble’s Gro. Coble “ Bradshaw Co. have a change of ad. in this issue. Miss Callie Boland will spend Sunday at Durham the guest of her sister Mrs. M. T. Langley. 100,000 FINEST straw berry plants, twelve varieties. 50 cents I>er hundred. Jos. A. Isley. FOR SALE-Good oak stove- wood. Will deliver. Phone No. 221. H. F. Bass. FOR SALE—House and lot. See Carl S. Hornaday, Burlington, N. C. Mrs, S. G. Boland will leave Thursday for Durham to be the guest of her daughter for several days. WANTED—Second hand bags and burlap: Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company. Richmond, Va. Mrs. R. A. Coble, who has been the guest of friends in the coun ty for a week, returned home Sunday. LOST—Ladies double case gold watch, Wednesday around post office or on road to Hopedale. Liberal reward. D. S, Hall, WANTED-To Buy For Cash 1000 bushels New Corn, also the same amount of sweet potatoes. Apply to Burlington Grocery Co. Mr. M. D. Winningham and R. A. Crawford left Monday for Hamlei where they will be until Christmas, after which time Mr. W^inningham will go to Florida to spend the winter, Gorrell Hart, who has been working at Windsor, N. C., has been spending a few days in our midst en route for Lenoir, where he has accepted a position in a job printing shop. BURLINGTON Drug Company Nights of Unrest No Sleep, No Rest, No Peace for the Sufferer from Kidney Troubles. No peace for the kidney suf ferer— Pain and distress from^morn to night. Get up with a lame back, i Twings of backache bother you all day. Dull aching breaks you rest at night, Unnary disorders add to your misery. Get at the cause—cure the kid neys. Doan’s Kidney Pills reach the cati^. They’re for the kidneys Only^j- Have made great cures in this locality. N. Foster, Market St., Gra ham; N. C., says: “I am in a position to recommend Dosln's Kidney Pills highly. They curfed me of a bad cas6 of kidney cblh- plaint besides helping two other members of my family who were similarly afflicted. My kidneys acted so frequently that I was obliged to get up often during the night and thus my rest was broken. There was a severe pain in my back and my head ached a great deal. Wlien I heard one of my neighbors speak highly of Dosin’s Kidney Pills, I got a box and after using them a short tinfie, I was completely cured.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the XTnited States. Remember the name—Doan’s ■and take no Other. and McCall Patterbs For Women H*y« Mo^ Fnenii* than any other magazine or patterns. McCalrs is the reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million One hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the latest designs of McCall Patterns, each isstie is brimful of sparkling short stories and helpful information for women. Save MonttTAvd Keep k» Style by sulacnbjng for McCall's Magazine at once. Cost* only 50 cents a yesT, iucioding any One o£ the celebtstcd McCall Patterns free. McCbH Pattern* Lead aU oAers in »ty1e, fit, simplicity, economy and uumber sold. More dealers sell McCall Patterns than any other two makes combined. None higher than 15 cents. Buy from your deakr, or by mail from ^ McCALL’S MAGAZINE 236-20 W. 37di St., N.w York Otgr NoTB^ABiplt Copr» Fmiun Catsleciw nd Fnttm GAtatop* frat^ ^ . Ml f«^aeft. Fryman Drug Co. ha»| just opened up a fire line of T. W. Woods & Sons Turnip SeedJ Any kind you want. 'A CAUSE FOR ALARM. Sctice of Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of a con tract executed to the Central Loan & Trust Co., by the follow ing persona: J. B. Gerringer Lot Nos. 12 and 13, W. C. Isley Lot Nos. 8, 9, 10 and 11, J. M. Shoffner, Lots Nos. 14 and 15, B. E. Teague Lots Nos. 23, 56 and 70, Bruce H. Carroway Lots Nos. 6 and J. W. Ingle Lot No. 18, all shown and described in plat Book No. one, page one of the public registry of Alamance County, and I, Assignee of Trus tee, will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder on Saturday, Dec. 16, 1911, at 3 o' clock P. M. on the land situate on Central Ave., Burlington, N. C. to satisfy said contract. This the 13th day of Nov. 1911. B. M. Hoffman, Assignee of Trustee. To be a Mmchu in certain parts of China at the present moment is mighty unhealthful. HU AU WE iiiiEBS Asm Graham, N. C, Satarday, Not. 18, .1911, 11.-00A. M. PRO^AM 1 “Reading Course Supt. S. G. Linsay. 2—School Administration Supt. J. B, Robertson. Uiuou Diimer in the new town hall. 3—Demonstrations Lessons in 2 Grade (a) In spelling (b) In numbers Miss Lucy Burch. Lean of Appetite or Distrsss After Cat* ing a 8ymptom That Should Not Be Disregardetf, Appetite is just a natural desire for food. Los-s of appeilte or stomach dis tress after eating indicate indigestion or dyspepsiia. Over-eating is a habit very dangerous to a person’s good gen erai health. It is not what you eat. but what y on digest and amtzidllate tliat does yon g6»d. Some of th« strongest, heaviast. and: healthiest person.^ are moderate eaters. There Is nothing that will cause more trouble than a disordered stom ach, and many people dally contract «erion«i maladies - simply throtigh cUs- r^ard or abus« of the stomaeh. We urge all #ho suffer^ from any stomach demngeiiifent, In^gestlon. or dj^ep^ia, wheth^V’ acute or chronic, to hx Rfexall Dyspepsia Tablets, irtth the distinct understsnding that we will refund their money without (question or' formalityi If after reasonable use of this ^medicine, they are not perfwtly satisfied with the results. We recom mend tbeni to bur customers every day. find have yet to h^ar of any who haa not be6n benefltJ'tl by them We honwtly believe them to be with out equal. They give very prompt re lief. aiding to n'eutralisse the gastrin Juices, strengthen the digestive organs, to regulate the bowels, and thus to pro mot* perfect nutrition, and eradicate sUl unhealthy symptoms. We urge yon to try a 25e. box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, which f^vpr 15 d^ys’ treatnient At the end of that tbne, your money will be returned to you tf you are not sati.sfied. Ot course. In 'chrdMc ca.^s length of treat Bj^t varies. For such cases. havp two larger slises. which sell for. 5Qr •nd $1.00. Remember, you can ot:taJp iterall RemcKlies in cotnmttnit’ w)ly at our 8tore>~The Eesall Ff eman i>hig Vo. LOST—Bunch of keys. Return to JVeeman Drug Co. Geo. A. - Isley. ■ ■ i SpivOuit^ Fft. Hines, Ala.—In a letter from this place, Mrs. Eula Mae Brad- ; ley says: ‘ i used to spit up all I ; ate. I was tired and sleepy all the time. My head ached, and I could hardly dra^ around. Since taking Cardui, this has entirely quit, and now I feel quite fit.” Mrs, Bradley suffered from ner vous indigestion. Gardui builds up the nervous system, and strengthens the womanly consti tution. That's why Cardui help ed Mrs. Bradley and why it wall help you. Try it ymcum A Father's fesQeanc!! one The map of the world must be rather a distressing study for the peace-loving Mr. Carnegie just now. Every teacher in the public school work in the county is ex pected to be present at this meet ing. The association is a very vital part of our school work and must not be neglected. It is the public duty of every teacher to be present. Public duty should be placed ahead of private busi ness or personal convenience, and the teacher who can not rise 5o this conception ought to change her vocation. J. B. Robertson, Supt. would have fallen on any who. attacked the son of 1 Bdn iy, of South Rciekwooid, Mich but he w^ powerless before at tacks of Kidney trouble. “Doc tors could not help me," he wrote “so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and he improved wonder fully from taking six bottles. Its the best Kidney medicine I ever saw.'^ Backache, Tired feeling, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn of Kidney trouble that may end in dropsy, diabetes or Brights disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitters and be safe. Every bot tle guaranteed. 50c at Freeman Drug Co. Hotf’sTWs? We ofWr One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catanh Cure. p. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolboo,0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney lor the Ikstt 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to' cari7 out anv obligations made by hii? flrm, WAiiMNG, Kinnan £ Marvin, » Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken internal' ly, acting directly upun the b^ood and mucous surfaces ol the system. Testi monials sent "free. Price ieents per bottle. Sold by all Drus^ts. Take Hairs Family Pills for eonstipa* tion. Be'*«re and visit our stoje ard be prepared for a surprise. You will be amazed ftt the gteat varietv ^red tor yoti^ inspection, low will be ctelighted the beauty and good so eyfdS45nt everywhere. And be most agreebly surprised at ouV prices which enable ^ui buy better or more than you thought Julfe^ceiy^d^other car j^room suits snd have some beau^l ones at $20.0000 and $30^00. 7. .. F=\JRlSSTUifiB & g. Professioiial .h p. Spoon, D. V. S. W . A. Hornaday Spoon Sc Hbrnaday Veterinarians OfBce and Hospital Office Phone 377 415 Main St, Residence Phone 282, C A. Anderson M. D. Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 toS p. m. First National Bank Building. Leave day calls at Bradleys Drug: Store. Dameron & Long; AXtO^EYS AT LAW L S. ftiirlijigton ia nm% • 250 ADOLPH L 0 Ilf 6 YfrAham odoe in floiMlteltslsoB Sltff. Pliooe iao^B Watch the Window, 5-10&25 ct store Wilson & Buchanan. Child Falls in Well, !s Kilied. Winston-Salem, N. C., Nov. 10. —The three-year-oid^on of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kirkman, fell in a well at the home of the parents just west of the city today and was killed. There was very lit tle water in the well and the child, falling head foremost, struck the stone bottom, 'Crush ing its head. The ' father was working on a building at the Children 's Home when he was summoned home by the screams of his wife. FOR SALE-Car No. 1 Timo thy Hay, Burlington Grocery Co. John H. Vernon, Attorney and CouDBellor at Law, Burlington, N. C, Office over Bradlev’s Drug Store. Phone 65. Of Orai^ are tinloading two car loads of ti^ture this w^k. 'EJiSMd- ^q> already large i^tock theih ptete line they have ever cafri- e4v fhljy ate you pfici^ that is in ihfe laarket in furniture the ing Kne. All thcF aik is that vmce yom to you t® con sayiog it will be John R. Hoffinan, Attonwy>«t-Law» Burlington, North Carolina. Office. Second Floor First National Bank Bailliiig. DR. J. H. BROOKS , ki Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURHiSGTON, N. C. J. N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office in Piedmont Building. Office Hours: 8:00 to 10:00 4:00 to 6:00 X-RAY WORK. ANYmiiia IN TAILORING. Also thfr Home of Sati^acUon b Cleaning. Pressing, and Dying. and Cleintflg Works. Ili. Leathgi Prop. rRENCH CLEANINd A *ypE:lALTY I You Have a Rightto Independence If you have the am bition and energy, to gether with an honest purpose to earn it § We WIU Help You. some body s house to rent Others by the Call and talk it over The first step toward financial5nde|endence is . to own your own home. Begin now. Don’t wait I SCOte have tried the You have waited all these years and you are I Way’’and found it easv Will VOU^ stUl paying rent. ® ~ j rightabout and try *The PIEDMONT WAY.'’ Invest a few doUars saved each week or month^ together with the interest, taxes, in surance and maintenance money—namely, Rent —that you have been paying to the **Other Fel low” and soon it will be YOUR VERY OWN HOME keal iEstate Jepartitt^ m Ne^ tarolina. Phone No. 76 ^Rklin,T^nv.^ sHnff ’ JSeard, iteMay wfu?^ shot t &nded in m cou] Enry Beard, prose Qher of the man wl ftused the. trial. J. I constable, who wa lischarg^jn^n* was r Joe Beard was a di Ive of the" man he m lith killing. The trii ard fought and bitte] Sationship/ of. the Eid the victim. J Just after Joe Bearc iflriiarged he and R( L courtroom, and wl courthouse Hei at Joe Beard an fice, it is said, in Jford was struck c ^st. Redford firec Henry Beard as he fcssed. . f Henry Beard was a Ir a short pursuit bj The Crops for [The final returns fo led by the Departm fclture considerably i tuation compared wi fctin August or lie corn crop remaii ftlly as it was origin: I and the reductior k cent, leaves-it'tfl tn that the price of fd, now lower than 111 be higher durin telve months on i Ian in the past crop lln potatoes, ho’ sld, 281,000,000 bus fh£tt queftion will be a iceSjlf you qualify—ta liore BANKERS indors t colleges COMBINED anktiib TntewHtfng, Pemi -FRSS wxllfajrr bnncheg. okkceping. Bookkeei I United States say tha r System of BoolcKeei. 125 to 50 per cent in w liaa^ Practkially [court reporteiTS write t thand Draughon Co .Because they kno’j lUGHON’SI «r Clw OUT^ c Oc I Account North Ca J21st, tiie SOUTHl Jom all points in N pchburg, DanvilU II return limit 0ct [In addition to the ILWAY will opei Icount the above o Special Train, Qre hve Greensboro 6: Jpecial Train, Ox have Oxford 7:00 Special Train, Gol ive Goldsboro 7:4 ^or further detail ass the undersigni J. ( Traveli 4-rooi: 7-rooi near gra sell this 5-rooi 7-rooi; Grace a place fOi 7-roor and sew( place fo; 4-roor m new. \ *'V It f Ik h. — , ‘--jS ■;s;-

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