Nothing Better than to give a nice box of Huyler's Candy for Christmas. We have a large and well selected line of Christmas cig ars in small and large boxes; also a nice line of Leather goods, hand bags that would make a dandy Christmas present. FREEMAN DRUG CO. MAIN STREET BURLINGTON. N. C. ^ LOCAL ivisri) FERS01SrA.L | Take advantage of the Christ- mas rush by having your suit pressed. Sanitary Pressing Club. Miss Ruth Damerou left this irorning for Lyons, N. C. to be the gufst of her sister during the holiday?. Every Lady and Gentleman should have a fresh pressed suit for Christmas. Sanitary Press* ing Club. Mrs. W. C. Isley left today, Wednesday, for Cuba where she will spend the Christmas holi days. Miss Aurelia Barnhart of Whitsett, formerly:>tenographer for Jos. A. Isley & Bro. Co., was in town Tuesday shopping. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Frost leave today for his home at Mocksville where they will spend several davs, returning Tuesday, Dec. 26th. Edgar Holt who is attending a dental college at Atlanta, Ga., will come home on the ^rd to be the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Holt Geo. Florence, who has been serving third trick operator has accepted the position as ticket agent for the Southern at this place. The Philathea Sunday School Class of the Baptist Chnrch en tertained at the home of Mr. J. W. Cates Tuesday night in honor of Miss McDowell who goes away and will not return. Christmas, exercises will be held at ths Methodist' Protestant Church, on Saturday night, Dec. 24th, at 7:30. Recitations by the children, and special music by the choir. The public is cordially invit^ to attend. At theJLuthi^R church, Rev. C. I. Morgan,Jpastor, there wil’ be a Christmas service and treai for th^unday School, Sat Dec. 23rd, 7:30 p. m. On Sunday Dec. 24, at 10 a. m. Sunday School; at 11 a. m. the holy communion; at •3:30 p. m. a Travel Sermon,— subject, Bethlehem. The offering Sat. night will be for the Japan Mission School. A standing in* vitation to all. under the present land laws, if they are honestly acquired. Un less the individual purchaser is buying for a syndicate to which he expects to sell or oo which he is a part—both forbidden by law —he cannot acquire Alaska coal lands at a profit. The next step, indispensably necessary, is that Congrefs shall pass laws permitting the sale or lease of Alaska coal lands on a royalty. Unfortunately, the Dem ocratic House is far more ready to investigate than to legislate. It is willing to expose. It is not ready to render deveiopCTaei.w feasible. The senate should be wiser. All are agread that leg islation bringing Alaskan coal and mineral lands into the mar ket is needed^ Courage ought to pass it, even in the face of charges certain to come that a profit will be made off the lands. —Philadelphia Press. 8. h 0. No. S. Mr. Von der Bosch, from Peedskiil, N. Y. is ut G. A. Dan iels hunting. He was here last year and has come again. He seems to like Alamance coonty and the people of No. 8. We met our friend Luke Ger- ringer bringing a load of wood to town yesterday. He brought along a pair of scales with the wood. Guess he was going to sell the wood by weight. Wt are indebted to G. E. Faucette, Jno. Cantrell and W. R* Saunders for some nice fresh meat and sausage. We thank Mrs. A. J. Ross for a basket of pota.toes. Also Msts* N. A. Moore fbr some nice wal- I nuts for the kids. Will Barker, Miss Bertha Bar ker, and Miss Blanch Roberson visited T. B. B^ker last Satur day and Sunday. We want to thank our good ds for doing some work on th ds. “Every little bit helps. Miss . i: e Iseley of No. 8 and Mr. Carl Green of Raleigh, N. C., are to be married Dec. 21st. We wish them a long life and happiness. Congress and Alaska. Now that the slanderous and brutal attacks made in the Alas ka investigation a year ago are cleared up, Congress has no more important duty thsri to pass the legislation establishing the policy which Secretary Ballinger urged of sales on royalties. Ccal lands in Alaska cannot be profitably bought by indiviiuals i A Michigan man is on trial I charged with buying a bank i without any money. We can't see where it was anybody’s bus iness if the bank owner wanted ; to sell that way. Gov. Hoke Smith of Ga., has signed his own credentials for the Senate, has brought him self to Washington, and will have the pleasure of listening to him self makj a speech. § s s % s, % TWO DOLLARS Deposited in this Bank each week will see yon with XOB-'T'Q ahead next CHRISTMAS. You will spend it, if yon do not deposit it. Try saving your money by depositing it with us. tie iffi 26 4St ^ ^ ^ Money to Loan to Prospective Customers $ $ Alamance Loan & Trust Comp’y Burlington, N. C. (ne Bank With Ik Big Capital) W Ptlll IS ON .FIIIE New York, Dec. II.—Fire swept trough Luna park at.Coney Island, one of the great amuse ment resorts in the world this afternoon and caused a loss esti mate'! at $250,000. For nearly an hour it looked as if all of Coney Island would be razed but at 3:50 p. m. fire department officials asserted that the fire was under control The flames broke out at 3 o’ clock in the chute the chutes structure in the northern part of Luna park and spread rapidly to other sections of the park, threatening a lo^s of millions of dollars. Fanned by a strong wind, the ilames went racing through the Esplanade of the park^= one end of which the “chute the chutes” structure was situated. “A trip to the moon,” “the magic mirror” and other struct ures were sooii ablaze. Three alarms were sent in and all the apparatus summoned. At 3:10 p. m. the flames leaped the walls of Luna park and ^ught the Seabeach palace, an immense skatijjg rink. This buildin;^, which is owned by Con gressman Selzier, was soon blaz ing fiercely. ' ry came here Nov. 14 to ask her to mariT him and wad arrested at the Elkins home when he re fused to leave. The affair was kept quiet. The man has just b^en adjudged insane. BODY OF JN INfANT KANE NAN WiNIB TO HARRY HISS EIW Washington, D^c. 15,—Samuel B. McHieary, a Chicago inventor ag^ forty-five, who for two years, through the mails has ur^ed matrimony on Miss Kath erine Elkins, the late Senator Elkins' daughter, claiming he had met Miss Elkins* spirit is ■ nOw confined in the government hospital for the insane. McHen- Salisbury, Dee. 16.—Mystery surrounds the finding early today of the dead body of an infant ap- parantly day’s old in a field near the Salisbury city limit. The dis covery was made by a colored boy and the body was taken in charge by officers to await a cor oner’s inquest, the coroner being engaged in another inquest to-, day. The officers are without a clue to the idenity of the party who killed or abandoned the child. La Folklte Champion Compliments Ta . Madison Wis., Dec. 16.—A de fense of President Taft’s law en forcement record was made Jby Prof, A. B. Hall of the 'political science dep^tment of the Uni versity of Wisconsin today. His audience vi^a^^mpose largely of Republicans. Prof. Hall is known as La Fol- lette man. He said that never in the history of the nation has thiere been an executive who en forced the statutes more rigor ously than Presideint Taft and he cajl«^ for fair play. In advance. Mrs, Skinflint—Oh, John! l^a- ry, the parlor maid, has just swallow^ed a quarter! What ev er shall we do? Old Skinflint—Do? Well, I suppose we’d better let her keep it. She’d have expected a Christ mas present, anyhow! I Coat Suits! Coiat Suits! All fancy we Some (^ceptional valu^ just received which cry $mkble for ^e seasoKb Our prices are away downbeiow the other fellc^* G>me and see. * Silk Dress Goods A complete line of sUlc dress 3cwpe of the latest styles, If you will come aiid looic we are snre you will buy. SEE OUR DAINTY CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Burlington Bargain Store Curry and Thomas, Proprietors W. E. Hay old Stand % Burlington, : North Carolina CHRISTMAS Means Presents To Be Given I Do not puzzle yourself over what lo gi ve, but come to our store and the presents will suggest themselves. We carry useful things to make the home comfortable and beautiful Our prices are the lowest to be luvd. A great line to selef*t from. We want your business and wili make it in teresting for you. GREEN & McCLlE FURNITURE CO. GKAHAM, NORTH CAROLINA mm Copft'ifht i909i b» C. E. ZlmmMBwn f . TlilS is the time when the pinch ot poveityHs felt as at no^ other time of the year. You should not envy those with money in the Bank lor you can hp ye a bank account yourself if ^ou will only save. There is a h’me coming in, every life as this season comes every year when you V ill Imve joy in your life if you have sav^j to^ sorrow if you have not; THE FIRST NATI>WAL BAWK , Burlingtony.J,G» ^ CAPITAL mm ASSETS Officers- . , President. W. W. Easley. Vice-Pres. (?e®. W. Anthoot^^ Cashier, A. L. DaVIS. Ass't Cashier, J. E. Laslby. Bookkeeper Roy W. MaIonr ; ' ■ s , ■ . ' • ' ' ' Morrow, Bason & Green Big bargains in i rim med hats for $1.00 Ail triiixined hats at J price. We arejjdl int^resti Christmas gifts. t We have handmade jabets and ncy articles ; also the Royal So ciety Embroidery and muslin tJnAerwear. ••V. ;>/ 'r*- •I % -vS Burtington, N. C. Christmas IN SELECTING a gift your attention is call ed to our new siock of the latest articles suitable for Chris^raas presents. We wish to call attention to our line of Um- brellas. Toilet and Manicure Sets in addition to the many new things in Gold Jewelry, Sil verware, etc. Do your buying early, as we can give each customer niore attention now tharT later. Also have time to do engraying wliicli coats you nothing on ail goo4^ bought of us. I ■:Sa ESlCNE^,^ I ' -r-s; ^ ; Wfe have toys in every^ ' size, shape and Dolls, Trumpets, air guni^ t steam and electric eij* ' gines^ veipei pedes, mov 2r ing picture mdchines, ex- rew wagons, and all ^ tttds of i^chanicai toys,