i'!-. ti ' " ‘'h t :^;^i':v,;^‘'v,-;.^ /■ THANKSGIVmG TUR KEY ON THE TABLE ?// j-o often is f oHowed by that unco mf ortable feelings Don’t fast on the day of feasting. At the BUR LINGTON D5UG CO. >ou can obtain dyspepsia tablets, pepsin, pepper mint, etc. Better lay m a supply. Local lie Personal SO DECEPTIVE K i.».nMW——^ —..~ Chipped Beef. Coble’s Grocery. White fish. Coble’s Grocery. Fresh Mackard. Coble’s Gro. Send the State Dispatch $1.00 and renew your subscription. FOR SALE-Car No. 1 Timo thy Hay, Burlington Grocery Co. WANTED-To buy all kinds second-hand sacks and bags for cash. Burlington Grocery Co, 100,000 FINEST straw berry plant^ twelve varieties. 50 cents per iiundred. Jos. A. Isley. FOR SALE—Good oak stove- wood. Will deliver. PhonelNo. 221. H. F. Bass. IX)ST—Indies double ease gold watch, Wednesday around post c^ce or on road to Hopedale. liberal reward. D. S, Hali, WANTED-To Buy For Cash 1000 bushels New Corn, also the same amount of sweet potatoes. Apply to Burlington Grocery Co. Miss Grace Rhoads of Harri- sonberg, Va., who has been the guest of Miss Mary Poster for the past week, left Monday morn ing for Elon College. The Alamance Fair Association has funds on hand to pay one- third of the amount received as pimiiums for exhibits 1910, Call cm R. A. Freeman, Sec’y. Mr. Geo. Hunt left Monday morning for Goldsboro and Wii- niiKSton to spend ten days on bussiiess ond pleasure. He will spend part of the time hunting. Mr. W. L Braxton of Saxapa- haw who travels for J. R. Wat kins Co., has been in town sev eral days visiting his father-in- law, Elder W. C. Jones.. Mr. R. H. Stoitz of Richmond, Va, and Messrs. S. A. Horne and Ed. Holt spent part of last week on R. F. D. No. 5 at the home of Mr, H, C. King, quail htinting. FOR SALE—Light rotten speck ed apples for family use, 75 cents p^ bushel. Fine for bakinpr, f»es, jelly, preserves, marme- lade and school children. Bur- lin^rton Grocery Co. l^e oyster supper given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church Bthe Keck Building Thursday night was well attended. The ladies receiving about $50.00 for their compensation. ^ Mr. E. T. Horne returned Thursday from his old home in the northern part of the county where he killed ninety birds and twenty rabbits. Game in abun- dance. In the home of Mr. Arthur Terry on Mean street, near the Coffin factory, Mr. Handy Isley and Miss Nedle Terry were hap pily united in the bonds of mat rimony last Wednesday morning, Nov. 22, at 8:30 o’clock. Only a few friends were present to wit ness the* ceremony which was peformedby Rev. J, D. Andrew. Immediately after the ceremony the couple drove to the home of the bride’s people in Chatham eounty. Many Barlingtoii People Fail Realize the Serioussess. to ‘1 suffered from severe of backache for four Backache is so'deceptive. It comes and goes—keeps you guessing. Learn the cause—then cure it. Nine times out of ten it comes from the kidneys. That’s why Doan’s Kidney Pills are so effective. Here’s a Burlington case to prove Mrs. Bertha A. Stanfiled, 1015 Diixie St., Burlington, N, C., says: years. I was stiiff and sore all through my body and pains ex tended from my kidneys into my head. After these attacks, which usually lasted for a week or ten days, I was extremely Weak and miserable. The doctors could do nothing for me and the various remedies I took did me no good until I began using Doan’s Kid ney Pijls, The contents of three boxes cured me and in the past year I have not had any recur rence of my former ct^mplaint. I am bound to look upon my cure as a permanent one. ” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. ■ 1.1^, II. Md. S. ^ Crowded out last week.. C. W. Greeson has moved back on No. 8. G. H. Bright has also Tnoved on No. 8, and both will be served by the writer. We are glad, to have these good people as patrons. - Miss Bertha Barker left Mon day for Ossipee Mills where she will teach this winter. Hope she will have a nice school. " Mrs. Mamie Simpson of Bur lington is spending the week at L. Simpson. Fletcher Paschal and son of Greensboro, also Ed Paschal of Rockingham Co. spent Saturday and Sunday on No. 8, guests of W. A. Paschal. We congratulate Geo. Barker, its a fine girl came last Thursday. Geo. will finally recover we hope. Born to Mrs. J. H. Allen at W. A. Lewis,’ a fine son, this morn ing, (Tuesday.) Mr. Allen is teaching at Mt. Ulla, N, C. Guess he will come “a running.” Miss Ira Sjmpson is teaching at McLeansville. We wish her suc cess in her work. Harrison Simpsotn of Gi‘eens- boro, one of our old time friends is spending^ a few days on No. 8 at J, D. Simpson’s and attending the Conference at Bethlehem. Will Paschal ‘kilt’ himself 2 wild turkeys this morning (Tues day.) Will is sure shot when he gets after wild turkeys. We “filled up” over mofd to- ds^y at C. E. Tabscota corn shuck ing. Ls^t week we were iit two, W; A. Paschals and Ed Fau^tte, and tomorrow (Wednesday), we expect to hurt Andy Ross’ din ner. Thanks to Mrs, R. L. Foster Hce of Sale e! Real Estate. Under and by virtue of a con tract executed to the Central L^n & Trust Co., by the follow ing persons; J. B. Gerringer Lot Nos. 12 and 13, W. C. Isley Lot Nos, 8, 9, 10 and 11, J. M. Shofner, Lots Nos. 14 and 15, Bruce H, Carroway Lots Nos. 6 and J. W. Ingle Lot No. 18, all shown and described in plat Book No. one, page one of the public registry of Alamance County, and I, Assignee of Trus tee, will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder on Saturday, Dec 16, 1911, at 3 o’ clock P. iVL on the land situate on Centra! Ave,, Burlingtbn, N, C, to satisfy said contract. This the 13th day of Nov. 1911. B. M. Hoffman, Assignee of Trustee. R«r$ This 7 you come We offer One Hahdred Dollars Beward forarycaeepf Catarrh that cannot bfr nared by Hftll-8 Cataii fa Cunj; L F. & CO., ToLKnd, 0. ; We, the undej ei^ned, ha^re knowa l: J. Cheney, for the laett 1.5 yearB, and be-f iieye him jierfectly honorable in a.il btisl- aeee traniiuetions and financially able t . carry put anv oblifcations nmde by hifc firm. Warding, Kinnan & Mabvin, WJioleeale Druggists, Toledo, 0.: Hall’s Catarrh Cnre ie taketi internal- iy, acting directly upon the blhod and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi moniats sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipii- tion. The Freeman Drug Co. has just opened up a fine line of T. W. Woods & Sons Turnip Seed. Any kind you want. LOST—Bunch of keys. Return to Freeman Drug Co. Geo. A. Isley. for oar first mess of “sassage,” it was fine. Other good patrons contributed taters and turnips. A “boy broker” skimmed Har ry Lauder the actor out of a neat little Sinn. “B^y broker” noth ing! Ht’s a Naj:foleon of Fin ance. CAN YOU ASK MORE? Y*uf Precise. The proof-reader on a small Middle-Western daily was a wo man of great precision and ex treme prc$>riety. One day a re porter succeeded in getting into type an item about “Willie Brown the boy who was burned in the West End by a live wire,” On the following day the re porter found on his de-k a frigid note asking “Which is t;be west end of a boy?” It took only an instant to re ply— ‘‘The end the son sets on, of course.”—Ladies Home Jour nal. Monay B«ek For tha A»k!n0« Y«u PrpmiM Nsthing, We ire so conSdent that we can fur nish relief for indigestion tad dyspep sia that we promise to supply tti* medicine free of all cost to every on» who ’ udes It according to directions who i« not perfectly'saMsaed irlth the resaH?. We exact no promises and pnt no one under any obligation what ever. Surely nothing cooid be fairer. We are located rlgtHt here where yoa live, and our reputatioa should be »tif- flcient assurance of th« genuineness of oul" offer We want every one who is troubled with Indigestion or dyspepsia in any fonh to come, to our store and buy ft box of Rexatl Dyspepsia Tablets. Tak^ them home, S'od give thes} a reason able trial, according to directions. If they don't-please yon, tell us and we wllii quickly return your money. Tkey have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they coihe In contact, apparently acting as a.reg- ulafive tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat ofthebowel, thus overcomingweak ness, and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Threesizes, 25c., 50c., and$1.00. Remem ber. you can obtain Rexall Remedies only «ftt our store—The Rexall Store. Frsemau Drup Co. ■ Spit, Quit, Fft. Hines, Ala.—In a letter from this place, Mrs. Eula Mae Brad ley says: “I used to spit up all I ate. I was tired and sleepy alt the tinie. My head ached, and I could hardly drag around. Since taking Cardui, this has entirely quit, arid now I feel quite fit.” Mrs, Bradley suffered from ner vous indigestion^ Gardui builds up the nervous ' system,; ; and; strengthens the iSfOinafily* 'coristi-- tution. That's why Gardui help ed Mrs. Bradley and why it will help you. Tiy it. ^ Prof emonal Cards Be sura and visit our store and be prepared for ajurprise. You will be amazfed at the great variety your inspection. You will be delighted with , the beauty and good tast so evident everywhere. And you will be most agreebly surprised atour prices which enable you to buy better or more than y»u thought possible. ' Just received another car bedroom suits and have some beautiful ones at |2d.00 $25.00 and $^.00. . B. BURLINGTOPI. N. C. .1. P. Spoou, D. V. S. W. A. Rornadaj Spoon A Hornaday Veterinarjans Oiiiceuud Hospital Othcn Phone ST"! 415 Main St, Residencs Phoiit; *282, The tariff on raw sugar is 78,87 per cent. The tariff on diamonds is ten per cent. This may encourage “some home in dustry, but it doesn’t help much with lowering the cost of home eating. A Father’s Veieqeance would have fallen on any one who attacked the son of Peter Bondy, of South Rock wood, Mich, but he was powerless before at tacks of Kidney trouble. “Doc tors could not help me, ” he wrote “so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and he improved wonder fully from taking six bottles. |ts^ the best Kidney medicine T ever saw.” Backache, Tired feeling. Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn of Kidney trouble that may end in dropsy, diabetes or Brights disease. Beware: Take Electric Bittiers and be safe. Every bot tle guaranteed, 50c at Freeman Drug Co, C. A. Anderson M, D. Office Houra 1 to 2 p. m, 7 to 8 p. m* First National Bank Building. Leave day calls at Bradleys Drug Store. Dameron & Long ATTORNEYS AT LAW P I w »| ave you seen our bij stock of Furniture an( H o u s;e Funjisshings ? You would be surprised (i and wonderhow we could ever $ sell so much fur iture. When \ ou get oUr prices you would wonder how we can get it in fast enough to supply the de^ mand. We buy right; we sell right Come to isee our lme for it talks for itself ; . . . . E. i f. DAUIM linrliTifttoji oifflre in IPieilBMt Bslldiif • 250 iDOLPHHOJif^ (irahatn oflleefn l«lt*ISIck(iISiii BId| Plioni! lOO'B John H. Vernon, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Burlington, N. C. Office over Bradley’s Drug Store, Phone 66, John R. Hoffman, Attomey-at-Law» Burlington, North Carolina. Office, i Second Floor First National Bank Bwlding. J. H. BROOI^S * Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLINGTON, N. C. J. N. Taylor, M. D. Physkian & Surgeos. Office in Piedmont Building.- Office Hours: 8:00 to310:00 4:00 to 6:00 X-RAY WORK. ANYTHINQ }N TAil.ORiNG; Aifo the Home of Satisfaction 1# Qeaning. Pressing, and^ I^ Tallorlpg and Cleaning Woits. Jas. M. L^athy Prop. rRENCH eLEANINa A iSPECIALTY , advertise in The It will pay. 0 % § i § § s You Have If you have the am bition and energy, to gether with an honest purpose to earn it We WiU Help You. The first step toward financialjindependencelis to own your own home. Begin now. Don’t wait. You have waited all these years and you are stilf paying rent. RIGHT ABOUT and try “The PIEDMONT WAY.” Invest a few dollars saved each week or month, together with the interest, taxes, in surance and maintenance money—namely, Rent --that you have.been paying to the “Other Fel low” and soon it will be IrOUR VERY OWN HOME \ not the some body’s g house to rent Others by the | score have tried the “Piedmont g Way” and found it easy. Will you? g Cali said talk it over with us. PIEDMONT TRUST CO. • Real Estate JcparbncBt. >n, r r • - - Nolih C^fina. jiJrs. Rokei jji-s. Delainj Rebecca Kate (An Ii Gyp (Mrs." Clarissa Ca Meg 0^1 Maria Jones Alice Leeds j Dora Gainefi Mellie Dunb Sadie Merri j Jennie WooJ Emma Stepj Grace Greei^ Gussie Rog€ act L^S( act il-j act in.-J Admission i F( Tl SOL Uni For th erate SPEC and Day C Leave Leave Returr Passes versity wil and conne Passei will use re necting wi A Pull for occupy Durham oi For furt dress the i Phone Nok 76 ■ ••. j...* .'J;

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